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    1、希望到时能见到大家,谢谢。Teacher: hi good morning. we are going to pick up where we are left of last time. But before we do, a few of you came to me after the class and asked about alternative form of exercise. 嗨,大家好。我们接着讲上节课没讲完的内容。开始讲之前,上节课有同学来找我问我有没有其他的运动选择。So the study that I gave and also what you read the

    2、article by Callaghan and others, is mostly about aerobic exercise我上次讲的研究希望大家也去看看,就是callaghan等人写的那篇文章,里面侧重讲的是有氧运动。And as I mentioned earlier, this is about moderate intensity workout, which would mean if you want to work with pulse about 70 percent, between 65and 75 percent of your maximum heart rate

    3、,again you just google heart rate exercise, youll immediately get all the tables that you need.我之前也提过,做运动的目的是缓和高强度运动,做这种运动,你会达到最大心率的70%,大约在最大心率的65%到75%之间,大家搜索心率运动,就能马上得到想查的各种心率表。But thats one form of exercise. Some ask “what about weight training? What about interval training?” So sprints and stop.

    4、Sprints and stop. Something that you know the crew team does often, athletes do often.这是其中一种运动形式.一些同学问举重训练行不行,间歇训练行不行?看跑休息在快跑在休息。这种事划艇队经常做的训练,运动员经常做的训练。What about this form? The reason why I didnt bring it up explicitly in the lecture is because the jury is still out on the different forms of exerci

    5、se.这些运动行不行?我上节课没有专门提出是因为目前对其他的运动还没有定论。But let me tell you what are some of the trends that we see in research.但是让我告诉你目前在研究中发现的一些趋势。Right now it seems that if theres only one form of exercise that you do, the best bank for the buck, best value for your time would be aerobic exercise. 目前看来,如果你只能做一种运动,

    6、那么最佳选择,时间最花得其所是有氧运动。3,ideally 4times,30minutes of aerobic exercise a week. Thats at minimum.理想地每周三四次半小时的有氧运动。这是最低要求。However, however, if you can also do weight training and supplement the aerobic exercise, thats terrific. That great. Twice a week, 3 times of weight training is great, especially as y

    7、ou get older.但是如果你还能做举重训练以补充有氧运动,那也很好。一周两三次举重训练非常好,尤其是年纪大了以后。That weight training contributes more. But also at a very young age, weight training is good.举重训练更加有用。但是在年轻时举重训练也很好。However, it is not a replacement for aerobic exercise. It hasnt shown to have the same psychological effect as aerobic exer

    8、cise does.但是,它不能代替有氧运动。研究未发现它能改善心理健康的效果不如有氧运动。The other form of exercise and it has been studied again these are all tentative results; thereve been pilot studies about it . 另外一种运动,在经过研究后 我要重申这些都是初步结果,有人对这种运动做过初步研究。The end,the sample sizes are not large enough yet to say definitively, just like we c

    9、an say about aerobic exercise, it has similar effect to some of our most powerful psychiatric drugs. 最后结果因为样本不足,暂时无法下确切结论,但我们可以明确地说有氧运动,产生的效果能媲美一些强效精神病药物。That s definitive-there are tons of studies on it ever since babyak in2000 as well as before.这个结论是确切的有 大量研究来支持包括Babyak2000年以来的研究以及之前的。But another

    10、form of exercise that has begun to be studied with some very promising results is interval training. 另一种开始被研究的运动得出可喜的结果那就是间歇运动。Interval training would be, say, running at, between 90 and 95 percent of your maximum heart rate.间歇运动就是以跑步为例子达到最大心率的90%到95%。So if you are 20, your maximum heart rate would

    11、be, would be 200, because its 220 minus your age. 如果你20岁,你最大的心率就是200,计算公式是220减去年龄。Then you need to be running at around at 180 to 190 pulse rate, which is hard, which is tough, which you cant do for a very long time. 所以你跑步的心率要达到180到190,强度非常高,不能持续很长时间。But doing it for as little as 30 seconds up to a

    12、minute,and then resting, letting your heart rate go back down to 60 percent of its maximum say 120, and then doing another interval.但是如果能持续30秒到一分钟然后休息让你的心率下降到最大心率的60%也就是120,然后重复这个间歇运动.That has been shown with pilot studies only to have remarkable effects. In fact, often more powerful than aerobic ex

    13、ercise on its own, and lasts for even longer-the effect.有初步研究表明这种运动能产生显著效果。通常效果甚至比单独做有氧运动更大,而且持续时间更长。So again I did not introduce it officially as part of the class, but since many of you asked ,I am introducing it. Because I want to introduce you only things that are with very robust results.所以再说回来

    14、,我没有在课堂上正式介绍这种运动,但很多同学问起,所以现在介绍一下。因为我只想给大家介绍那些有确切结论的运动。John ratey talks about this. And Ill talk a little bit about john ratey in a minute.Jphn ratey 也谈过这种运动.等会带我会讲Jphn rateyHes the Harvard medical psychiatrist who is probably the leading proponent in research in the area of exercise and mental heal

    15、th. 他是哈佛医学院的精神医生,可以说他是一个前沿的倡导者在研究运动和精神健康这个领域。And he himself even though the results are still tentative, he introduces two interval trainings a week. 他本身,虽然目前的结果是初步的,但他一周会做两次间歇运动。So in addition to working out six days a week, two of them include full out sprinting, rest, full out sprinting, rest.除了一

    16、周做六天运动以外,其中两天还会做全速短跑休息, 全速短跑休息。And what theyve shown was that even less time than 30 minutes, you can get the same effect, the same psychological effect and even better.研究表明即使没有做够30分钟,但还能得到同等的效果,同等的甚至更好的心理效果。What I do twice a week; I introduce interval training. 我一周也会做两次间歇运动。So for example, this mor

    17、ning when I was on my trampoline, I did it for 30 minutes. 举个例子我早上在蹦床上跳了30分钟。And out of the minutes, there were 4 sprints.在这30分钟外,我还做了四个短跑。Indeed, you dont believe that I do trampoline, do you? 没错,你们不会相信我会跳蹦床,是吧?Ill videotape it and Illmaybe not. Maybe not. 我下次拍下来,还是不要了。So 4 sessions of sprints, and

    18、 I have my heart moniter on, going all way-for me its about 165 heart rate, between 165 and 170, and then resting, going back to about 110,which is less than 60 percent of my maximum, and then doing it four times. 4次短跑,我带着心率检测仪快速跑一段,我的心率大约是165,165到170之间,然后休息下降到110,少于我最大心率的60%,如此重复四次。And for the rest

    19、 of the 30 minutes, I just do moderate aerobic exercise. 这30分钟里的其余时间,我只做缓和的有氧运动。So I also introduce the interval training. The weight training I do less of , because I get that from yoga-a lot of the strengthening exercises.所以我也做间歇运动。举重训练就比较少做,因为我做瑜伽时就有这种加强体能的效果。The most important thing though that

    20、I do want to say about interval training is that ,especially for perfectionists, its very easy to over-train. 但最重要的一点是我想说间歇运动,特别是对于完美主义者来说,很容易导致训练过度。You dont want to get to your maximum heart tare and keep it there for a long time, even if you can. 大家最好不要打到最高心率并且持续一段长时间,即使你做得来。More does not necessar

    21、ily mean better. 更多并不意味着更好。Again, unless you are training for Olympics, in which case you do want to get to 100 percent of your maximum heart rate at times, for maximum health you want to get to 90 percent, maximum 95% percent of your maximum heart rate, which is why a heart rate monitor can help so

    22、 much. 再说一次,除非你是备战奥运,这种情况下有时你就要达到100%的最高心率,想练出最健康的身体达到90%,最大心率的95%就行了,所以带上心率检测仪就很有用。Because it can tell you when you are working too hard or when its too easy.因为它能告诉你运动是否强度太大或者强度不足。Bottom line, variety is good for exercise.总之,换换花样有助于运动。If you can introduce dancing, its great exercise. 你可以跳舞,这也是好运动。I

    23、f you can introduce, once in a while working in the gym, once in a while playing basketball, rowing-the more variety, the better.你可以偶尔去健身室健身,偶尔打篮球,划艇,花样越多越好。But the foundation: at least we, ideally 4 times a week, 30 minutes of aerobic exercise.只要保证,至少对我们来说,一周四次,一次30分钟的有氧运动。So we stopped last time w

    24、ith overcoming barriers.上节课我们讲到克服障碍。And some of the barriers are that its difficult there are some pain associated with it, even if you are at 70 percent of your heart rate. 其中一些障碍包括伴随运动而来的疼痛,使运动更难了,即使你只要达到最大心率的70%。Its still uncomfortable. 运动引起不适And ways to deal with it is at least as you get into i

    25、t, cause very often we enter the zone when we start to run, we dont feel the difficulty any more. 克服不适的最简单方法就是进入状态,因为通常我们跑步进入一种状态后,我们就感受不到不适了。But at least the beginning is important. Have social support to divide and conquer, to build gradually, and to have distracters, such as TV and your MP3, and

    26、whatever it is.但是必须开了头才行。找别人来支持你克服困难,慢慢适应,用一些东西分散注意力,例如电视MP3,能分散注意力就行。Another barrier-and this one is, unfortunately very common here on campus, is just we dont have time. 另一个障碍很不幸这个障碍在校园很普遍,那就是我们没有时间。You know in high school, I do give a lot talks in high schools, and one of the things that I see th

    27、ere is that students generally,in many high schools actually have to be part of a team. 大家知道,在高中我经常去高中演讲,我注意到的其中一件事是通常很多高中要求学生参加团队活动。They have to, in addition to doing physical exercise, PE, they also have to be part of a team. 他们除了体育课做运动以外,还要参加团队活动So they get not enough, but more exercise, whereas

    28、one of the first things that go in college, especially or only for students who do not play on the team, one of the first things that go is exercise. 所以他们运动更多,虽然还是不够,但是我们读大学第一件放弃的事,尤其是那些不参加团队活动的学生,我们放弃的第一件事是运动。I dont have time. I have so many things that I want to do. Its new word. Well, its also th

    29、e first things that goes during exam period, because Im so stressed. I have so many things to do.我们没有时间,我有很多事情要做。大学是新世界。在考试期间,大家也首先就放弃运动,因为我压力太大了。我有太多事要做了。Well, it should be the last thing to go. Why? Because it is an investment. You may be losing the 45 minutes, working out for 30minutes and showering after which I recommend. You may be


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