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    1、岳池县清大品学网辅导站 新概念培训学校 衔接教材STARTERGreetings and Alphabet以上我们可以看出,英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如: 1)含元音音素ei 字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk 音标: ei eit dei kei 2) 含元音音素i: 字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv 音标: bi: si: di: i: di: pi: ti: vi: 3) 含元音音素e 字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 音标: ef el em en es eks zed 4) 含元音音素ju: 字母: Uu Qq Ww 音标: ju: kju

    2、: dblju: 5) 含元音音素ai 字母: Ii Yy 音标: ai wai注:1 五个元音字母是: Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 2 Aa和 Ii 可以独立成词,“a ”表示“一” ;“I”表示“我”(一定是大写的I)1.书写笔顺 一笔完成的有 C,G,J,L,O,S,V,W,Z 9个大写字母和a,b,c,d,e,g,h,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,u,v,w,y,z 21个小写字母。 两笔完成的有 B,D,K,M,P,Q,R,T,U,X,Y等11个大写字母和f,i,j,t,x等5个小写字母。 三笔完成的有 A,E,F,H,I,N等6个大写字母。 2.书写规格 占上中两格的有26

    3、个大写字母和b,d,h,i,k,l,t等7个小写字母。 占中间一格的有a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z等13个小写字母。 占中下两格的有 g,q,y等3个写字母。 占上中下三格的有 f,j,p等3个小写字母。 注意:1.斜体书写的字母都稍向右斜,斜度要一致。 2.大写字母都一样高,不顶第一线。 3.小写字母 b,d,h,k,l 的上端顶第一线 4.i 和 t 的上端都在第一格的中间 5.g,q,y的下端抵第四线 6.j 和 p 的上端在第一格的中间 7.f 要比 j,p要高,与大写字母同样高或稍低一些,它们的下端都抵第四线。Homework 1 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。1)

    4、_ c _ 2) _ f _ 3) _ M_ 4) _ d _ 5) _ E _6) _ l _ 7) _ B _ 8) _ R _ 9) _ G _ 10) _ j _2 写出26个字母含有下列所给英标读音的字母(含大小写)1) i: _2) ei _3) e _4) ai _5) ju: _3、将下列大写改成相应的小写1) WHATSYOURNAMEMYNAMEISHELEN_2) HOWAREYOUMISSGAOFINEHTANKYOU_4按元音字母出现的顺序写出其元音字母的大小写Im fine, and how are you ? _ Im SamUseful sentences: A

    5、 Hello, Im Sam. Hello, Sam. B Im Lingling. Hi, Linging. C Goodbye, Lingling. Good bye, Daming.D Good morning, Sam. Good morning! E How are you, Sam? Im fine, thank you. And how are you?F Hello, Im Xiaoqiang. Whats your name? Hi, Im LilyKey words:I 我 am (Im = I am) 是 (我是)hello 你好 goodbye (bye-bye) 再见

    6、how怎样 are 是you 你 (你们) good 好的morning 早晨,上午 fine (身体)很好thank 谢谢 Ms 女士Too 也 and 那么,和boy 男孩 girl 女孩 what 什么 is (whats = what is ) 是(是什么)your 你的 name 名字afternoon 下午 Mr 先生Homework选择1 _ your name? Im Lily.A What B Whats C what is 2 How _ you, Jim? Im fine, thank you.A is B are C am3 Good morning, Daming.

    7、_.A Hello. B Good afternoon C Good morning, Tom.4 Hi, Lingling! _A Hi , Kate. B Good morning, Lucy. C Goodbye, Daming.5 Hello, Im Jim, whats your name? Hello, I _ Lily.A is B am C m6 Good morning, _. Good morning, class. A boy and girl B boys and girl C boys and girls7 How are you, Sam? Im fine, tha

    8、nk you. And how are you? Im fine,_. A to B too C also8 _, Kate. Good afternoon, Daming. A Good morning B Good afternoon C Good evening9 Hi, whats _ name? Im Lingling. A you B your C I 10 Goodbye, Lingling. _ A Good morning B Good afternoon C Byebye Classroom and coloursUseful expressions:A Good morn

    9、ing, Im a panda, whats your name? My name is Mimi, Im a yellow cat.B Sit down, please stand up, Lingling C point to the door(window, blackboard, desk , chair)D Oh, its red (blue, yellow, green, black, )E Its a black dog, a red cat a blue dog a green cat a yellow cap a red cap F stand up sit down poi

    10、nt to Key wordsthe 这(那)个,这(那)些 door 门please 请 window 窗户blackboard 黑板 bird 鸟desk 书桌 chair 椅子my 我的 it (its = it is ) 它 (是)red 红色 a (an) 一个,一panda 熊猫 blue 蓝色的yellow 黄色的 green 绿色的 black 黑色的 dog 狗cat 猫 cap 帽子Homework选择1 Good morning, boys and girls - _ .A Hello B Good evening C Good morning2 Sit down, pl

    11、ease. - _.A Oh B Thank a lot C Thank you3 Hello, bird. Whats your name? - _.A I is Tweet B Im Tweet C Tweet , tweet4 What colour is the chameleon? - _. A Its a red B Its red C Itm blue5 My name is Lele. Im _ dog.A black B a orange C an orange6 Point to the blackboard, dont point to _. A he B me C sh

    12、e7 Whats this? - _.A Its my classroom B Its classroom C It a classroom8 There _ a blackboard , a TV, some desks and chairs in my classroom.A are B am C is译成英语1 一只黑猫 _ 2起立 _ 3一把色的椅子 _4 指着窗子 _ 5 什么颜色_ Numbers 1-12 and schoolUseful expressions:A how many ? One ( two , three, four, five, six, seven, eig

    13、ht, nine ten, eleven, twelve).B How many boys ? How many girls? How many red caps ? (desks, chairs , doors,windows, blackboards, birds, cats , dogs , pandas, caps)C Whats this? Its a blue chair,D Whats that? Its a pencil.E This is my school.Key wordsmany 许多 this 这,这个how many 多少 school 学校one 一 pupil

    14、小学生two 二 classroom 教室three 三 English 英语four 四 teacher 教师five 五 that 那,那个 six 六 bag 书包,口袋seven 七 pencil 铅笔eight 八 pen 钢笔nine九 book 书ten十eleven 十一twelve 十二Homework连线two 一twelve 二nine 三four 四five 五three 六one 七six 八eight 九seven 十eleven 十一ten 十二Birthday and friendsUseful expressions:A Hello, Sam, happy b

    15、irthday! Thank you .B Heres your present. Thank you , Daming.C How old are you, Daming? Im nine.D Whats that? Its a I dont know. Is it a cat? No, it isnt.Is it a dragon? Yes, it is.E Wheres the cat? I dont know. Is it in the yellow bag? No, it isnt. Is it in the green bag? Yes, it is.Key wordsHappy

    16、快乐的 birthday 生日here (heres = here is )这里(这是) cake 蛋糕old 年老的 how old 多大look 看 no 不not (isnt = is not ) 不(不是) yes 是的help 救命 kite 风筝where (wheres = where is) 哪里(在哪里) in 在.里bag 袋子Homework1 How many _ ? There are twelve. A boy B boys C girl2 Whats this? - _.A This is a blue chair B Its blue chair C Its a

    17、 blue chair3 How many desks _ there in your classroom? A is B am C are4 Happy birthday! - _.A Thank you B The same to you C Happy birthday5 How old are you ,Daming? - _. A Im eleven B Im a student C Hes twelve6 What_ that? Its a cat. A am B is C are7 _ is the cat? - Its in the box. A What B Where C

    18、How old8 Whats that over there? - _. A That is an orange B Its a red cap C Its a orange chair9 Is this a dragon? - _.A Yes , it is B No , this isnt C Yes , it isnt10 Heres your present, Kate. - _. A Thats OK B Thank you C Oh, no,no11 Is that in the green bag? - _. A Yes , that is B No, it is C Yes,

    19、it isFamily and bodyUseful expressions:A Look, this is my mother. Shes my teacher.B Is this your sister? No, it isnt. Thats me. Thats my brother.C Hes a doctor. Shes a driver. (policeman, nurse, farmer, teacher)D Look, this is a panda. This is his head.(arm, hand, leg foot)E Panpan, point to your arm.(your leg, foot, nose, eyes, mouth, ears.)F This is her bag. This is my (his, her) head.Key wordsfamily 家庭 mother 母亲she (shes = she is ) 她(她是) father 父亲he ( hes = he is ) 他(他是) doctor 医生grandpa 祖父,外祖父 grandma 祖母,外祖母sister 姐妹 me 我(宾格) brother 兄弟 driver 司机policeman 警察


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