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    1、2014-2015第一学期第8周九年级英语懿馨慧教育九年级英语Unit1翻译练习 整理时间:2014-10-231、 我必须在下星期一读完课文并写出报告。I have to finish _ a book and give a _ next Monday.2、 通过阅读词语前后句子,试猜该词意思。Try _ _ a words meaning by _ the_ before and after it.3、 读得越多,你就会读得越来越快。_ _ you read, _ _youll be.4、 我害怕提问,因为我的发音相当糟糕。I _ _ _ _ questions because my _

    2、was very bad.5、 我也开始观看其他英语电影。I _ _ _ other English movies _ _.6、 我爱上了这部动人心弦而又妙趣横生的影片!I _ _ _ _this exciting and funny movie!7、 我认识到,通过只需听懂关键词就能理解意思。I _ I could get the meaning by _ for just the _ _.8、 他们的肢体语言和面部表情帮我理解了其中的意思。Their _ _and the on their faces helped me to get the meaning.9、 我发现,听感兴趣的材料就

    3、是语言学习的秘诀。I _ that_ _ something you are interested in _ the_ _ language learni10、因为我想要理解这个故事,所以我就在字典中查询了这些词语。Because I wanted to understand the story, I _ _ the words in a_. 11、我想学习生词和更多语法,这样就能更透彻地理解英语电影。I want to learn new words and more _. Then I can have _ _ _ _ English movies.12、每人生来具备学习能力。Everyo

    4、ne _ _ _ the ability _ _.13、 是否能学好取决于你的学习习惯。_ _ _ you can do this well _ _your _ _.14、成功的学习者们往往都具备一些好习惯。_learners_some good habits _ _.15、如果你对某事感兴趣,你的大脑就会更活跃,并且更容易长时间集中精力。 If you _ _ _ something, your brain is more _ and it is also easier for you to _ _ _ it for a long time.16、优秀的学习者常常将他们要学的内容与感兴趣的事

    5、物联系起来。Good learners often _ what they need to learn _ something they _ _ _.17、学以致用,不用则废。_ it _ _ it.18、即使你在某些方面学得很好,倘若学而不用,也会忘得精光。_ _ you learn something _, you will forget it _ you use it.19、熟能生巧。Practice _ _.20、优秀的学习者不惧怕犯错误。Good learners are not afraid of _ _.21、亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔不是一夜之间发明的电话。Alexander Gra

    6、ham Bell did not_ the telephone _.22、他不断尝试,不断从错误中汲取教训,最后才得以成功。He _ by _ many times and _ _ his mistakes.23、他们用笔记下关键词或绘制思维导图来做笔记。They may _ _ by _ _ _ words or by _ _maps.24、优秀的学习者会寻求温习所学知识的好方法。Good learners look for ways _ _ what they have learned.25、优秀的学习者向另一个同学解释信息。Good learners _ the _ _ _student

    7、.26、优秀的学习者常常在课堂或者课后提问题。Good learners often ask questions _or _ class.27、他们甚至互相提问并尽力找到答案。They even ask _ _ and _ _ _ _ the answers.28、知识来自质疑。_ comes from _.29、学习是一个终生的旅程,因为每天都会带来新事物。Learning is a_ _ because every day brings _ _.30、你能制作单词卡吗? Can you _ _ _?31、那些同学正在听磁带。Those students_ _ _ _.32、你必须提高你的口

    8、语技巧。You must _ _ _ _.33、玛丽通过与她的朋友一起学习学到了很多。Mary has _ _ _ by _ with her friends.34、为何不大声朗读来练习发音呢?Why not _ _ to practice _?35、如果你有麻烦,你可以向警察求助。If you have trouble, you can _ the police _ _.36、我们的假期取决于天气。Our vacation plan will_ _ the weather.37、他们应该注意食品安全。They should _ _ _ the food safety.38、请帮我把电脑和打印

    9、机连接起来。Please help me to_ the computer _ the printer.39、这个经理明智地选择了合适的项目。The manager chose the suitable project _.40、这个问题太难了,我理解不了。Its _ hard for me _ understand the question.41、请跟我一起重读下面的句子。Please_ the following _ after me.42、我不知道这个单词怎么发音。I dont know _ _ _ this word.43、他是否是个美国人仍然是个秘密。_ _ _ he is an A

    10、merican is a _.44、请您给他捎个信好吗?Would you be kind _ _ _ a message to him?45、我认为你不必为这事担心。I dont think you need to _ _ this.46、咱们玩纸牌吧,别看电视了。Lets play cards _ _ _ television.47、作为一名老师,你应该对学生耐心。As a teacher, you should _ _ _ your students.48、这本课本有20课。This _ has 20 lessons.49、你和你的女儿谈话了吗?Did you _ _ _ _ your

    11、daughter?50、在去上学的路上,她经过那家超市。She went by the supermarket _ _ _ _school.51、为什么不让孩子去他们想去的地方呢?_ _ _ the children go where they want?52、这道题太难了,我们都做不出来。It was _ difficult a problem _ none of us worked it out.53、她犯了3个语法错误。She _ three _ in _.54、香港的学生在很多事情上博学多识。Students in Hong Kong have _ _ _ many things.55

    12、、对于我们来说提高我们的英语水平很重要。Its very _ for us _ _ our English.56、钟晶医生做着如此重要的工作,村民很感激她。Doctor Zhong Jing is doing _ _ _ job _ the villagers are grateful to her.57、你的笔友住在哪里? Where does your _ _ live?58、从那以后,她对物理和化学感兴趣了。Since then, she has been interested in _ and _.59、这个男孩不仅头脑聪明而且学习努力。The boy not only has a c

    13、lever _ but also works _.60、我通常是通过查词典来学习新的英语单词的 I usually learn new words _ _ _ _ in the dictionary.61、 你读书越多,你会了解更多知识。_ _ books you read,_ _ _ you _ have.62、你知道在哪里买这种有票吗?Did you know _ _ _ this kind of stamp?63、请查清楚是谁打破的玻璃。Please _ _ who _ the glass.64、如果你想提高你的听力技能,你应当一遍一遍地听录音。If you want _ _ your

    14、listening skills, you should listen to the tapes _ _ _ _.65、你不能独自在河里游泳,这样很危险。 You cant swim in the river _ _ _; its_.66、许多人在考试时有压力。Many people are _ _ when they have a test.67、不要逐字逐句地阅读。Dont read _ _ _.68、你起床早为的是不要迟到。You get up early _ _ you wont be late.69、我不知道如何提高阅读速度。I dont know how to _ my reading _.70、我没有一个搭档一起练习英语。I dont have a_ _ _ English with.71、作为父母,我们应该让我们的孩子们一点一点地明白什么是美的,什么是丑的。 As parents, we should make our children _ what is beautiful and what is ugly _ _ _. 3 / 3


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