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    1、7. What subjects will the boy work hard at next term? A. English and Physics B. Maths and Geography C. History and English8. What was the woman doing when the man saw her just now? A. She was searching for some photos on the Internet. B. She was discussing the project. C. She was talking with Lucy.9

    2、. Why did the mans daughter go to London? A. To study. B. To have a holiday. C. To visit her friends.10. Where does the dialogue take place? A. In a shoe shop. B. In a clothes shop. C. At a bookshop.B) 听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话或独白读两遍)听第1段材料,回答第1112小题。11. What caused the f

    3、ire? A. Car accident. B. Stoves. C. Lightning.12. When did the house catch fire? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening听第2段材料,完成第1315小题。 A school trip on SaturdayMorningFirstMany boys are 13 ThenGirls are singing and dancing.We are sitting by a lake and some are 14 FinallyWe are w

    4、atching animals in the zoo.AfternoonWe are visiting 15 .13. A. getting on the bus B. having breakfast C. climbing the hill 14. A. drawing B. swimming C. drinking water 15. A. factories B. the museum C. a market 听第3段材料,回答第1620小题。16. Whats the relationship(关系) between the speaker and Kate? A. Workmate

    5、s. B. Classmates. C. Neighbors.17. What does Kate look like? A. Shes short and fat. B. She has a round face. C. She has a long nose.18. Whats Kate? A. A teacher. B. A worker. C. A doctor.19. How does Kate usually go to work? A. By bus. B. By train. C. By car.20. How many days does she work every wee

    6、k? A. 4 days. B. 5 days. C. 6 days.二、单项选择(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)( )21.- Do you like _four-D film? - Yes, it is like _magic.Athe; B; a Cthe; the Da; the( )22. Your iPad is quite nice. Where did you buy_? I want to buy_, too. A. one; one B. it; it C. it; one D. one; it()23. _ a basketball match between our

    7、 school and No. 1 middle school next Sunday. AThere may have BIt may be CThere may be DIt has ()24. Hello, could I speak to Sam? Sorry, he _ Australia. Ahas been to Bhas been in Chas gone to Dhas been at()25. The teacher always reads a story for the children _ a day. Ain the end Bat the end of Cin t

    8、he end of Dby the end of()26. Millie has seen the TV _. Have you seen it _? Ayet; already Balready; already Cyet; yet Dalready; yet()27. How does your uncle usually go to work? He _ drive a car, but now he _ a bike to lose weight. Aused to; is used to ride Bwas used to; is used to riding Cwas used t

    9、o; is used to ride Dused to;( )28.-Shes never been to Hainan, _? -_. Its her first time to go there. A. has she; Yes, she has B. has she; No, she hasnt C. hasnt she; Yes, she has D. hasnt she;( )29.-Do you know how long _? -Im sorry I dont know. A. he has come here B. has he been married C. Tom has

    10、bought the car D. his uncle has been abroad( )30. He gave me_ on how to sing well. _good advice! It is so helpful to me. A. a advice, What a B. some advice, What C. some advices, How D. an advice, What a ( )31. I saw some_ and _dancing in the street the day before yesterday. A. Germans, Englishmen B

    11、. Germen, Englishmen C. Germans, English D. Germen, Englishmans( )32. Its an interesting joke. Im considering who to _. A. sayit to B. talk to about C. tell it toD. speak it to ()33. Thank you for providing such useful information for me. _ ANever mind BMy pleasure CWith pleasure DAll right( )34.-I

    12、havent seen Jack for three days. Is he ill?-_. His mother told me that he was in hospital. A. I am afraid so B. I hope not C. I hope so D. I am afraid not( )35. Nancy, would you mind turning down the music? Your father is writing his report. . A. Yes, please B. Sorry. Ill do it right away C. Sorry.

    13、I wont do it again D. Yes. I never do it again三、完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分) It was Sunday afternoon. I decided to clean up the room nicely so that my parents would feel 36when they returned from a long ride! Then, I sat in the room, having nothing to do.What else could I do? Then, with no reason, I sudde

    14、nly 37the pale face of that little beggar(乞丐) girl. I could see the glad light 38 her eyes when I put the dime( 一角钱 ) in her little dirty hand.How much I 39 that dime, too! Grandpa gave it to me a whole month ago, and I had kept it ever since in my red box upstairs, but those sugar apples looked so

    15、attractive, and were so 40 only a dime a piece that I wanted to have one.I could imagine the little girl stood there in front of the 41 in her old dirty dress, looking at the 42that were put all in a row in the window. I wonder what I should say, “Little girl, what do you want?” I gently asked. She

    16、felt 43and looked straight at me, just as if(似乎)nobody had spoken so 44to her before. She realized what I had meant, so she said seriously and sadly. “I was thinking how good one of those delicious hamburgers would 45 . I havent had anything to eat today.”Now I thought to myself, “Mary Williams, you

    17、 have had a good breakfast and a good lunch today, 46this poor girl has not had a mouthful yet. You can give her your 47. She needs it a great deal more than you do.”I could not run away from that little girls sad, 48 look so I dropped the dime right into her hand. How 49 the girl was! I am so glad

    18、I gave her the dime, 50I had to go without the apple lying there in the window.( ) 36. Aangry Bunhappy Csatisfied Dinterested( ) 37. Asaw Bremembered Cforgot Ddescribed( ) 38. Afilling Bprotecting Cattracting Dtouching( )39. Ahated Bloved Cmissed Dnoticed40. Avaluable Bmeaningful Cexpensive Dcheap41

    19、. Amarket Blibrary Cstore Dbookshop( ) 42. Adresses Bmagazines Cbooks Dcandies43. Asurprised Bexcited Cpleased Dworried44. Ahappily Bkindly Cangrily Dsadly( ) 45. Ataste Bsound Cfeel Dsmell( ) 46. Asince Bso Cand Dbut( ) 47. Aapple Bhamburger Cdime Dcandy48. Aproud Bangry Ccalm Dhungry( ) 49. Agrate

    20、fulBunlucky Clonely Dfriendly50. Aunless Bif Cthough Dbecause四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)AAirline航空公司FlightNumberDestination目的地Departure Time起飞时间GateAir Canada137Beijing10.12 a.m.24Japan Airlines320Tokyo10.30 a.m.18British Airways405Paris11.00 a.m.20Pan American226London11.20 a.m.1211.43 a.m.1517812.32

    21、p.m.21CAAC289Hong Kong1451. Flight 289 to Hong Kong leaves at _. A. 11.43 a.m. B. 10.12 a.m. C. 12.32 p.m. D. 10.12 a.m.52. A lady wants to take Flight 12 to Beijing, she should go to Gate_. A.14 B.15 C.12 D.1853. Flight 226 to London is from_. A. Pan American B. Japan Airlines C. Air Canada D. CAAC

    22、 BHow would we travel without maps? It would be a bit adventurous (冒险的) to set off from Oxford University to go to London Bridge if there was not a map of the London Underground at each station. In fact, a lot of the early mapmakers were explorers (探险家), especially in the 15th and 16th centuries.So

    23、what did people do before there were maps? Well, it was quite easy to use natural signs like mountains and rivers if you were travelling on foot or riding a horse. People took small boats down rivers and followed coastlines (海岸线). And people world use time, not distance (距离), to measure( 测量 ) the wa

    24、y they went; the next village was a threehour ride, for example. In fact, in the early maps, people did not draw marks. They drew stars. It was very easy to the night sky and use it for navigation (航行). The sky was a lot clearer before the light pollution from cities appeared. When towns and cities

    25、were built, people drew road maps which gave distances and directions. The London Underground was opened in 1863 and it also used a road map style. But a man called Henry Beck realized that travelling by train was not the same as driving your car across London. Passengers only needed to know which s

    26、tations to change. His new design for the Underground map was not very popular with the train companies at first. But the passengers loved it and 700,000 copies were printed in 1933. These days, of course, you can ride a bike, drive a car or go through a forest and know where you are exactly with a

    27、GPS. Its really difficult to get lost!( ) 54. When did road maps come out? A. Around 15th and 16th centuries. B. When people began to travel by train. C. When people began to travel by sea. D. When cities and towns were built.( ) 55. Which of the following is TRUE?A. GPS helped people to travel long time ago.B. Ancient (古代的) people could travel on a horse without maps. C. The sky was polluted by light before cities were


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