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    1、2005学年(下)四科联赛测试卷八年级英语试卷供卷学校_ 供卷老师_ _考试时间_ _分钟一单项选择:(20分)( )1. The babies are still .A. wake B. awake C. waking D. sleep( ) 2. We _TV when the telephone _.A. watched , was ringing B,were watching , rang C.watch , rings D. are watching, rang ( )3. Must I do it right now?No, you .A. wont B. mustnt C. d

    2、ont have to D. dont( )4. Why not to the cinema with us?A. to go B. going C. go D. goes( )5. The TV set is broken, please dont turn .A. on it B. it on C. it in D. in it( )6. He is a man of words.A. a little B. a few C. little D. few( )7. The baby stopped and the music.A. crying, listened to B. to cry

    3、, listened toC. crying, to listen to D. to cry, listen to( )8. It us three hours to do the work yesterday.A. takes B. take C. will take D. took( )9. Can you the car down the road?A. stop, to move B. stop, from moving C. stop, moved D. make, to move( )10. It is easy for a stranger to in a big city.A.

    4、 get lose B. get lost C. get losing D. lose( )11. cold weather it is today!A. How B. How a C. What a D. What( )12. Eating is not good for your health.A. too many B. too much C. very much D. enough( )13. I stayed at home all day to work.A. instead to go B. instead going C. instead go D. instead of go

    5、ing( )14. We are going out for a picnic if it tomorrow.A. not rain B. isnt rain C. rains D. doesnt rain( )15. I want to give him to eat.A. something English B. some English thingC. English something D. anything English( )16. He writes .A. good enough B. enough good C. enough well D. well enough( )17

    6、. Im very glad Beijing can be the host (东道主) for the 2008 Olympic Games. .A. So am I . B. So I am C. So do I D. So I do( )18. What number comes next? 1,2,4,7,11,16? .A.18, B.22 C.21 D.24( )19. Which of the following is a countrys capital(首都)?A. New York B. Paris C. Sydney D. Toronto( )20. In the Ira

    7、q War(伊拉克战争) people lost their lives. We are against (反对) any war. We need peace(和平).A. thousand of B. thousands of C. about ten hundreds D. hundred of 二.完形填空(15分)Many years ago, a man _21_Wu taught King Wang how to ride horses and how to drive a chariot(马拉战车)_22_some time the King started to race a

    8、gainst Wu, But no matter (无论) how many_23_ the King raced against Wu, Wu always won.The King was _24_and said to Wu, “You have taught me how to ride and how to drive a chariot. But I dont think you have taught me everything about _25_.”“I have taught you _26_I know.”_27_ Wu, “But you have not learne

    9、d everything. The _28_ thing about driving a chariot is to think of the horses. The driver of the chariot and the horses should work together. You can then go very _29_ and drive for long distances(距离) . But your problem is this: when you are behind me, you want to _30_with me . And when you are _31

    10、_me, you are afraid that I will catch up with you. _32_ whether you are in front of me or behind me, you are thinking of me. You are not thinking of your _33_ .If you want to win, you must _34_ thinking of me. You _35_ think only of your horses.”21 A. calls B. names C. called D. name22. A. In B. Aft

    11、er C. Since D. Before23. A. times B. days C. weeks D. months24. A. happy B. glad C. pleased D. unhappy25. A. playing B. racing C. running D. working26. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing27. A. asked B. told C. answered D. spoke28. A. dangerous B. newer C. beautiful D. most important29

    12、. A. slowly B. soon C. fast D. slow30 A. catch up B. do C. talk D. help31. A. beside B. in front of C. near D. next to32. A. So B. But C. Or D. And 33. A. cows B. dogs C. pigs D. horses34. A. start B. stop C. keep D. begin35.A. mustnt B. may C. must D. can 三. 阅读理解(30分) AValentines Day is on February

    13、 14th every year. For this day, people send valentines to their loved ones. Valentines Day is a special(特殊)time to tell how much you care about a person. Many people send candy in hearted shaped(“心”状的)boxes to people they love. Flowers are also presents that people send on Valentines Day. Valentine

    14、cards with words are often used by many people. Can you guess who gets the greatest number of Valentine cards in the United states each year? Is it mother or father, sister or brother? Is it uncle or aunt? Is it the special friend? No, it isnt ! Mothers get a lot of cards, but school teachers get th

    15、e most each year. Do you know who sends the most? Children do. Children send five times as many cards on February 14th as adults(成年人)do.( )36. Valentines Day _. A.comes once a year B.is on February 4th C.comes twice a year D.is on the first day of spring( )37.We can know from the passage that Valent

    16、ines refer to(涉及)_. A.mothers and fathers B.cards, flowers, candy and so on C.teachers and students D.uncles and aunts( )38.Teachers get the most valentines because _. A.students send the most B.students have too much money C.so many students love their teachers D.the valentines are made only for th

    17、em( )39.Which of the following is true? A.Flowers are the best present for Valentines Day B.All valentines are read and write C.Adults never get cards on Valentines Day D.Adults send fewer cards than children do( )40.This passage is mainly about _. A.candy and flower B.parents and children C.valenti

    18、nes and their receivers(接收者) D.the teachers in the United states B There was a famous French writer who wrote many popular novels, and he often told his friends that he could tell a persons character(性格)from that persons handwriting(书法).One day a woman friend brought him a page of a boys handwriting

    19、. She said that she wanted to know what he thought of the boys character. He studied the handwriting carefully for a few minutes. Then he looked up at the woman strangely. The woman, however, told him that the boy wasnt a member of her family and he didnt have to worry. “Good,” said the writer, “the

    20、n I can tell you the truth.” He went on to say that the boy was a stupid(愚蠢的)and lazy person. And the boy should be watched carefully. If not , he would grow up to bring his family harm. “Isnt that strange?” said the woman, smiling. “This is a page from your own exercise-book, which you yourself wro

    21、te when you were a child.”41. The writer was good at _ _. A. telling stories B. playing jokes C. writing stories D. telling ones secret42. The writer looked up at the woman strangely because _.A. he knew it was his own handwriting.B. he never saw such good handwriting.C. he wouldnt tell her the trut

    22、hD. he tried not to hurt the woman for his words 43. After the writer watched the handwriting carefully, he thought the boy _.A. was lazy but clever B. should be taught carefullyC. would be harmful to his familyD. could grow up well44. From this passage we know that _ _.A. we can know a man from his

    23、 childhoodB. ones character has nothing to do with his handwritingC. ones character can be changed easilyD. a person who once did wrong, never did good45. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. The woman showed the writer a page of another boys handwriting.B. The writer could tell a persons cha

    24、racter from his handwriting.C. The woman believed the writer.D. The woman didnt believe the writer, in fact. C Eye doctors in Shanghai found out that the nearsightedness among primary and middle school students has something to do with the color of the paper in their textbooks and notebooks. The doc

    25、tors suggested that yellow paper will be used to replace the white one. According to their research, the experts found out white paper reflects too much light and easily tires a persons eyes. The yellow paper, however, doesnt look so sharp to a persons eyes. In other words, it is much milder(柔和)to t

    26、he eyes of students who may do reading or writing for hours. The experts research findings were based on firsthand information and a number of scientific experiments including a new study among the students from forty-one middle schools. To make the students understand the truth, Shanghai Education

    27、Development Co. Ltd has produced textbooks and exercise-books made of yellow paper. The books will be used in the whole city soon.46. What does the word “replace” here mean in Chinese?A. 放置B. 重置替代发生47. The doctors found out _caused the students nearsightedness.A. their studies haveB. the color of th

    28、e paper has C. the textbooks and notebooks haveD. the color of their clothes has48. Why does white paper easily make our eyes tired?A. Because white paper reflects too much light.B. Because white paper gets in too much light.C. Because white paper is always shining.D. Because white paper is too bright.49. After _, the doctors have got the results.


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