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    1、4.Astronomers have learned that the spectacular tails of comets are extremely tenuous bodies, _ particles that the pressure of light can bend them. Acomprising the least Bcomposed of such minute Ccomposed of very large Dhaving so small number of 5.Occasionally serious crimes are committed there but

    2、they are _ incidents, not part of a widespread problem. Adetached Bsolitary Cisolated Dseparated 6.Ginger, pepper, cinnamon and some other aromatic flavours might be used for seasoning meat and fish, _ was particularly important when there were no refrigerators. Athat Bwhat Cthere Dwhich 7.The argum

    3、ents among the staff dont _ a good atmosphere in the office. Amake for Bget at Chead for Dbuild to 8.When I got back, they had eaten the whole cake and just a few _ were left on the plate. Agrains Bcrumbs Cdrops Dshreds 9.He can only blame himself for failing the exam. He _ harder during the year, b

    4、ut he seemed to go out with a different gift every weekend. Awould have worked Bshould have worked Cmust work Dought to work 10.Your correspondence and relations with Walter are known to me; _ connected with the disappearance of Mr. Barlow. Aso are the circumstances Bas well as the circumstances Cth

    5、e circumstances are as well Das well are the circumstances 11._ various internal and external sources of finance that a business can employ when seeking to fund its operations. AIt exists BThere exist CThere is DIt does 12.Because of his poor health, it took him a long time to _ his bad cold. Athrow

    6、 over Bthrow away Cthrow down Dthrow off 13.In adults similar symptoms of scurvy develop in people _ who have been deprived of fresh food for a long time. Asuch as sailors or the other Bas sailors or other Csuch as sailors or another Dlike sailors or others 14.Man: Im afraid I got stopped by the pol

    7、ice for speeding today, dear. Woman: Oh no, David. You didnt, did you ! Man: _. Woman: Thats dreadful. We cant afford that. You really should drive more slowly!ANo, I met a friend on my way home. BNo, I had to pay a lot of money for parking. CYes, I was caught by a policeman. DYes, I got an on the s

    8、pot fine of $ 280.00. 15.You may be a good singer, but it is _ unlikely that you will make it big. Looks are important, too. Agreatly Blargely Chighly Dfairly 16.The beauty of the place is more than I can describe. I am sure whoever sees it will _ its charm. Aappeal to Bkeep to Cyield to Dstick to 1

    9、7.How often do you eat out _, but usually about twice a month. ANo idea BAs usual CIt depends DGenerally speaking 18.There are several landladies approved by the university who take in _. Alodgers Bresidents Cinhabitants Dsettlers 19.Jane read the article over and over again but still thought the ev

    10、ents related were _. Aindelible Bincredible Cinfeasible Dinaccessible 20.Shaka _ power and became the king of the Zulus upon the death of his father. Apresumed Bresumed Cconsumed Dassumed 21.Although he has no education, he is one of the _ businessmen in the company. Asternest Bshrewdest Cnastiest D

    11、naughtiest 22._ has been the capital of Scotland since the 15th century. AEdinburgh BManchester CLiverpool DCardiff 23.Vicki: Hey Matt, are you feeling OK I dont think youre looking too well today. Matt: No, not really. Ive got a temperature, a headache, a sore throat. I think Im _ something. Acomin

    12、g down with Bbringing down Ccooling down Dgetting over 24.She was so _ in the book she was reading that she didnt notice me come into the room. Aimpressed Bmeditated Cfascinated Dengrossed 25.If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind is a famous line by _. AJohn Keats BWilliam Blake CWilliam Wordswo

    13、rth DPercy Bysshe Shelley 26.Which of the following cities is located on the west coast of the US ANew York. BDetroit. CMiami. DLos Angeles. 27.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was a masterpiece by Mark Twain from which, as noted by _, all modern American literature comes. AHenry James BErnest Hem

    14、ingway CWilliam Dean Howells DTheodore Dreiser 28.As America is to Uncle Sam, so England is to _. AJohn Bull BJohn Bear CHenry Bull DHenry Bear 29.Doctors are often caught in a _ because they have to decide whether they should tell their patients the truth or not. Adilemma Bpuzzle Cperplexity Dbewil

    15、derment 30.It was only when I felt the aircraft leave the runway, and saw Manhattan _ into the distance beneath and behind me, that I finally began to relax. Areceding Bretreating Cremoving Dreversing 31.The elephant had some _ relatives called mammoths, which lived during the Stone Age. Aremote Bdi

    16、stant Crelevant Ddistinct 32._ we have the official list of participants, we can make the final arrangements accordingly. AUntil BEven though CNow that DUnless 33.He appeared to be serious, but the truth is that for one reason or another, he didnt get his joke _ very effectively. Adown Baround Cacro

    17、ss Dout 34.I want the light fittings to be _ the ceiling. Aflat on Bflush with Cparallel to Dlevel in 35.Many old houses are being demolished to _ new buildings and parking lots. Agive rise to Bbring forth Cprovide for Dmake room for 36.The issue in _ is whether Congress should preserve a concept ca

    18、lled net neutrality. Acase Bmind Ccontradiction Dquestion 37.Although the victim had a testing device that _ the problem, he continued to replace the fuses. This led to the disruption of the grounding path and the creation of a hazardous situation. Awould have identified Bwould identify Cwill have i

    19、dentified Dwill identify 38.Military music may have _ from attempts to get people ready for _ by using fast music with drumming to stimulate their hearts to beat faster. Aexpanded ; confrontation Badvanced ; struggle Cevolved ; battle Delevated ; strife 39.People carry out much of their commerce her

    20、e, _ selling vegetables, serving locals meals or running, a hair salon. Awas it Bit is Cit being Dbe it 40.There seemed little hope that the explorers, _ in the rainforest, would find their way out. Ahaving deserted Bto have been deserted Cto be deserted Dhaving been deserted 41._, if anyone wants to grab the Radio Grayblog graphic for the purpose of linking, go right ahead. AIncidentally BConsequently CSubsequently DAccidentally 42.It is certain that no food is as good as _ earned by ones own labor, whether physical or mental. Asuch Bthat Cwhat Done


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