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    1、- CanCould you lend me some money? 你可以借给我点钱吗?(客观条件是:你有钱的情况下)- CanCould I have the TV on ? 我可以开着电视吗?在不打搅你的情况下。- Yes, you can . ( No, you cant) 答语不用couldcouldnt.(2) may (might更委婉些)指主观请求允许:“可以-吗?” 意思是:我想这样做,你是否允许。- May I come in ? Yes, you may. (No, you cant)- May Might I ask you a question? Sure, you

    2、may (No, youd better not.)(3) shall 用于第一、三人称:“我们-好吗?要-吗?”表示与说话对象进行商议。- Shall we go to see a film after school?- Shall I show him in ?- Shall I get some chalk for you ?- Shall he wait for you at the school gate ?- Lets have a rest , shall we?(4) will wont (would 更委婉些) 指意愿,常用于第二人称“您做-好吗?您愿意-吗?”- Will

    3、WontWould you sit down?您请坐好吗?- Will Would you please do it for me ? - Of course, I will.- Would you like some tea?- Would you like to help me with my English study ? Yes, Id like to.三、表示推测:(1. must 2. can 3. could 4 .would 5. should 6. maymight )(1)must (只用于肯定句)根据具体事实所做的很有把握的主观肯定判断和猜测:“一定-,肯定-”:- Yo

    4、u have worked hard all day, you must be tired. (对现在事实的判断)- Its dark. Mother must be waiting for my return.- I didnt hear the phone. I must have been asleep. (对过去事实的判断)- It must have rained last night, for the road is wet.注意:must 的疑问式、否定式和反意疑问句的用法。(a)must 对现在事实作判定市的疑问式、否定式应用 can cant(couldnt语气稍缓和)代替,

    5、表示“惊异、猜测、怀疑、不相信” 意思为“可能-吗?、(绝)不可能-.”- Li ping .someone is waiting for you at the school gate.- Who can it be ?(能是谁呢?表猜测)- I heard they went skiing in the mountain last winter.- It couldnt be true because there was little snow there.(这事不可能是真的,因为那里就没有雪。这里是现在对此事可能性的否定判断可以直接说It cant be true,不是对过去的他们去滑雪行

    6、为的判断,那样须用They couldnt have. (gone skiing).- Mr. King is on time for everything .How _it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?(金先生什么事都准时的,这个开幕式迟他到怎马可能呢?A. can B. may C. should D. must (答案A. 表惊讶、怀疑、不相信)而对过去的事实进行疑问、否定猜测时,应用cancould have doneCant couldnt have done- How can Tom know this? CanCoul

    7、d Mary have told him?- My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who could have taken it?- The ground is dry. It cantcouldnt have rained last night.- Do you remember the day when we went to the Great Wall?- I cant remember it well, but _some time last autumn?A. might it be B. could it have been

    8、 C. could it be D. must it have been (答案B.)(这里是对the day was some time last autumn这一过去事情的疑问推测.不选C)- From what we learn about their hotel, the service and the weather, they cant couldnt have enjoyed their holiday very much.(b) 反意疑问句的助动词应按主句中must 后实意动词情况构成疑问。- He must be 40 years old now, isnt he?- You

    9、r wife must be waiting for you at home, isnt she?- He must have told her about it, hasnt he ?- It must have rained last night, didnt it ?- You must have studied English before, havent you?(c) can 不能用于肯定句中对具体事实进行推测。用在肯定句中表推测的can是下列情况。(2) can 表抽象可能性,指只是理论上的可能性,不表示事情发生的实际可能性或真实性。用于肯定、否定、疑问都行。- Mr. Smit

    10、h is in poor health. He can be ill at any time. 史密斯先生身体欠佳,他可能随时生病。(指从逻辑上讲一般情况下,他有随时生病的可能性,这是对他身体状况的客观现实做出的概括性的、抽象性的推论,并不是说他现在可能生病了。试比较:Mr. Smith looks pale. He may be ill.(史密斯先生脸色苍白,他也许生病了。根据他脸色苍白的具体事实推测,推测他此刻也许是生病了)- Going on a trip can be expensive and difficult, so making a plan is necessary. 去履行

    11、可能既昂贵又困难,所以做个计划是必要的。(指按常理和客观现实,一般情况下,履行可能是昂贵有困难的。这是一个泛泛的推论,并不指具体谁的或去哪个地方的旅行。- Facts prove that the worlds economic development is not a win lose game but one in which all can be winners.事实证明世界积极的经济发展不是一场或输或赢的游戏,而是在其中大家都可能是赢家的游戏。(按客观存在的现实,一般情况下,谁都有赢的可能性,这是一个抽象的理论。- You cant park on the pavement.你绝不可能

    12、在人行道上停车。(是按常规,从理论上概括出的一般情况下的一个宏观的理论:没有在人行道上停车的可能性,并不是你现在要在人行道上停车而行人太多,客观条件不允许的具体情况。试比较下列句子。- It was crowded on the street and a driver wanted to stop his car on the pavement, there wasnt a place for him to do that. His partner said:“You cant park on this such crowded pavement.”(这里指具体情况下客观条件不允许)- Can

    13、 a person never die?(人能永远不死吗?不针对具体的某个人)- A person cant never die.(一个人不可能永远不死。(一个泛泛的理论,不指具体的某个人)词组:1、can notnever-tooenough表示“无论怎么-也不过分,越-越好”- You can notnever be too carefulcareful enough.你越小心越好。- You cannot remember enough English words.你记的英语单词越多越好2、cannot but do sth 表示“不得不,只好”- I could not but cho

    14、ose to go.(我只好去)- I cannot but admire your bravery.(我不得不钦佩你的勇气)3、cant help doing 禁不住- We cannot help thinking that he is still alive.我们禁不住认为他还活着。- He cannot help having big ears.他禁不住打听别人的事。4、cant help to do不能帮着做- He couldnt help to do any housework.他不能帮着做任何家务。(3)could 表具体可能性,指按客观现实逻辑地概括出一般情况下某事要发生实际

    15、可能性或可能出现的情况。(用在肯定句、条件句中)- My wife is in hospital now. Our baby could arrive at any time.我妻子进产院了,我们的孩子可能随时出生。(按常理和客观现实,一般情况下,不出意外的话,有孩子可能随时出生的真实性。- Im so unhappy I could weep.(我心里很不痛快,我都要哭了)- Whats for dinner? I could eat a house.(晚饭吃什么?我饿极了)- We could write a letter to the headmaster.(实际上,我们可以给校长写封信

    16、)- You could try his home number.(你可以试着打他家的电话)- Officials said costs for cleaning up could reach US$188,000. The UN has urgedother countries to help.(指按客观情况推断,费用高达那么多是实际情况)- Dont worry, they could have just forgotten to phone.别着急,他们可能仅仅是忘了打电话。(意指:他们很可能是真的忘了打个电话。不会出事的)- Why did you throw the bottle o

    17、ut of the car window? You could have hurt someone. . (意指:伤着人的可能性很大)- If I could plan to do anything I wanted to, Id like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.一旦我要能够计划做点我要做的事的话,我想尽可能多地去西藏转转。(指实际上就是计划着自己做点想做的事,指计划的可操作性)注意could have done所含的意思有三个含义:a. 对过去的行为表示委婉的批评“本来能够做而没做”(只用于肯定

    18、句中)- You could have told us about it earlier.- You could have done it better, but you were too careless.b. 表示过去行为存在的实际可能性或真实性,(只用于肯定句中,可能真的会做了某事)略c. 在疑问句和否定句中表推测为must have done 的疑问形式和否定形式(绿色通道红皮书p.51)A. might it be B. could it have been C. could it be D. must it have been(答案B)- The dictionary has di

    19、sappeared.- Who could have taken it?- Somebody must have opened the cage, the lion couldnt have escaped on its own.(4) would对某种事情将会产生的结果做出主观性的推测,是对未来的推测,表示一种行为的“倾向、趋势”但这种趋势不一定有结果,成为现实。主观推测性较强。译为“将会-、大概会-、肯定会-”用于肯定、否定、疑问都行。- The unpopular rules on import and export _soon, I believe.A. could be abolis

    20、hed B. could abolish C. would be abolished D. would abolish(我相信不受欢迎的进出口规定很快就会被废除的。答案C。因为有I believe,表主观推测性较强。而A表客观可能性)- Now that kind of thing would really frighten me. 唉,那种事肯定会把我吓倒。(不一定真吓着了)(SeniorBookII,P.74)。- That would be in spring 1964.那大概是1964年春天的事情。- He wouldnt give the name of his partners.

    21、他肯定不会讲出他的伙伴们的名字。(没准也会讲了)-You wouldnt have the time to phone him now , would you?你不会有时间给他打电话话,对吧?(也许有呢)(牛津高级英汉双解字典)- Ms Liu looks a rather kind lady.- But in fact she is cold and hard on us. You wouldnt believe it.你肯定不会相信(智达十三2)- It would be a pity to miss the main film. 错过电影的主要部分肯定会是件遗憾的事。- Traditio

    22、nally, the young are used to doing what they are told, but then their ideas would be locked in their brain and not heard.(传统上,年轻人习惯做他们被告知的事,但是他们自己的观点却会被锁在他们的头脑中而不被听到了。(06.东北三校,三尺讲台p162)- He traveled to many mountain villages and saw many poor children out of school. This experience _his life.A. woul

    23、d change B. had changed C. was to change D. was changing (答案C)(A虽然有改变他以后生活的趋势和可能性,但不一定就真的改变了,而C是be to do 的用法之一,不可避免地要发生的事,注定要发生的事。常与imagine, say, think连用,表示“提出无把握的意见”:而should 这样用时表谦逊、客气、委婉。- I would imagine the operation will take about an hour.我想这个手术需要一个小时左右。- I should think it would be better to t

    24、ry it again now.,我认为现在再试试会更好一些。(5) should 按道理或常规对某一行为或事实进行推测,而提出的比较肯定的建议性的个人看法。意思为“应该会-”用于肯定句或否定句。NMET98) - When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon. .-They _be ready by 12:00.A can B. should C. might D. need (答案B. 按工作常规针对何时来取照片这一具体行为提出的比较肯定的个人看法)- If they didnt leave until 7 o

    25、clock, they shouldnt have arrived in Shanghai by now.- Its said that there are plenty of hotels in that town, so there shouldnt be any difference to them.- Although diet drinks, such as diet cola, dont contain so much sugar and calories, they_replace healthy drinks in the diet.A .cant B. may not C.

    26、should not D .mustnt(虽然减肥饮料,象减肥可乐不含很多的糖和热量,但他们也不应取代饮食中有益健康的饮料。)(“智达”专题十六的18小题。答案C)(不能选A. 因为这里既不是能力、不是客观条件不允许、也不是客观可能性的绝对不可能,因为“绝对不可能取代有益健康的饮料”从理论上讲又太绝对了。而是不应该,表示一种建议性的看法)注意:I should +imagine say think 谦逊、委婉、客气地表示试探性的观点,意思为“我想-”- I should imagine it will take about three hours.(我想那大约花三个小时)- I should say she is over forty.(我想她有40多岁)(6)maymight 根据具体事实做出的主观推测的可能性之一,但不一定必然。即就事论事得出的不太肯定的个人看法,是多个可能性中的一个,但不一定准确,意思是:说的可不一定对,可不负责任。意思为“或许-也许-”用于肯定句否定句,不用于疑问句。应与s


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