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    1、300g couscous 300克库斯库斯 50g butter 50克黄油 2 tbsp harissa - shop-bought or see below, to serve 2汤匙哈里萨 - Method 方法 1. Heat a heavy-based pan over a low heat.热比一个低热量大的锅。 Add the spices to the pan then toast for 2-3 mins until fragrant.添加香料的香锅,然后为2-3分钟,直到祝酒。 Crush using a pestle and mortar.粉碎使用杵和迫击炮。 Set

    2、aside.备用。2. Mix the breadcrumbs with 2 tbsp water and the garlic and stir well.面包屑混合,用2汤匙水,大蒜和搅拌均匀。 Add the lamb, lemon juice, crushed spices, egg most of the mint.添加羊肉,柠檬汁,香料粉碎,蛋的薄荷最。 Season well.好季节。 Mix well then shape into 16 balls.搅拌均匀,然后塑造成16个球。 Chill for a good 30 mins.有一个良好的冷藏30分钟。3. Heat th

    3、e oil in a frying pan.热油一炸锅。 Fry the balls for 6-7 mins, turning now and then, until golden brown and cooked.弗莱为6-7分钟的球,把现在起,直到金黄色,熟。 Keep warm.保暖。 Put the couscous in a large heatproof bowl, then rub in the butter and harissa.放在一个大的耐热碗的库斯库斯,然后擦在黄油和哈里萨。 Pour over 400ml boiling water, cover and leave

    4、 for 10 mins.超过400毫升倒入开水,盖上离开10分钟。 Fluff up and season.绒毛和季节。 Shred the remaining mint, then mix through.其余薄荷粉碎,然后通过混合。 Serve with harissa and yogurt.服务与哈里萨和酸奶。Try Homemade harissa 试用国产哈里萨 Put 2 tbsp each coriander, fennel and cumin seeds into a hot, dry pan.放入一个炎热,干燥的每锅2汤匙香菜,小茴香和孜然种子。 Toast for 2 m

    5、ins until fragrant. 2分钟爆香干杯。 Grind until fine in pestle and mortar.磨杵,直至罚款和迫击炮。 Wipe out pan, add 50ml olive oil, gently fry 4 chopped garlic cloves, 1 chopped red onion, 1 chopped red pepper and 6 fat red deseeded chopped chillies until soft.消灭锅,加50毫升橄榄油,轻轻4蒜茸炒丁香,红洋葱切碎1,切碎的红辣椒1和6发至软切碎的红辣椒deseeded。

    6、Mix spices and veg in food processor and blend to smooth paste.混合香料及食品加工蔬菜和混合顺利粘贴。 Leftovers will keep in fridge for up to a week, covered with layer of oil.剩菜会继续在冰箱长达一个星期,同一层油。Nutrition per serving 每份营养 651 kcalories, protein 33g, carbohydrate 50g, fat 37 g, saturated fat 16g, fibre 0g, sugar 2g, s

    7、alt 0.84 g 651千卡,蛋白质33克,碳水化合物50克,脂肪三七克,饱和脂肪16克,纤维0克,糖2克,盐0.84克黎巴嫩羊排 Enjoy Lebanese food cooking recipes and learn how to prepare the best middle eastern dishes.黎巴嫩享有食物烹饪食谱,并学习如何编写最好的中东料理。 the richness of grilled spice-rubbed lamb chops is cut by lemon (both zest and flesh).在烤香料羊排擦丰富,是削减柠檬(既热情和肉体)。 C

    8、hances are youll want to eat it anywhere.可能你会想要吃它的任何地方。Preparation Time: 35 min准备时间:35分钟 Ingredients - Makes 4 servings 成份-将4份 2 large lemons 2个大柠檬 1 teaspoon sugar 1茶匙糖 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided 3汤匙特纯橄榄油,分 2 garlic cloves 2瓣大蒜 1 tablespoon baharat (Eastern Mediterranean spice mi

    9、xture; see cooks note, below)一汤匙baharat(东地中海香料的混合物,) 8 (3/4-inch-thick) rib lamb chops (2 pounds) 8(3/4-inch-thick)肋骨羊排(2磅) 2 heads Bibb lettuce (about 3/4 pound each), torn into large pieces 2头比布莴苣(约3 / 4磅每架),撕成大块 1 1/2 cups mint leaves 1 1 / 2杯薄荷叶 Preparation 准备 Grate 2 teaspoons zest from 1 lemon

    10、.炉排2茶匙1柠檬热情。 Trim ends of both lemons, then stand lemons on a cut side and cut peel, including white pith, from lemons with a sharp paring knife (discard peel).修剪完两个柠檬,然后站在一堑,削减剥离,包括从柠檬柠檬白瓤,用锋利的削刀(丢弃果皮)。 Cut segments free from membranes, then cut segments crosswise into 1/4-inch pieces.从膜的自由切段,然后切成块

    11、段横向4英寸。 Toss lemon segments gently with sugar in a bowl and stir in 2 tablespoons oil.柠檬段轻轻抛在碗里搅拌糖和2汤匙油。 Let stand at room temperature 10 minutes for flavors to develop.让我们在室温下经受10分钟的口味发展。Mince and mash garlic to a paste with 1/2 teaspoon salt, then stir together with baharat, grated zest, remaining

    12、 tablespoon oil, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper.剁碎大蒜捣碎成糊状,拥有1 / 2茶匙盐,然后与baharat搅拌,磨碎的热情一起,剩余汤匙油,1 / 2茶匙辣椒。 Rub all over lamb chops.擦各地羊排。Toss lettuce and mint with lemon mixture.抛生菜和柠檬混合薄荷。Prepare grill for direct-heat cooking over medium-hot charcoal (medium-high heat for gas).准备直接烤热了中热炭(中高热量的气体煮食)。Grill

    13、chops, turning once, about 6 minutes total for medium-rare.烤排骨,一次转向,约6分钟中罕见的总计。 Transfer to a plate and let rest, loosely covered, 5 minutes.转移到一个盘子里,让我们休息,松散覆盖,5分钟。 Serve chops with salad. Serve with: orzoCooking Tips : 烹饪技巧 : You can make your own baharat by grinding 1 teaspoon each of whole clove

    14、s, cumin seeds, Maras or Aleppo pepper, and a 3-inch cinnamon stick (broken in half) in an electric coffee/spice grinder until finely ground.您可以通过研磨,直到磨细1茶匙整个丁香,小茴香种子,马拉什或阿勒颇胡椒,和一个3英寸的肉桂棒(一半打破了一个电动咖啡)每个/香料磨床自己baharat。 Chops can be cooked in an oiled hot 2-burner grill pan over medium-high heat, turn

    15、ing once, about 6 minutes.印章可在涂油热熟食2燃烧器烤锅用中,高热量,一次转向,约6分钟。 Lemon mixture keeps at room temperature 2 hours.柠檬的混合物在室温下保持2小时。 Toss with lettuce and mint just before serving.生菜,薄荷扔之前提供服务。 黎巴嫩羊肉串 设备 Youll need 12 bamboo skewers.您将需要12竹串。Ingredients (serves 4) 原料(服务4) 700g lamb steaks, cubed羊肉700克牛排,切丁 2

    16、 small red capsicums, cubed二是红色的小辣椒,切丁 2 small red onions, cut into thin wedges二是红色的小洋葱,切到薄楔子 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 / 4杯植物油 1 lemon, juiced 1个柠檬,榨汁 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2瓣大蒜,压碎 tabouli salad, to serve tabouli沙拉,服务 hommus, to serve hommus,服务 Lebanese bread, warmed, to serve黎巴嫩面包,温暖,服务 Garlic pa

    17、ste 大蒜酱 8 large garlic cloves 8个大瓣蒜 1 teaspoon salt 1茶匙盐 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2汤匙柠檬汁 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2汤匙植物油 1.Thread lamb, capsicum and onion alternately onto skewers. 1.Thread羊肉,辣椒和洋葱交替串上。 Place into a ceramic dish.放入一个陶瓷盘。 Whisk oil, lemon juice, garlic, and salt and pepper togeth

    18、er in a jug.拂油,柠檬汁,大蒜,盐和胡椒一起在一瓶酒。 Pour over skewers.倒在串。 Turn to coat.转到大衣。 Cover.盖。 Refrigerate for 30 minutes.冷藏30分钟。2. 2。 Make paste: Place garlic, salt and lemon juice into a food processor.请粘贴:将大蒜,盐,成为食品加工柠檬果汁。 Process until smooth.过程,直到顺利。 With motor running, pour oil into feed tube until you

    19、have a thick paste.随着电机运行时,倒入饲料管油,直到你有一个厚厚的糊状。 Transfer to a small bowl.转移到一个小碗里。 Cover and set aside until required.封面和设置,直到所需的一边。3.Preheat a chargrill or barbecue plate on medium-high heat. 3.Preheat一个烧烤架烧烤板或在中高热量。 Cook kebabs, basting with marinade and turning often, for 5 to 6 minutes, or until

    20、lamb is cooked through.库克烤肉串,与腌料,转向经常烤炙,5至6分钟,或直至羊肉煮熟通过。 Serve with garlic paste, tabouli, hommus and bread.服务与蒜酱,tabouli,hommus和面包。 黎巴嫩烤鱼简单食谱黎巴嫩烤鱼科夫塔在辣酱。 Enjoy Lebanese cuisine and learn how to make tasty dish of Grilled Fish Kofta in Spicy Sauce.黎巴嫩享受美食,学习如何在辣酱的烤鱼科夫塔美味的菜肴。Preparation time : 25 min

    21、utes准备时间:25分钟 Cooking time : 25 minutes烹饪时间:700 g white fish fillets, skinned and minced七克白鱼片,剥皮,剁碎 1 small onion or 70 g, chopped一小洋葱或70克,切碎 cup fresh parsley or 40 g, chopped半杯新鲜的香菜或40克,切碎 teaspoon ground black pepper 6.3茶匙黑胡椒 1 tablespoon olive oil一汤匙橄榄油 For the spicy sauce: 对于辣酱油:1 small onion o

    22、r 70 g, sliced一小洋葱或70克,切片 2 cloves garlic, round slices 2瓣大蒜,轮片 3 tablespoons coriander leaves, chopped 3汤匙芫荽叶,切碎 1 medium green bell pepper or 150 g, sliced一中绿色甜椒或150克,切片 teaspoon white ground pepper 6.3茶匙白胡椒粉 teaspoon ground cinnamon 6.3茶匙肉桂粉 teaspoon chili powder 6.3茶匙辣椒粉 teaspoon ground cumin 6.

    23、3茶匙孜然地面 100 g mushrooms, cleaned and cut into quarters蘑菇100克,清洗,切到宿舍 1 medium tomato or 150 g, diced 1部中型西红柿或150克,切块 1 sachet MAGGI Bolognaise Mix一小袋混合美极鲜酱油 Bolognaise 3 cups water or 750 ml 3杯或750毫升水 1. Put minced fish in a bowl and mix with onions, parsley and black pepper powder.把鱼肉中的一个碗,混合洋葱,香菜和

    24、黑胡椒粉。2. Divide the mixture into 12 equal portions and shape them into finger shape using your hands.划分成12等份混合使用,并塑造成你的双手手指的形状。 Grill the fish finger with olive oil on medium heat for 5-6 minutes from all sides until is cooked.烤5-6分钟,从各方与橄榄油中火鱼手指,直到煮熟。3. In a saucepan combine onion, garlic, coriander

    25、, green capsicum, spices, mushrooms, tomatoes, MAGGI Bolognaise Mix and water.在一个锅里结合洋葱,大蒜,香菜,绿辣椒,香料,蘑菇,西红柿,美极鲜酱油和水混合 Bolognaise。 Cook over medium heat till boiling then simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.用中火煲至沸腾低热量,然后煮10分钟。4. Gently add cooked fish kofta fingers to the sauce.轻轻添加熟鱼科夫塔手指酱油。 Simmer on

    26、 low heat for another 5 minutes then serve.低热量煮5分钟,然后服务。 Serving tips : This dish can be served with mashed potatoes or steamed rice. 服务提示 :这道菜可以用土豆泥米饭或馒头。 黎巴嫩牛肉饼简单食谱黎巴嫩科夫塔胆红素- Siniyah方。 Enjoy Lebanese food cooking and learn how to make delicious dish of Kofta Bil-Siniyah.黎巴嫩享有食物烹饪,学习如何利用科夫塔胆红素- Sin

    27、iyah美味的菜肴。500 g lean minced beef 500克瘦肉碎牛肉 5 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped 5汤匙新鲜的香菜,切碎 3 medium potatoes or 600 g, cut into medium round slices 3中等土豆或600克,切片成中型轮 1 medium green bell pepper or 150 g, cut into rings一中绿色甜椒或150克,到环切 1 medium onion or 150 g, round sliced 1个中型洋葱或150克,圆切片 2 medium tom

    28、atoes or 300 g, round sliced二中西红柿或300克,圆切片 2 cups water or 500 ml 2杯或500毫升水 2 tablespoons tomato paste 2汤匙番茄酱 2 cubes MAGGI Chicken Less Salt Bouillon美极鲜酱油2块鸡减盐布永1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped for garnishing 1汤匙新鲜的香菜,切碎的配菜 Combine meat, chopped onion, black pepper, cinnamon powder and parsley i

    29、n a mixing bowl.结合肉,切碎的洋葱在搅拌碗,黑胡椒,桂皮粉和香菜。 Mix well then divide the mixture into 12 meatballs.搅拌均匀,然后划分为12个肉丸子的混合物。 Flatten meatballs to form patties.肉圆,形成扁平化饼。 Arrange in a 30cm x 24cm baking dish.安排一个30厘米x 24厘米烘烤盘。 Arrange potato slices on top of the meat patties then the onions, bell pepper rings and tomatoes slices.对肉类顶部排列马铃薯片饼则洋葱,甜


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