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    外研版高中英语必修四Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World单元综合技能测试.docx

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    外研版高中英语必修四Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World单元综合技能测试.docx

    1、外研版高中英语必修四Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World单元综合技能测试Module 6综合技能测试时间90分钟满分100分.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1Different from_films which have brought him world fame, Zhang Yimou is so fascinated with the new film that he will put on similar show in_Lijiang City of Southw

    2、est Yunnan Province.Athe; theBthe; 不填C不填; 不填 D不填; the答案:D考查冠词。难度比较大的是第一空,考生易受后面定语从句的影响,而在films前加the,此处并非指具体的哪些电影,所以是泛指。另外,第二空中心词是city,且是指具体的那座城市,所以是特指。2Learning to speak Chinese is a challenge, for it is often difficult for one foreigner to make himself easy_.Aunderstand Bto understandCunderstood Du

    3、nderstanding答案:B考查非谓语动词,本题易受make oneself done结构的影响而误选C,解题关键抓住题中的easy,即该词是形容词,如果用C,则需改成easily。3The Red Army men_25,000 li in the Long March.Awent BranCwalked Dcovered答案:DA、B、C三个选项不符合语境。cover后面跟距离,意思是“走过”。另外,cover还作“覆盖;占地(多少)”讲。4We must_our daily expense_what we can afford. Or well not be able to make

    4、 ends meet.Aspend; on Blimit; toCtake; to Duse; for答案:Blimit.to意思是“把限制到”。该句的意思是:“我们必须把每天的费用限制到我们能承担的限度”。5It is raining so hard. I think Tom is_to come to our party.Aimpossible BpossibleCunlikely Duncertain答案:Cimpossible和possible都不能用“人”作主语,只能用it作形式主语,但likely则不同。既可说sb. be likely to do sth.,也可说It be li

    5、kely that.。6Happy birthday, Alice! So you have_twentyone already.Abecome BturnedCgrown Dpassed答案:Bturn表达到达并超过,后接年龄时,意为“过了岁”。题意:“生日快乐,爱丽丝!你已经二十一岁了。”7We wanted to get home before dark, but it didnt quite_as planned.Amake out Bturn outCgo on Dcome up答案:Bmake out“辨认出”;turn out“结果是”;go on“继续”;come up“提出;

    6、上升”。题意:我们想天黑以前到家,但是结果并不像我们计划的那样。8The research on rescuing as many coal miners as possible is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job?_my colleagues have a try?AShall BMustCWill DMay答案:A考查情态动词。shall用在疑问句中,与第一、三人称连用,表示客气的请求和询问。9Mice_disease which is deadly and_quickly.Aspreads; spre

    7、adsBis spreaded; spreadedCspread; spreadsDare spread; spreads答案:C主语mice是复数形式,所以谓语不能加“s”。第一空spread作不及物动词,第二个空spread为不及物动词。spread的过去式、过去分词和原形一样。10Most children with healthy appetite are ready to eat almost anything that is offered to them and they rarely dislike food_it is badly cooked.Aif BuntilCthat

    8、 Dunless答案:D考查状语从句。句中表示否定意义的词rarely,与之相对应的选项只有until和unless。句意:多数具有健康胃口的孩子几乎乐意吃人们提供的所有食物,除非饭做得很糟糕,否则他们很少厌恶。unless除非,如果不。11Will 200_the cost of the damage?Im afraid not. I need at least 1,000 more.Ado BcoverCinclude Dafford答案:B考查动词词义辨析。此处cover意为“支付得起;够用”。12Mr. Green is said_an experiment to prove thei

    9、r new method of solving the problem when young.Ato do Bto have doneCto be doing Dto have been doing答案:B考查不定式的时态。从后面情景when young可知前面不定式动作已经完成,所以用完成时,但不可以选D,因为它表示动作仍在进行。13It is_Chinese to contribute so much money and food to areas struck by the seaquake(海啸)Akind for Bgenerous ofCgenerous for Dimpressi

    10、ve of答案:B在It isadj.of/for sb. to do sth. 句型中,当形容词修饰sb.时,用of,当形容词修饰不定式to do sth.时,用for。D项中的形容词意思不合适。14Why didnt you buy it?_, and the color didnt agree with me.AEither was the price satisfactoryBBecause the price was highCNot only didnt it fit meDFor I disliked its material答案:B回答why开头提出的问题要用becasue,其

    11、余选项与问题不搭配。15Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to_since the flood hit the area last Friday.Ahave been missingBhave got lostCbe missingDget lost答案:A根据句意,到目前为止一直处于失踪状态,用现在完成进行时,所以选A。.完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Ten, nine, eight, seven.zerolift off. These wo

    12、rds_16_like music to an astronomers ears. As the countdown progresses, the rockets engines_17_and give it the required push to tear through the atmosphere and_18_the earths gravitation.These rockets take astronauts and manmade satellites into_19_. The satellites are used for communication, weather m

    13、onitoring and research. But how do satellites_20_up without falling down, you_21_ask?Take a strong rope. Tie a small stone to one_22_to make a sling. Rotate the sling using one hand, you will_23_that the rope straightens out and becomes_24_as the sling rotates. As soon as you stop rotating, the rope

    14、 slackens again. _25_does the rope tighten on being rotated?The answer to this question will_26_the answer to our query(疑问)how satellites remain in space without_27_down. When the sling is rotated, there are two_28_acting on the stone. The force of rotation, which tries to take the stone away from y

    15、ou and the force applied by your hand, which tries to_29_the stone towards you._30_you are rotating the sling, the two forces balance each other out and_31_the stone keeps going round and round. If you_32_the sling midway, the sling will fly off.A satellite works in the same way. One of the two_33_f

    16、orces acting on the satellite is the force of gravitation. _34_force is that which is created by the rotation of the satellite_35_the earth. An orbiting satellite has these two forces balanced out so the satellite doesnt fall down to the earth.16A.look BseenCfeel Dsound答案:D由于前面提到10,9,8是火箭发射前倒计时的声音,所

    17、以用“听起来像”。17A.hire BfireCbreak Drush答案:B根据engine“发动机”判断,此处为“点火”,所以用hire。fire“雇用”;break“打破”;rush“冲”,都不合语义。18A.escape BreachCincrease Ddecrease答案:Aescape“逃脱;脱离”;根据前面的“给它所必需的能力”判断,此处为“火箭脱离地球的引力”。19A.universe BworldCspace Dstars答案:Cuniverse, world和stars前面都要加the。space“太空”,前面不加冠词。20A.stay BputCkeep Dtake答案

    18、:Astay up“呆在上面”;put up“举起”;keep up“保持”;take up“占用”。根据下文的falling down判断要选A。21A.should BmightCdare Dought答案:Bmight“或许”,表示“可能性”。此处表示“你或许会问”。dare“敢”;should/ought to“应该”,与语义不符。22A.side BtopCmiddle Dend答案:Dside“边上”,top“顶部”;middle“中间”;end“末端”,只能是把石头“绑在”绳子的末端。23A.watch BnoticeCexamine Dobserve答案:Bwatch“观看”;

    19、notice“注意到”;exaimine“仔细检查”;observe“观察”。下文提到的是转动绳子时所“注意到”的情况。24A.loose BstrongCtight Dshort答案:C随着绳子的转动,绳子伸直,也就自然变得“紧”了。根据下文的tighten也可看出该答案。25A.What BHowCWhich DWhy答案:D下文解释的绳子变紧的原因,所以用why。26A.provide BmakeCreceive Daccept答案:Aprovide“提供”。provide an answer to.“给提供了答案”。27A.lying BfallingCbreaking Dturnin

    20、g答案:B根据stay up(高高在上)看,后面的意思应该与此相反,所以填fall down“掉下来”。28A.forces BpowersCstrengths Denergy答案:A此处指“有两种力作用在石头上”。force“力”;power“能力;权力”;strength“力量”;energy“精力”。29A.push BdragCthrow Dpull答案:D根据下文的take the stone away from you判断,另一种是把石头朝你这边“拉”的力。drag表示“拖”沉重的东西。30A.Though BWhileCUnless DUntil答案:Bwhile“当的时候”,表

    21、示动作同时发性。31A.however BotherwiseCtherefore Dinstead答案:Ctherefore“因此”。根据语义上下文为顺接关系,“两种力平衡,因此石块持续转动”。32A.release BtieCfasten Dinterrupt答案:A根据下文的“绳子会飞走”,判断,此处应为“松开绳子”,所以用release。33A.familiar BimportantCopposite Dpossible答案:C根据下文看,一种是把石块拉向你的力,一种是把石块拉走的力,所以这两种力是“相反的”。34A.The other BAnotherCOther DOthers答案:

    22、A由于是两种力,两者中的“另一个”要用the other。another表示“三者或三者以上中的另一个”。35A.through BintoCabove Daround答案:Drotation“旋转”,既然是旋转,所以要“围绕”着地球。.阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。A(2010辽宁卷)It was a village in India. The people were poor. However, they were not unhappy. After all, their forefathers had lived

    23、 in the same way for centuries.Then one day, some visitors from the city arrived. They told the villagers there were some people elsewhere who liked to eat frogs legs. However, they did not have enough frogs of their own, and so they wanted to buy frogs from other places.This seemed like money for n

    24、othing. There were millions of frogs in the fields around, and they were no use to the villagers. All they had to do was catch them. Agreement was reached, and the children were sent into the fields to catch frogs. Every week a truck arrived to collect the catch and hand over the money. For the firs

    25、t time, the people were able to dream of a better future. But the dream didnt last long.The change was hardly noticed at first, but it seemed as if the crops were not doing so well. More worrying was that the children fell ill more often, and, there seemed to be more insects around lately.The villag

    26、ers decided that they couldnt just wait to see the crops failing and the children getting weak. They would have to use the money earned to buy pesticides(杀虫剂)and medicines. Soon there was no money left.Then the people realized what was happening. It was the frog. They hadnt been useless. They had be

    27、en doing an important jobeating insects. Now with so many frogs killed, the insects were increasing more rapidly. They were damaging the crops and spreading diseases.Now, the people are still poor. But in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen to sounds of insects and frogs. These so

    28、unds of the night now have a much deeper meaning.36From Paragraph 1 we learn that the villagers_.Aworked very hard for centuriesBdreamed of having a better lifeCwere poor but somewhat contentDlived a different life from their forefathers答案:C细节理解题。从第一段第二句可知他们很穷,但他们很幸福,因为他们的祖先一直是这样生活的。37Why did the vi

    29、llagers agree to sell frogs?AThe frogs were easy money.BThey needed money to buy medicine.CThey wanted to please the visitors.DThe frogs made too much noise.答案:A细节理解题。根据短文第二段第一、二句话可知,抓青蛙能够挣钱,这是不劳而得的钱,因为村庄的田野里到处都有青蛙。38What might be the cause of the childrens sickness?AThe crops didnt do well.BThere w

    30、ere too many insects.CThe visitors brought in diseases.DThe pesticides were overused.答案:B细节理解题。根据短文第三段第二句话可知。39What can we infer from the last sentence of the text?AHappiness comes from peaceful life in the country.BHealth is more important than money.CThe harmony between man and nature is important.DGood old days will never be forgotten.答案:C推理判断题。从上文可知捕捉青蛙,破坏了生态平衡,庄稼长不好,人生病。而不捕杀青蛙了,保持了生态平衡,人们又能过


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