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    1、软件工程复习软件工程(双语)复习范围1. About the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, which one of following statements is not right? P1551 Separates presentation and interaction from the system data. 2 The system is structured into three logical components that interact with each other. The Model component manages t

    2、he system data and associated operations on that data. .3 The Model component defines and manages how the data is presented to the user.4 The Controller component manages user interaction (e.g., key presses, mouse clicks, etc.) and passes these interactions to the View and the Model.2. The statistic

    3、al data show that the distribution of maintenance effort is close to? P2441 Fault repair 65%, Software adaptation 18%, Function addition or modification 17%.2 Fault repair 17%, Software adaptation 18%, Function addition or modification 65%.3 Fault repair 17%, Software adaptation 65%, Function additi

    4、on or modification 18%.4 Fault repair 40%, Software adaptation 40%, Function addition or modification 20%.3. Which statement is a wrong statement for Waterfall Model?p321 Inflexible partitioning of the project into distinct stages 2 This model is only appropriate when the requirements are poorly und

    5、erstood3 This model is difficult to respond to changing customer requirements4 This model is appropriate when the requirements are well-understood. 4. Which one of following statements is not in the complete test coverage of a class?p2111 Testing all operations associated with an object2 Setting and

    6、 interrogating all object attributes 3 Exercising the object in all possible states4 Testing all the possible objects 5. When we have little experiences about a project, that is to say we know little requirements and are not family with how to develop it. Which model should be adopted? 8p681 Formal

    7、systems development.2 Waterfall model.3 Exploratory development 4 Reuse-oriented development.2. Commonly used techniques of object identification in OO analysis and design do not include _: p1831 Use a grammatical approach based on a natural language description of the system.2 Base the identificati

    8、on on tangible things in the application domain.3 Use a behavioral approach and identify objects based on what participates in what behavior.4 Use data flow diagram.3. Several techniques of Requirements discovery are covered in this book. Which one is not the case?1 Model-driven engineering2 Scenari

    9、os3 Interviewing 4 Ethnography4. Which one of following statements is not in the complete test coverage of a class?1 Testing all operations associated with an object2 Setting and interrogating all object attributes 3 Exercising the object in all possible states4 Testing all the possible objects 5. S

    10、oftware is not just the but also all associated .1 programs, documentation and configuration data 2 documentation, configuration data3 programs, configuration data4 programs, toolsPart 2 Mark the right statement , the wrong statement(1*15=15)1. In the software architecture design, using large-grain

    11、components improves performance and maintainability.(error. Reduce maintainability/ fine-grain) 2. Re-engineering is enhancing the functionality and performance of the system.(error)3. The goal of program testing is to show the program is free of defects.(error .p206) Testing is intended to show tha

    12、t a program does what it is intended to do and to dis-cover program defects before it is put into use.4. One of the key challenges facing software engineering is software heterogeneity.(p27) Apart from the challenges of heterogeneity, business and social change, and trust andsecurity, identify other

    13、 problems and challenges that software engineering is likely to face inthe 21st century (Hint: think about the environment).5. A software process model is an abstract representation of a process. It presents a description of a process from all perspective.(error .p29) As I explained in Chapter 1, a

    14、software process model is a simplified representationof a software process. Each process model represents a process from a particular per-spective, and thus provides only partial information about that process.6. Model-driven engineering is still at an early stage of development, and it is quite cle

    15、ar it will have a significant effect on software engineering practice.(error )7. An architectural pattern is a stylized description of good design practice, which has been tried and tested in different environments.(p156) You can think of an architectural pattern as a stylized, abstract description

    16、of goodpractice, which has been tried and tested in different systems and environments.8. According Lehman and Beladys laws, over a programs lifetime, its rate of development is approximately constant and independent of the resources devoted to system development.(p241) Over a programs lifetime, its

    17、 rate of development is approximately constantand independent of the resources devoted to system development.Part 3 Fill the blankets: (1*15=15)1. Risk management is concerned with identifying risks which may affect the project, there may be several kinds of risks, including technology risks, people

    18、 risks, organizational risks , tools risks .(requirements risks)2. General issues that affect most software are Heterogeneity , Business and social change, Security and trust .3. A structured set of activities required to develop a software system, which are specification, development, validation, e

    19、volution .4. Common activities in object-oriented design processes include Define the context models of the system; Design the system architecture; Identify the principal system objects; Develop design models; Specify object interfaces.5. Generic process models are Waterfall model, Incremental devel

    20、opment, Reuse-oriented software engineering6. The stages of development testing are Unit testing, Component testing, System testing.7. Exploratory development ,Throw-away prototyping are two kind models of evolutionary model.8. According to its function,Requirement can be classified as function requ

    21、irement, process ,integration units .9.Software pricing estimation techniques include Algorithmic cost modelling ,Expert judgement Parkinsons Law, Estimation by analogy ( Pricing to win )10.The attributes of good software are Maintainability, Dependability, Efficiency, Usability.Part 4 Answer the fo

    22、llowing questions in brief. (5*5=25 )1. Which approaches to object class identification are introduced in this book?1. Use a grammatical approach based on a natural language description of the system.; 2. Base the identification on tangible things in the application domain.; 3. Use a behavioural app

    23、roach and identify objects based on what participates in what behaviour.;4. Use a scenario-based analysis.The objects, attributes and methods in each scenario are identified.What is Beta testing?Answer: A release of the software is made available to users to allow them to experiment and to raise pro

    24、blems that they discover with the system developers2. What is Path testing?Answer: The objective of path testing is to ensure that the set of test cases is such that each path through the program is executed at least once.3. What is architectural patterns? 1. Patterns are a means of representing, sh

    25、aring and reusing knowledge.2. An architectural pattern is a stylized description of good design practice, which has been tried and tested in different environments.3. Patterns should include information about when they are useful and when they are not useful.4. Patterns may be represented using tab

    26、ular and graphical descriptions.4. Why software engineering is born?Answer: Because of software crisis in the 1960s, main characteristics are: low quality of software, high costs of software, slow delivery of software. Software engineering is first proposed at a NATO meeting in 1968.What is the diff

    27、erence between software engineering and computer science?Answer: Computer science is concerned with theory and fundamentals;software engineering is concerned with the practicalities of developing and delivering useful software.Please answer the stages of waterfall model, and its advantages and disad

    28、vantages.1. Requirements analysis and definition2. System and software design3. Implementation and unit testing 4. Integration and system testing 5. Operation and maintenance 5. What are the two types of software prototyping and the advantages and disadvantages of software prototyping?Answer: two ty

    29、pes: Exploratory development and Throw-away prototyping.Advantages:1.Improved system usability2.Closer match to the system needed3.Improved design quality4.Improved maintainability5.Reduced overall development effortDisadvantages:1.Lack of process visibility(过程不可见)2.Systems are often poorly structur

    30、ed(系统结构不好)3.Special skills (e.g. in languages for rapid prototyping) may be required(需要一些技巧)6. What are the five types of interaction styles in user interface design?Answers:1.Direct manipulation 直接操作2.Menu selection 菜单选择3.Form fill-in 表格填写4.Command language 命令语言5.Natural language 自然语言7. Please answ

    31、er the two methods of testing and serial stages of testing.Answers: two types: white-box testing and black-box testing.serial stages of testing: unit testing, integration testing.Part 5 Solve the following problems(30)1. Using the UML graphical notation for object classes, design the following objec

    32、t classes, identifying attributes and operations. Use your own experience to decide on the attributes and operations that should be associated with these objects. a telephone a printer for a personal computer a personal stereo system a bank account a library catalogue2. Design a set of test data to accomplish the path testing about the following program (F


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