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    安徽省铜陵市高二上学期期末质量监测英语试题 Word版Word文件下载.docx

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    安徽省铜陵市高二上学期期末质量监测英语试题 Word版Word文件下载.docx

    1、听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面-段对话,回答第6至7题。6.What docs the woman offer to do?A.Drive the man downtown.B.Lend her car to the man.C.Check the mans house.7.C. At 3:00 pm.When is the man supposed to arrive at the mechanics?A.At 1:00 pm. B. At 2:听下面一段对话,回答第8至9题。8.Where does the conversation probably t

    2、ake place?C. In a clothes shop.In a police station. B. In a music shop.9.What does the madam look like?C. She has red hair.She is short. B. She wears blue jeans.听卜面-段对话,回答第10至12题。10.What arc the speakers discussing?A. Who should clean the floor.B.Where dark marks arc from.C.Why the shoes get dirty.I

    3、I.When docs the conversation take place?A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon.12.Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Detective and homeowner. B. Cleaner and employer. 听下而一段对话,回答第13至】6題。13.Who made many mistakes in the monthly report?A. The woman. B. The manager.14.How long has t

    4、he woman worked in the company?A. Three years. B. Four years.15.What is the woman expecting?A. A transfer. B. A raise.16.What will the woman probably do?A. Leave the company. B. Speak up her opinions.C. In the evening.C. Husband and wife.C. The managers supervisor.C. Five years.C. A promotion.C. Bea

    5、r the unfair treatment.听卜而一段独自,mi答第17至20题。A. Hes sure of his answers.B.He finds that very stressful.C.Hell check answers at home.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,満分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选;1最佳选项。 A1 could hardly contain my excitement. Wed packed our bags and had passports in hand. My frie

    6、nds and 1 were bound for Perth, Australia. Traveling to Australia was a dream come true. I couldnt wait to explore the sand dunes (沙丘),clear waters and see unusual animals. Here is a taste of our adventures through Western Australia.Rottnest IslandRottncst Island, off the coast of Nester Australia,

    7、was our first stop. A 25-minutc terry ride brought us to this relaxing, ear-free island. The island has over 63 beaches with 135 species of tropical fish and more than 13 shipwrecks in its waters. Rottnest Island is also home to the smiling quokka, “the happiest animal on Earth. Taking a selfie with

    8、 a quokka was a must.Farm stayOur next adventure was a farm stay near Pemberton at Diamond Forest Farm Stay. There are about 100 farm animals, including two kangaroos. Part of the morning fiin was feeding the animals at daybreak.Valley of the Giants Tree Top WalkImagine climbing 40 meters up into a

    9、forest canopy (树冠).We had this experience at the Tree Top Walk in the Walpole Wilderness. This park features the tingle forest which doesnt exist anywhere else in the world.The Busseiton JettyWhile on the way to Perth, we stopped at the Bussclton Jetty, the longest wooden bridge in the world. We had

    10、 the option to ride a train to the end of the pier. But we chose to walk and enjoy the ocean view.Sandboarding in LancelinWhat do you get when you mix sun, sand, speed and a board? Sandboarding. Our next stop after the jetty? The Australian coast. We surveyed the area, spotted suitable sand dune, an

    11、d then the sandboarding began.21.Where can tourists take a selfie with a quokka?A. On Rottnest Island. B. In the Walpole Wilderness.C. At the Bussclton Jetty. D. Near the town of Pemberton.22.What can tourists do at Diamond Forest Farm Stay?A. Enjoy the ocean view. B. Feed the animals at sunrise.C.

    12、Ride a train to the beach. D. Climb to the top of the trees.23.What did the writer do after leaving the Bussclton Jetty?A. He went back to Perth. B. He went sandboarding.C. He explored sea creatures. D. He walked in the forest.BIn the heart of Milan, there is a gem (宝石)local people sometimes call th

    13、e time machine.It is not a reference to any high-tech invention, as one may imagine, nor to any modem device. It is in the Dominican Church and Convent of Santa Maria dellc Grazic, lying in a small medieval square not far from the city center. An ancient masterpiece has been preserved there for more

    14、 than five centuries.On the north wall of the convents refectory (餐厅)一protected behind a series of airtight doors visitors can reach The Last Supper by Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci.This is the first and most valuable among Italys 48 cultural sites listed by UNESCO as World Heritage and one o

    15、f the most famous paintings in the world.One major goal of the experts managing the museum is to protect The Last Supper from decay, considering that the painting extremely weak due to the technique used by Leonardo started deteriorating a lew years after being finished.In our display case (the refe

    16、ctory) which somebody calls a time machine air pollution is almost absent, there is no fine dust, said museum director Chiara Rostagno. Every day, we work in cooperation with eight universities in order to keep preserving it, and to try to pass this masterpiece to the next generation.Painted between

    17、 1494 and 1498, The Last S叩per marked a “new era* in the history of art. Rostagno, 47, a conservation of architectural heritage professor with the Politccnico University in Milan, said the painting is still in extraordinary condition, considering its great weakness. This is an evidence of five centu

    18、ries of efforts, because the first signs of wear and tear were documented in 1517, she said.24.What is kept in the Dominican Church and Convent of Santa Maria dclle Grazie?A. A world famous painting. B. A modem device.C. A high-tech invention. D. A priceless jewel.25.Which word can best explain the

    19、underlined word in Paragraph 5?A. Shining. B. Profiting. C. Worsening. D. Expanding.26.What makes the time machine* possible?A.The ease was produced with dust-free glass.B.Milan is listed by UNESCO as World Heritage.C.The painting was weak because of the skills used.D.No air is allowed to enter or l

    20、eave the display case.27.What does Chiara Rostagno think of the current condition of the painting?A. Worrying. B. Average. C. Satisfying. D. Mysterious.CFor years, scientists knew that it was possible to fbmi a substance made entirely of a single layer of carbon atoms (原子).Graphene (石基烯)was the name

    21、 used to describe this theoretical material. But it wasnt until 2004 that two researchers at Britains University of Manchester were able to isolate graphene from a block of graphite. Their work earned them a Nobel Prize for physics in 2010 fbr their experiments with the thinnest, strongest material

    22、ever.Graphene may be just one atom thick, but it is remarkably strong. It is much stronger than steel, and a better conductor of electricity than copper. Since it is only one atom thick, it absorbs very little light, which makes graphene almost perfectly transparent (透明 fl-J). This amazing combinati

    23、on of properties means that graphene has the potential to completely change everything we use on a daily basis.With so many potential applications, the demand for graphene is sure to be great. However, before graphene can be made in large quantities, two problems must be solved. First, the current m

    24、ethod fbr making graphene is very expensive. It costs about S100 to make just one gram of the material. Second, the method requires the use of substances that are poisonous to human beings and the environment.Recently, a team of Australian and Indian researchers have announced the discovery of a new

    25、 method that solves both problems. Instead of poisonous substances, the technique uses a chemical obtained from the bark of eucalyptus (校树)trees. This chemical poses no threat io humans or the environment. In addition, it can be obtained cheaply and in large quantities from eucalyptus trees, which g

    26、row quickly in Australia. With the new technique, a gram of graphene can be made tor only S 0.50. that is. half a dollar.28.What docs the text imply about the researchers in Britain?A.They found the new atoms by accident.B.They received international recognition.C.They intended to keep their inventi

    27、on secret.D.They were criticized by their fellow scholars.29.Which of the following would NOT be possibly made with graphene?A. Batteries. B. Helmets. C. Touch screens. D. Electrician gloves30.What have the Australian and Indian scientists been able to do?A. Producing graphene cheaply. B. Study grap

    28、hene in outer space.C. Weigh graphene in laboratories. D. Persuade factories to use graphene.31.Which part of a eucalyptus tree does the chemical come from?A. The protective layer that covers its trunk. B. The liquid that flows through its roots.C. The stuff that makes its leaves green. D. The bacte

    29、ria that grow on branches.DAs the world population continues to increase, so does the amount of global waste people produce. According to data collected by lhe world Bank Group, nations are on pace to generate (产生)4 billion tons of waste annually by the year 2100. Many experts arc calling the proble

    30、m of global waste a worldwide health crisis (危机)because the waste is ruining the worlds oceans, air and soil and endangering the health of all living things.For years, government agencies have been telling citizens that living a zero-waste lifestyle is the way to go. Now some grocery stores arc help

    31、ing people do that.Most grocery stores produce waste when they throw away food and packaging material. In some cases, the food consists of fruit and vegetables that dont look good any more. In other cases, its packaged food that is nearing the “sell-by date printed on the package. After the sell-by date passes, the food is not considered safe to cat. Thus, many stores throw out unso


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