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    1、M)challengingN)restoreO)excellentAnswers:1. 选 L 第一段主要提出了行为学家和认知派研究专家对于额外奖励的不同看法,因此可以推出此处应填与 destroy 意思相反的动词,可选项由 improve 和 aid ,但能与 performance 构成动宾搭配的只有 improve ,故排除 aid 。2. 选 I 由空格后的 and gift 可知此处应填名词。认知派研究专家认为,由于奖励助长了人们期望从别人那得到 和物质奖励的心理,而往往会破坏创造力,因此,选项中只有 approval “认同”符合题意。3. 选 F 此处应填副词。可选项有 gene

    2、rally 和 especially ,但从文章后面所举的例子来理解,此处是为了突出强调教育家支持认知派研究专家的看法,因此只有 especially “尤其,特别”符合题意。4. 选 J 此处应填形容词。由 But 转折可知此句表明的观点与认知派研究专家 who study various aspects of mental life 的观点“物质奖励有害”相反,因此可以推出此处应填的形容词是表示“物质奖励”的意思的词,选项中只有 monetary 符合题意。5. 选 G 此处应填动词。由 But 转折可知,此举表明的观点与前者即行为学家所持的观点一致,原文为“适当地给予奖励刺激确实 创造力

    3、”,选项中只有 aid “有助于(刺激)”符合题意。6. 选 M从原文来看,如果孩子们知道他们在为获得奖励而努力,并能专注于相对 的任务,他们就会表现出很大的创造力,因此只有 challenging 符合题意。7. 选 C 由 it its easy to do 结构可知,此处应填动词。由此句中 But 转折与前一句中 show the most creativity 可以推出,此处应填的词应与 show he most 表达的意思相反,且与 destroy 意思相近,故选项中只有 kill 符合题意。8. 选 H由此句中 high grades 和 uninspired 可以推出此处应填的词

    4、应与 high 形成对比,故只有 ordinary 符合。9. 选 N 由空格前的 and 可知,此处应填动词。可选项有 avoid 和 restore ,但由 tighten 可推出,既然是使平分标准严格,那么就会有高分和低分,也会有不及格,故只有 restore “恢复”符合题意。 avoid “避免(不及格)”不符合原文意思。10. 选 B 很明显此处应填名词。原文为“实行所谓象征性奖励,在努力提高学生创造力方面有 ,”可选项有 promise 和 hope ,而 hope 是一般人主观的愿望,希望,但此处强调的是“ 有实现的可能性,有前景”,故排除 hope 而选 promise 。导

    5、读:Psychologists take opposing views( 意为“持有相反的观点”,即说明了心理学家们对于外在的奖励会怎样影响一个人的动力与创造力,持有截然不同的看法 ) of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can L)improve perform

    6、ance at work and school. Cognitive( 认识派的 ) researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on I)approval and gifts from others.The latter view has gained many supporters, F)especially among educators. But the careful use

    7、 of small J)monetary rewards speaks ( 意为“表示,表达”,在此应理解为“刺激” ) creativity in grade school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements( 刺激 ) indeed G)aid inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.“If kids know theyre working for a reward a

    8、nd can focus on a relatively M)challenging task, they show the most creativity,” says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark. “But its easy to C)kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.A teacher who continually draws at

    9、tention to rewards or who hands our high grades for H)ordinary achievement ends uPwith uninspired students ( A teacheruninspired students 。 这是一个复杂的复合句。主句的主语是 Eisenberger , 谓语是 holds , 宾语是省略了 that 的从句,即是 A teacher ends uPwith uninspired students, 而由 or 连接的两个由 who 引导的定语从句,则是都是用来修饰 A teacher ) , Eisenb

    10、erger holds. As an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten ( 意为“拉紧”,但在此处应理解为“严格” ) grading standards and N)restore failing grades.In early grades, the use of so-called token economies, in which students handle challengingproblems and receive performance

    11、-based points to ward valued rewards, shows B)promise in raising efforts and creativity, the Delaware psychologist ( 值得就是 Robert Eisenberger , 因此可推知最后三段都是 Robert Eisenberger 在对文章开头提出的两种不同观点进行论述) claims.全文翻译:心理学家们对于外在的奖励从热情的称赞到冰冷冷的金钱刺激,会怎样影响一个人的动力与创造力,持有截然不同的看法。研究行为和结果之间关系的行为学家认为:奖励能够提高人们的工作和学习表现。研究各

    12、种精神生活方面的认知派研究专家却认为:由于奖励助长了人们期望得到别人认同的心理和对物质奖励的依赖心理,往往会破坏创造力。后一种观点博得了很多人 , 特别是教育界人士的支持 . 然而据 六月份刊载的一篇论文却指出 : 谨慎地使用少量的金钱奖励会激发小学生的创造力 , 这表明适当地给予物质刺激确实有助于激发创造力 .“如果孩子们知道他们在为获得奖励而努力,而且能专注于较有挑战性的任务,他们就会表现出很大的创造力,”位于 Newark 的特拉华大学的罗伯特 . 艾森贝格说,“但是如果孩子表现不佳也给予奖励,或是造成孩子对奖励过分期待,就很容易扼杀创造力。”艾森贝格认为:一名教师如果总是把注意力放在奖

    13、励上,或是对于学生的一般表现也给高分,最终会扼杀学生们的灵感。作为后一种观点的一个例证,艾森贝格指出,主要的几所大学都在为尽力严格评分标准和恢复不及格分而不断努力。这位来自特拉华大学的心理学家认为:在较低的年级里,实行所谓的奖励体系,即根据学生处理有挑战性问题的表新给其判定分数,以决定学生能否得到有价值的奖励。这一有价值的奖励的标准机制在激发学生努力提高其创造力方面还是非常可取的。(二)Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text. The reader puts question

    14、s, as it were, to the text and gets answers. In the light of these he puts _1_ questions, and so on.For most of the time this “conversation” goes on below the level of consciousness. At times, however, we become _2_ of it. This is usually when we are running into difficulties, when mismatch is occur

    15、ring between _3_ and meaning. When successful matching is being experienced, our question of the text continues at the unconscious level.Different people _4_ with the text differently. Some stay very close to the words on the page, others take off imaginatively from the words, interpreting, criticiz

    16、ing, analyzing and examining. The former represents a kind of comprehension which is _5_ in the text. The latter represents _6_ levels of comprehension. The balance between these is important, especially for advanced readers.There is another conversation which from our point of view is _7_ important

    17、, and that is to do not with what is read but with how it is read. We call this a “process” conversation as _8_ to a “content” conversation. It is concerned not with meaning but with the _9_ we employ in reading. If we are an advanced reader our ability to hold a process conversation with a text is

    18、usually pretty well _10_. Not so our ability to hold a content conversation.A)opposedB)converseC)equallyD)writtenE)developed F)strategiesG)comparedH)awakeI)higherJ)expectationsK)dealL)absolutelyM)awareN)betterO)further1. 选 O 很明显此处应填形容词。可选项有 higher 和 further ,原文为“根据答案反复提出。问题“,但 higher 一般强调的是层次上的高低,因此

    19、不能用来修饰 question ,故只有 further “更进一步的”符合题意。2. 选 M 此处应填形容词且能与 of 构成固定搭配。可选项有 awake 和 aware ,由前一句中 below the level of consciousness (即 unconsciousness )和此句中 however 转折可以推出,此处应填与 consciousness 意思相近的形容词,故排除 awake “警觉的”,而选 aware 。3. 选 J 由空格后的 and meaning 可知,此处应填名词,与 meaning 构成并列结构。原文为“我们会意识到沟通的存在,通常是在我们遇到难

    20、题或 与文章意思不符的时候”,故只有 expectations “所猜测的意思”符合题意。4. 选 B 很明显此处应填动词且能与 with 搭配。可选项有 converse 和 deal ,从句意来理解,不同的人 文章不同,但由于文章主要说明的是读者与文章之间的沟通方式,故排除 deal “处理”而选 converse “谈话。5. 选 D 因关系代词 which 指代的是 comprehension ,可知此处应填动词的被动形式。但由 The former 和 the words on he page 可推出前一种人是从文中的字词去理解文章,而字词只能是被写在文中,因此只有 written

    21、符合题意。6. 选 I 此处应填形容词。由 The former 和 The latter 可知,此处是将两种人的对话方式进行比较,故可选项有 higher 和 better ,但由前面提到的后一种人对文章所做的 interpreting,criticizing,analyzing and examining 可知,这些都属于对文章更高层次的理解,因此选 higher 。7. 选 C 显然此处应填副词。可选项有 equally 和 absolutely ,但由 another 可推出,文章是在分别说明两种对话方式,而没有突出哪个更重要,故排除 absolutely 而选 equally 。8.

    22、 选 A 此处是将“ process ” conversation 与“ content ” conversation 形成对比,故可选项有 opposed 和 compared ,但 as opposed to 是固定搭配,因此排除 compared 。9. 选 F 从句子结构来看,此处缺的是 employ 的宾语,再从选项中看,能与 employ 形成动宾搭配且符合题意的只有 strategies ,故选 strategies 。10. 选 E 此处应填动词的被动形式。选项中有 developed “提高,加强”和 compared “比较”能与 ability 构成动宾搭配,但从句意理解

    23、,通常高级读者与文章进行“程序对话”的能力 ,故只有 developed 符合题意。导读:Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text. The reader puts questions, as it were( 意为“可以说,姑且这么说”,有打比方的性质 ) , to the text and gets answers. In the light of these he puts O)furtherquestions, and so on. For most of the ti

    24、me this “conversation” goes on below the level of consciousness. At times( 意为“有时“与 most of the time 形成对比,因此很容易推出第 2 题应填的词 ) , however, we become M)aware of it. This is usually when we are running into difficulties, when mismatch is occurring between J)expectations and meaning. When successful matchi

    25、ng is being experienced, our question of the text continues at the unconscious level. Different people B)conversewith the text differently. Some stay very close to the words on the page( 意为“与单词保持很近距离”,即不注意单词本身的意思 ) , others take off( 意为“离开”,在这指匆匆略过单词,即不注重单词本身的意思 ) imaginatively from the words, inter

    26、preting, criticizing, analyzing and examining. The former represents a kind of comprehension which is D)written in the text. The latter represents I)higher levels of comprehension. The balance between these is important, especially for advanced readers. There is another conversation which from our point of view isC)equally important, and that is( There is anotherand tha


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