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    1、论文摘抄中美饮食文化差异页眉111毕 业 论 文 (设 计) 届( )科 题 目 : 系 部: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 完成日期: 年 月 日中美饮食文化的差异摘 要随着社会的迅速发展和进步,跨国文化的交流是我们国家发展的必不可少的部分,然而在这跨国的商务活动中,饮食是必不可少的。不用的饮食文化将会反映出不同国家的历史背景,然而不同的国家地域饮食文化也是不同的,所以说了解各国的饮食文化对我们跨国文化交流来说是很重要的。本文主要讲述了中美两国饮食文化的差异,主要从饮食文化概念的差异,饮食文化桌面方式的差异和菜肴的差异详细的讲述了中美饮食文化的差异。希望的本文的讲解能够

    2、帮大家更深刻的理解中美的饮食文化,也希望能给大家在实践和理论上会有更大的帮助!了解中西饮食文化差异的同时,接受可以接受的部分并与中国饮食相融合,使我们日常生活中的饮食更加丰富,但又不乏自身特色。这才是我们正确对待中西饮食文化的态度 关键词:饮食文化; 文化差异; 餐饮礼节; 饮食概念 AbstractWith the rapid development and advanced society ,communicate with foreign country become more and more popular.and intercultural business is also ess

    3、ential for our country development .During the intercultural business activies,diet is the indespensable for us.however the different country have diferent diet culture.and the different culture will reflect different country histiry anf background .we should learn and understand each country diet c

    4、ulture well so that we can do our intercultural business well.this paper will discuss the diet culture difference between china nad america in detail from there parts:concept difference, table manners difference and contents difference.Hope this paper will help us understand diet culture difference

    5、depply. To some extent, hope this research be of significance both theoretically and practically. Key Words:diet culture;cultute difference; diet etiquette; diet conceptContents摘要.1.Abstract.2Acknowledgements.41. Introduction.52. The china cooking history.53. The America cuisine development.74. The

    6、diet differences between Chinese and America countries.8 4.1 Differences in concept .9 4.1.1 Sensibility vs. practicality.9 4.1.2 Complexity vs. simplicity .11 4.2 Differences in table manners.10 4.2.1 Different table-wares: chopsticks vs. forks.10 4.2.2 Different drinking protocol.104.2.3 Different

    7、 concepts regarding the time of attendance11 4.2.4 Different arrangements of seats12 4.3 Differences in contents. 135. Conclusion.146. Reference.15AcknowledgementsOn the completion of my thesis, I should like to express my deepest gratitude to all those whose kindness and advice have made this work

    8、possible.I am greatly indebted to my tutor Professor who gave me valuable instructions, and urged me to begin my research work as soon as possible. His effective advice, shrewd comments and quick corrections have kept the thesis in the right direction.I am grateful to Professor , Professor , Profess

    9、or and Professor of University. They have improved me in language and in research methodology and have shown me into the fascinating world of English literature and western culture.My gratitude is to my who constantly encouraged me when I felt frustrated with this dissertation. I am grateful for his

    10、 constructive suggestions and careful reading of the manuscript.1. Introduction With the rapid development of the Chinese economy and the influences of entering the WTO, the international communication activities between China and foreign countries are becoming more and more popular. Making friends

    11、during banquet is a kind of common form of communication. However, diet, as essential prerequisite for existence, is any substance that provides the nutrients necessary to maintain life and growth when ingested. It plays an irreplaceable role in the development of society and in the progress of huma

    12、n beings, whether in ancient times when primitive man ate the raw flesh of birds and beasts or in modern times when humans have entered the new era of information, and whether in East or in West. There are great difference between China and Western countries in etiquette and content of diet cultures

    13、, so the comparative study of Chinese & Western diet cultures will help us increase cross-cultural awareness that tolerating, understanding, and furthermore, appreciating and respecting cultural difference is essential if we are to achieve cross-cultural competence during the interaction. Moreover,

    14、as we communicate with people from different cultures, we will learn more about them and their way of life, including their history, values and the substance of their personality, and eventually, we will understand them better. Based on the above-mentioned purposes, we will discuss the diet differen

    15、ce between China and America in detail. 2Development of Chinese Cooking History China is a country where the preparation and appreciation of food has been developed to the highest level. Chinese culture considers cooking an art. All other philosophies consider the preparation of food a craft. The ar

    16、t of Chinese cooking has been developed and refined over many centuries. Emperor Fu taught people to fish, hunt, grow crops and cook twenty centuries before Christ. However cooking could not be considered an art until the great classical age of China, the Chou Dynasty 1122-249 B.C. The two dominant

    17、philosophies of the Chinese culture are Confucianism and Taoism. Each influenced the course of Chinese history and the development of the culinary arts. Confucianism concerned itself with the art of cooking and placed great emphasis on the enjoyment of life. To the Chinese, food and friends are inse

    18、parable. A gathering without food is considered incomplete and improper. Confucius loved and respected the art of cooking. He established culinary standards and proper table etiquette. Most of these are still considered to be the standards of today. The tradition of cutting foods into bite size piec

    19、es during preparation and not at the table is unique to the Chinese culture. The use of knives at a Chinese diner is considered poor taste. Confucius taught that good cooking depends on the blending of various ingredients and condiments rather than the taste of the individual elements. He believed t

    20、hat in order to become a good cook one must first be a good matchmaker. The flavors of the ingredients must be blended with harmony. Without this harmony there is no taste. He also stressed the use of color and texture in the presentation of the dish. Most certainly Confucianism helped elevate cooki

    21、ng from a menial task to the status of an art, the art of Chinese cooking. Taoism was responsible for the development of the hygienic aspects of foods and cooking. The principle objects of this philosophy were the nourishment of the body and the search for longevity. In contrast to Confucians who we

    22、re interested in the taste, texture and appearance, Taoists were concerned with the life-giving attributes of various foods. Over the centuries the Chinese have explored the world of plants, roots, herbs fungus and seeds to find life-giving elements. They discovered the nutritional value of vegetabl

    23、es could be destroyed by improper cooking and that many items had medicinal value. For example, ginger, a favorite condiment, is also used to soothe an upset stomach and as a cold remedy. Unlike the majority of eastern cuisines most Chinese dishes are low-calorie and low-fat. Food is cooked using po

    24、ly-unsaturated oils, and milk, cream, butter and cheese are not a. part of the daily diet. Animal fats are kept to a minimum due to the small portions of meats used. Please note however that some dishes served in Chinese restaurants may be considerably higher in calories and fats than those in this

    25、cookbook that you prepare at home. The Chinese following the philosophy of Taoism may have found the answers in 500 B.C. to todays diet and health problems. The Chinese cooking style certainly affords you the opportunity to cook healthy. 3American cuisine developmentThe United States is a land of de

    26、licious eating from coast to coast and neighborhood to neighborhood. But its cultural and culinary mix makes it impossible to characterize in a single byte or even a string of them. The two concepts essential to understanding US food are regionalism and diversity, accent on the latter. After all, It

    27、alian food differs from province to province and city to city as well. But key themes run through Italys food from south to north simply because its people have such strong roots in the Italian soil. Not so with the US. A nation of newcomers, its food reflects its origins. Some of the strongest infl

    28、uences on US cuisine came from African slaves, the people who least intended to be here. American food is inconceivable without barbecue in its many variations, all kinds of fritters and a mess of greens. Indeed Africans brought with them important techniques including smoking meats, frying grains a

    29、nd legumes into fritters, boiling leafy green vegetables, and making up hot, spicy sauces. Since African-Americans ran the kitchens on Southern plantations, they played a major role in molding the renowned cuisine of the South. Years later when railroads began to cross the continent, Black men ran t

    30、he galleys and carried that influence north and west. Chinese food arrived with the first laborers brought over to build the railroads. Confined to the Chinese community which was legally kept from mingling with the broader population, it overflowed the borders of Chinatowns to become part of the American eating experience. The earliest immigrants, largely from Canton, brought with them a taste for what many aficionados believe is the most delicate and refined of Chinese cuisines. The mix of more recent arrivals insures that every city of medium siz


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