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    1、6. The _cars always make a lot of noise.A. passing B. passed C. pass D. to pass7. They spent _money to maintain(保养) the beach.A. A large number of B. a large sum of C. a great many of D. a plenty of8.An exhibition of paintings _at the museum next week.A. will to be held B. will be held C. will be ho

    2、lding D. will hold9.Unluckily, that little girl was _down by a car.A. knocked B. beaten C.hit D. striken10. You should at least tell the reason _ what you have done.A. of B. with C. for D. at3把下列主动语态的句子转换成被动语态的形式。1. They will send you a bill at the end of the month._2. We must look after young trees

    3、 well.3. Students must clean their classroom every day.4. You must correct your mistakes in your exercises.5. You cant use a dictionary in the exam._6. She will type the letters this afternoon.Lesson 22 1. The ship sailed through the _(海峡). 2 It is impolite to ask a woman about her _(年龄)in some west

    4、ern countries. 3. I have been _(梦想)of becoming a doctor. 4. Hi, Tom! Please _(扔给)me that book! 5.He goes to the club to take some exercise_(定期地). 6.Yesterday I _(收到)a gift from someone, but I didnt know who he was.2用适当的介词填空,以完成下列句子。1. Parents should help their children get rid _bad habits.2. Jane re

    5、ceived a letter _a girl of her own age in another country.3. Nothing can prevent us _going to visit that old man.4. The young man is very experienced_ computers.5. He congratulated me _winning the competition.6. You can rely _ him. He will surely give you some help.7. Are you interested _climbing th

    6、e mountains?8. Have you ever heard _Jackie Chan, the famous film star?3单项选择。1. I got separated _my friends in the crowd.A. of B. by C. with D. from2.The teacher came into the classroom with a book _his hand.A.on B. in C. at D. of3. The little girl dreamed _she was a beautiful cloud in the sky.A.of B

    7、. about C. that D. when4.It _him more than three hours to finish that work.A.took B. spent C. cost D. paid5.I warned him _the danger, but he still decided to go on with it.A. with B. of C. about D. for6.Today in the garden I met a girl who is _age as I.A. the same B. of my own C. as the same D. as o

    8、ld7. Water is running along the _to the plants in the gardens.A.way B. road C. path D. channel8.He said he but would write to us but so far we _from him.A.didnt hear B. hadnt heard C. havent heard D. dont hear9.After_ the rubbish away, the boy ran back to his seat.A. regularly B. hardly C. nearly D.

    9、 simply 10.The old man goes to see the doctor_ to treat his illness.A. regularly B. hardly C. nearly D. simplyLesson 23一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. The new library will be _(完成) next year.2. He woke up and found he was in a _(陌生的) place.3. Which house do you like better, the traditional or t

    10、he _(新式的)one?4. I live in a_(地区) where there are a few beautiful parks.5. Do you know that_ (美丽的) girl who is standing by the window?6. What a pleasant_ (惊奇) to meet you here!二用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。I. After he_ (type) the letter, he went shopping.2. She is singing so loud that it can_ (hear)in the street.

    11、3. If you _(see)him this afternoon, please tell him to call me.4. He said that he_ (be) to that place twice.5.I _(read) newspapers this time yesterday afternoon.三用it或者 there填空,完成句子。1._ is necessary for us to learn a foreign language.2._ is a waste of time training(训练) your dog all day.3._ will be fi

    12、ve more students here tomorrow.4._ is very sunny and warm today.5._ were some children playing in the garden.Lesson 24一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1. I didnt believe in Helens_(诚实).2. Our_(经理) comes from America.3. He always has a_(邪恶的) smile on his face.4. What does this bottle_(内装)?5. The old

    13、 woman is_(抱怨) about the bad service in this hotel.6. Why are you so_(不安)? What happened?7. She said she was very_(表示同情的) to that poor girl.二单项选择(从所给选项A,B,C和D中选出最佳选项)。1. Mr. Smith gave us _on how to learn English well.A. some advices B. a few advice C. an advice D. some pieces of advice2. It is easy

    14、_ her to write _Tom_ Chinese.A. to; to; in B. for; to, in C. for; with D. to; with3. He said he_ his work before we came to visit him.A. Finished B. have finished C. had finished D. would finish4. The police _the thief who stole a large sum of money from the bank.A .are looking for B. is looking to

    15、C. looked for D. had looked for5. The careless girl sent her letter without_ the postcode(邮编) on the envelope.A. Write B. have written C. writing D. written6. When she was complaining to her mother_ the weather, she heard a knock_ the door.A. on: at B. on: on C about; by D. about;, at7. You can t ju

    16、mp off that high building._ is impossible.A. There B. It C. Which D. One8._, have you heard from John recently?A. By the way B. On the way C. In the way D. In this way9. If you_ Jack, tell him that I_ to visit him this weekend.A. will see: go B. will see: will go C. see; go D. see, will go10. My mot

    17、her doesnt allow me_ outside after eleven oclock at night.A. go B. to go C. going D. gone三根据括号中的汉语提示完成下列句子。1.Watch! I am watching but_(我没看见任何东西)2.Do you_(喜欢你的新工作)? I hate it. I just don t like the work, you see.3. It is important for young people_(尊敬老人).4. Please_(记得关灯) before you leave.5. Does this

    18、 new umbrella_(属于你)?Lesson 25一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式1. I was_(对感到奇怪) what had happened.2. He is going to the_(铁路) station to meet his friend.3. That girl married a_(外国人) last year.4. I have read this book_(几个) times.5. Where can I find a_(搬运工)? My bag is too heavy.6. Will you_(重复) that que

    19、stion, please?7. They were talking politely and_(认真地) with the teacher about a class party.8. A good teacher must_(理解) children.二请从下面的方框中选择适当的连词填空,完成以下句子(可重复使用)。and, both.and, but, either. or, neither. nor, so, not only . but also, yet, or1. Dont drink too much tea in the evening,_ you wont fall asl

    20、eep.2. It was very late. She washed her face_ went to bed.3. Which do you like better, apples_ bananas?4. My grandfather could_ read_ write because he was too poor to go to school in the old days.5. He felt a little tired_ he still went on working.6. He has a lot of work to do there,_ he wont come b

    21、ack until tomorrow.7. My brother_ I study in the same school.8._the students_ the teacher gives the money to our school.9._Li Ping_ Mary are going to the Great Wall tomorrow.10._come in_ go out.三单项选择(从所给选项A,B,C和D中选出最佳选项)。1.He_the station at about ten oclock, but only found that the last train had ju

    22、st left.A. reached in B. arrived at C. got D. arrived2. In fact, I dont know the way_ that primary school.A. to B. for C. in D. on3. The teacher, as well as his students_ football.A. Like B. likes C. enjoy D. play4. Does the young man_ Japanese?A recognize B. realize C. notice D. understand5. These

    23、children were very happy, because they caught_ fish in the river.A. Several B. much C. a large number D. a great many of6. I wonder_ Mr Jones will come to attend our party tomorrow.A. When B. where C. if D. why7._Jack_Tom watched TV yesterday evening because they were busywith their lessons.A. Both;

    24、 and B. Not only: but also C. Not; but D. Neither, nor8. He worked very hard and passed the examination_.A. at least B. at last C. at the end D. at the beginning9. None of the shoes are the right size. They are _ too big _ too small.A. or, or B. either: or C. neither, nor D. both: and10. I don t und

    25、erstand why you spoke to your grandfather _ that.A. as B. like C. in D. byLesson 261.The little boy _(假装) to be ill so that he could stay in bed.2.I _(注意到)that the leaves of the trees had turned green.3.I wonder _(是否)he will go there with us.4.Sophie is _(悬挂)the picture on the wall.5.He looked at my painting _(批评地)for a while but said nothing.二句型转换。1. When does the train arrive? Please tell me.(改为宾语从句)Please tell me _ _


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