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    1、*实验中学小升初英语试题 成绩_一、 选出不同类的一项(5)( )1. A. chair B. grandmother C. brother D. sister( )2. A. pear B. dog C. apple D. strawberry ( )3 A. under B. near C. behind D. ago( )4. A.cold B. warm C. lunch D. hot( )5. A.teachers office. B. sunny C. music room D. art room二、选择恰当的疑问代词填空。(20) Why When What Where Whic

    2、h Who Whose How How many How much 1. -_ are they? -They are 45 yuan. 2. - _ season do you like best? - I like winter best. 3. -_ do you get up? -I get up at 6:00. 4. -_ is my ruler? - Its on your desk. 5. - _ seasons are there in a year? - Four. 6. - _ books are these? - Theyre Johns books. 7. _ do

    3、you do on the weekend?I play football. 8. - _are you? - Very well, thanks. 9. - _ do you like winter? - Because I like snow. 10. - _ is that boy? -Hes my friend.三、选择最佳答案(15)答题区:1-5_ 6-10_ 11-15_( ) 1._ do you get up? I usually get up at 6:00. A. When B. What C. Which( ) 2.What did Lisa do yesterday?

    4、 She_ to music.A.listens B. listen C. listened( ) 3. What are you going to do tonight? I_TV.A.saw B.am going to watch C. watched( ) 4. I like winter best _I can play with snow. A. for B. so C.because( ) 5. Did John_football yesterday?A. play B. played C. plaied( )6.-How many apples do you see?. -_.

    5、A. Im ten. B.I have twelve. C.I see fifteen.( )7.-Where are you from? - . A. My name is Mike. B. Im from Canada. C. Im a boy.( ) 8. -Is your birthday in May? -_. A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, they are. C.Yes, he is.( ) 9. _did you go there? I went there by plane. A. Who B. What C. How( ) 10. Mike often _ to

    6、school from Monday to Friday. A. go B. going C. goes( )11. -Can I help you? - _ A. Yes, please. BNo, you cant. CThank you( ) 12. Its time _ to bed. A. go B. goes C. to go ( ) 13. There _ many students in the classroom. A. is B. are C. am( ) 14. Amy likes _ on the playground. A. running B. run C. run

    7、ing( ) 15. 2. How tall are you? _. A. Im 45 kilograms. B. Im 11 years old. C. Im 1.60 metres.四、用所给单词正确形式填空。(10)1. Meg_ (is /was) very busy yesterday.2. I _(go /went) camping last weekend.3. Can I_ (see/saw)your pictures sometime?4. Chen Jie usually_ (cleans/cleaned) his bedroom on the weekend.5.My b

    8、irthday is on July _. (two)五、读一读,圈一圈。(10)1. Im 1.5 metres tall. Im ( taller / heavier ) than that dinosaur.2.-( What / How ) old are you? - Im 12 years old.3. Who is taller, Zhang Peng ( or / and ) the smallest dinosaur? 4. How ( heavier / heavy ) is Wu Yifan? 5. Those shoes ( on / in ) the window a

    9、re nice.六、选择合适的答语,把序号填在括号里。(10)( ) 1. Are these yours? A. Its Mikes. ( ) 2. Whose is it? B. No, she isnt. Shes sleeping. ( ) 3. Is it yours? C. They are drinking. ( ) 4. Is she playing? D. Yes, it is. ( ) 5. What are these dogs doing? E. Yes, they are.七、连词成句。(10)1. did, what, last, do, you, weekend,

    10、 (?)_ 2. water, he, is , drinking, (?) _3. Im, than, and, shorter, thinner, you ( . ) _4. season, like, which, bes,t you, do ( ? ) _ 5. play football, with, I, often, father , on the weekend,(.) _.八、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断。(10) Its Childrens Day today. The students are having a good time at the park. Look! Jo

    11、hn is doing morning exercises on the grass. Sarah is reading a story book under a big tree, but the book is Amys. Amy is listening to the music. Jack is eating and drinking with a little puppy. Zhang Peng is playing football with his friend Mike. They are very happy. ( ) 1. Today is Teachers Day. ( ) 2. John, Zhang Peng and Mike all like sports. ( ) 3. Sarah is listening to music. ( ) 4. Sarah has a story book. ( ) 5. Jack is eating and drinking. 九.作文。(10)写写你的好朋友,和他或她比一比,你们谁的年龄大、谁高、谁重、谁强壮等等。要求不少于5句话。 4


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