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    1、人教版版八年级英语上册Unit10检测题八年级英语上册Unit 10检测题(RJ)满分:120分时间:120分钟班级:_姓名:_听力部分(30分)一、听力测试(30分)第一节听句子,选答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)(A) 1.A.Sure,Id love to. BGood idea.CThats all right.(C) 2.A.Yes,I can. BNo,Im not. CIm having a piano lesson.(A)3.A.In September or October.BWith your parents. CBy train.(B)4.A.I finish

    2、ed it yesterday. BThe teacher will be angry.CTheyre going to do it themselves.(C)5.A.Because theyre strict but friendly.BBecause I dont know what to do next.CBecause I dont want them to worry about me.第二节听短对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)(C)6.When will the football match begin?AAt 7:30. BAt 6:30.CAt 8:

    3、30.(C)7.Why didnt Helen go to Lindas birthday party?ABecause she was busy.BBecause she wasnt invited. CBecause she was ill.(C)8.What does the boys mother mean?AHe cant go out. BHe can come home late. CHe should come home early.(B)9.What will happen if they bring some snacks?AThey can go to the party

    4、.BThey cant go to the party. CThey will eat them at the party.(C)10.How many students spoke at the class meeting?AFour. BFive. CSix.第三节听长对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)请听第1段对话,回答第11、12小题。(A)11.Where does the conversation happen?AIn a shop. BIn a restaurant.CAt a party.(B)12.What will the girl give he

    5、r mother for her birthday?ASome flowers. BA skirt.CSome money.请听第2段对话,回答第13、14小题。(B)13.Whats Jenny going to do?AShe is going to the park.BShe is going to the movies.CShe is going to finish her homework.(A)14.What will happen if Tom copies Jennys homework?AHis mother will be mad at him.BHis mother wo

    6、nt take him to the park.CHis mother wont take him to the movies.请听第3段对话,回答第15至第17小题。(A)15.What is the girl going to do?AShe is going to the school party.BShe is going to travel.CShe is going to a birthday party.(B)16.What do they have to bring to the party?AID cards. BStudent cards.CInformation card

    7、s.(C)17.What cant they do at the party?AThey cant sing. BThey cant dance.CThey cant play games.请听第4段对话,回答第18至第20小题。(A)18.What test is the boy going to take?AA math test. BAn English test. CA Chinese test.(A)19.Whats the matter with the boy?AHe is under pressure and worried. BHis teacher doesnt like

    8、him.CHe is very ill.(C)20.What will happen if the boy fails the test?AHis mother will be angry with him.BHe will be crazy.CHis teacher will be angry with him.第四节听短文,完成表格。每空不超过三个单词。短文读两遍。(每小题2分,共10分)Something About a PartyWhen will they have the party?On 21. Sunday .Who will and wont join the party?D

    9、annys friends Tom,Sam and 22 Jenny will come to his house.Linda wont join them,because she will have a 23. test next Monday.What will they eat at the party?Danny will prepare some 24. fruit for the party.Emily likes 25. salad ,so Danny will make some.笔试部分(90分)二、单项填空(10分)(B)26.Look! Half of the stude

    10、nts _studying in the classroom right now.Ais BareCwas Dwere(B)27.Andy was so_ that he lost his schoolbag yesterday afternoon.Aglad BcarelessCsurprised Dcreative(D)28.Tom,do you know when is a good time _ apples?After meals,I think.Aeat Beats Ceating Dto eat( C )29.I need some_. Can you give me_?Aadv

    11、ice;one Badvices;oneCadvice;a piece Dadvices;a piece( B )30.(中考邵阳)Lets go climbing Langshan Mountain this Saturday _ the weather is fine.Good idea!Athough BifCunless( A )31.Learning to write is learning to think. You dont know things clearly_you can write them down.Aunless BifCsince Dwhether(D)32.I

    12、think _ not difficult _ English every morning.Athat;keep reading Bits;keep readingCthat;to keep read Dit;to keep reading( A )33.(安顺中考) If you try hard, your dream will _ Yes. I _Acome true;will Bbe truly;will Ccome true;do Dbe true;do(C)34.I saw a little girl _ on the street this afternoon,so I went

    13、 to ask what the matter was.Acry Bcried Ccrying Dto cry( D )35.Will you go to the mountains tomorrow morning?Yes. But if it_, we_at home.Arains;stay Bwill rain;stayCwill rain;will stay Drains;will stay三、完形填空(15分)Many parents buy 36 their children want. 37 they go on(继续) doing so,the children wont kn

    14、ow that money 38 from hard work.When they grow 39 ,they will waste(浪费) money but not 40 it.Some parents like having birthday parties 41 their children.If they 42 on doing so,the children will think they 43 enjoy birthday parties every year.They may forget their parents birthdays and only remember 44

    15、 .Many parents dont let their children 45 housework.They think children have only one thing 46 They should study hard 47 be good at their lessons.If parents go on doing so,children will think their parents should do 48 and wont like cleaning the floor or the desk 49 they find a job.Parents should te

    16、ach children to do housework because it can make them 50 and help them like work.(C)36.A.something BnothingCeverything Deveryone(D)37.A.What BUntil CWhen DIf(C)38.A.keeps Bleaves Ccomes Dgoes(A)39.A.up Bdown Cout Dold(A)40.A.save Btake Cmake Dcost(D)41.A.with Bwithout Cto Dfor(B)42.A.will go Bgo Cwe

    17、nt Dgoes(B)43.A.need Bshould Cmay Dwould(A)44.A.theirs Bthey Cthem Dthemselves(B)45.A.to do Bdo Cdoing Ddid(B)46.A.do Bto do Cdid Ddoing(C)47.A.but Balso Cand Dso(A)48.A.housework Bhomework Cshopping Dreading (A)49.A.after Bbefore Cuntil Dtill(D)50.A.bored Bnervous Csad Dhealthy四、阅读理解(35分)AAlice was

    18、 an elevenyearold girl.She always thought herself right and never agreed with others.One afternoon her father came back and said,“Here are two tickets for a film.Your mother and I will be busy tonight.Take Fred to the cinema.”The girl liked to see films and her friends told her it was an interesting

    19、 one.She was happy and after supper she went out with Fred.The two children enjoyed themselves at the cinema.After the film,it was late.They took a bus and soon got home.There was no light in the room.Alice was afraid to stay in the dark room and said,“Go to turn the light on,Fred.”Fred went into th

    20、e room.For a long time he came out,but it was still dark there.“Whats the matter?”asked Alice.“I cant see the switch(开关) in the dark.”“How foolish you are!”said Alice.“You turn on the light first and then you can see the switch!”(C)51.Alice often thought _Aher parents were smartBher brother was smar

    21、tCothers were wrongDothers were smart(B)52.What did Alices parents ask Alice to do?AGo to the cinema alone. BGo to the cinema with Fred.CGo to the dark room alone. DGo to the dark room with Fred.(A)53.Why was Alice happy?ABecause she could see an interesting film. BBecause she could go out.CBecause

    22、she could not do her homework. DBecause she could leave the dark room.(D)54.How did Alice and Fred go back home after the film?AOn foot. BBy bike. CBy taxi. DBy bus.(C)55.Why did Alice ask Fred to turn the light on?ABecause she couldnt reach the switch.BBecause she didnt know where the switch was.CB

    23、ecause she was afraid to go into the dark room.DBecause her parents were not at home.BPeople have money problems,work problems,family problems,health problemsThat is to say,life is full of problems.Many times we find it hard to stay happy.When one problem is solved,another one comes up.You can solve

    24、 problems under pressure(压力)or run away from them.Wherever you go,there will be problems for you to solve.Because this is a fact of life,you need some skills(技巧)to solve your problems in life.One of the best ways to solve problems is to have the right attitude(态度)We should face them when we have pro

    25、blems.You may think that successful people and rich people have fewer problems than you,and that they can get what they want because they have a lot of money.But the fact is that different people have different problems.The more successful you are, the more problems you may have to face.Everyone nee

    26、ds problems,because they help us grow and learn.When you have a problem,it means that you need to improve yourself.So,solving problems means(意味着)that we can be better.( A )56.Why do we need some skills to solve the problems in life?ABecause life is full of problems.BBecause we find it hard to stay h

    27、appy sometimes.CBecause we can solve problems under pressure.DBecause we want to run away from problems.( D )57.What does the underlined word“them”refer to?AThe right attitudes. BThe ways to solve problems.CThose successful people.DProblems.(D)58.According to the passage,rich people _Acan get what t

    28、hey wantBare less successfulChave fewer problems than othersDmay have more problems than others( B )59.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?AHow to solve problems.BWe need problems.CWe should face problems.DWhat problems people have.( C )60.Which of the following is true according to the pass

    29、age?AWe can solve all the problems if we have good ways.BProblems can get in the way of students studies.CDifferent people will face different problems.DWhen we have a problem,we should learn from successful people.C Anger is a kind of feeling.Many things can make you angry.When your teacher gives you too much homework,when your team loses an important game,when a friend borrows your favorite thing and then breaks it,you may get really angry.Usually,your body wil


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