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    1、小学英语口语练习:对话Hobby 业余爱好A: Hi, Nancy. What are you doing now? 你好,南希,你在做什么呀?B: Im talking with my friends on the Internet. 我在网上和朋友聊天呢。A: Do you like surfing the Internet? 你喜欢上网吗?B: Of course, I do. Its one of my hobbies. 当然,这是我的一个业余爱好。A: Besides Internet, what do you do in your spare time? 除了上网,你空闲时间还做些

    2、什么?B: Well, I like taking photos and listening to music. They are good ways to kill time. What about you? 我喜欢拍照和听音乐,它们是很好的消磨时间的方式。你呢?A: I like collecting stamps. I find it very interesting. Whats more, I also enjoy running in the morning because it can help me keep fit. 我喜欢集邮,而且我觉得它非常有趣。此外,我还喜欢在早上跑步

    3、,因为它 能让我保持健康。B: Right. I like doing morning exercise too. I keep running for at least half an hour in the morning every day. 没错。我也喜欢在早上做运动。我每天早上都坚持至少跑半个小时。A: Yeah. Having a healthy body is very important. Maybe next time we can play basketball together. 嗯。拥有健康的身体是非常重要的。或许下次我们可以一起打篮球。B: Good idea. Oh

    4、, its already 11:00 a.m. I need to go home now. See you next time. 好主意。噢,已经11点了,我得回家了。下次见。A: See you. 下次见。Traveling 旅行 A: Where are you from?你来自哪里啊?B: I am from Shanghai.What about you?我来自上海,你呢?A: I am from Beijing. Have you been to Beijing?我是北京人,你去过北京吗?B: No. I have never been to Beijing. Whats Bei

    5、jing like? 没有。我从没去过。北京像什么样啊?A: Beijing is a big city with many modern buildings. The famous Forbidden City is in Beijing. There are also many delicious foods in Beijing. You can eat different food from different cities in China. 北京是一个拥有许多现代建筑的大城市,著名的紫禁城就在那儿。北京还有 许多美食,在那儿,你可以吃到来自中国各个地方的食物。B: Those so

    6、und really exciting. Whats the weather like in Beijing? 听起来真让人兴奋。北京的天气怎么样啊?A: It can be really cold in winter. I suggest that you come in autumn. Its very beautiful.冬天非常冷,我建议你秋天去,那时的北京很漂亮。A: Yes, I will go to visit Beijing for sure. Can you be my guide? 嗯,我一定会去的。你能做我的向导吗?B: Yes, no problem.当然,没问题。A:

    7、 Thank you. See you in Beijing.谢谢!那咱们北京见了哦。B: You are welcome. See you. 不用谢。再见!【其他】the Forbidden City 紫禁城 Tiananmen Square 天安门广场Summer Palace 颐和园 climb the Great Wall 爬长城the Temple of Heaven 天坛 the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂shopping center 购物中心 tour guide 导游travel agency 旅行社春节 Spring Festival /

    8、Chinese New YearA: Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday. Its Chinese New Year. 春节是中国的传统节日,也是中国的新年。 B: Yeah. I really like Spring Festival, because on New Years Eve we can make dumplings. 嗯。我非常喜欢春节,因为在除夕前夜,我们可以包饺子。A: Whats more, we can also wear new clothes and receive a lot of lucky mone

    9、y. Last year, I got 900 yuan. 而且,我们还能穿新衣服,收到许多的压岁钱呢。去年 我就收到了900块钱。B: Wow, thats really a lot. What do you usually do on Spring Festival? 哇,那真是很多啊。你们在春节通常做什么呀?A: In the evening, I like setting off fireworks. Its very interesting. What about you? 在晚上,我喜欢放烟花,非常有趣。你呢?B: Well, I dont like fireworks becau

    10、se it it too noisy. 额,我不喜欢烟花,因为它太吵了。A: Then what do you do? 那你们做什么呢?B: I usually watch TV with my family at home. 我通常是和家人在家里一起看电视。A: Anyway, to be happy is the most important. Happy Spring Festival! 不管怎样,开心是最重要的。春节快乐!B: The same to you! 你也一样!打的 taking a taxiA: Lets take a taxi. 我们打的吧。B: There are fe

    11、w taxis around here. See, we have already waited for half an hour, but there is no taxi. 这附近很少有的士。 瞧,我们都等了半小时了,一辆车也没有。A: Lets wait at the next crossing. 咱们去下一个十字路口等吧。B: Look! There comes a taxi. 看!出租车来了。AB: Taxi! 出租车!A: Could you please help us with our luggage? 能帮我们拿一下行李吗?T: OK! Where are you going

    12、? 好的。你们要去哪儿?B: To the Peoples Square. 人民广场。A: Driver, please put on the air conditioner. Its a little hot. 司机,麻烦把空调打开,有点热。T: OK. No problem. 好的,没问题。B: How long do we need to get there?我们需要多长时间才能到?T: About 40 minutes. 大概40分钟吧。A: Could you drive a little faster? Our friends are waiting for us. 能开快一点吗?

    13、我们有朋友在等。T: OK! 好的。( 30 minutes later 30分钟过后)T: We have arrived. 到了。B: How much? 多少钱?T: 32 yuan. 32元。B: Here you are. Please give me the receipt. Thank you! 给。请把发票给我。谢谢。Traffic jam 交通阻塞 seatbelt 安全带 traffic light 交通灯打的2A: Could you drive me to the museum? 能载我去博物馆吗?B: Sure. But its the rush hour, we m

    14、ay have a traffic jam. Are you in a hurry? 可以。但现在是高峰期,我们可能会堵车。你着急吗?A: Yes, I have to be there before 3 p.m. There is an extra five dollars for you if you can take me there on time. 是的。我要在下午3点之前到那里。如果你能让我 准时赶到,我可以多给你5美元。B: Ill do my best. 我尽力吧。A: (After arriving on time) Heres twenty dollars. (准时到达后)

    15、这是20美元。B: Do you have small bills? 你有零钱吗?A: No. If you cant break it, keep the change. But can you give me a receipt? 没有,如果你找不开的话就不用找了。但你能给我张发票吗?B: OK. Here is your receipt. Thank you. 好的。给你发票,谢谢!【其他表达】Get on the bus / train / plane 上公交车/ 火车/ 飞机Get off the bus / train / plane 下公交车/ 火车/ 飞机Get in the

    16、car / taxi 上汽车/ 出租车Get out of the car / taxi 下汽车/ 出租车No parking! 禁止停车!This is a one-way road / street. 这是单行道。 This is a two-way road / street. 这是双行道。登山 climbing the mountainA: You are walking too fast. Wait for me. 你走得太快了,等等我。B: Come on. The top is near us. 加油,山顶离我们不远了。A: The mountain is so high and

    17、 steep. How long do we need to get to the top the mountain? 这座山又高又陡,我们还要多长时间才能到达山顶啊?B: Perhaps 20 minutes. 大概20分钟吧。A: What? 20 minutes?Oh, no! I cant walk any more. 什么?20分钟?噢,不!我在也走不动了。B: OK. Lets rest for a while. 好吧,咱们休息一下吧。A: Good! Im really tired. By the way, why do you like climbing mountains?

    18、Its so tired. 太好了。累死我了。顺便问一下,你为什么喜欢爬山啊?这么累。B: Climbing mountains is good to our health. When you get to the top, you can see very beautiful scenery. Besides, the air on the top of the mountain is very fresh. 爬山对身体有益。当你爬到山顶的时候,你可以看见美丽的风景。而且, 山上的空气也很新鲜。A: Really? Lets keep climbing. 真的吗?那我们就继续爬吧。 今晚来客

    19、人A: John is visiting us tonight. 约翰今晚来咱家做客。B: En, good. Which would you like for dinner, beef, chicken or fish? 嗯,好啊。晚餐想吃牛肉、鸡肉还是鱼?A: I feel like some fish and chips for supper. 晚饭我想吃些鱼和土豆条。B: Shall we dress some salad? 我们再调些沙拉,怎么样?A: Yes. Its fine. Lets get some lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers for s

    20、alad and some of these spices garlic, parsley, ginger and green onions for seasoning. 嗯,不错。我们买些莴笋、蕃茄、黄瓜作沙拉用。再买些调味品大蒜、 荷兰芹、姜、葱作佐料。B: We have all of these. 这些我们都有。A: John will come at 6 oclock. 约翰6点到咱们家。B: Lets roll up sleeves and begin to prepare for supper. 我们卷起袖子开始准备晚餐吧。A: Did you wash your hands?

    21、你洗手了吗?B: Not yet. Ill do it right now. 还没呢,我这就去。课堂T: Class begin. 上课。S: Good morning, teacher! 老师,早上好!T: Good morning, students! Is everyone here? 早上好,同学们!都到齐了吗?A: No. 不,没有。T: Who is absent today? 今天谁没来?(这时,Barbit来到了教室门口。)B: Sorry, Miss Hu. Im late. Because I didnt catch the bus this morning. 对不起,胡老

    22、师,我迟到了,因为今天早上我没有赶上公交车。T: It doesnt matter. Please come earlier next time. 没关系,下次请早点到。B: OK. I will. 好的,我会做到的。T: Now lets get ready for class. We are going to have a new lesson today. Open your books please and turn to page 120. 咱们准备上课吧。今天我们要上新课。请翻开书到第120页。T: Lets look at the new words. Please read a

    23、fter me. 我们先看看生词。请跟我读。【其他表达】1. Lets have a dictation. Please take out your notebooks. 让我们来听写,请拿出笔记本。2. Who can answer this question? 谁能回答这个问题?3. Put up your hands if you have any questions? 如果有问题请举手。4. Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。5. Who wants to try? 谁想试一试?/ 谁来试试?6. Have you finished? 做完了吗?

    24、7. Do you understand? 懂了吗?/ 听明白了吗?8. Are you ready? 准备好了吗?9. Im sorry. Can you say that again?/ I beg your pardon? 对不起,能再说一遍吗?10. Is that right? 对吗?/ 正确吗?去餐厅 go to restaurant A: Theres no food at home. Lets go out to eat. 家里没有食物了,去外面吃吧。B: Where shall we go to eat? 那我们去哪儿吃啊?A: Im hungry. Lets go and

    25、eat in the restaurant. 我饿死了,去饭店吃吧。B: That restaurant is very popular. Lets eat here. 那家店很火,咱们就在这儿吃吧。A: Do you have a menu? Let me look at the menu first. 有菜单吗?我先看一下菜单。C: OK. Here you are. 好的,请看/给你。A: Do you want to eat hot pot? 想吃火锅吗?B: I dont know what to eat. What is the most popular dish here? 我不

    26、知道吃什么。这里最受欢迎的菜是哪个?C: Of course boiled fish. 当然是水煮鱼啦。B: Is this dish spicy? 这个菜辣吗?C: A little. What would you like to drink, Sir? 一点点。您想要喝点什么,先生?A: Do you have a tomato soup? 有西红柿汤吗?C: Yes, we have. 嗯,有的。B: Tom, would you like rice or dumplings? 汤姆,你想吃米饭还是饺子?A: I want a bowl of pasta. 我想要一碗意大利面。B: OK

    27、. Give me a bowl of dumplings. Thats all. 好吧,那就给我来一碗饺子吧。就这些。C : OK. Wait for a moment please. 好的,请稍等一会儿。【其它表达】Beijing duck 北京烤鸭Can I order now? 现在可以点餐了吗 What is this dish?这是什么菜?This dish is delicious. 这个菜真好吃 。pay the bill 买单Oh, its too expensive!哦,太贵了。My treat. / Its on me./ Its my treat. 我请客。No, le

    28、ts go AA.不,我们AA。OK, next time its on me. 好吧,下次我请客。问路和指路A: Excuse me, Madam. Where is the post office? 对不起,女士,请问邮局在哪里?B: Oh, its near the airport. 哦,它就在飞机场附近。A: Could you tell me how to get there? / Could you tell me how can I get there? 能告诉我怎么到那儿吗?B: OK. Go ahead for about 100 meters. Its on your le

    29、ft. You cant miss it. 往前走100米,它就在你的左手边,你不会错过的。A: Does this road lead to the Peoples Park, too? Im a stranger here. 这条路也能通往人民公园吗?我刚来这儿。B: No. The Peoples Park is quite far away from here. 不。人民公园离这儿挺远的。A: Then how can I go there? 那么我该怎么去那里呢?B: Well, go down this street, turn right at the second crossi

    30、ng and you will see a bus Stop. You can take No. 303 bus and get off at the fifth stop. Then you will see the Peoples Park on your left. 沿着这条路一直走,到第二个十字路口向右拐,然后你便会看到一个公交站。 你可以乘303路公交车,到第五个站下车,人民公园就在你的左手边。A: Thank you very much! 太谢谢你了!B: Youre welcome. / My pleasure. Bye-bye. 不用谢。/ 不客气。A: Bye!【其他表达】1. Is there a cafe/washing room/WC nearby? 请问附近有咖啡吧/洗手间/厕所吗?2. Is there a hotel / restaurant nearby? 请问附近有旅馆/餐馆吗?3. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the airport? 打扰了,能告诉我去飞机场的路吗?4. E


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