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    1、动词练习题动词练习题第六章:动词专练(一)1.-How long can he -For a week at least.the novel?A.borrowBend C.keep D.retur n2.The Lon gma nDicti onaryB.spe nt C.took D.cost3-HowmeEn glish-E nglish$25. A.paidlong-For 2 years.A.did; leave B.will; be awayfrom C.has; away from D.has left4.Could you tell me when the CommunisLea

    2、gue was ? A.found B.fo un dedC.built D.buildPaulToron to?5.This isEva ns.our new English teacher, Miss She many Europeancoun tries.A.hasgone toC.has gone in D.has bee n to6.John s father accide nt. He s bee nB.hasin aforbeen intraffic3 years.A.died; died B.dead; deadC.died; dead D.dead; died7.lt s c

    3、old and wet today. Yougoout. Stay at homeand sit near the fireplace.A.had betternot B.had betternot toC.would like notD.would like not to8.Miss Leeher stude ntsandby them.A.has loved; is loved B.has bee n loved; loves Do ves; is loved 9-Whenshethe-Last year. A.did; build built C.was; built 10.I have

    4、Co ved;lovesbridge, B.did;D.was; buildfini shed-Whe nyouit?A.do; fin ishB.have;fini shedC.did; fin ishD.will; fin ish11read a lot ofno velswhe n 1 wasa little boy.A.was using B.use toC.used toD.was used to12.In afew years time, thosemy work.A. have bee n covered with B.areD.will cover by13.Don t wor

    5、ry! Y ourfather well in hospital.A. will take care B.will look aftertake n care of14.-What are you going to do this weekend? -1 yet.A. haven t decided B.won t decideC.have decided D.didn t decide 15.ln some places there are watchtowers onthe beaches to people aboutsharks in the water.A. preve nt B.a

    6、llow C.warnD.advise16.Sorry, I can t hear you clearly. Will you please your E-mail address? I ll write it dow n.A. reviewD.repeat17. -Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday,Dick? -John . A.clea nedB. does C.did D.is18. Whe n she was 22 years old, her dream tobe a teacher . A.came trueB. come true C.ca

    7、me real D.come real19. -Look! The bus is comi ng. -Butthere are too many people. We can t it.A. get off B.get dow n C.get onD.get up20. Jack always runs faster tha n Peter, butthis time he him.A. we nt over B.fell behi nd C.putoff D.dropped off21. -Do you like the music the Moo nlightSon ata? -Yes,

    8、it reallybeautiful.A.feels B.so undsC. liste ns D.hears22. - ! The traffic is moving fast!-Than ks, I will. A.Stop B.Look out C.Watch D.Don t move23. The children planted more trees andChi na.coun tries.his homework yet, won t go out with his classmates.A.fini shes B.has fini shedC. doesn t finish D

    9、.hasn t finished27. D on t make a no ise, Grandma A.is falli ng asleep B.slept C.is sleep ing D.sleep28. The film for half an hour.A. has beg un B.has bee n beg un C.has bee n on D.began29. Wang Hai his homeworkand now heis watchi ng TV. A.has fini shedB. fi ni shed C.will fin ish D.fini shes30. -It

    10、 s time to do your homework, Jack.-Yes, Mum. I ll turn off the TV as soon as the programme .A.e nds B.e nd C.will been ded D.will end31. Catherine the letter before hermother came into her bedroom.A.has writte n B.was writte n C.hadwritte n D.is writ ing32. Mr Joh nson s story byevery one who heard

    11、it. Aaughed atB. was laughed Caughed D.was laughed at33. A lot of trees along the riverlast year. A.pla nted B.are pla ntedC. were pla nted D.pla nt34. A no ther new library last monthin my hometow n. A.was built B.builtC. has bee n built D.is built35. -Your sweater looks ni ce, is-Yes, and it Inner

    12、 Mon golia.A. made of; madeby B.made of; made in C.made by; made for D.made by;made from36.-How was your weekend? -Great!We a pic nic by the lake.B. 37. My watch doesn t work. Iit . A.repairedC.repair D.repairi ng38. -What s your brother doingnow? -He a kite.must haveB.repairin his roomA.makesare ha

    13、v ing39.Jenny withfor two years. Now she in Chi na.B. made C.is maki ng D.will makea Chinese family s used to the lifeB. A.stayswould stayC.is stayi ngD.has stayed40.-Haveyou mended yourshoes, Bob?-Yes, Ithem twenty minutesago.A.havemendedB.me ndC.had men ded D.me nded41to Canada twice. It s sobeaut

    14、iful.A.won t goB.have goneC.don t goD.have bee n42.-Where s your father?-HeSha nghai.He ll be backn ext week.A.hasgone to B.has been toC.don t goD.have bee n43.-Come and joi n us, Jimmy! I m sorry, but I m reallybusy now. IfItime, I wouldcerta inly go.A.willhaveB.have hadC.hadD.have44.-You ve left t

    15、he light on.-Oh,sorry.and turn it off.A.I ve goneB II goCwent D.I m going45.Physics more interesting thanmaths, I think. A.are B.is C.wasD. were46.Ion the computerwhen Jimcame to see me yesterday eve ning.A.drawB.drew C.wasdraw ingD.am drawi ng47.Everyyearmanyforeig nerstoChi nato lear nChin ese.A.h

    16、ave come B.comesC.cameD.come48.It isa long timesin ceI lastyou. A.seeB.see nC. saw D.seei ng49.My sister her book in theclassroom whe n her teacher came in.A.read B.reads C.wasreadi ng D.is readi ng5O.lf it sunny tomorrow,I fishing in South Lake. A.is; goB. will be; go C.is; will go D.will be; will

    17、go51. -Look at the sig n. Readi ng aloud is not allowed in the library. -Oh, Isorry. I it.A.don t notice B.didn t noticeC. was n t no tic ing D.was n t no ticed52. This pair of jeans Tina s. A.are B.be C.isD. will be53. -Kitty, will you go to see the filmCold Mountain this evening? -No, I wont. I it

    18、 already.A.saw B.have seenC. see D.will see54.I my homework while myparents TV last n ight.A.did; have watched B.was doing;were watchi ng C.had done; were watch ingD. would do; were watchi ng55. -Is your father a doctor? -Yes,he is. He in Tow n Hospital.A.has workedB. had workedC. works D.worked56.

    19、-When you the bike?-Last month. A.have; bought B.had;bought C.do; buy D.did; buy57. -Listen, what s the noise? Mybrother the programme of theWorld Cup in the sitti ng-room.A.watches B.is watch ingC. has watched D.will watch58. The village is building a school. I hopeit before August this year.A.fini

    20、 shes B.will fin ishC.is fini shed D.will befini shed59.-ThatT-shirt with Yao Mings pictureon itbel ong toDavid.Headmireshim a lot.-No,it behis.He hatesblack color.A.may; n eed ntB.ca n;can t C.must; mustn t D.mus t; can t60.You be caught with fire whenyou have a picnic in the forest. It s toodan ge

    21、rous.A.will B.must C.ca nD. may*61. Have you known Dr Jacks on for a long time Yes, since she theChin ese SocietyA has joined B joins C hadjoined D joined62. Mr Zhao, an En glish teacher, sat up farinto the night, a paper onhow to teach begi nners of En glish.A. and worked at B. andworked on C. work

    22、ingat D. work ing on解:答案:D. work at 为一般用语,其深度不女口 work on, work at a problem 和 work on a problem意思不大一样,前者可作学习中的计 算一道题”解,后者可引伸到生活和工作中的“研 究或解决一个问题.work out意为计算出”.63. You will have to work the weak points in your English if you want to pass the exam in ati on.A. out B.at C.for D. on解:选A. work out解决;work

    23、 on在上工作; work hard at + subject 在科目上努力工作 .64. Hegotfour poundsfromtheofhis draw ing.A.saleB.soldC.sellingD.sales解:答案为A .该句话的意思是“他卖画得了四 英镑.sell的名词是sale, sale 作“售卖, 销售”讲是不可数名词.65. They the trai n un tilit disappeared in the dista nee.A. saw B.watched C.no tieed D. observed解:答案选B.这句话的意思为“他们注视着火 车直到它消失在

    24、远方” .;saw意思是“看见” notieed “注意至;observed “注意至打观察”,都强调结果,只有 watched “观察”强调动作 的延续.66. Thereare usuallyatleasttwoof look ingateveryquesti on.A. meansB.directi onsC.viewsD. ways解:答案选D.题于意思是“看问题至少从两个 方面比较四个词的词义:means方法; directions “方向” ;views “观点” ; ways “方67.mean doing/to do. 的区另U : mean to sth的意思是“打算做某事;

    25、mean doing sth的意 思是“意味着干某事” eg. Why have n t you bought any butter ?I to but I forgot aboutit .A. liked B. wished C.meant D. expected解:答案选C.本题难度较大,因为 liked ,wished, meant 和 expected 都可接动 词不定式作宾语,但从句子的意思解,应选meant .这句话的意思是“我本打算去买,但我忘了”68.call: call on sb. 拜访某人,call at some place拜访某地,call up sb. 给某人打电话

    26、.注意drop to sb/ at + place 访问某人/某 地1. I called his house, buthe wasn t in. Then I called himbut I couldn t get through, either.A.at,onB. on;onC. at;upD.on; to2.The otherdayLiMi ngdroppedinLi Fangher house. A.at;onB.on; atC. but ;atD.不填;on3.Theworkacotof time.A.callsforB.callsonC.calls atD. calls up解:

    27、选A. call for在此是“要求,需要”的意 思.call on号召,邀请,访问”,call up给 打电话” ,call at “拜访(某地)”.第六章:动词专练(二)1.I II give the book to him as soon as he (come) back.2.the babycryingyet? (stop)3.1 don tknowwhetherMother(take) meto Beijingn ext mon th.4.Sheon hercoat and went out. (put)5.-Whataretheydoing?-They(get)ready for

    28、the sports meeti ng.6.Theboyaskedhismother(let) him go and playbasketball.7.1 m sorry to keep you(wait)for a long time8t (take) him half anhour (fini sh) his homeworkyesterday.9.They usually (do) their homeworkafter supper.lO.Liste n! Who (sin g)i nthe n ext room?11.If it (be) anin teresti ng film, well see it tomorrow.12.Look!Thechildre n(play) in thepark.13already(waIk) for 20 min utes. Im too tired.14.Howlo


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