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    1、The scale of the second CIIE is larger than the first one, with the total exhibition area rising to 360,000 square meters from 300,000 square meters last year.第二届进博会的规模比第一届更大。首届展览总面积30万平方米,今年达到36万平方米。A total of 71.13 billion US dollars worth of tentative deals were reached for one-year purchases of

    2、goods and services during the second China International Import Expo (CIIE), up 23 percent year on year, Sun Chenghai, deputy director of the CIIE bureau, told a press conference Sunday.中国国际进口博览局副局长孙成海介绍,按一年计,第二届中国国际进口博览会累计意向成交711.3亿美元,比首届增长23%。Among the expos diverse displays, 391 new products, tec

    3、hnologies and services were launched for the first time on the Chinese mainland or worldwide, he added.多样化的展品中,世界或中国大陆首发新产品、新技术或服务391件。More than 230 companies from all over the world have signed up for the third CIIE, with their combined exhibition area exceeding 84,000 square meters, according to S

    4、un. Among them are more than 80 Fortune Global 500 companies or industrial leaders, with a total exhibition area of more than 50,000 square meters.截至当前,已有230多家企业签约报名第三届企业展,展览面积超过8.4万平方米。其中,世界500强和龙头企业超过80家,展览面积超过5万平方米。治疗阿尔茨海默病国产新药 the worlds first innovative therapy for treating Alzheimers diseaseA

    5、homegrown drug, GV-971,which is the worlds disease in 17 years will be available to Chinese patients before the end of this year, its developers said on Sunday.11月3日,治疗阿尔茨海默病国产新药九期一(内加“R”)(甘露特钠,代号:GV971)的研发机构表示,该药将在今年年底与国内患者见面,填补了世界阿尔茨海默病治疗领域17年无新药上市的空白。该药以海洋褐藻提取物为原料(materials extracted from brown a

    6、lgae),制备获得的低分子酸性寡糖化合物,可明显改善轻度至中度阿尔茨海默病患者认知功能(treat mild to moderate forms of the disease and improve cognition)。Alzheimers disease, an irreversible and progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory, thinking ability and the capability to carry out simple tasks, affects at least 50 million p

    7、eople worldwide, and the number is expected to increase as populations age.(动词)阿尔茨海默病是一种不可逆的、渐进型大脑紊乱病症,会缓慢损坏记忆力、思考水平以及执行简单任务的水平,全世界至少有5000万患者,随着人口老龄化加剧,患者数量还会继续增加。China has roughly 10 million people with Alzheimers, the most in the world.我国有阿尔茨海默病患者约1000万人,是世界上患者人数最多的国家。新药作用机制是什么?Scientists said the

    8、 drug functions mainly by rebalancing gut microbiota, reducing neuro-inflammation and reducing cognitive impairment.科学家表示,该药主要通过重塑肠道菌群平衡,减少相关神经炎症的发生,从而改善认知功能障碍。新药效果如何?A phase III clinical trial of the drug involving 818 patients completed in July last year had proven to continuously and effectively

    9、improve cognition among mild to moderate Alzheimers disease sufferers over a period of nine months, said Geng Meiyu, lead researcher on the drug and a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Institute of Materia Medic.该药主要发明人、中国科学院上海药物研究所研究员耿美玉介绍,“九期一”的3期临床试验研究于去年7月完成了818例受试者的服药观察,在

    10、为期36周的试验中,“九期一”能够明显改善轻、中度阿尔茨海默病患者的认知功能障碍。何时上市?The first production line for the drug will begin running this week. Patients will be able to buy the drug around the country from Dec 29, and more production lines will gradually be put into operation, which will meet the needs of 2 million patients, ac

    11、cording to Shanghai Green Valley Pharmaceutical, one of the drugs developers.该药的研发机构之一、上海绿谷制药有限公司表示,“九期一”将于本周投产第一批,预计12月29日投放至全国。生产企业正在筹建新工厂,建成后可满足每年200万患者用药量的生产、销售。(1)People more likely to feel pain on humid days 人们 “在潮湿天更容易感觉疼痛”一项研究显示,患相关节炎等长期健康问题的人在潮湿的天气里更容易感到疼痛。民间流传,寒冷会使疼痛更严重,但实际上人们对这类天气的影响研究甚少。

    12、曼彻斯特大学的这项研究分析了从2500人的智能手机上收集来的数据,结果发现,在温暖潮湿的日子里,疼痛的症状其实更严重。Many people assume that itstemperaturethat influences thepain experiencedby those who live with conditions such asarthritis.很多人认为是温度影响了关节炎等疾病患者的疼痛感。But researchers found that rather than acold snap, participants felt the greatest pain on day

    13、s during which there was highhumidity. Lowair pressureand windy conditions were also linked to painful days. Dry,stilldays were the least likely to be painful.但研究人员发现,寒潮并非罪魁祸首,参与调查的人们在湿度较大的日子里感受到的疼痛最严重。低气压和多风的天气环境也与疼痛的水准相关。在干燥、平和的日子里,人们感到疼痛的可能性最低。The researchers say their findings could help to deve

    14、lop a painforecast, which would allow people to plan activities for the least painful days. It could alsoshine a light onthemechanismsof pain and lead to the development of new treatments.研究人员表示,他们的发现可能有助于开发一种疼痛预测系统,使人们能在痛感最低的日子里安排活动。它还可能协助人们进一步理解疼痛的机制并带动新治疗方法的发展。词汇temperature 温度pain 疼痛experienced 体

    15、会到的,感受到的arthritis 关节炎cold snap 寒潮,乍寒期humidity 湿度air pressure 气压windy 多风的,刮风的still (天气)平静的forecast 预测、预报shine a light on 为提供解释mechanisms 机制(2)Greater protection for Emperor penguins called for 专家呼吁增强对南极帝企鹅的保护如果气候如预期变暖,到2100 年,南极帝企鹅将面临真正的困难。专家说,这些鸟在海冰上养育它们的后代,所以如果它们赖以生存的这个 “平台” 像气候模型所预测的那样大幅消融,帝企鹅的数量则

    16、很有可能急剧减少。文字稿Emperors are the biggest of the penguins, and in many ways the mostresilient. They breed right in the middle of theferociousAntarctic winter, but their need for nine months ofstablesea-ice on which to bring up their young means they face an uncertain future.帝企鹅是企鹅中体型最大的,在很多方面,适合水平也是最强的。它

    17、们在南极地区凶险的严冬时节繁殖,但它们需要九个月稳固的海冰来养育幼鸟,这意味着帝企鹅的前途未卜。Climate modelsprojectlarge sea ice losses, and with them, perhaps, a 50% reduction in the Emperor population by 2100. Scientists who study the birds believe its time their particularvulnerabilitywas formally recognised, and they want to seemeasurestake

    18、n to ease other pressures faced by Emperors, such as the fishing activities thatimpinge ontheir food supply.气候模型预测海冰会大量减少,帝企鹅的数量可能会在 2100 年前随之减少一半。研究该鸟类的科学家们认为,现应严肃理解到这个特定物种的脆弱性,他们也希望能看到人们采取措施,以缓解帝企鹅所面临的其它压力,比如影响它们食物供应的捕鱼活动。The scientists are pressing the International Union for Conservation of Natu

    19、re to lift Emperors higher up on its list of Earths endangered species.科学家们敦促世界自然保护联盟在地球濒危物种名单中把帝企鹅所处的位置提升。词汇resilient 适合水平强的ferocious (环境条件)凶险的,恶劣的stable 稳固的project 预计,预测vulnerability 脆弱性measures 措施impinge on 妨碍,起负面影响(3)Radical Parkinsons treatment tested in patients 帕金森病: 颠覆性疗法在患者身上测试一项将药物直接导入患者大脑

    20、中的、具有颠覆性的帕金森病疗法已在人身上实行了测试。在试验中,一组患者接受了这类治疗,即药物通过头部一侧的开口注入大脑;另一组则接受了 “安慰剂疗法”。Parkinsons causes parts of the brain to becomeprogressivelydamaged, resulting in a range ofsymptomssuch as involuntary shaking and stiff, inflexible muscles. Now British scientists have, for the first time, given aproteincal

    21、led GDNF directly into the brain in the hope that it couldregeneratedying cells and even reverse the condition.帕金森病导致部分大脑逐渐受损,引发一系列症状,比如无意识的颤抖和肌肉僵硬、不灵活等。现在,英国科学家首次将一种名为 “胶质细胞源性神经营养因子” 的蛋白质直接注入大脑,希望这样做能够让濒死的细胞再生,甚至逆转病情。41 participants underwent robot-assisted surgery to have four tubes screwed into t

    22、heir brains, which allowed GDNF to beinfusedto the affected areas withpinpoint accuracyvia a port in their head.41 名参与者接受了机器人辅助手术,手术将四根导管插入大脑,这使得胶质细胞源性神经营养因子通过头部的开口极其精确地注入病变区域。In the study, some patients received the protein and others received aplacebo. Both groups showed improved symptoms, so its

    23、not clear if the protein was responsible for thebenefits. However, scans did find evidence of improvement to affected areas of the brain in those given GDNF.在这项研究中,给一些患者注入了蛋白质,而给另一些患者使用了安慰剂。两组患者的症状均有所改善,所以当前还不清楚这是不是蛋白质起到的作用。但脑部扫描结果的确显示,在那些给予蛋白质的患者中,脑内的病变区域得到了改善。Researchers hope that further trials c

    24、ould look at increasing the doses of GDNF for the duration of treatment. While this is far froma curefor those with Parkinsons, it may provide some hope to the millions of sufferers around the world.研究者们希望进一步的试验能够着眼于在治疗期间增加胶质细胞源性神经营养因子的剂量。即使这还远远不能治愈帕金森病患者,但它或许能给世界各地数百万帕金森患者带来一丝希望。1. 词汇progressively

    25、逐渐地symptoms 症状protein 蛋白质regenerate 再生infused 被注入pinpoint accuracy 高精确度placebo 安慰剂benefits 益处、好处a cure 治愈方法(4)Global insects undergoing dramatic rates of decline 世界昆虫总数 “急剧下降”一份相关昆虫数量的科学审核报告显示,世界上40%的昆虫物种数量正 “急剧下降”。这份报告称,导致昆虫总数下降的原因是集约型农业、使用杀虫剂以及气候变暖。Insects are the mostabundantform of animal life o

    26、n the planet, representing more than 17 times theweightof the entire human population.昆虫是地球上数量最充足的动物生命体,它们的重量之和相当于整个人类人口体重的 17 倍。This study looked at 73 scientific reports. It found that overall, insect populations are falling by about 2.5% a year. 40% of the worlds insects could beextinctwithin a f

    27、ew decades.这份研究分析了 73 份科学报告。研究发现,总体来讲,昆虫的数量每年下降 2.5% 左右。世界上 40% 的昆虫有可能会在未来的几十年里灭绝。In some areas, thedeclineis even more rapid. According to one recent study, the number ofground insectsin Puerto Rico has fallen by 98% over the last 35 years.A growing body ofresearch shows that insects are declining

    28、about twice as fast asvertebrates.在一些地区,昆虫数量的下降速度更快。一项最新报告显示,波多黎各的陆地昆虫数量已在过去的 35 年间下降了 98%。越来越多的研究表明,昆虫数量的下降速度大约是脊椎动物的两倍。The reports authors say arethinkingof currentagricultural practiceis needed, in particular, a serious reduction inpesticideusage.这份报告的作者们说,有必要重新审视当前的农耕方式,尤其应着重减少杀虫剂的使用。abundant 数量充足的weight 重量,体重extinct 灭绝的decline 减少ground insects 在陆地上生活的昆虫a growing body of 越来越多的vertebrates 脊椎动物rethinking 重新思考,重新审视agricultural practices


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