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    1、牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit1精美导学案7课时第01课时 Unit 1 Comic and welcome Activity I 请同学们认真阅读P6-7 的内容,并完成。1.饥饿/饥渴 _ 2.一些喝/吃的东西_3.赞同某人_4. 一个诚实的男孩 _5.更多一些食物_6.没有什么在冰箱里_7.在你的碗里_8.或许我们能分享它_ 9.保密_ 10.什么使你的朋友如此特殊?_11.使我快乐_ 12.分享我的快乐_13.有问题 _ 14.告诉他有关你的一切_15.乐意帮助_ 16.相信他/她所说的_17.写信给_ 18.什么成为好朋友 _19.说谎/讲故事 _ 20.给你讲有趣的笑话 _ Ac

    2、tivity II Listen and answer the following questions.1. Hobo is hungry. What does Eddie give him?2. Does Hobo want to have anything to drink?3. What does Hobo want Eddie to share with him? 检测反馈1.在表示征求意见、希望得到对方肯定答复的句子(疑问句)里,some/something不需要改成any/anything,例如: Do you want some? Can I have something to

    3、drink, please?Can I have some more food too? What/How about milk?2.some more food,更多一些事物;some /many/much/数字+more+名词;数字+more+名词=another+数字+名词;如:再两个星期_= ,_3.maybe和 may be maybe为副词,常位于句 = ; may be意为可能是,由情态动词may 和 be动词组成。他们可能在教室里 they are in the classroom.=They in the classroom.4. joy和happy的区别:joy为不可数名词

    4、;happy为形容词分享我的快乐 使我快乐 5. 做某事有问题(困难)译成:_ 如:学好数学有困难 6. honest虽然以字母h开头,但其发音的第一个音素是元音,因此前面的不定冠词用 _(a/an) 如:他是一个诚实的男孩 He is _ honest boy. 在 honest 前面加否定前缀 _ ;构成反义词: _, 意为不诚实的。I. 选择填空:( )1. Eddie, can I have _, please?A. something drinking B. anything to drinkC. something to drink D. anything drinking( )2

    5、. I have a friend _ Millie. A. call B. to call C. called D. calling( )3. I have _ to tell you.A. anything interesting B. something interestingC. interesting nothing D. interesting something ( )4. Im hungry Mum. I want _ to eat.A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing( )5. I want _ you _ my

    6、English teacher.A .to tell, with B. to tell, about C. telling, about D. telling, to( )6. There is a big cake. _ share it.A. May be we can B. We may be C. Maybe we can D. Maybe can weII. 完成单词1. Good friends should share each others _.(欢乐)2. Im very t_ ,can I have some juice first?3. Reader is a popul

    7、ar _(杂志) in China. Many people like reading it .III. 完成句子1.喝点咖啡怎么样?_ _ drinking some coffee?2.你刚刚说的话让她很伤心。_ _ _ just now _ her very sad。 【巩固提升】I. 根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1Dont you think Millie is a_(好看的)girl? 2. They are good friends, and they often share their_(欢乐) 3. Please_(信任)me and I will never tell

    8、 a lie. 4. The room is t_She cleans it twice a day. 5. Mr Green likes reading newspapers or m_ after breakfast.6. He is t_. Can you give him something to drink?7. We should speak to the older _(polite).8. She has no _(问题) looking after herself.II单项选择( )1. -We are free. What shall we do? - What about

    9、 _a picnic? A. go out for B. going out to C. go out to D. going out for( )2. Please_ for me. I dont want others to know about it. A. keep cool B. keep a secret C. keep a diary D. keep warm( )3. - Can I have something_? - Sorry, theres_ in the fridge. A. eat; nothing B. to eat; anything C. to eat; no

    10、thing D. to eat; something( )4. What _a good student? A. do you make B. make you C. makes you D. you make( )5. Excuse me, Mr Wu. May I ask you_? A. some more questions B. any more questions C. some problems D. any more problems( )6._I can share the cake_ you. A. May; for B. Maybe; with C. Maybe; to

    11、D. May; withIII根据汉语提示完成句子1什么使你的朋友如此生气? What_ your friend_?2你信任他们吗? Do you_?3我能再喝两瓶冷饮吗? Can I have_? 4我经常和我最好的朋友安迪分享我的欢乐。I often_ my best friend Andy.5. 我们都对有趣的朋友感兴趣因为他们常常使我们的生活很有趣。 We are all _ friends because they often _.6. 在课堂上他做的事让老师很生气。 What _ in class _.第02课时 Unit 1 Reading ( I )Activity I 请同学

    12、们认真阅读P8 的内容,并完成。1 .我的最好的朋友之一 _ 2. 对.大方/友好 _ 3.乐意做某事 _4 .与某人分享某物 _5.时刻愿意帮助人 _6. 在某方面帮助某人_7.想当歌手_8. 把座位让给需要帮助的人_9.我们班最高的男孩_ 10.长大_11. 戴着小而圆的眼镜_ 12.使他看起来聪明 _13.使我大笑_ 14.富有幽默感_15.讲有趣的笑话 _16.和他在一起从不感觉无聊_17.走过某地_18.很好的容纳在他的课桌下_19.长长的直发 _20.把我们书和笔撞到地上_21.从不说别人的坏话_22.某事使我担心_23.在将来_24.选择某人作为/担当_Activity II R

    13、ead and answer the following questions.1. What kind of person is Betty?2. Is Betty very helpful and ready to help people any time?3. How tall is Max?4. What does May look like?5.How many friends does the writer have? Who are they? Activity IIITask1: 试着完成书本P9中的练习。一定要认真完成哦!Task2: Detailed readingFill

    14、in the blanks May is shorter than me. She has long _ hair. Everyone thinks she is very _.May is a _ friend. When something_ me, I can always go to her. I can tell her _ because she can _ a _. She is _ and never _ a _ _ about anyone. 检测反馈1. one of的意思是“中的一个”,后面跟复数代词或可数名词的复数形式,如果可数名词的复数形式前有形容词修饰时,通常要用其

    15、最高级形式。one of作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。 Millie is one of the_ (tall) girls in our class.2.今晚你乐意和我一起去看电影吗?根据汉语提示完成句子 _you_ go to the cinema with me tonight?3. be ready to do sth.还可表示“准备好做某事”,相当于be ready for (doing) sth. /get ready to do sth. /get ready for (doing) sth.,get强调动作,be强调状态。 他们准备好给我答案了吗?根据汉语提示完成句子

    16、 _ they_ give me answers?The park is open all day,so you can go there_(任何时候)4. be in need of sth.相当于need sth.,意思是“需要某物”。Are you in need of help?你需要帮助吗?我们应该帮助需要帮助的人。We should help people_.5. Dont make him_ (work) for a long time. 6.你父亲每天去上班时走过公园吗?Does your father_ the park when he goes to work every

    17、day?他把苹果撞落在地上了。He _the floor.I. 词汇应用1.We like listening to him, as he has a good sense of _(幽默)2. Mr Hu is very helpful, and he is _(乐意) to help others any time3. Daniels _(笑话) often make us laugh happily.4. Dinner is _(差不多) ready.5. He is one of the most popular _(歌手) in our school.6. The film is _

    18、(bore). I feel so _(bore)II. 动词填空1. I hope you_(call) me after you get to your hometown.2. He with his parents _(listen ) to the radio every morning.3. If you can keep the secret for me , I _(tell) you about it.4. When something _(worry ) me ,I will go to my aunt for help.5. _ the dress _ (fit ) you

    19、 well?6. The boss made his workers _(work ) too late.7. Is Millie ready _( share) her cake with her friends?8 Everyone _(know) that the earth moves around the sun.【巩固提升】I根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. My sister is good at singing. She wants to be a s_ when she grows up.2. He s_ and said hello to me when he sa

    20、w me.3. The little girl has a r_ face. She is so cute.4. May has_(直的)shoulder-length hair.5. I will help you at_(任何时候)when you are in need.II用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I dont like milk, but Mum makes me_ (drink) it every morning.2. The Yellow River is one of the_ (long) rivers in China.3. Sam often tells_ (fun

    21、) stories and makes us _(laugh) happily.4. She is generous and is_ (will) to share things with others.III单项选择。( )1.I saw him when l walked_ the school. A. passed B. pass C. past D. passing( )2. That is a_ film. Youll feel_ if you watch it. A. bored; bored B. bored; boring C. boring; boring D. boring

    22、; bored( )3. Its very nice of you to give your seat_ someone_ need _the bus. A. to; in; on B. with; in; on C. to; to; in D. for; in; in( )4. When I am _ about something, I will tell her. A. worried Bworrying Cworries Dworry( )5. If you need help, you can call me _ A. at anytime Bany time C. anytimes

    23、 Dany timesIV根据汉语提示完成句子。 1这个消息使她感到伤心。The news_ 2玛丽很善良,从不说任何人的坏话。Mary is_ and never_ anyone. 3我表哥富有幽默感。当我和他在一起时我从不感到无聊。 My cousin_ humour. I never_ when I am_.第03课时 Unit 1 Reading ( II )Activity I 熟读课文,并试着记住以下句子。1.贝蒂是我最好的朋友之一。她苗条,留着短发。Betty is _. She is _ and _. 2.她很大方。她愿意和朋友们一起分享东西。She is _. She _ t

    24、hings _ her friends. 3.她乐于助人,且愿意在任何时候帮助人们。She _ and _ to help people_. 4.他富有幽默感。He has _. =He is very _. 5.马克斯的腿在课桌底下伸不开。Maxs legs _well under his desk. 6.当他走过我们的课桌时,他经常把我们的书和钢笔撞到地板上。When he _ our desks, he often _ our books and pens_ the floor. 7.她比我矮。她长着大而明亮的眼睛,留着长的直发。She is _ than I am. She has _ and _.8.梅很可爱。她经常微笑,从来不说任何人的坏话。May is _. She _ and _.9.她有副好嗓子。她长大后想当一名歌手。She has a good _. She wants to _ when she _.10.他总是讲有趣的笑话让我笑。和他在一起时,我从不感到无聊。He _ and always _. I never _ him.11.当有事情困扰我时,我总可以去找她诉说。When something _ me, I can always go to her.12.马克斯戴着小圆眼镜看上


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