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    1、学术英语(综合)书本答案以下答案对书本习题中类似于“Do you (think/agree)” give a presentation等的部分问题进行了省略。Unit 1 EconomicsText A:Lead-in: omittedCritical reading and thinking:Task 1:Body: Use the labor and skills behind the Thanksgiving weekend as examples to illustrate the concept of the invisible handEnd: Echo the beginning

    2、, emphasizing we should be grateful to the miracle on this Thanksgiving Day and every dayTask 2:1.It is not difficult at all to explain why grocery stores stock up on turkey before Thanksgiving. There seems to be no miracle in it.2.The use of so many ands helps to emphasize that a series of actions

    3、and all kinds of work are involved in the sale of Thanksgiving turkey.3.Here ctfrom above, means ctfrom God. The phrase is used to show that there is something wondrous and almost inexplicable in the social order of freedom.Task 3:Market has its own way of punishing business malpractice. For example

    4、, if a fast food chain sells contaminated food, nation-wide demand for their food will go down, along with their profit. When a company sells defective products, they have to deal with liability costs.Language building-up:Task 1:1.1.饲料经销商;饲料批发商2.为他自己的收益而工作3.技能与劳动力4.制造塑料5.私人交易6.包装并定价7.无形之手2.1. priced

    5、2. labor3. transactions4.gain5. labor; manufactured6. the invisible hand7. distributorTask 2:1.Today, in millions of homes across the nation, God will be thanked fbr many gifts, for the feast on the table and the company of loved ones, fbr health and good fortune in the year gone by, fbr peace privi

    6、lege of having been bomor having becomeAmerican. (Line 2, Para.l)2.And yet, isn*t there something wondroussomething almost inexplicablein the way your Thanksgiving weekend is made possible by the skill and labor of vast numbers of total strangers? (Line 1, Para. 4)3. .Thanksgiving Turkey, there woul

    7、d be oneor more likely, a few dozenwaiting. (Line 3, Para.6)Task 3:1. very many2. buying or selling3. a large group of4.more huge5. understand6. troubledText B:Critical reading and thinking:Task 1:1.Considering that her boyfriend doesnt even bother to choose a gift for her, the girl concludes that h

    8、e doesnt love her. Therefore, she breaks off the relationship. In the case where the strength of affection is most in question, people care a lot about what is given as a gift.2.The following is one more example where the signaling theory can be applied: In the job market, an employer may not know w

    9、hether a candidate is qualified fbr a post or not. Very often, the candidate will show the employer education credentials, which can be used as a signal to the employer. Thus the information gap is narrowed.Task2:(以下所有表格题若未说明,顺序皆为从上到下,从左到右)Internet browser;Windows operating system;deter;entering the

    10、 market and offering new products;cars today include many built-in products;monopoly;80;reliable;easier to use;severely limited;changing;competitors;low;Researching:The U.S. economy is a free market economy with some government regulation ad there has been a lasting debate about how much government

    11、regulation is necessary. Those who argue fbr less regulation claim that the free market itself will require business to protect consumers and provide good products or services and the interference from the government can do nothing but increase the cost of doing corporations are not concerned about

    12、the public5s interest, so regulation is indispensable. Interestingly, Adam Smith himself believed that government had an important role to play in economic life. For example, he believed that the government should enforce contracts and grant patents and copyrights.Text C:Task:每一个精明的一家之主都知道,如果买一样东西所花

    13、的钱比在家里自己生产所花的成本要小, 那就永远不要尝试在家里生产。裁缝不会去做自己的鞋子,而向鞋匠购买;鞋匠不会去做自己的衣 服,而雇裁缝来做;农民不会去做鞋也不想缝衣,宁愿雇用不同的工匠来做。他们都会为了自身的 利益而采取某种方式来利用整个产业,在这种方式里,他们会比邻居更有优势,并用自己生产的一 部分产品或者相同的东西,即以一部分产品的价格来购买他们所需要的其它任何物品。Listening:Task 1: omittedTask 2:Case 1: absolutely; comparative; lowerCase 2: you cook and your roommate cleans

    14、; you clean and your roommate cooksSpeaking: omittedWriting:Task 1:(suggested choice)3 4、8Task 2: omittedUnit 2 Business EthicsText A:Lead-in:Task:1.Limit smoking and tobacco advertising2.350 million people3.IndiaCritical reading and thinking:Task 1:1.The invisible hands;the wealth of its stockholde

    15、rs;Profit maximization;the best economic system;Free enterprise system;constraints;2.Argument 1:1)a wide range of regulations are imposed2)assessing costs on companies; BP oil spillArgument 2:1)behave ethically; value and reputation2)Don5t Be Evil3)creative capitalism4)contributed more than $6 billi

    16、on Task 2:1.Yes, I agree. Because:Earning profit is the main aim of every economic activity. A business is an economic activity and hence, its main aim should be to earn profit.Profit is a measure of efficiency and economic prosperity of the business. This justifies the concept of profit maximizatio

    17、n.Economic conditions do not remain the same all the time. A business can retain its profit so that it can survive the adverse situations in the future. Profit gives protection against future risks and uncertainties.Profit is the main source of finance for growth and expansion. Profit is essential f

    18、or the business in order to invest in new business propositions.Profitability is essential fbr fulling the social goals of the business. With profit maximization a business can do socio-economic welfare and follow its policies of corporate social responsibility.No, I dont agree. Because:Business sho

    19、uld do anything they can to make a profit, but never at the cost of human welfare and natural environment. Human welfare must be considered as important as profit making. A business is successful to the extent that it provide a product that contribute to happiness in all its forms. As a matter of fa

    20、ct, the great value of a business should be morally associated with consumers satisfaction and safety. On the other hand, businesses of great value should not be blind to their moral obligations of protecting the natural environment.2.Yes,it is a very effective way for society to impose such regulat

    21、ions to prevent companies from engaging in practices that hurt society. For most businesses their ultimate goal is to make profits. It is true that most businessmen try to abide by the laws while making profits. However we have to admit that there are some who use every means to make as much money a

    22、s possible, even regardless of interests of employees, communities, and environment.3.Yes, having a good reputation with customers, suppliers, employees and regulators is essential if value is to be maximized. Business success is associated with many factors, such as customers, suppliers, employees

    23、and regulators. If customers are satisfied with your products and service, they will be loyal to第4页(共23页)your company. If suppliers provide you with qualified products, your business will operate well. If employees are treated well, they will work very hard and are willing to be part of your company

    24、. If regulators are certain that your company acts fairly and follows rules, your company will develop sustainably.4. Yes, I fully agree with Bill Gates, making profits and also improving lives for those who dont fully benefit from market forces. Because of limited opportunities and resources, some

    25、businessmen can seize the chance to make profits and be rich. As Deng Xiaoping put it, Let some people be rich first.H These people have the responsibility to improve lives for those who dont fully benefit from market forces. Actually by doing so, the society will be stabilized, hence the successful

    26、 businessmen can have sustainable development.There might be some difficulties in practicing it in China currently. Because the philanthropic cause in China is newly developed.Language building-up:Task 1:1.1.无形之手2.自由企业制度3.股东4.经济体制5.开发产品和服务6.市场力量;市场调节作用7.金融机构8.严重衰退9.破产10. stock price11. mission12. co

    27、rporate motto13. assets14. maximize profits15. financial system2.1. market forces2. financial institutions3. free enterprise system4.deep institutions5. invisible hand6. stockholder7. profit maximization 8. economic systemTask 2:1. and2. Another 3. also4. Not only; but5. otherTask 3:1. understanding

    28、2. agree with3. forces . to be accepted 4. bad5.purpose6. charitable7. given8. famousText B:Critical reading and thinking:Task 1:earn a reasonable profit;profits;the impact of business decisions on society;someone elses job;through the taxes; stockholders;customers;employees, suppliers, and the gene

    29、ral public;Task 2: omittedResearching: omittedText C:Task:regulations;ethical guidelines;ethical behavior;Ethics officer;Listening:Task 1:1.have more control2.give employees and customers more control; collaborate; designs and product; pricing Task 2:l.F2.F3.T4.T5. TSpeaking:A code of ethics is nece

    30、ssary for an organizations sustainable development. To gain efficient operation, good reputation and profit maximization, every employee has the responsibility to behave ethically. It can be accepted as long as it is reasonable and respects employees5 human rights.Writing: omittedUnit 3 PsychologyTe

    31、xt A:Lead-in:Task:(l)brain functioning(2)the unconscious mind(3)mental health problems(4)The majority of psychologists(5)industrial and organizationalCritical reading and thinking:Task 1:1.1.The father calls her name but her eyes dont move. Then he picks up a toy and shakes it, ringing the bell it contains. Still, the babys eyes dont move. Thus , he concludes that she doesnt seem to respond to noise at all, that she is deaf. His worry is not-grounded because it is a newborn baby and her attention to sound ma


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