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    1、华师网络教育秋英语在线练习标准答案11Trains can more passengers than planes.A.get B.bringC.sendD.carry答案:D2He was born the morning of March 1, 1970.A. inB.atC.onD. of答案:C3Can you tell me when the train will there?A.arrive in B.reach toC.getD.reach at答案:C4I eighty Yuan for an English-Chinese dictionary.A.spent B.tookC

    2、.costD.paid答案:D5 Please give( )a cup of tea.A.meB.myC.ID.mine答案:A6 The speaker spoke so quickly that( )of us could understand him.A.fewB.littleC.a fewD.a little答案:A7 Speak to her slowly _ she may catch you.A.becauseB.so thatC.forD.since答案:B8 I could hardly see any smoke( )from the top of the mountai

    3、n.A.risingB.raiseC.risesD.raising答案:A9 Mrs Black is a kind woman. She( )others easily.A.gets on well withB.gets toC.gets intoD.get in答案:A10 Now it isnt difficult to( )a job in our city.A.findB.find outC.look forD.search答案:A11 A new play will be ( ) at the Capital Theatre next week.A.put upB.put onC.

    4、put downD.put into答案:B12After ten years of hard work, the couple to pay off all the debts.A.managedB.succeededC.missedD.could答案:A13 I often visited the British Museum _ I was staying in London.A.untilB.whileC.duringD.throughout答案:B14 I like to ( ) others play football.A.lookB.seeC.watchD.read答案:C15

    5、Its not right to( )people when they are in trouble.A.laughB.laugh onC.laugh atD.laugh for答案:C16 Hangzhou is more beautiful than( )city in China.A.anyB.the otherC.othersD.any other答案:D17 his surprise, the woman a baby is his mother.A.To, B.With, toC.To, withD.With, has答案:C18 Please say it( )English.A

    6、.inB.withC.forD.at答案:A19 I havent heard from him( )he left home.A.whenB.sinceC.asD.if答案:B20 There are about( )workers in our factory.A.eight hundredB.eight hundred ofC.eight hundredsD.hundred of答案:A21 How long ( ) you ( ) a member of the club?A.havejoinedB.havebeenC.hasjoinedD.hasbeen答案:B22 If a pie

    7、ce of ice is taken into a warm room, it will soon ( ) water.A.turn offB.turn downC.turn intoD.turn on答案:C23 I have _ English book but he has two English books.A.oneB.aC.anD./答案:A24 _ needs further discussion whether well build a library or not.A.WeB.HeC.ItD.The thing答案:C25 Youd better ( ) yourself t

    8、o some food, or you will be worse.A.helpB.to helpC.eatD.to eat答案:A26“Ive got an A for my history,” Judy said .A.sadlyB.sadC.happilyD.happy答案:C27This coat is too small. Give me one.A.moreB. otherC. the otherD.another答案:D28 He came to the meeting( )than you.A.earlyB.earlierC.earliesD.more early答案:B29

    9、My son said the man had hit him( ).A.in the faceB.on the faceC.in his faceD.on his face答案:A30第38题By the end of last month, three English songs( ).A.have taughtB.have been taughtC.has taughtD.had been taught答案:D31 She is( ) younger than she looks.A.moreB.veryC.soD.much答案:D32 The restaurant was ( ) in

    10、 1983 by a woman cook.A.set upB.set outC.set offD.set down答案:A33Jack doesnt jump so as his classmates.A.highB.highlyC.higherD.more highly答案:A34 Look, the little boy( )a big dictionary from the shelf.A.is taking downB.is taking outC.is taking upD.is taking back答案:A35 “Must I finish the work before su

    11、pper?” “No, you( ).”A.mustntB.needntC.cantD.may not答案:B36 Lets( )out for a walk, shall we?A.to goB.goC.wentD.going答案:B37 I have( ) much work to do that I cant go with you.A.tooB.veryC.soD.such答案:C38 “Must we finish the work today?” “No, you ( ) .”A.mustntB.cantC.dontD.neednt答案:D39The trip was and pe

    12、ople were enjoying themselves.A.pleasedB.pleasantC.gladD.joy答案:B40 People in the west make _ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.A.thatB.itC.thisD.as答案:B41 She asked me if I knew ( ).A.whose book it isB.whose book is itC.whose book it wasD.whose book was it答案:C42 The gir

    13、l( )but could see nobody. She began to feel afraid.A.looked afterB.looked forC.looked aroundD.looked at答案:C43 Shell join us this evening( )she hasnt got important work to do.A.untilB.ifC.becauseD.for答案:B44 We have to hurry, ( ) well be late for school.A.andB.orC.soD.but答案:B45How much rice there in t

    14、he jar?A.isB.areC.haveD.has答案:A46我很想知道他是谁,从哪里来,来干什么。(wonder)答案: I wonder who he is, he came from why he came.47 这两家公司已就合同内容达成一致。( agree on)答案: The two companies have agreed on the contract.48 为什么要学英语?不同的人会有不同的答案。答案: Why should we learn English? Different people may have different answers.49 那个女孩子等了又

    15、等,希望能够见到那位著名影星。(in the hope that)答案: The girl waited and waited, in the hope that she would be able to see that famous movie star.50 礼貌是非常重要的。如果你懂礼貌,你总是与人为善,乐于助人。(if)答案: Good manners are very important. If you are polite, you are always kind helpful to others.51听他讲大学生活是一件很有趣的事情。(it is + adj. + to do

    16、)答案: Its was interesting to hear him talk about his life at University.52 你可以想象他是多么的悲伤。答案: You can imagine how sad he was!53阅读理解Not very long ago, a special family system existed in certain parts of South India. In this system, the actual head of a family unit was the mothers eldest brother, though

    17、the mother also had an important position in the family. In families of this kind, a husband was actually no more than a visitor. He did not live with his wife , but with his own mother, brothers and sisters in another house. He saw his sons and daughters sometimes, but the man who actually fed and

    18、cared for them and acted as their father was their uncletheir mothers brother. But this system, in which brothers and sisters take the place of the father, no longer exists in South India except in a few villages. Economic changes have had far-reaching effect on family life, so family life began to

    19、change when men sent out to work in factories and offices instead of working with their mothers, brothers, and sisters on the land. When a man went out to work he had money of his own and could buy his own land and build his own family, instead of depending on his mother and his brothers. He wanted

    20、to be independent. This is an example of the way in which economic relations can have an effect on family relationships.1. 阅读理解The best title of this passage is ( ).A、Husband Actually Visitor in FamilyB、Family System in South IndiaC、Wife Has Important Position in FamilyD、Economic Relations Affects F

    21、amily Relationships标准答案:B2. 阅读理解Who had the actual control of a family in South India not long ago?A、Mother.B、The mothers eldest brother.C、The father.D、 The fathers mother.标准答案:B3. 阅读理解In this system, the husband lived together with his( ).A、wifeB、sons and daughtersC、mother, brothers and sistersD、wi

    22、fes brother标准答案:C4. 阅读理解 Now in South India there are( )of this system in which a husband has no control of his family.A、no familiesB、many more familiesC、very few familiesD、not any families标准答案:C5. 阅读理解 What has caused such a strange family system to die away?A、The fact that the mother has not got a

    23、ny brother.B、The fact that the father has got his own house and land.C、The changes in economic relations.D、The changes in family relationships.标准答案:C54阅读理解Mr Richards has worked in a small seaside town for about ten years he his wife have a comfortable house near the sea.During the winter they would

    24、 be quite happy, but every summer a lot of their relatives used to holiday, it was much cheaper than staying in a hotel.Finally one day in June Mr Richards complained to a clever friend of his who lived in the same place. “One of my wifes cousins is going to bring her husband children spend ten days

    25、 with us next month again. How have you prevented all your relatives from coming to live with you in the summer?” “Oh,” the friend answered, “That is not difficult, I just borrow money from all the rich ones, lend it to all the poor ones. After that, they seldom come again.” Hearing this Mr Richards

    26、 smiled. 1.阅读理解The relatives preferred to stay in Mr Richards house because ( ).A、is was near the seaB、they might spend less moneyC、they were more welcomeD、it was a comfortable place标准答案:B2.阅读理解The cousin ( ) that small seaside town before.A、had worked inB、had not visitedC、had been toD、had never bee

    27、n标准答案:C3.阅读理解According to his friends opinion, the poor relatives would stop going there so often because ( ).A、they were shy to borrow money againB、they were afraid to be asked to pay off the debtsC、they had been ill-treatedD、it wasnt happy for the poor to meet the rich标准答案:B4.阅读理解The best title (标

    28、题) for this passage is ( ).A、Such a Clever FriendB、Mr Richards his FriendC、Money is ImportantD、Such Good Usage of Money标准答案:D5.阅读理解After reading the passage we can infer( 推断) ( ).A、Mr Richards still complains about the coming of his relatives in summerB、The friend of Mr Richards hadnt as many relatives as Mrs RichardsC、Gradually Mr Richards succeeded in keeping his relatives out in summerD、None of Richards relatives came to the seaside town for their holidays标准答案:C


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