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    1、工作得到认可、价值得到承认;企业具备优秀的文化以及良 好的工作氛围等方面。再次,在上文得出的结论上,有针对性地对好利来核心员工激励机制存在 的问题进行了研究,其主要问题体现在:企业的绩效管理体系形同虚设,因为 缺乏管理层的支持,不能切实得到执行;由于没有对业绩及能力的有效评估, 薪酬的分配缺乏依据,工资增长没有与市场水平挂钩、股份与分红也只是元老 们或领导层的近亲们才能享有,整体薪酬体系缺乏公平性、竞争性和激励性; 培训没有得到重视,不仅没有针对员工需求增加培训内容,反而否定了以往的 培训内容,严重打击了员工学习新知识新技能的积极性;企业浓厚的家族文化 氛围,任人唯亲的用人理念,使绝大部分没有

    2、背景却有能力的员工看不到个人 在企业内的成长与发展空间。分析造成这些问题的深层次原因,除了本身制度 设计和执行过程中的缺陷之外,更重要的是企业没有整体的人才管理战略和正 确的人才观,对人才的甄别、引进、选拔、培养、任用和发展缺乏一整套完善 的机制,用人文化存在着很大的误区,人才管理非常随意,领导者的主观因素 往往起着决定性的作用。然后,根据得出的主要问题及原因分析,提出了好利来核心员工激励机制 的优化策略。首先要对企业的核心员工进行清楚的识别,根据企业员工的价值 贡献、岗位的战略意义和人才稀缺性这三条标准界定出好利来的核心员工,在 资源分配上给予倾斜。激励机制的建设和优化要依据人力资本价值原则

    3、、经济 性激励与非经济性激励相结合的原则、差异化原则、短期激励与长期激励相结 合的原则来进行。其优化策略主要包括建立基于价值链的薪酬制度,重建企业 的绩效管理体系,以品绩和能力作为核心评价标准,使评价结果与薪酬、培训、 晋升、发展等方面有机结合起来,逐步形成绩效导向的文化;针对不同的核心 员工群体,设计不同的薪酬结构和激励组合,以产生更好的激励效果;构建不 同核心员工群体的培训与发展体系,分别为管理者、技术骨干、业务能手进行 个性化的职业规划,重视人才梯队建设;创建以人为本的企业文化、营造良好 的组织环境与氛围,倡导追求卓越、尊重信任、积极进取和团队合作的文化等。最后,通过对好利来核心员工激励

    4、机制案例的研究,本文发现员工管理与 激励并不是单一的管理或激励问题,它是和企业文化、人才纲领和人才战略密 切相关的。优秀的企业文化能够加强核心员工对企业的认同感和自豪感,企业 要在创建适合于核心员工成长与发展的文化土壤上进行员工激励机制的建设与 优化,真正做到以人为本、任人唯贤;领导者的人才观会决定企业人才管理的 高度,领导者拥用什么样的人才观,将会深刻地影响到他的下属。因此,企业 高层管理者必须转变用人思路,给人才以正确的定义,以“品绩、业绩、才能” 为准则,确立人才管理的核心原则与价值观,以身作则,建立公平公正的人才 管理和激励制度;同时,企业还要建立动态的人才管理系统,对员工进行分级 管

    5、理,定期进行人才盘点和评价,做好中高级人才梯队建设,针对各级别员工 制定差异化的激励方案,越是高等级人才,越应该突出其个性化激励的特征。 动态的人才管理系统不仅能够帮助企业获得充足的人才储备,而且还能不断发 展和保留品绩出色的员工,起到去芜存菁的作用。只有让用人文化、人才战略、 激励机制这三方面相辅相成,企业的激励机制才能发挥最大的作用。关键词:核心员工;激励机制;人才管理AbstractIn an increasingly competitive business world, human capital plays more and more important strategic sig

    6、nificance. Private enterprises play an important role in China market economy, but commonly face core talent shortage, high staff turnover rate and so on. How to retain those core staff; inspire their work enthusiasm and creativity, so that enterprises can get more competitive advantage is becoming

    7、an urgent thing for many companies. Holiland is a well-known domestic bakery chain, also represents China private enterprises. Based on the construction and optimization of its incentive mechanism, this paper discusses how to effectively manage and motivate enterprises key personnel.First of all, th

    8、is paper describes in detail 19 years of employee incentive measures since it founded, and focus on the employee management and motivation in its early stage, the rapid rise and mature period, as well as the positive and negative effects; reveals the serious consequences caused by improper employmen

    9、t because of the current prevailed family culture. It proposes that enterprises should not nepotism or cronyism, but adopts relevant staff management and incentive mechanism in different development periods according to changes in the competitive environment. At the same time, it is necessary for a

    10、business leader to plan talent strategy and establish corresponding talent incentive mechanism on the basis of insight into current and future socio-economic trends.Second, through analyzing the key employee turnover rate and comparing the management staff morale, main reasons leading key staff turn

    11、over and morale decline can be gotten. Then via investigating on the core staff requirements and incentives, core encouraging factors summarized which Holiland employees pay much attention to include: strong competition, outstanding performance, fair remuneration system, reasonable promotion mechani

    12、sm, good learning and improvement platform, work and value recognition, enterprise with excellent enterprise culture, a good working atmosphere and so on.Third, on the conclusions above, this paper targeted to study the problems of Holiland core staff motivation mechanism, whose main problems are re

    13、flected in: performance management system cannot be effectively implemented due to lack of management support; owing to lack of an effective assessment of performance and capacity, the salary distribution is no basis, resulting in wage growth cant connect to market level, only leadership or close re

    14、lative can enjoy shares and dividends, namely the overall salary system is short of fairness, competitiveness and incentive; Training does not get attention, not only no increase training for employees, but also reject those training in the past, which severely crack down the employee enthusiasm to

    15、learn new knowledge and skills; the strong family enterprise culture with cronyism concept makes majority employee with ability but without family force cant find a position for personal growth and development space. Analyze deep reason caused these problem, apart from itself system design and imple

    16、mentation defects in the process, more important is that enterprise do not have overall talent management strategy and correct talent views. There is no perfect mechanism on talent screening, introduction, selection, training, appointments and development; misunderstanding in employing culture, fria

    17、ble talent management, and subjective factors of leader often plays a decisive role.Fourth, this paper put-forwards optimization strategy for Holiland staff incentive mechanism on the basis of main problem and reason analysis. First of all, enterprise should clearly define core staffs depending on t

    18、hree standards in the value of employee contributions, strategic significance of position and scarcity of talents so that to tilt in resource allocation. Incentive construction and optimization mechanism should combine principle of human capital value, economic incentive encouragement with non-econo

    19、mic principles and differentiation principle, short-term incentive with long-term incentive. Its optimization strategy mainly includes the establishment of compensation system based on value chain, reconstruction enterprise performance management system, with performance and capacity as the core eva

    20、luation criteria, making remuneration, training, promotion, development etc organically connected, and gradually form a performance-oriented culture; design different pay structure and incentive measures for different core staff groups to gain better incentive effect; construct training and developm

    21、ent system for different core staff groups, respectively, such as making personalized professional planning for manager, technology backbone, and business expert; pay attention to human resource construction; create people-oriented enterprise culture, good organization environment and atmosphere; ad

    22、vocate pursuit excellence, respect trust, active enterprising and team cooperation culture etc.Finally, this paper finds employee management and motivation is not a single administration or motivation matter through studying Holiland case of core staff incentive mechanism, it is corporate culture an

    23、d talent strategy that closely relates to each other. Excellent enterprise culture strengthens employees identity sense and corporate pride. Enterprises must create suitable cultural environment for the growth and development of core staff in order to construct and optimize incentive mechanisms, bec

    24、oming people-oriented and merit-based; talent value of leaders will decided the height of enterprise using what kind of talent, which would profoundly affect his subordinates. So its vital for senior managers changing employing idea, as well as holding correct talent definition; establish core princ

    25、iples and values for talent management with merit, performance, talent as criterion, set an example by establishing fair and equitable personnel management and motivation system; At the same time, enterprises also should establish dynamic talent management system with different levels; regularly hav

    26、e talent inventory and evaluation, making sure high-level talent construction; develop a differentiated incentive program for all levels of staff, more high level talents, more highlight the inspiration personalization features. Dynamic talent management system not only can help talent reservation,

    27、but also to continuously develop and maintain outstanding staff, just like wheat from the chaff. Only employing cultural, incentive mechanism and talent strategy complement each other, can corporate incentive mechanism maximize its effects.Keywords: core staff; incentives mechanism; talent managemen

    28、t第1章绪论11.1研究背景11.2研究的目的21.3核心员工激励研究文献综述3图1-1组织的四种人力资本类型41.4研究的方法和结构71.5论文的创新点7第2章 好利来公司核心员工激励与管理状况介绍92.1好利来公司概况92.2好利来公司核心员工管理及激励措施历史沿革102.2. 1重视培训和薪酬激励102.2.2 建立制度化管理雏形112.2.3家族文化再度盛行导致用人不当132.3好利来核心员工现状152.3. 1缺乏清晰的核心员工识别标准152.3.2离职率上升16图2-1好利来历年员工及管理技术骨干流失率162.3. 3 士气度下降17图2-2 2006年与2009年北方区管理人员士

    29、气度调查结果对比图20第3章 好利来核心员工激励机制存在问题及原因分析213.1好利来核心员工需求分析213.1. 1核心员工共性需求特征213.1.2好利来核心员工激励因素调查233.2激励机制的问题253.2. 1绩效管理体系不能切实执行253.2. 2薪酬缺乏公平性和竞争性263.2.3培训不能满足员工的成长需要273.2. 4个人成长与职业规划缺失283.3系统性人才管理的原因283.3. 1人才管理文化的偏差293.3. 2人才管理战略的缺失29第4章 好利来核心员工激励机制优化策略314.1确定好利来核心员工识别标准314.1. 1好利来核心员工识别标准314.1.2好利来核心员工

    30、识别步骤314.2好利来核心员工激励机制优化原则324.2. 1体现人力资本价值原则324.2. 2经济性激励与非经济性激励相结合原则334.2. 3差异化原则334.2. 4短期激励与长期激励相结合的原则344.3好利来核心员工激励机制优化策略344. 3. 1建立基于价值链的薪酬体系344. 3. 2重建企业的绩效管理体系36图4-1好利来绩效管理流程图384. 3.3构建与职业生涯规划紧密联系的培训与发展体系39图4-2好利来连锁管理培训与职业发展计划40图4-3好利来技术员工职业发展规划424. 3. 4构建“以人为本”的企业文化444.4好利来核心员工与一般员工激励机制的均衡45第5章 研究结论465.1主要研究结论465.2研究局限与展望47参考文献49图表索引图2


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