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    1、 A. Essex. B. Edinburgh. C. London. D. The US. 3. What will Mark Adams do the day after tomorrow? A. To come to the office again. B. To wait for the phone call. C. To call the office. D. To write to the office.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of each conversation

    2、you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.4. Members of the club are required to A. register when they arrive. B. bring up to three guests. C. register their guests. D. show membership cards on arrival. 5. Which of the following details about the changing r

    3、ooms is NOT correct? A. There is a charge for the use of the locker. B. Showers are installed in the changing rooms. C. Lockers are located in the changing rooms. D. Lockers are used to store personal belongings. 6. According the club rules, members can play A. for 30 minutes only. B. for one hour o

    4、nly. C. within the booked time only. D. longer than the booked time. 7. Which of the following details is NOT correct? A. Players can eat in the club room. B. Players have to leave the club by ten oclock. C. The courts are closed earlier than the club room. D. Players can use both the club room and

    5、the courts.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of each conversation you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the conversation.8. At the university Mr. Robinson specialized in A. maths. B. physics. C. water management. D. geography.9. Mr. R

    6、obinson worked for the Indian Government because ofA. university links. B. government agreements. C. company projects. D. degree requirements. 10. After Mr. Robinson returned from India, heA. changed jobs several times. B. went to live in Manchester. C. did similar work as in India. D. became head o

    7、f a research team.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this section you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of each passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions .Now

    8、listen to the passage.11.According to the talk, the owner of a bike has to A. register his bike immediately. B. put his bike on a list at once. C. have it stamped with a number. D. report to the police station. 12.The speaker in the talk recommendsA. two locks for an expensive bike. B. a good lock f

    9、or an expensive bike. C. cheap locks for cheap bikes. D. good locks for cheap bikes. 13. What is the main idea of the talk? A. How to have the bike stamped. B. How to protect your bike. C. How to buy good locks. D. How to report your lost bike to the police.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the follow

    10、ing passage. At the end of each passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.14. Which course(s) runs or run for one hour each time?A. Conversation class. B. Writing Skills class. C. Examination Skills class. D. All of the three courses. 15. Which course(s

    11、) does or do NOT require enrolment beforehand?C. Examination Skills class. D. All of the three courses.16. Which course(s) is(are) designed especially for students of economics and social sciences? 17. Which course(s) is(are) the shortest?C. Examination Skills class. D. All language courses.Question

    12、s 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of each passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.18. How old was Leonardo da Vinci when he moved to Milan?A. 25. B.30. C.35. D. 40.19. Throughout his life, Leonardo da Vinci worked as all the fo

    13、llowing EXCEPTA. a painter. B. an engineer. C. an architect. D. a builder. 20. Where did Leonardo da Vinci die?A. In France. B. In Milan. C. In Florence. D. In Tuscany. SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestions 21 to 22are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 second

    14、s to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.21. Who has to leave the Gaza Strip and the West Bank?A. The Israeli army. B. The Jewish settlers. C. The Palestinians. D. The Israeli Prime Minister. 22. How many settlements would have to be removed altogether in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank?A

    15、. 2. B. 4. C.21. D.D25.Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions .Now listen to the news.23. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the news?A. The agreement has to be approved by Romania. B. The agreeme

    16、nt has to be approved by Bulgaria. C. The agreement has to be approved by some EU states. D. The agreement has to be approved by all the EU states.24. Romania and Bulgaria cannot join the EU in 2007 unless they carry out reforms in the following areas EXCEPT A. manufacturing. B. border control. C. a

    17、dministration. D. justice. Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.25. What is the theme of the forum? A. Business leadership. B. Global business community. C. Economic prospects in

    18、 China. D. Business and government in China.26.According to the news, the first forum was held A. ten years ago. B. three years ago. C. in 1999. D. in 2001. Questions 27 and 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now list

    19、en to the news.27. About _ of the 15,000 visitors on the opening day of Hong Kong Disneyland came from the mainland. A. 4000 B. 5000 C. 6000 D. 700028. According to the news, residents in _ showed least interest in visiting the theme park. A. Beijing. B. Guangzhou. C. Shanghai D. Hong Kong. Question

    20、 29and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.29.What is the news mainly about?A. Religious violence. B. Refugee issues. C. ferry disaster. D. rescue operation. 30.The ferry boat was designed to car

    21、ry _ passengers. A. 198. B.200. C.290. D.500. PART IV CLOZE 15 MIN.Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.Until I took Dr Offutts class in DeMatha High school, I was an

    22、underachieving student, but I left that class (31)_never to underachieve again. He not only 31. A. concerned B. worried C. determined D. decidedTaught me to think, he convinced me,(32)_by example as 32. A. as much B. much as C. as such D. such asWords that it was my moral (33)_to do so and to serve

    23、33.A. work B. job C. duty D. obligationothers.(34)_of us could know how our relationship would 34.A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. Each(35)_over the years .When I came back to DeMatha to 35. A. evolve B. stay C. remain D. turnteach English, I worked for Dr Offutt, the department chair. My discussion

    24、with him were like graduate seminars in adolescent(36)_, classroom management and school leadership. 36. A. process B. procedure C. development D. movementAfter several years, I was (37)_department chair, 37. A. called B. named C. asked D .invitedand our relationship(38)_again. I thought that it might 38.A. moved B. altered C. went D. shiftedbe (39)_chairing the department ,since all of 39.A.awkward B. uneasy C. unnatural D. formermy (40)_English teachers were 40.A. older B. experienced C. former D. /(41)_there, but Dr Offutt supported me 41. A. / B.


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