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    1、俄罗斯童话故事英文第二册俄罗斯童话故事 Still more Russian picture tales VALERY CARRICKTranslated BY NEIVILL FORBES1. The Fox and the hare2. The Kids and the Wolf3. The Sparrow and the blade of Grass4. The Little Grey Goat 5. The Fox and the Crane6. The Peasant and the Hare7. The Fox, the Cock and the Crane8. Ting-a-li

    2、ng bome!9. The Fox and the Lobster10. The Camel and the Ram11. The Quarrelsome goat12. The Hare and the Peasant13. The Fox and the Peasant14. The Wolf that went Fishing15. Old Acquantance is soon forgot16. The Fox and the Woodcock The Fox and the Hare Once upon a time, in a certain forest, a hare bu

    3、ilt himself a hut of bark, and a fox built himself one of ice, close to one another. The two neighbours Got on very well together, and often paid each other visits. But when the spring came the foxs hut melted away, while the hares stood as it was, and the fox said to the hare: “Mr. Hare, do let me

    4、come and get warm in your hut!” and the hare let him in, but no soonerhad he done so than the fox chased him out. So the hare went off, crying bitterly, when suddenly he met a wolf, and the wolf said to him: “What are you crying about, Mr. Hare?” “How can I help crying, Mr. Wolf!” answered the hare,

    5、 “I had a hut of bark, and Mr. Fox had one of ice; his melted, and so he chased me out of mine, and settled in it!” “Well, dont cry, Mr. hare,” said the wolf,“Ill go and drive him out!” so he ran off to the hares hut and said to the fox: “Mr. Fox, come on out of it!” But the fox answered: “Youd bett

    6、er be careful what youre about, for Ill tear you in shreds if I do come out!” and that frightened the wolf so much that he ran away as hard as he could. And the hare went on further, still crying, when he met a bear, and the bear saidto him: “What are you crying about,Mr.hare?” “How can I help cryin

    7、g, Bruin! answered the hare, “I uilt myself a hut of bark, and the fox built himself one of ice; his melted , and so he chased me out of mine and settled himself in it.” “Well, dont cry, Mr. hare,” said Bruin, “Ill go and give him s slap, and drive him out!” so he went to the hares hut and said to t

    8、he fox: “Mr. Fox, come on out of it!” but the fox answered: “Youd better be careful what youre aout, for Ill tear you in shreds if I do come out!” and At that Bruin lost all his courage, and ran off so fast that he was out of sight before you had tiem to look. And the hare went on further, still cry

    9、ing and shedding bitter tears, when he met a cock, and the cock said to him: “what are you crying about, Mr. Hare?” “How can I help crying, Mr. Cock!” answered the hare, “I built myself a hut of bark, and the fox built himself on eof the ice; hismelted, and so he chased me out of mine and settled hi

    10、mself in it.” “Well, dont cry, Mr. hare,” said the cock, “Ill help you out of your trouble1” so he went to the hares hut and started crowing in a loud voice: “Ive got a ig scythe that kills people dead, and with it Ill chop off the foxs head!”and the fox got such a fright that he ran off with his ta

    11、il between his legs.And the hare was so happy, that he began beating the drum. And thats the end.Weve come to see you: please tell us a tale! THE KIDS AND THE WOLF Once upon a time a goat built a little hut in the forest, and brought up her family of kids in it and made it their home, when she had e

    12、aten all the grass near the hut, the goat had to go off to some meadows further away to find more, and then she would say to her kids: “Now ,children, you must shut the door very ,very tight, and dont open it to anyone, or else the wolf thats on the prowl here will come and eat you all up!” and when

    13、 she had walked far enough, and eaten her fill of green grass, the goat would come back to the hut and sing: “My little kids, my little dears, unbolted the door and open it wide! Your mothers come back and brought you some milk, to give food and drink to her little ones!” Then the kids would open th

    14、e door to let bher in, and the goat would feed them with milk, and lie down to rest and have a sleep and the nthe next morning go off again to the meadows which were far away. No one day the gray wolf heard the goat singing to her children, and he thought: “Why shouldnt I try and make my way into th

    15、eir hut!” and when he had sniffed around and made sure that the mother-goat had gone off, he crept quietly up to the door and started singing: “My little kids, my little dears, unbolt the door and open it wide! Your mothers come back and brought you some milk, to give food and drink to her little on

    16、es!” but the kids heard that it wasnt their mothers voice, and they said: “No, we wont open the door, youre not our mother, but the gray wolf, and you want to eat us!” and the wolf stood there for some time, and at last had to go away with an empty stomach. And then the goat came and started singing

    17、: “My little kids, my little dears, unbolt the door and open it wide! Your mothers come back and brought you some milk, to give food and drink to her little ones!” and they said directly: “There , thats our mother, well open the door for her!” so they opened the door, and told her all that had happe

    18、ned.Meanwhile the wolf was wandering about the forest and thinking : “Well now, whod have thought those kids are so clever! They must have told by the voice that it was I, the gray wolf, at their door!” so he went off to the smith, and the smoth forged him a very fine piping voice like the goats. an

    19、d he came back again to the goats hut and started singing: “My little kids, my little dear, unbolt the door and open it wide! Your mothers come back, and brought you some milk, to give food and drink to her little ones!” and the kids thought it was their mother that had come back, and opened the doo

    20、r to the wolf, and he ate them all up.THE SPARROW AND THE BLADE OF GRASSA sparrow once perched on a balde of grass and said to it: “Give me a swing, blade of grass.” But the blade of grass answered: “No, I wont!” so the sparrow flew off to the goat, and said to hom: “Mr. Goat, Mr. Goat! Go and eat t

    21、he blade of grass, because it wont give me a swing.” But the goat answered: “No, I wont” so the sparrow flew off to the wolf, and said to him: “Mr. Wolf, go and eat the goat! Because he wont go and eat the blade of grass, and the blade of grass wont give me a swing.” But the wolf answered: “No, I wo

    22、nt.” so the sparrow flew off to a man, and said to him: “Mr. man, go and kill the wolf! Because he wont go and eat the goat, and the goat wont go and eat the blade of grass, and the blade of grass wont give me a swing.” But the man answered: “No, I wont!” so the sparrow flew off to the fire, and sai

    23、d to it: “Fire, fire, go and burn the man! Because he wont go and kill the wolf, and the wolf wont go and eat the blade of grass wont give me a swing.” But the fire answered: “No, I wont.” so the sparrow flew off to the watr, and said to it: “Water, water, go and burn the man, and the man wont go an

    24、d kill the wolf, andThe wolf wont go and ea t the goat, and the goat wont go and eat the blade of grass, and the blade of grass wont give me a swing.” But the water anwered: “No, I wont!”So the sparrow flew off to the oxen, and said to them: “Oxen, oxen, go and drink up the water! Because it wont go

    25、 and put out the fire, and the fire wont go and kill the wolf, and the wolf wont go and eat the goat, and the goat wont go and eat the the blade of the grass, and the blade of grass wont give me a swing.”Then the oxen went off to drink the water, and the water went off to put out the fire, and the f

    26、ire went off to burn the man, and the man went off to kill the wolf, and the wolf went to eat the goat, and the goat went off to eat the blade of the grass, and the blade of grass got a terrible fright and SAID TO THE SPARROW: “Sit down, Ill give you a swing.”so the blade of grass started swinging t

    27、he sparrow and singing: “Hubhaby,baby, on the tree top, youd better hold tight if you dont want to drop!”its not that Im particular, but I havent yet been asked.THE LITTLE GAY GOATThere was an old woman who had a gray goat, oh! She did, yes! She did, had a gray goat!And that little goat she did love

    28、 very much, oh! He did, yes! He did, into his head.To go for a walk in the woods all alone,Oh! He did, yes! He did, all on his own.And when he got there he met three angry wolves, oh! He did, yes! He did, three angry wolves, oh! He did, yes! he did, three angry wolves.And his hoofs and his horns tha

    29、t was all that they left, oh! It was, yes! All that they left. THE FOX AND THE CRANE Once upon a time a fox made friends with a crane, and asked him to pay a visit. “Come and see me, cousin, in the forest! Ill give you a fine treat!” so the crane went t osee the fox in the forest. And the fox had bo

    30、iled some porridge and spread it out on a plate, and said to the crane: “Come and eat, cousnin, this porridge is delicious! Come and have some, and dont be shy!” and the crane began to peck at theplate,and went on pecking, but could get hold of nothing. Meanwhile the fox was licking away with his to

    31、ngue, and all the time kept asking the crane t oeat. At last the fox ate it all up and the crane had nothing at all. And the fox sat there, having eaten his fill, and licking His chops, and said: “You mustnt blame me, cousin, if you havent had enough. I could only give you what I had,and you were we

    32、lcome to that. I hsdnt time to boil or to bake antthing else.” And the crane answered; “Nevermind, cousin, many thanks for yoru kindness! Later on you must come come and see me in my marsh. One good meal deserves another!” so after a while the fox went to see the crane. And The crane had boiled some fish-soup and had poured it into a jar with a long narrow neck, and he said: “Please come and begin, cousin! This fish-soup is simply lovely! And the fox started walking round the jar, and he could smell how g


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