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    1、C. respective D. executive6. Since the energy crisis, these big cars have become a real_. They cost too much to run.( )A. advantage B. liabilityC. reliability D. asset7. This_porcelain vase was made with superb workmanship.( )A. requisite B. prerequisiteC. exquisite D. appropriate8. After such a con

    2、frontation between the two parties, any reconciliation would be( )A. out of question B. within questionC. out of the question D. without question9. Examinations are not the only means of _a students ability.( )A. assuming B. assertingC. assigning D. assessing10. She tried to keep a _ face, but insid

    3、e she rejoiced at the news.( )A. sober B. stableC. Stationery D. stationary11. The success of yesterdays concert is due in large part to the extensive_ campaign they ran for weeks before the event.( )A. persuasion B. publicityC. publication D. propaganda12. They are_a change of our present way of li

    4、fe to a greener lifestyle.( )A. imposing B. publicizingC. Preaching D. adapting13. In a _ between the management and the union, a 4% pay raise was agreed on in return for an increase in productivity.( )A. promise B. compromiseC. collaboration D. cooperation14. The_ of women to men at my college is a

    5、bout two to one.( )A. rate B. portionC. percentage D. proportion15. The year 1972 was marked by publication of a_book, The Limits to Growth.( )A. consistent B. confusedC. considerate D. controversial16. When the flames_, we will be able to see the extent of the damage.( )A. die down B. die offC. die

    6、 out D. die away17. We need_improvement in public support.( )A. trivial B. resultantC. generous D. substantial18. John kept his money stored away in a secret place, for fear his nephew should ( )A. wash his hands of B. lay his hands onC. capitalize on D. make the best of19. They are poor and uneduca

    7、ted. _, they are very unlikely to ever have an opportunity to travel abroad.( )A. In case B. For that matterC. As such D. At most20. It is hard to _ the death of a member of your family.( )A. get off B. get byC. get away D. get over Directions B: There are 20 sentences in this section. In each sente

    8、nce there is a word or phrase underlined. Below each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that can replace the underlined part of each sentence without changing its original meaning.21. The growth of a city enhances the value of land close to it.( )A. increases B. dec

    9、reasesC. emphasized D. highlighted22. What with dishes to wash and children to put to bed, Susan was late to the meeting.( )A. For the sake of B. Regardless ofC. Because of D. In spite of23. In relation to the teaching of English grammar, Mrs. Shapiro has much to say.( )A. Concerning B. ConnectingC.

    10、 In support of D. Aside from24. His dissertation can be broken down into five parts and each discusses a particular issue in the area.( )A. linked B. connectedC. divided D. combined25. Perceiving that he wasnt happy with the arrangement, I tried to book a different hotel.( )A. Forecasting B. Conceiv

    11、ingC. Foreseeing D. Realizing26. It is out of fashion to talk about these pop singers. People are now showing great interest in football.( )A. not popular B. popularC. not wise D. silly27. It was only when I saw the watch at close quarters that I realized how unusual it was.( )A. in sight B. close b

    12、yC. at length D. in the way28. With the introduction of advanced technology, our company is now able to build ships of tremendous proportion.( )A. rate B. percentageC. size D. portion29. She hated to be caught in such embarrassing circumstances, but she knew it was her own fault.( )A. be involved in

    13、 B. be trapped inC. be immersed in D. be rough on30. According to the speaker, there are some supernatural phenomena for which no scientists can offer any rational explanation.( )A. virtual B. satisfactoryC. imaginary D. reasonable31. There is likelihood that she will make a full recovery.( )A. prob

    14、ability B. explanationC. assertion D. claim32. You have a legal obligation to ensure that your child receive a proper education.( )A. formula B. schemeC. duty D. liability33. The ingredients of a cake usually include eggs, sugar, flour and flavoring.( )A. slices B. elementsC. essence D. concept34. I

    15、 enjoy working with these kids because Im first and last a school teacher.( )A. at most B. as a matter of factC. at least D. all in all35. The dispute finally came down to a question of which side should be responsible for the loss.( )A. was passed along to B. was faced byC. was reduced to D. was ju

    16、dged by36. That was a wonderful experience, I never expected tocome my way.( )A. stand in my way B. belong to meC. get under my control D. happen to me37. That afternoon Iaddressed myself toforging a note.(A. enjoyed myself in B. busied myself inC. indulged myself in D. interested myself in38. When

    17、he feltout of sorts, he would rave and stamp, or sink into suicidal gloom.(A. in high spirits B. in a bad temperC. desperate D. helpless39. Big arguments stimulate their interest, and with luckengagetheir attention.(A. give B. wake upC. Pay D. take up40. Jenny had never been to a big party before an

    18、d she wasill at ease.(A. enthusiastic B. uncomfortableC. excited D. sensitivePart IICloze (10%)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blanks there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.We were late as (41)_ . My husband had

    19、insisted on doing his (42)_by himself, and when he discovered that he couldnt (43)_he asked me for help at the last (44)_. So now we had an hour to get to the airport. Luckily, there wasnt much (45) _on the road and we were able to get there just in time. We (46) _in and went straight to the departu

    20、re hall to wait for our flight to be (47)_. We waited and waited but no (48) _was made. We asked at the information desk and the girl there told us that the plane hadnt (49)_arrived yet. In the end there was an announcement telling us that passengers waiting for Flight LJ 108 could collect a (50)_me

    21、al ticket and that the plane hadnt left Spain because of (51) _ problems. We thought that it wasnt (52 ) _for the plane to fly. We waited again for (53) _until late evening when we were asked to (54)_to the information desk again. This time we were given tickets to (55)_the night at the airlines exp

    22、ense in the nearby hotel. The next morning after a (56) _ night because of all the planes taking off and landing, we reported back to the airport. Guess what had happened while we were (57)_! Our plane had arrived and taken off again. All the other passengers had been (58)_up in the night to (59)_ t

    23、he plane, but for some reason or (60) _we had been forgotten. You can imagine how we felt!41. A. always B. usualC. before D. yet ( )42. A. packing B. wrappingC. binding D. filling ( )43. A. solve B. manageC. handle D. deal ( )44. A. time B. periodC. stage D. moment ( )45. A. vehicle B. transportatio

    24、nC. traffic D. passengers ( )46. A. checked B. registeredC. entered D. appeared ( )47. A. named B. toldC. called D. made ( )48. A. statement B. declarationC. announcement D. arrangement ( )49. A. ever B. evenC. however D. still ( )50. A. expensive B. cheapC. costly D. free ( )51. A. scientific B. me

    25、chanicC. technological D. technical ( )52. A.safe B. certainC. comfortable D. right ( )53. A. length B. agesC. times D. minutes ( )54. A. report B. contactC. touch D. request ( )55. A. stay B. spendC. put up D. pass ( )56. A. sound B. deepC. sleepless D. poor ( )57. A. overslept B. oversleepingC. sl

    26、eepy D. asleep ( )58. A. woken B. awakeC. awoken D. woke ( )59. A. seize B. graspC. aboard D. catch ( )60. A. another B. otherC. else D. more ( )Part IIIReading Comprehension (40%) There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of

    27、them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Read each passage carefully and decide on the best answer.Passage OneThroughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth. He has transformed w


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