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    人教版《高中英语》必修2第2单元My Favorite Sport写作课例设计与反思 英语教育专业毕业作品模板Word文档格式.docx

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    人教版《高中英语》必修2第2单元My Favorite Sport写作课例设计与反思 英语教育专业毕业作品模板Word文档格式.docx

    1、 Based on the Writing Section of My Favorite Sport of Unit 2, New Senior English for China Students Book 2SupervisorA Thesis Submitted inPartial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofB. A. in EnglishSCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGESUNIVERSITYMay, 2013AcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would

    2、like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Wang Mei, both for her intellectual guidance and for her warm and constant encouragement during the process of writing this thesis. With patience and prudence, she labored through drafts of this thesis and pointed out defects in my theorizing.

    3、 Therefore, I owe all the merits in this thesis, if any, to her, though I am fully aware that the thesis might still contain some mistakes, for which I bear the whole responsibility.My cordial and sincere thanks go to all the teachers in the School of Foreign Languages,whose interesting and informat

    4、ive courses have benefited me a lot during my college years. The profit that I gained from their profound knowledge, remarkable expertise and intellectual ingenuity will be of everlasting significance to my future life and career.I am also very grateful to my classmates, who have given me a lot of h

    5、elp and courage during my stay in the University and throughout the process of writing this thesis. Last but not the least big thanks should go to my family who has shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this thesis.ContentsAbstractThe Na

    6、tional English Curriculum (experiment revised edition) points out that English teaching should promote students overall development from five aspects: language knowledge, language skills, learning strategy, cultural awareness and affects. Writing teaching, as an indispensable part in English teachin

    7、g, plays a crucial role in achieving the aims of The National English Curriculum for Senior Middle School. This paper takes the reading lesson of New Senior English for China Students Book 2 Unit 2 “My Favorite Sport” as an example, which mainly adopts task-based language teaching method, by showing

    8、 the lesson plan interpretation, the lesson plan and the self-evaluation to explore how to teach English writing in class effectively in senior middle schools under the New National English Curriculum Standards.Key words: writing teaching; task-based language teaching; lesson plan; self-evaluation内

    9、容 摘 要英语课程大纲(试验修订版)指出英语教学应从语言知识,语言技能,学习策略,情感态度和文化意识五个方面来培养学生。写作教学是英语教学中一个不可缺少的版块,对达成新英语课程标准起着重要的作用。本文以普通高中课程标准实验教科书(人教版)必修2第2单元,写作课“My Favorite Sport”为例,主要采取任务型教学法,展示了从“说课”到“教案”到“课后反思”三个环节,初步探讨了在高中英语新课标下如何有效地进行写作教学。关键词:写作教学;任务型语言教学;教案;课后反思My Favorite Sport1. Introduction2. Interpretation of Lesson2.1

    10、 Analysis of Students2.1.1 The learning Situation of Students and the Class2.1.2 Students Learning Styles 2.1.3 Students Psychological Perspective2.1.4 Students Prior Knowledge2.2 Analysis of the Teaching Material 2.3 Analysis of the Teaching Methods 2.3.1 Task-based Language Teaching 2.3.2 Communic

    11、ative Language Teaching 2.3.3 Situational Approach2.3.4 Audio-visual Teaching Methods2.3.5 Formative Assessment2.4 Analysis of Learning Methods2.4.1 Autonomous Learning 2.4.2 Cooperative Learning 2.4.3 Multi-Intelligence Learning 2.5 Analysis of Teaching Procedure and Time Allotment2.6 Analysis of L

    12、ayout of the BlackboardThe blackboard is divided into two parts and clearly shows the focal points of this lesson.3. Lesson plan3.1 Background InformationSchool: Senior High School Teacher:Students: 68 senior high school students, Class 5, Grade 1Materials: Writing of Unite 2, The Olympic Games Stud

    13、ents Book 2Type of lesson: WritingLesson duration: 40 minutesDate: 9:20-10:00 a.m. Sep 8th, 2013 Aids: PPT, blackboard3.2 Contents1) Vocabulary:2) Structure:3) Writing: My favorite sport3.3 Objectives1) Instructional Objectives (language knowledge and language skills)By the end of the class, student

    14、s will be able to:a) Students can b) Students can.c) Students can .d) Students can.2) Educational Objectives (affect, learning strategy and cultural awareness)a) Students can build up their team work spirit to cooperate with each other in learning English.b) Students can find other English learning

    15、resources such as English video and reading materials on the workbook.c) Students can learn English with the help of table and clues.d) Students can enhance their confidence in English learning.e) Students can learn to debate and understand and respect others opinions.f) Students can see the same th

    16、ing from different perspectives. g) Students can understand the cross-culture communication and express some new ideas with body language when they communicate with people from different foreign countries.3) Personal Objectivesa) The teacher can time the procedure and handle the class efficiently.b)

    17、 The teacher can get students trust and friendship to make them love English class more.3.4 Focal Points1) Students can.2) Students can.3) Students can.3.5 Difficult Points3.6 Procedures and Time Allotment3.6.1 Getting students ready for learning ( mins)Step 1. GreetingsStep 2. Routine task3.6.2 Revision3.6.3 Pre-writing 3.6.4 While-writing3.6.5 Post-writing3.6.6 Assigning homework Step1 Conclusion Step2 Homework4. Self-evaluation of the Teaching 4.1 A General Reflection on the Lesson4.2 The Strong Points and Creativity of This Lesson4.3 The Weak Points and Possible Solutions5. Conclusion


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