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    1、 新目标七年级下英语试题卷 (满分:100分 时间:100分钟)一、单项选择(每小题1分,共30分) 请阅读下面各小题,从题中A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。并将其填到答题卷的相应位置。1.下列哪组字母代表“联合国”?_A. UK B. USAC. UF D. UN2.缩略词“NBA”和“FIFA”分别与下面哪两项运动有关联?_ A. volleyball; basketball B. basketball; football C. baseball; tennis D. football; table tennis3. I can play _ guitar very

    2、well.A. a B. the C. an D. /4. What subjects do you have _Friday morning?A. on B. in C. at D. for5. My uncle has a beautiful house _ a big garden.A. have B. has C. with D. in6. I like dolphins because they are _ clever. A. a kind of B. a kind C. kinds of D. kind of7. Where _ lions _?A. is, from B. do

    3、es, from C. are, from D. do, from8. I want _ a nurse when I am older. A. be B. to C. to be D. to do9. -Is there a restaurant near here? -Yes,_.A. it is B. it isnt C. there is D. there isnt10. My pen pal _ Chinese and English. A. talks B. says C. tells D. speaks11. -_ the weather like today? -Its clo

    4、udy. A. What B. Whats C. How D. Hows12. Look! In this photo, Lily _at school. A. runs B. is running C. ran D. running13. -What _ rice would you like? -Egg rice, please.A. size of B. kind C. kind of D. size14. -What does your cousin look like? -He _very thin and he_ short hair.A. is, has B. is, is C.

    5、 has, has D. has, is15. -_ did you go on vacation? -I went to summer camp. A. What B. Where C. How D. Why16. I_ my homework and _ TV last Sunday. A. do, watch B. did, watched C. did, watch D. do, watched17. -Why do you like dogs? -Because they are _. A. friendly B. lazy C. quiet D. scary18. -Can I l

    6、isten to music in the library? -_ A. Yes, we do B. No, we dont C. No, you cant D. Yes, we can19 Where would you see this notice EVERYTHING HALF-PRICE?A.In a bank. B. At home. C. In a classroom. D. In a shop.20. -What do you think of music? -_. A. I love it B. Yes, I love C. No, I dont like D. I do,

    7、too21. -Where is _ teacher? - She is next to_.A. her; her B. your; your C. his; he D. my; my22 -_ come from _. They speak _. Their capital city is London. A. Englishman; England; English B. Englishman; English; England C. Englishmen; England; English D. Englishmen; English; England23 .His brother _

    8、English every morning, but now he _Chinese.A. read; is reading B. reads; reads C. is reading; is reading D. reads; is reading24. - _ this dress?- Oh, its beautiful and it is only¥80.A. How much B. How many C. How about D. How long25-Which day do you like best? - The first day in a week_.A. Monday B.

    9、 Saturday C. Sunday D. Friday.26 . One of his pen pals _ Japan.A. come from B. are from C. is from D. be from27 .-Excuse me ,wheres Luan Museum? -Sorry, Im new here.- _ A. Im sorry B. Youre welcome C. Thank you all the same D.I t doesnt matter28 Ms Johnson wants us _ Exercise 1, but you let us_ Exer

    10、cise 4. A. to do; to do B. to do; do C. do; do D. do; to do29 . -Can you help me in the garden, Bill ? -Sorry, Dad . I _ my homework.A. do B. am doing C. does D. did30 -Whats your little brother like? - _ A. He likes oranges B. He doesnt like oranges C. Hes like my mother D. Hes a clever boy with sh

    11、ort hair二完形填空。(每小题1分,共l0分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。把番号填入答题卡上相应的题号内。Kevin is from England. He _31_ in London. He likes _32_ to different places. Last weekend, he _33_ to Chongqing on vacation _34_ his wife and son. On Sunday afternoon, the _35_ was rainy. So they visited a museum. The museum was

    12、too crowded. His _36_ was lost. They were very worded (担心). But at last (最后) many Chinese people helped them _37_ his son. They were very _28_. So when his friends ask Kevin, What do you _39_ China? He always _40_,I love it.31. A. to live B. lives C. live D. lived32. A. go B. goes C. to go D. to goe

    13、s33. A. came B. comes C. arrived D. arrives34. A. and B. or C. of D. with35. A. sun B. food C. weather D. water36. A. daughter B. wife C. son D. brother37. A. find B. finding C. look for D. looking for38. A. boring B. happy C. sad D. difficult39. A. like B. think C. come from D. think of40. A. speak

    14、 B. speaks C. says D. say三阅读理解(每题一分,共10分)(A)Dear Lin Tao,Thank you for your letter. Do you want to know about my family? I live with my mum,dad and grandma in a big house in London. I have a brother. His name is Janson and hes fourteen. He lives in Sydney in Australia. Do you like games? I like socc

    15、er. I often play soccer with my friends. I have two pets. They are a cat and a dog. I want a bird, but my mother doesnt like it. Please write to me. 41. Danny lives in _. A. a small house B. London C. Australia D. Sydney42. How old is Dannys brother? A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 1443. There are _ people in

    16、Dannys family. A. three B. four C. five D. six44. Danny often plays soccer with his _. A. mum B. dad C. grandma D. friends45. Whats the Chinese for pet? A. 朋友 B. 宠物 C. 玩具 D. 同伴(B)There was once a bridge between two high hills. The bridge was a log(圆木)and was just for one person or animal to cross at

    17、 a time. One day, there came two goats(山羊). They started to cross the bridge at the same time and met in the middle of it. They looked down into the valley(山谷). It was deep(深). “Go back! I want to cross the bridge,” said one of the goats. “No,”the other said. “Let me cross the bridge first. Go back

    18、and wait!” “Go back,”again the first goat shouted. “I need to cross this bridge first!”The other goat didnt listen to him. He said, “I need to cross the bridge, too. Go back now!” They kept arguing(争吵)for a long time. Then they were tired. At last, they both fell off(跌落)the bridge into the deep, dee

    19、p valley.( )46. One goat started from the left side of the bridge and the other _. A. started from the left side, too B. went after him C. went in front of him D. started from the right side of the bridge( )47. The goats both looked down into the valley and found _. A. the valley was deep B. they co

    20、uldnt cross the valley C. the valley was beautiful D. a river( )48. Which is true(真实)to the story? A. No one could cross the valley on the log-bridge. B. The two goats both wanted to cross the bridge. C. One goat lived on the left of the bridge and the other lived on the right. D. In the end, the tw

    21、o goats came out of the valley.( )49. The story tells us _. A. the two goats were friendly to each other B. people should be good to each other C. one shouldnt argue(争吵)with others D. one should go after others on a bridge( )50. Which picture shows the consequence (结果)of the argue?四,任务型阅读(每题1分,共5分)按

    22、要求完成下列各题Kate and Philippe both want to have pen friends. Here is some information about them.NameKate SmithPhilippe AubryBirth PlaceNew YorkParisHobby(爱好)Playing Tennis and ReadingPlaying Football and DrawingFavourite Film StarKeanu ReevesSophie MarceauFavourite FoodVegetables and FishBeef and Chees

    23、eE-mail Address(地址)KatesmithPhilippeaubry请根据表格内容判断下列第1、第2和第3小题的正误,正确的请在题前的括号内填下T,错误的填F51.( )Kate and Philippe both like sports.52.( )Kate comes from Canada.53.( )Philippe likes to see Keanu Reeves film very much.请根据表格内容回答第4和第5小题54.What food does Kate like best?_55.If you want to get some help in lea

    24、rning English , who will you write an e-mail to?_五句型转换。(每空1分,共5分)按要求写出下列句子每空填写一个单词。缩写词算一个单词。请填入相应的题号内。56. I did my homework yesterday evening. (变成一般疑问句) _ you _ your homework yesterday evening?57. The cat often runs up the tree. (用now改写句子) The cat _ _ up the tree now.58. Get up at 6 o clock. (变成否定句)

    25、 _ _ up at 6 oclock.59. Li Ming is short and thin. (对划线部分提问) What does Li Ming _ _?60. I like giraffes because they are beautiful. (对划线部分提问)_ do you _ giraffes?六句子汉译英。(每空1分,共5分)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空填写一个单词。请填入相应的题号内。61在学校我们必须穿校服。 We _ _ wear school uniforms at school62这小狗使我感到非常快乐。 The little dog _ me_ very happy63你的假期过得怎么样? _ _ your vacation?64她想要一碗牛肉面。 She _ _ a bowl of beef noodles.65每个人都玩得很高兴。Everyone is_ a good_


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