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    1、公共英语三级考前阅读冲刺练习题及2021 年公共英语三级考前阅读冲刺练习题及答案Part ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Markyour answers on ANSWER SHEETl.Text 1It was fifteen past nine as Marie hurried into the office building where she was going to work.Her bus had inch

    2、ed along through heavy morning traffic, making her a few minutes late for her veryfirst job. She decided to start out half an hour earlier the next day.Once inside the lobby, she had to stand at the elevators and wait several minutes before shecould get on one going to the sixth floor. When she fina

    3、lly reached the office marked Smith Enter-prises , she knocked at the door nervously and waited.There was no reply. She tapped on the dooragain, but still there was no answer. From inside the next office, she could hear the sound ofvoices, so she opened the door and went in.Although she was sure it

    4、was the same office she had been in two weeks before when she hadthe interview with Mr. Smith, it looked quite different now. In fact, it hardly looked like an officeat all. The employees were just standing around chatting and smoking. In the front of the room,somebody must have just told a good jok

    5、e, she thought, because there was a loud burst of laughter asshe came in. For a moment she had thought they were laughing at her.Then one of the men looked at his watch, clapped his hands and said something to the others.Quickly they all went to their desks and, in a matter of seconds, everyone was

    6、hard at work. No one paid any attention to Marie. Finally she went up to the man who was sitting at the desk nearest to the door and explained that this was her first day in the office.Hardly looking up from his work, he told her to have a seat and wait for Mr. Smith, who would arrive at any moment.

    7、 Then Marie realized that the days work in the office began just before Mr. Smith arrived. Later she found out that he livedin Connecticut and came into Manhattan on the same trainevery morning, arriving in the office at 9 :35,so that his staff knew exactly when to start working.46.Marie felt nervou

    8、s when she knocked at the door because _ .Ait was her first day in a new jobBshe was a little bit late for workCshe was afraid that she had gone to the wrong placeD there was no answer from inside the office47. Marie could hardly recognize the office she went intoas .Ashe had been there only onceBMr

    9、. Smith was not in the officeCnobody was doing any workDthe office had a new appearance48.The people in the office suddenly started working because .Athey saw a stranger in the officeBtheir morning break was endedCno one wanted to talk to MarieDthe boss was about to arrive49.We can infer from the te

    10、xt that the employees of the enterprise . .Awould start their work by listening to a joke. B were cold to newcomersCwere always punctual for workDlacked devotion to the company50. The best title for this text would be. .APunctual Like a ClockBA Cold WelcomeCAn Unpunctual ManagerDBetter Late Than Nev

    11、er Text 2For most of us, dieting is a frustrating fact of life. With so much conflicting nutritional information about, it can be difficult to tell which weight-loss strategies really work. Let s start by discounting these confusing myths.1. All calories are created equalWhat you eat, not how much,

    12、is the main factor behind weight gain, according to research.Calories from fat pack on the pounds. The reason : during digestion, the body burns many more calories metabolizing protein and carbohydrates than it does metabolizing fat.2. Desserts are tabooCakes, pies and ice cream can sensibly be work

    13、ed into a diet, the expert says. Moderation is the key. CVt down on other meals if youll be eating out at a restaurant known for its rich sweets.Or indulge, but take only a few bites.3. Fast foods are forbiddenA plain hamburger on a bun is still a healthful choice. So is grilled chicken or a green s

    14、alad with low-cal dressing. But watch out for French fries, milkshakes and batter-dipped chicken or fish.4. Fasting is the fastest dietSome studies suggest that drastically reducing calorie intake switches the body into a starvationmode, which conserves calories and decreases your metabolic rate. Th

    15、e more frequently you deprive yourself of food, the better your body may get at storing calories. So,in the long run, repeated fasting may actually undermine your weight-loss efforts.5. To keep weight off, simply watch what you eat .According to experts, exercise combined with dieting ensures weight

    16、 Joss better than dieting alone does. Experts also agree that sticking with regular, moderate exercise is more important that occasional vigorous workouts are. Obesity-researcher Kelly Brownell encourages patients to makea series of small physical efforts : taking the stairs instead of the elevator

    17、and parking the car far from where you are going and walking.Most important, before getting caught up in dietary myths, let good sense shape your eating habits. Your body will thank you for it.51. It cannot be inferred from the first paragraph that_ .Athe information about dieting is always-contradi

    18、ctoryBthere are too many weight-loss strategies to choosefromCdieting is always troublesome to most peopleDpeople should not believe the ideas of dieting52. One of the elements to gain weight is _ .Athe amount of the food you eatBover sleepingClazinessDthe kind of food you eat53.Which of the followi

    19、ng saying is true about dieting? A You cant eat sweets.B Fast foods are not good.C You should not neglect any meals.D Fasting is always helpful54.The phrase starvation mode means .Abeing very hungryBeating what you like when you are hungryCweight-loss effortsDbeing ready to eat55.The word shape in t

    20、he last sentence means . A break B formC get rid of D change Text 3Labor force is defined as being the total number of people who are available to work and earn income. This definition includes everyone who is employed or seeking paid employment,so it includes employees and the self-employed. Labor

    21、is one of the countrys resources which can be combined with other resources to produce the goods and services required by the community. .Though the size of the workforce relies greatly on the size of the total population,there are several other aspects which also affect it. The age distribution of

    22、the total population has a very marked effect on the available workforce. If the population has a high proportion of very young people or of those too old to work,then the available workforce would be lower than if there were an evenly spread age distribution.If the population grows rapidly from nat

    23、ural increase,i. e. the number of births greatly exceeds the number of deaths,then as a total population increases, the proportion in the workforce declines.Sometimes a population is described as aging,which means that the birth rate is either falling or growing veryslowly,and as people retire from

    24、the workforce, there are inadequate numbers of young people entering it to take place of those who are leaving it. The population is top-heavy with older people. So the percentage of the population in the workforce declines when there is either a rapid increase in births or a falling birth rate. The

    25、 age distribution of the population has several important influences on the economy. If the population is aging and there is an increase in the number of peopleretiring without a corresponding increase in the number entering the workforce,this raises the problem of the ability of the economy to prov

    26、ide a reasonable level of social services to the retired group. If the aged are to be cared for in special homes or hotels,finance must be available for that purpose. If the size of the workforce is small relative to the total population,then the government tax receipts are relatively low and either

    27、 the govemment has less money available to it or the workforce members have to be taxed more heavily.56. Labor force is composed of .Apeople who are available to work and earn incomeBself-employed people onlyConly those who are looking for an employmentDonly the employees57.The factor which does NOT

    28、 influence the size of the worldorce is _ .Athe size of populationBage distribution of the populationCnational economyDnatural increase58.The conclusion which can be drawn safely from the second paragraph is that _Aa population growth from natural increase leads to a greater proportion of the work-f

    29、orceBa large population does not necessarily mean a higher proportion of workforceCthe larger the number of the aged in a population,the higher the proportion of the workforceDif the population has an evenly spreaded age distribution,the workforce will be lower59. When a population is said to be agi

    30、ng,_ .Amore people are retiring than people entering the workforceBthe birth rate is growing Cthere is an oversupply of workforceDyoung people outnumber old people60.The population which is top-heavy with older people poses a problem to _ .Athe government B the economyCthe workforce D all of the abo

    31、ve Part BDirections :Read the following discussion. among five people about workplace dress, for questions 61 t0 65,match the name of each person. (61 t0 65) to one of the statements (A to G ) given below. Mark you answers on. you.r ANSWER SHEETl.Marian :I have a friend who is a team leader of about

    32、 25 employees who are primarily women. She s found a trick that works for her most of the time, but -not always. Those staff who appear in much less than professional dressing are asked if their mother and father would think appropriate a pictureof them dressed in what they believe is OK for work. If they say yes, s


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