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    1、Responsible: Acknowledge sourcesCritical: Openness to critical scrutiny1.3 Types of Academic PaperA professional paper is a formal printed document in which professionals present their views and research findings on any deliberately chosen topic.1) Research paper 2) Academic Report 3) Review Article

    2、 4)Brief/Rapid Communication 5) Course paper 6)Thesis & Dissertation 1.4 The Style of English Academic Writing (记忆方法 A b C C E F R)Generally, English Academic writing is:1) formality(正式性)- to avoid using contractions, colloquialisms, abbreviations and acronyms, phrasal verbs, asking questions and se

    3、cond person pronoun (you) in addressing readers.2) complexity(复杂性)-Written language is relatively more complex than spoken languageGrammatically: more clauses and embedding; more attributing adjectives;more prepositional phrases;more passive than spoken language.Lexically: fewer but longer words/ ph

    4、rases;more nominalizations;more lexical variation.3) explicitness(表意清楚)avoiding vague expression or ambiguity.Explicit in expressing ideas;Explicit in signposting the organization of the ideas;Explicit in acknowledging the sources.4) accuracy(准确)-Academic writing uses vocabulary accurately. Most sub

    5、jects have words with narrow specific meanings.6) conciseness(简洁明了)Use more content words rather than function wordsEliminate unnecessary qualifiersInvolve less passive sentences6) impersonal and objective(客观性)-Written language is in general objective rather than personal. It therefore has fewer wor

    6、ds that refer to the writer or the reader. This means that the main emphasis should be on the information that you want to give and the arguments you want to make, rather than you.Impersonality: Pronouns are uncommon while passive commonHedging: the avoidance of too definite statements or conclusion

    7、s to make the writing safer and more objectiveLanguage used in hedging:1) Introductory verbs e.g. seem, tend, look like, appear to be, think, believe, doubt, be sure, indicate, suggest 2) Certain lexical verbs e.g. believe, assume, suggest 3) Certain modal verbs e.g. will, must, would, may, might, c

    8、ould 4) Adverbs of frequency e.g. often, sometimes, usually 5) Modal adverbs e.g. certainly, definitely, clearly, probably, possibly, perhaps, conceivably,likely6) Modal adjectives e.g. certain, definite, clear, probable, possible 7) Modal nouns e.g. assumption, possibility, probability 8) That clau

    9、ses e.g. It could be the case that. It might be suggested that. There is every hope that. 9) To-clause+ e.g. It may be possible to obtain. It is important to develop. It is useful to study. Here are some examples of cautious or tentative style.7) responsibility(负责任)-Academic writing refers to inform

    10、ation from a range of print, digital and other sources, all of which must be clearly referenced in your text references other writers work.Plagiarism(剽窃) The definition of plagiarism:Plagiarism is the act of using another persons language or ideas without acknowledgment. (The word plagiarism is deri

    11、ved from a Latin word for kidnapper.) A dictionary defines it as the use or imitation of words and ideas of another person and the representation of them as ones original work. Two types of plagiarism: deliberate unintentionalTo avoid plagiarism: paraphrasing summary synthesisTwo ways provide the co

    12、rrect acknowledgement: 1. Summary and citation: Smith (2009) claims that modern states power in new ways. 2. Quotation and citation: According to Smith: The point is not that the state is in retreat but that it is developing new forms of power.(Smith.2009.103)如果遇到分析题,就是先判断是否属于剽窃,再写剽窃的定义,再FOR EXAMPLE

    13、。1.5 Structure of Academic Research paper1.5.1 General StructureThe IMRaD ModelHourglass(沙漏结构) 1.5.2 Parts of an Academic Research Paper1) Title: summarize the contents succinctly for indexing purposes and attract the readers Authors & Affiliation2) Abstract: a concise overview of the study 3) Key w

    14、ords: highlighting the focus of the paper4) Introduction: provide the background; identify the problem under study; evaluate previous studies; identify the research gap; state the research objectives5) Materials & Methods: describe procedures and steps of the research6) Results & findings: findings

    15、of the study (presented using figures and tables)7) Discussions: summary of the major results; probe into the underlying causes; compare the results with the previous studies; summarize the significance of the research8) Conclusion: mention the limitations of the research; suggestions for future stu

    16、dy9) Acknowledgements: indicating others contributions10) References/Bibliography: provide context of your work11) Appendices1.5.3 Recommend Writing Sequence (7 Steps)Step 1: Prepare and describe data, including Figures and TablesStep 2: Write Results, Discussion and ConclusionStep 3: Write MethodsS

    17、tep 4: Write IntroductionStep 5: Write AbstractStep 6: Select Key Words Step 7: Entitle the PaperQuestion & Exercises:Read the following two passages and try to find out the stylistic features of each.Answer:Compared with these two passages, I find that there are differences in styles,passage 1 is i

    18、nformal, subjective, for example: “Im.”, “dont.”While the second passage is a scientific research paper, its formal, objective and complex, for example,(长句,被动语态等)(subjective-objective, simple-complex, for example.)Chapter 2 Prewriting Skills2.1. Information Collecting2.2. Academic Reading 2.2.1 Type

    19、s of Academic Reading Materials2.2. 2 Strategy of Academic Reading2.3. Note Taking2.4. Constructing Annotated Bibliography2.4. 1 Definition of Annotated Bibliography2.4. 2 Steps of Constructing an Annotated BibliographySCI Paper Writing Strategy: Choosing a TopicThe first challenge in the process of

    20、 academic writing 1)Choosing a subject of interest A subject: a broad area of Interest from which a more specific topic can be chosen A topic:a relatively narrow area of interest that can be thoroughly researched and discussed within the page length guidelines given by your instructor.2)Conducting a

    21、 preliminary topic overviewDiscover what is already known and what research questions remain regarding your topic. Your research questions probably derive from the recent literature you reviewed. 3)Narrowing your subject into a specific topic In the form of a question What, HowWhyWhoWhereWhen open d

    22、ifferent scopes for your research.Criteria of choosing a topic: research-worthy, intriguing (interesting), feasible, manageableExercises:Read the topics in the following, and determine the extent of their scope: too broad, too narrow, or just right.Chapter 3 Results, Discussion and Conclusions3.1 Re

    23、sultsThe section of results is a text-based presentation of the key findings which includes references to each of the tables and figures.3.1.1 Using subheadings to streamline reports3.1.2 Captioning and referencing figures and tables Using incomplete grammatical sentences and sometime ending with pe

    24、riods for table headings and figure legends3.1.3 Typical sentence patterns to describe results3.2 DiscussionThe discussion section gets to the root of your research question by interpreting the research results and guiding the readers by logical steps to see phenomena from your point of view.3.2.1 P

    25、urpose of Discussion Difference between Result & Discussion: Compared with the Result section that is just a descriptive presentation of the data and facts, Discussion provides your interpretive understanding of the results, trying to answer “What do the data and facts mean?” It is here that the fin

    26、dings are woven together and the major issues or themes are identified and discussed.Four purposes of Discussion Section:(1) Interpret your result(2) Answer your research question(3) Justify your approach(4) Critically evaluate your study3.2.2 Main elements of DiscussionThe following six main elemen

    27、ts that are logically stated should never be neglected. (1) Reiterating your research question(s) and the methods (2) Elaborating on your major findings and additional findings (3) Relating the findings to similar studies (4) Pointing out limitations of the study (5) Stating future directions (6) Ma

    28、king your overall conclusion3.2.3 Writing Requirements for DiscussionFirstly, you should sufficiently analyze the presented data and point out the factual relationships.Secondly, since the purpose of the professional paper is to confirm the authors research work, it is beneficial for him to fully re

    29、view what he has done in his work.Thirdly, the writer has to admit his weak points or failure frankly.Fourthly, brief and forceful expressions should be used in the section of discussion.Finally, keep in mind never to write more words than necessary.3.2.4 Typical sentence patterns to describe discussion3.2.5 Case study of Discussion Section3.3 Conclusion3.3.1 Conclusions based on sound evidence3.3.2 A Reference to the main purpose or hypothesis of the study3.3.3 A Br


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