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    1、英语全新版大学英语2英语短语翻译整理【关键字】英语Unit 1. Useful Expressions 1. 被系在上 be attached to2. 探索行为 exploratory behavior3. 偶尔 on occasion4. 父母的责任 parental duties5. 揭示,阐明 throw light on6. 最终目的 an ultimate purpose7. 要做的动作 desired action8. 所希望的结果 desirable outcome9. 关键 critical point10. 育儿观 value of child rearing11. 弥补某

    2、种错误行为 making up for a misdeed12. 回想起来 in retrospect13. 善意的 well-intentioned14. 前来帮助某人 come to sb.s rescue15. 极其熟练、温和地 with extreme facility and gentleness16. 适用于 apply to17. 发展到 evolve to18. 发展创造力 promote creativity19. 值得追求的目标 worthwhile goals. Sentence Translation 1. But one of the most telling les

    3、sons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing.(=然而,我和艾伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在南京期间寓居的金陵饭店的大堂。)2. He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key m

    4、ade as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot.(=他从钥匙声响中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把钥匙成功地塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多。)3. I soon realized that this incident was directly relevant to our assigned tasks in China: to investigate the ways of early childhood education (especially in the arts), and to t

    5、hrow light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.(=我很快意识到,这件小事与我们在中国要做的工作直接相关:考察儿童早期教育(尤其是艺术教育)的方式,揭示了中国人对创造性活动的态度。)4. 我的中国同行,除了少数几个人外,对此事的态度与金陵饭店工作人员一样。(= With a few exceptions my Chinese colleagues displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel.)5. 但关键在于,在这个过程中,我们试图让本杰明懂得,一个人是能够很好地

    6、自行解决问题的。(= But the critical point was that, in the process, we were trying to teach Benjamin that one can solve a problem effectively by oneself.)6. 回想起来,当时我就清楚地意识到,这件事正是体现了问题的关键之所在而且不只是是一种意义上的关键之所在。(= In retrospect, it became clear to me that this incident was indeed key and key in more than one se

    7、nse.)7. 我们两种文化的差异也可以从我们各自所怀的忧虑中显示出来。(= The contrast between our two cultures can also be seen in terms of the fears we both harbor.)Unit 2. Useful Expressions1. 面临,遭遇 be confronted with2. 仰头向上看 look up at3. 填写 fill out4. 属于 fall into5. 只是,不多于,不强于 nothing more than6. 转瞬即逝的念头 a passing whim7. 磨损,损耗 we

    8、ar and tear8. 虽然,尽管 in spite of9. 期望,盼望 look forward to10. 富裕的,有钱的 well off11. 不自在,格格不入 out of place12. 陈旧的家具 dated furniture13. 之后不久 shortly after14. 走下坡路,失败 go south15. 转折点 a turning point16. 与形成对比 in contrast to17. 对予以注意,致力于 focus on18. 归属感 a sense of belonging19. 遭遇困难 go through a rough time20.

    9、久不消逝的微笑 a lingering smile21. 为感恩 be thankful for22. 收入最低的档次 the lowest income bracket23. 创作才能 the gift of creativity24. 对物质财富的追求 the pursuit of possessionsII. Sentence Translation1. The pressure to purchase is real. It may be true that everybody wants a high-end TV. After all, nobody wants to be a n

    10、obody.(=购买这种电视机的压力千真万确。也许每个人真的都想要一台高档电视机,毕竟没有人想做一个无名之辈。)2. I was standing just outside the doorway of a Wal-Mart, offering a “thank you” and a smile to each person who dropped a donation into my red kettle. (=当时我就站在沃尔玛商场入口处门外,对每一位向我的红壶里投入捐款的人都报以一声“谢谢”和一个微笑。)3. My 1999 car shows the wear and tear of

    11、105, 000 miles. But it is still dependable. (=我的汽车是1999年的产品,到现在开了十万五千英里,已经很破很旧了,但是它依然可靠。)4. But there is one vital area of my life where I am not so well off. In a society that spends so much emotional energy on the pursuit of possessions, I feel out of place. (=但是在我生活中,有一个重要方面我并不那么富有。在一个对物资财富的追求投入如

    12、此之多心力的社会中,我觉得很不自在。)5. 然而,想要得到其他那么多人都有的物质的东西, 对我来说,只不过是转瞬即逝的念头而已。 (=Yet I feel nothing more than a passing whim to attain the material things so many other people have.) 6. 五十三年来我一直非常健康。我不但不生病,而且精力充沛,情绪饱满。 (=Ive enjoyed exceptionally good health for 53 years. Its not just that Ive been illness-free,

    13、its that I feel vigorous and spirited.)7. 当我写出美丽的诗句,或编造出能把人逗乐的笑话,我内心感到很富有。通过写作而获得的洞察力,不断地令我惊奇。 (=When I write a beautiful line of poetry, or fabricate a joke that tickles someone, I feel rich inside. Im continually surprised at the insights that come through my writing process.)8. 她对我说,对她而言,最重要的是“一个

    14、人的内心”。我以为我找到了非同一般的生活伴侣。 (=What was most important to her, she told me, was whats on the inside. I thought I had found someone special to share my life with.)Unit 4. Useful Expressions 1.一周中的最好时光 highlight of the week2.投稿 submit articles3.有时 at times4.对感到厌恶 feel an aversion to5.社交方式 forms of socializ

    15、ing6.缺乏自律 a lack of discipline7.网络交际 cyber-interaction8.面对 be confronted with9.穿着得体 be dressed appropriately10.广告令心烦 be jarred by the commercials11.工作成了次要的。 Work moves into the background.12.坏脾气 be bad-tempered13.在此状态下 in this state14.日常事务 daily routine15.依赖 rely on16.长期失业 long-term unemployment17.吸

    16、毒 drug abuse18.恢复平衡 restore balance19.将与区分开 set apartfrom20.面对面 face to face21.找借口 make an excuse. Sentence Translation 1.I start to feel as though Ive become one with my machine, taking data in, spitting them back out, just another link in the Net.(=我开始觉得自己似乎与机器融为一体了,我接收信息,再发送出去,就如同互联网的一个连接点。)2. An

    17、d once you start replacing real human contact with cyber-interaction, coming back out of the cave can be quite difficult.(=你一旦开始用网络交际取代人与人的真实接触,要走出这种“穴居”状态就会相当困难。)3.I began to understand why long-term unemployment can be so damaging, why life without an externally supported daily plan can lead to hi

    18、gher rates of drug abuse, crime, suicide.(=我开始理解为什么长时间的失业会那么伤人,为什么一个人的生活缺少了外部支持的日常计划就会导致吸毒、犯罪、自杀率的增长。)4.When Im in this state, I fight my boyfriend as well, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by our typed dialogue. (=在这种精神状态下,我也和男朋友吵架,常因键出的对话缺乏情感暗示而误解他的本意。)5.电

    19、视节目中的说话声让人感到宽慰,可那些广告又叫我心烦。(=The voices of the programs are comforting, but then Im jarred by the commercials.)Unit 5. Useful Expressions 1. 田径比赛 track and field competition2. 俯瞰 a birds eye view3. 深呼吸 take a deep breath4. 像雄鹰一样翱翔 soar like an eagle5. 如出一辙; 不谋而合 coincide with6. 每隔一天 every other day/o

    20、n alternate days7. 农场杂活 farm chores8. 有一次 on one occasion9. 站着 on ones feet10. 没有意识到 unaware of11. 仰面躺着 lie on ones back12. 对惭愧 be ashamed of13. 感到 fill ones mind with14. 摆脱紧张情绪 shake the tension15. 在内心的最深处 from the deepest depths of ones soul16. 在这种时候 at a time like this17. 舒展;伸展 stretch out 18. 缓缓

    21、移动 in slow motion19. 使回到现实中 bring sb. back to earth20. 想象 see in ones minds eye. Sentence Translation 1.The pole vault is truly the highlight of any track and field competition. It combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.(=撑竿跳高确实是所有田径比赛中最精彩的项目。它融合了体操运动员的优雅与健美运动员的力量。)2. He

    22、r excitement and passion for details made Michaels dreams full of color and beauty.(=她对细节的激情和酷爱使得迈克尔的梦境色彩缤纷、绚丽无比。)3.He found his pole, stood and stepped on the runway that led to the most challenging event of his 17-year-old life.(=他找着了撑竿,站起身,踏上那引向其17年生命中最具挑战性的一跃的跑道。)4. Then out of nowhere, and from

    23、 the deepest depths of his soul, he pictured his mother. (=这时,不知不觉地,在内心最深处,出现了他母亲的身影。)5. 迈克尔一下子被围住了,人们拥抱他,祝贺他所取得的一生中最辉煌的成就。(=Michael was immediately surrounded by people hugging and congratulating him on the greatest accomplishment of his life.6. It combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength

    24、of a body builder.Translate the sentence into Chinese.(=它融合了体操运动员的优雅与健美运动员的力量。)Unit 6. Useful Expressions 1.把改成 convert into2.对一无所知 dont know the first thing about3.把区分开来 distinguish from4.渴望独立 be craving independence5.不禁不寒而栗 cant help shuddering 6.处于劣势 at a disadvantage7.在方面 when it comes to8.偶然闯进

    25、stumble into9.轻而易举地把它学好 it comes easily to somebody 10.咬紧牙学好它 grit your teeth to get good at it11.极有可能 theres a strong chance that 12.把成绩提高到A pull the grade up to an A13.恐惧的时候 moments of panic14.基于 be based on15.文化熏陶 cultural cues16.人不是孤岛。 No man is an island17.毫无疑问, 不可否认 Theres no denying that18.与相

    26、关联 be relevant to 19.不容改变的结论 hard and fast conclusions20.生来就懂 be born knowing21.有敢冒风险而为的精神 take a leap of faith22.有所选择地听别人的话 have a selective hearing . Sentence Translation 1.某一门课程难学,并不意味着你就不擅长它。你得咬紧牙加倍努力干,才能学好它。一旦你学好了,你就很可能喜欢上它,从中得到无与伦比的乐趣。(=Just because a subject is difficult to learn, it does not

    27、 mean you are not good at it. You just have to grit your teeth and work harder to get good at it. Once you do, theres a strong chance you will enjoy it more than anything else.)2.我申请参加这个暑期班,这倒不是因为我想当工程师,而是因为我渴望独立,想离开父母的房子自己单独生活六周。 (=I applied to the program, not because I wanted to be an engineer, b

    28、ut because I was craving independence and wanted to get out of my parents house for six weeks.)3. We did have a Wiffle-ball set, but you would have been hard-pressed to find it in our playroom. (=我们确实有一套空心棒球,但是很难在我们的游戏室找到。) 4. I cant help shuddering when I hear about studies that show that women are

    29、 at a disadvantage when it comes to math. (=听到有研究表明女性学数学处于劣势,我不禁不寒而栗。)5. Once you do, theres a strong chance you will enjoy it more than anything else.(=一旦你学好了,你就很可能喜欢上它,从中得到无与伦比的乐趣。)6. I had moments of panic while sitting underneath the buzzing fluorescent lights in the engineering library on Satur

    30、day afternoons, when I worried that the estrogen in my body was preventing me from understanding thermodynamics. (=星期六下午坐在工程图书馆吱吱作响的荧光灯下学习时,我也有过恐惧的时候,担心我体内的雌激素妨碍我理解热动力学。)7. So I reminded myself that those studies, that she has received since she was an infant. (=因此我提醒自己,宣称男性天生更能学好数学的研究是基于一个错误的前提,那就是

    31、认为人们可以脱离一个人从孩提时代就受到的社会的文化熏陶而径直判断她的能力。)8. A woman can learn anything a man can, but first she needs to know that she can do it, and that takes a leap of faith. It also helps to have selective hearing. (=但是女人首先需要知道她能学会,而这需要有敢冒风险而为的精神,同时听别人的话也得有所选择才行。)Unit 7. Useful Expressions 1. 排行榜 a hit parade 2. 严格地说 strictly speaking 3. 对我们真正至关重要的事 the things that really matter to us4.发表演说 make a spee


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