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    上海市六年级下册期末复习 英语阅读理解专项练习 10篇含答案解析.docx

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    上海市六年级下册期末复习 英语阅读理解专项练习 10篇含答案解析.docx

    1、上海市六年级下册期末复习 英语阅读理解专项练习 10篇含答案解析上海市六年级下册期末复习 英语阅读理解专项练习( 10篇含答案解析)1 My name is Nancy. Im sixteen years old. I am from Canada. My parent(父母) are teachers in a middle school. They work from Monday to Friday. I have a sister. Her name is Jenny. She is seventeen. We are in the same school. We go to scho

    2、ol together(一起). We have four classes(课) in the morning and two in the afternoon. We go home(家) at four in the afternoon. We dont do our homework in the afternoon. On Saturdays and Sundays we dont go to school. On Saturdays my parent(父母) like to have dumplings for supper. But my sister and I dont. W

    3、e like bread and cakes. We often go to a restaurant for supper on Sundays.1How many people are there in Nancys family(家庭)?A.Three B.Five C.Four D.Two2How many days do Nancys parent(父母) not work in a week(一周)?A.Two B.One C.Three D.Four3Why do Nancy and Jenny go to school together?A.They are sixteen B

    4、.They are in the same schoolC.They have four classes in the morning D.They like the same English teacher4Nancy has classes in three days.A.six B.twelve C.nine D.eighteen5What would Nancy and Jenny have for supper on Saturdays?A.Dumplings B.BreadC.Cakes D.Bread and cakes【答案】1C2A3B4D5A【解析】【分析】这是Nancy

    5、在介绍自己和家人。父母是中学教师,她和姐姐Jenny在同一所学校。1细节理解题。题干:Nancy家有几口人?根据My name is Nancy. My parent(父母) are teachers in a middle school. They work from Monday to Friday. I have a sister. 可知Nancy家有四口人:Nancy、爸爸和妈妈和姐姐。故选C。2细节理解题。题干:Nancy的父母一周几天不工作?根据They work from Monday to Friday.可知,Nancy从周一工作到周五,那一周两天不工作。故选A。3细节理解题。

    6、题干:为什么Nancy 和Jenny 一起去学校?根据 We are in the same school. We go to school together(一起)可知,Nancy 和Jenny一起去学校是因为她俩在同一所学校。故选B。4数字计算题。题干:3天,Nancy上几节课?根据We have four classes(课) in the morning and two in the afternoon. 可知,Nancy 一天上6节课,故3天上18节课,故选 D。5推理判断题。题干:星期六Nancy 和Jenny晚饭吃什么?根据On Saturdays my parent(父母) l

    7、ike to have dumplings for supper. 可知,周六晚饭,她们会吃到妈妈包的水饺。2 All students need(需要) to have good habits: When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly(快速的). You also remember(记住) things easily.Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. Yo

    8、u need to study in a quiet(安静的) place like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing(事情), and you will learn better.Before you begin to study, remember to clean(打扫) your desk. A good light(灯) is important(重要的), too. You will feel tired(劳累的) easily if there is not enough(足够

    9、的) light.1When you have good study habits, you will .A.learn things quickly B.remember things easily C.both A and B2The living room is not a good place for study because it is too .A.quiet B.noisy C.clean3What does the underlined(划线的) word “noisy” mean in Chinese?A.拥挤的 B.嘈杂的 C.热情的4You should remembe

    10、r to before you study,A.clean the desk B.tidy the room C.open the window5The BEST title for the passage is “ ”.A.Study in the bedroom B.Good study habits C.How to study【答案】1C2B3B4A5B【解析】【分析】短文介绍了学习要有一个好习惯,有了好习惯,学习起来就更快了。并提到了不要造客厅学习,学习前,记得清理一下课桌。一个好台灯是很重要的,你很容易感觉累如果没有足够的光。1细节理解题,根据“When you have good

    11、 study habits, you learn things quickly(快速的). You also remember(记住) things easily. 当你有了好的学习习惯,你就会学得很快。你也很容易记住事情。”,可知答案,故选:C。2细节理解题,根据“This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. 这不是一个好地方,因为它通常太吵了。”,可知答案,故选:B。3词义猜测题,根据“You need to study in a quiet(安静的) place like your bedroom你需要在像你的卧室这样

    12、安静的地方学习”,可知这里This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy.应该是指“吵闹的”,故选:B。4细节理解题,根据“Before you begin to study, remember to clean(打扫) your desk. 在你开始学习之前,记得清理你的桌子。”,可知答案,故选:A。5标题概括题,根据“All students need(需要) to have good habits.所有的学生都需要有好的习惯”,可知本文主要讲好的学习习惯,故选:B。3Dear Jane,I have to(必须) go t

    13、o work (工作) now. I prepare(准备) these things for you. Your schoolbag is on the desk. Your pen, books, keys and your school card are in your schoolbag. Your clothes and hat are on the sofa. The shoes are under your bed. Dontforgetyour breakfast(早餐).Its in the microwave oven(微波炉)Mom1 leaves(留下) the not

    14、e(便条)AJane. BJanes fatherCJanes mother DJanes friend2Whats in the schoolbag?a. the pen b. the shoesc. the keys d. the school card e. the hatAb c d Ba b dCa b e Da c d3The shoes are .Aon the bed Bon the dresserCunder the bed Don the sofa4The schoolbag is .Aon the desk Bon the bedCunder the desk Din t

    15、he microwave oven5The underlined(划线的)“forget means(意思是)“ ”.A拿走 B忘记 C带来 D记得【答案】1 C 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 B 【解析】【分析】试题分析:这篇短文是Jane的妈妈给她写的一张便条,里面给Jane交代了一些事情,如Jane的书包以及书包里的东西、衣服、帽子和鞋的位置以及提醒她不要忘记吃早饭等。1细节理解题。根据这张便条开头的称呼Dear Jane和最下面的署名Mom可知,这张便条是Jane的妈妈写给她的。故选C。2细节理解题。根据短文中Your pen, books, keys and your school c

    16、ard are in your schoolbag可知,书包里有钢笔、书、钥匙和学生证。因此应该选D。3细节理解题。根据短文中The shoes are under your bed可知,Jane的鞋在床下面。由此可知选C。4细节理解题。根据短文中Your schoolbag is on the desk.可知,Jane的书包在桌子上。故选A。5词义猜测题。根据短文的意思和划线单词所在的句子Dont forget your breakfast. Its in the microwave oven可知,这里Jane的妈妈提醒她不要忘记吃早饭,早饭在微波炉里。forget忘记。故选B。考点:日常生

    17、活类短文阅读。4阅读下面一篇短文,从各小题所给的三个选项中选出能回答所提问题的一个最佳答案。My name is Sue. Im an English girl. Im twelve. This is my school, Its No 6 Middle School. Im in Class 2 Grade 1. My English teacher is Miss Li. At school, I have a good friend. Her name is Liu Ying. She is eleven. She and I are in the same class. She is

    18、a good girl.1How old is Sue?AShe is 11. BShe is 12. CShe is 13.2Which is her school?ANo. 4 Middle School BNo. 6 Middle SchoolCNo. 8 Middle School3Who is her English teacher?AMiss Lu BMiss Li CMiss Liu4Which class is Liu Ying in?AClass Two. BClass Four CClass One5How old is Liu Ying?AShe is 11. BShe

    19、is 12. CShe is 13.【答案】1B2B3B4A5A【解析】【分析】我是一个英国女孩,12岁,在6中上学,在1年级2班,李老师是我的英语老师,我的好朋友是刘颖,她11岁,我们在同一个班。1细节理解题。根据My name is Sue. Im an English girl. Im twelve.可知是12岁,故选B2细节理解题。根据This is my school, Its No 6 Middle School.可知是6中,故选B3细节理解题。根据My English teacher is Miss Li.可知是李老师;故选B4细节理解题。根据Im in Class 2 Grad

    20、e 1. I have a good friend. Her name is Liu Ying. She is eleven. She and I are in the same class.可知也在2班;故选A5细节理解题。根据I have a good friend. Her name is Liu Ying. She is eleven.可知刘颖11岁;故选A5Do you have healthy habits?Mary WhiteYeah!I think my habits are very healthy.Every day I get up early and go to bed

    21、 early.Every morning I eat breakfast and eat well.I eat fruit and vegetables every day.And every day I play soccer for two hours with my friends.Alan GreenNo,I dont.I get up late so I have no time to eat breakfast.For lunch,I usually eat lots of hamburgers.I never play sports.In the evening,I usuall

    22、y play computer games.I go to bed late,at about eleven oclock.Helen HandYes.My habits are very good.I never eat unhealthy food.Ice-cream tastes good but I never eat it.Its unhealthy.Every day I get up at six oclock and go to bed at eight thirty.I eat well and play sports every day.I run with my fath

    23、er for half an hour in the morning.So Im very healthy.1Mary with her friends every day.Agoes to school Bdoes her homeworkCplays soccer Dhas lunch2What does Alan usually have for lunch? AHamburgers. BVegetables.CChicken. DFruit.3Alan goes to bed at about .A9:00 B10:00 C11:00 D12:004Helen runs with he

    24、r in the morning.Amother BfriendCbrother Dfather5 has an unhealthy life.AHelen BAlan CMary DJohn【答案】1C2A3C4D5B【解析】【分析】本文介绍了玛丽、艾伦、海伦的生活方式是否健康。1细节理解题。由句子And every day I play soccer for two hours with my friends.可知,每天我和朋友踢两个小时的足球。故选C。2细节理解题。由句子For lunch,I usually eat lots of hamburgers.可知,午餐,我通常吃很多汉堡包。

    25、故选A。3细节理解题。由句子I go to bed late,at about eleven oclock.可知,我睡得很晚,大约十一点。故选C。4细节理解题。由句子I run with my father for half an hour in the morning. 可知,早上我和爸爸一起跑了半个小时。故选D。5细节理解题。由对Alan的叙述可知,Alan的健康方式不对,故选B。6 My name is Sam. This is my neighborhood. There s a big supermarket near my house. My mother often goes s

    26、hopping there. Across from the supermarket is a school. It s my school. There is a library next to the school. I like reading books there. I am Peter. My neighborhood is busy. There are a lot of stores and restaurants in my neighborhood. My house is on a street corner(街角). There is a post office nea

    27、r it. And next to the post office is a pay phone. My name is Linda. In my neighborhood there s a big park. Lots of people go there to have fun. I like to play there, too. There is a restaurant across from the park. A bank is next to the restaurant. And some clothes stores are near the bank.1There is

    28、 a _ near Sam s house.Arestaurant Blibrary Csupermarket Dpark2Peter s neighborhood is very _.Aquiet Bbusy Cdirty Dclean3Peter s house is _.Aon a street corner Bnext to the post officeCacross from the supermarket Dnear the bank4In Linda s neighborhood, there is _. a park a bank a restaurant a superma

    29、rketA B C D5Which of the followings is TRUE about Sam s school ?A B C D【答案】1C2B3A4A5B【解析】【分析】试题分析:短文是三个孩子对自己家附近的环境做的简单介绍。1题意:山姆家附近有一所 。考查细节理解题。根据山姆的介绍Theres a big supermarket near my house,可知选C。2题意:彼得的邻居很 。考查细节理解题。根据彼得的介绍My neighborhood is busy,可知选B。3题意:彼得的房子在 。考查细节理解题。A. on a street corner在一个街角。B.

    30、next to the post office在邮局旁边。C. across from the supermarket在超市的对面。D. near the bank在银行附近。根据彼得的介绍My house is on a street corner.,可知选A。4题意:在琳达的附近,有 。考查细节理解题。根据琳达的介绍In my neighborhood theres a big parkThere is a restaurant across from the parkA bank is next to the restaurantAnd some clothes stores are n

    31、ear the bank,可知附近有公园、银行和餐馆,故选A。5题意:关于山姆的学校,下列哪一项是正确的?考查细节理解题。根据山姆的介绍,结合图片内容,可知选B。点睛:对于阅读理解题,首先要粗读文章了解大意,其次通过细读,理解全文。在粗读的基础上,仔细阅读题后所给的题目,根据题目要求,再有重点地返回来仔细阅读。在阅读理解的题目中,所设问题主要有以下几种方式:找主题或概括文章的中心思想、就文中的具体事实和情节进行提问、根据文章的表层意思进行深层次的推理判断等,在细读时,要根据设问的方式,进行有侧重地阅读。1、概括文章中心思想。1)文首呈现主题句。2)文尾出现主题句。3)首尾呼应展现主题。4)文中表述主题。前面提出问题,文中的主题由随之陈述的细节或合乎逻辑的引


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