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    1、房地产估价报告书REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL REPORTName of Project: Appraisal report on the evaluation of the value of Real Estate of Room0302,Unit11,Building1,No.196(Shangjie District),Changzhi Road, Taiyuan CityEntrusting Party: Appraising Institution: CO., LTDAppraisers: Appraisal Working Date:Appraisal Report

    2、No.: CO., LTD(seal)Contents1. Letter to the entrusting party.3 2. Statement by the appraisers.4 3. Presumption and restrictive conditions.5 4. Appraisal result report65. Appraisal technical report.11 6. Appendix19 Letter to the Entrusting PartyDear Ms. Yang Fang , We accepted your appointment to con

    3、duct the appraisal on your real estate that you have entrusted us. The appraised object is the real estate located at Room0302, Unit11,Building1,No.196(Shangjie District),Changzhi Road, Taiyuan City with the building area of 141.70 square meters. The appraisal date is July 08, 2010. Purpose of Appra

    4、isal: Supplying the reference basis of real estate market price for the entrusting partys knowledge Appraisal Result: The appraisers have assessed the value of the above-mentioned real estate on the basis of independence, impersonality, equity, legitimacy and cautiousness, adhering to on-spot inspec

    5、tion of the real estate as well as comprehensive collection of related market information and appraised object information, in the light of general analysis the elements which will influence the market value of the real estate, comply with state regulations on real estate appraisal, real estate appr

    6、aisal rules and given appraisal purpose as well as by utilizing logical appraisal processes and methods. The appraisal result of the appraised object on July 08, 2010 is as follows (currency: RMB): Unit Price of the appraised object:RMB7623 Yuan/Square Meter Total Price of the appraised object: RMB1

    7、,080,200.00 Yuan Capitalization (the capital form of Chinese numerals): RMB one million nine eighty thousand and two hundred Yuan) For detailed appraisal results, process and related explanation, please refer to the Appraisal Result Reportand Appraisal Technical Report. Taiyuan Wuyuetong Real Estate

    8、 Appraisal Co., LtdJuly 13, 2010Taiyuan Wuyuetong Real Estate Appraisal CO., LTD(seal)Statement by the AppraisersWe hereby solemnly declare the following:1. All of the information which has been shown in this report is authentic and accurate.2. All of the analyses, comments and conclusions which hav

    9、e been shown in this report have been presented, given and drawn through our impartial analysis and professional knowledge. However, all of them have been restricted by the presumptions and restrictive conditions which have been explained in this report.3. We have not had the interest conflict with

    10、the appraised object, nor have common interests with or prejudice against the entrusting party.4. According to Real Estate Appraisal Rules which is the State Standard of the Peoples Republic of China, we presented analyses, given comments, drawn conclusions and compose the report eventually.5. The o

    11、n-site inspection of the appraised object has been done by our appraisers through which they are responsible for the objectivity, authenticity and impartiality of the inspection results. However, unless otherwise agreed, the scope of on-site inspection is restricted to appearance and use status of t

    12、he appraised object. The appraisers do not shoulder the responsibility for investigating the structure and quality of the building as well as for examining other overlaid, unexposed and unreachable parts of the appraised object. The appraisers who take charge of on-site inspection are Duan Zhihong a

    13、nd Chai Hongbin.6. Not any important and professional assistance has been offered to the appraisal report.7. The appraisal is based on the relevant documents supplied by the entrusting party who shall be held liable for the authenticity, completeness and consequences incurred. The appraisers shall b

    14、e only held liable for the operation process and fairness of the appraisal method adopted.8. The registered real estate appraisers who take charge of the appraisal: Duan Zhihong RegisterDate of expiration:September 2010 (seal)Chai Hongbin Registered Public Real Estate Appraiser of P. R. China (Regis

    15、tration No.: 1420070031) Date of expiration:September 2010(seal)Presumption and Restrictive Conditions1. The entrusting party obtained the appraised object legally and the appraised object is in sound condition at the appraisal time and is used legally, safely and normally at its optimal status. 2.

    16、The real estate market at the appraisal time operates publicly, equally and voluntarily.3. Any operation mode and procedure relating to the appraised object shall comply with the relevant national and local laws and regulations.4. The owner, the location, the category of property, the building area

    17、and the function of the appraised object in this report shall be subject to what have been recorded in the House Proprietorship Certificate provided by the entrusting party.5. The appraisal result in this report is the market value of the real estate at the appraisal time of 5th, July, 2010 and meet

    18、s all the presumption and restrictive conditions. The real estate price shall be reappraised in case the conditions and purpose set in this report vary.6. The appraisal price in this report is objective and impartial market price, without considering the influence on the appraisal result by other ri

    19、ghts such as mortgage and leasing right, risk of the future change of the real estate market, short-term disciplinary measures and relevant taxation, etc.7. The appraisal result shall remain effective within one year since the finalization of the report. If during the period, there is major change i

    20、n national macroeconomic policy, the real estate market or the physical status of the appraised object which has major effects on the appraisal result, we shall be appointed again to perform the appraisal.8. The report shall only be used for the purpose of appraisal by the entrusting party, that is,

    21、 to supply referential basis for the entrusting party to determine the market value of the real estate. The report shall not be used for other economic activities.9. The report shall be used as a whole and we shall not be held liable for the relevant losses resulted from the use of the part of the r

    22、eport.Appraisal Result Report Bing Wu Yue Tong Gu Zi 2010 No. 0706The Entrusting Party:Name: Home Address: The Entrusted Appraising Party: Company name:Co., LtdClass: Legal representative: Address: Telephone: ( CO., LTD(seal)Appraised Object The appraised object: the appraised object is located at .

    23、The building have 7 floots and was built in 2004 . Building with steel reinforced concrete structure , the outside wall was tile fixing . The doors of Unites are intelligent security doors , the ground inside the building is waterstone , iron railings and wooden arms , inside wall is emulsion paint,

    24、 The appraised object located at Room02 , Unit11 ,third floor of the building . It is a residence . Decoration status of the appraised object: High-grade decoration , the floor of the room is covered by import granite , the wall is painted by latex, and the flooring angular line is made of clad plat

    25、e as well as the suspended ceiling is decorated by fluorescent lamp. Parlour is very artistic , the wall is black marble , integral ambry . The outer window of the room is decorated by top-grade insulating glass with aluminum alloy, stainless steel guard bar and marble windowsill. Whats more, the do

    26、or of the room consists of security door and wooden door , and the flooring angular line is made of ceramic tile, the suspended ceiling is decorated by fluorescent lamp as well. marble wash stand , sanitary fittings are complete ; there are water, electricity, central heating, gas, television, inter

    27、net in the house . Status of Proprietorship: Fang Quan Zheng Bing Zi No.S0906546 “House Proprietary Certificate” which has been provided by the entrusting party shows: Owner: Sun Zhiyu Yang Fang ; Location: d ; Category of Property: Private; Building No.: 1; Room No.0302; Structure: Steel reinforced

    28、 concrete; Total Building Floors: 7; Floor No. of the Appraised Object: 3; Building Area:141.70 square meters; Use of Design: Residence . Purpose of Appraisal: Supplying the reference basis of real estate market price for the entrusting partys knowledge. The appraisal date: July 08, 2010. Definition

    29、 of Price: The appraisal adopts the market price standard of the real estate, that is, the appraisal is complying with the market price on July 08, 2010 which is the appraisal date. Appraisal Basis:1. “Administration Rule of Urban Real Estate of P. R. China”2. “Administration Rule of Land Use of P.

    30、R. China”3. National Standard “Regulations for Real Estate Appraisal” of P. R. China4. “Property Law of P. R. China”5. “House Proprietorship Certificate”6. The relevant documents supplied by the entrusting party7. Information of the on-site inspection of the appraised object by the appraisers8. Rele

    31、vant documents concerning the real estate market mastered and collected by the appraising partyAppraisal Principles:1. Principle of legality The real estate appraisal shall be conducted on the basis of the legal proprietorship of the real estate, which contains the legal obtainment, legal use, legal transaction or disposition, etc.2. Principle of Maximal and Optimal Use The appraisal of the real estate shall be based on the maximal and optimal use. The maximal and optimal use


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