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    八年级下册八年级英语单项选择50题知识点归纳 及解析及解析文档格式.docx

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    八年级下册八年级英语单项选择50题知识点归纳 及解析及解析文档格式.docx

    1、Yes, its just _ east of the experiment building. the Ba; / Cthe;/ Dthe;二、选择题7 Have you got any books on the differences between Chinese and Western festivals? I want to borrow one. Yes, here you are. But you must return _by Sunday.Aone Bit Cthis Dthat三、选择题8Recently, he seemed to be not himself and g

    2、ave up many chances. Wed better do something to stop him losing the _ of his life.Asense Bcourse Cdirection Dcondition四、选择题9Youve watched the boring soap opera thousands of times! Why dont you go outside and find something _ doing?Auseful Bcheerful Cenjoyable Dworth10Happy birthday, Anna. Heres my p

    3、resent for you.Wow, thank you so much. Im really_that you still remember my birthday.Ascared Bstressed Csatisfied Dsurprised11Jack is such a _ person that everyone likes him.He is. He always offers a hand when his neighbours are in trouble.Acurious Bconfident Chelpful Dserious12I hear there will be

    4、_jobs for people because robots will do some of the jobs.Afewer Bless Cmore Dbetter五、选择题13Taking part in a social activity can help take your mind _ matters that worry you and make you feel good about yourself.Athrough Bacross Coff Dinto14The blue planet is so far from the earth that radio signals,

    5、travel _ the speed of light, take 16 hours to reach the spacecraft.Afor Bin Con Dat15The girl is _ a singer _ everyone in her hometown.Awell known as; for Bwell known as; to Cwell-know as; to Dbest known for; for六、选择题16Based on local cultures and museums, schools should develop local courses _ art,

    6、history, geography, and biology.Aled to Btaken on Cchosen from Dconnected with17I know how busy you must be and I wouldnt want to _ too much of your time.Aput up Btake up Cset up Dmake up18It is careless of him to_ the books on the table. What a mess!Maybe he is getting uncomfortable from staying up

    7、 too late every day.Aknock over Bknock down Cknock off Dknock on19We have waited for Tom for half an hour. Why hasnt he _ yet?He may have got lost. Let me call him.Acheered up Btaken up Cstayed up Dshown up七、选择题20Suzy described every detail of the accident just now.Her memory _ be completely back.As

    8、hall Bneed Cmust Dcould21Sorry, smoking is not allowed here. If you _ , you will be fined according to the rules.Acan Bwill Cmay Dmust八、选择题22What + adj. +可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语+其他成分!例如:What bad weather it is! 多坏的天气啊!九、选择题23_ is it from my home to Guanyun High-speed Railway Station?I have no idea. Perhap

    9、s a few miles away.AHow far BHow soon CHow often DHow long24_ do you go to visit your grandparents?At least twice a month.AHow often BHow long CHow many DHow old25_ do you think we can finish the report?Perhaps in one more hour.AHow long BHow much CHow soon DHow often十、选择题26Many people think that ba

    10、dly-behaved travelers _ so that they wont behave that way again.Ashould punish Bshould be punishedCmustnt be punished Dmust punish27When the natural park _ ,it will be a good place for people to play and relax.Ahas completed Bwill complete Cis completed Dwill be completed十一、选择题28I hear you in a pub.

    11、 Whats it like?Well, its very hard work and Im always tired, but I dont mind.Aare working Bwill workCwere working Dwill be working29Hi, lets go skating.Sorry, Im busy right now. I _ in an application form for a new job.Afill Bhave filledCam filling Dwill fill30The water supply has been cut off tempo

    12、rarily because the workers the main pipeArepair BrepairedChave repaired Dare repairing31Wheres Nick?He _ classes at school.Ahad Bwill have Cis having Dwas having十二、选择题32My uncle is in Beijing now. He lives in the countryside _ works in the cityduring the week.-Oh, he must be tired.Aor Band Cbut Dso3

    13、3The last bus had left when we arrived,_ we had to find a hotel to stay for the nightAso Bbut Cor Dbecause34Its hot today, _we want to go swimming in the river.Athough Bbut Cso Dor35Those who want to lose weight have to exercise every day, _ they might get fat again.Athough Bif Cso that Dor十三、选择题36G

    14、ood news! Another new member in the Beidou family was sent into space. Scientists tried their best to pay attention to every detail. To them, _.Ait never rains but it pours Ba friend in need is a friend indeedCa miss is as good as a mile Dthe grass is always greener on the other side十四、选择题37Oh, my l

    15、ove, you say you have ordered a dozen cups of bubble tea (奶茶)? _AAgree. BForget it. CI really do. DAre you kidding me?38 Mike, are you ready for the coming final exam? _. I have prepared it for weeks.AYou bet BNo deal CBad luck DHave fun十五、选择题39Look! So many people are walking into the museum. What

    16、are on show?Some 3D pictures by some modern artists.Adraws Bdrew Cdrawn Ddrawing40The list _ 19 trillion data _ over nine years from 390 cities across 48 countries.Abased on; collected Bbased on; collectingCis based on; collected Dis based on;41(题文) .- Shall we take a walk outside? Sorry, Im too bus

    17、y _ for the coming examAprepare Bto prepareCpreparing Dwith preparing十六、选择题42Sorry, Im late. Has the meeting begun?It doesnt matter. The meeting _ for several minutes.Ahas just begun Bhas just been overChas just been on Dhas just ended43You are too late. The film for half an hour.Aends Bended Chas e

    18、nded Dhas been over44For nearly 100 years, the heartbroken Little Mermaid _on a rock looking out over Copenhagens port.Awill sit Bsits Csat Dhas sat十七、选择题45As theyre handmade, each one _ slightly in shape.Avarious Bvaried Cvaries Dvariety46Whenever you _ a present, youd better think about it from th

    19、e receivers preference.Abought Bbuy Cwill buy Dhave bought47Have you ever been to Shanghai?Of course. Actually, I _ there for six years but now I live in Zhenjiang.Aworked Bwas working Cwould work Dhave worked十八、选择题48- Do you know what Robinson Crusoe did just after he got to the island?- Yes. The f

    20、irst thing _ he did was to look for some food.Awho Bthat Cwhich Dwhat49According to the survey, women _drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than _who dont.Awho; that B/; theseCwho; those D/ ; /50I didnt see you last night. Where did you go?I went to

    21、see a modern drama called Teahouse _ was written by Lao She.Awho Bwhom Cwhen Dwhich【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除1C解析:C【解析】试题分析:考查冠词的用法:第一空填an,泛指“一架飞机”,第二空考查experience做经历讲,是可数名词。可以填an,指“非常令人兴奋的经历”,句意:在一万英尺的高度从飞机上跳下来是让人兴奋的经历。选C考点 : 考查冠词的用法2C考查冠词的用法。第一空the 2010 South Africa World Cup特指2010年南非世界杯;第二空考查抽象名词具体化,a s

    22、hock此处指“一个震惊的消息”。故选C3BB试题分析:理解成千上万个新单词的一种途径就是好好掌握基本单词。此处为固定短语gain a good knowledge of:精通,故选B。考点:考察冠词。4B考查冠词。一场意外的大雨,是泛指用不定冠词,后面单词词首音素是元音,故用an。下文巨大变化,抽象名词不可数,泛指不用冠词。故选B。5B句意:冠词是一种虚词,在英语中只能和名词一起使用。不定冠词用在可数单数名词前,表示泛指任何一个。定冠词用在名词前表示特指某一个。在专有名词及表示泛指的复数名词前一般不要冠词,叫做零冠词。应用中需结合一定的语境来判断是用不定冠词还是用定冠词。打扰了,有一本莫言写

    23、的书吗?是的,在那边的书架上。结合语境可知上文泛指任何一本莫言写的书,故用不定冠词。下文特指那边的书架,故用定冠词,选B。冠词6B【详解】 你的新学校有图书馆吗? 有,就在实验楼的东边。library是可数名词单数,而且此处表示泛指,第一空需要不定冠词a;“be +方位词+of .”表示“(某地)在(另一地)的方向”,所以第二空不需要冠词。7B你们有关于中西方节日差异的书吗?我想借一本。有,给你。但是你必须在周日之前归还它。考查代词辨析。one一个,同类不同物;it它,同类又同物;this这个;that那个。此空指代前文提到的一本有关中西方节日差异的书,属于同类又同物,故选B。8C最近,他似乎

    24、有些失常,放弃了很多机会。我们最好做点什么来阻止他失去生活的方向。考查名词辨析。sense感觉;course课程;direction方向;condition条件。根据“Recently, he seemed to be not himself and gave up many chances.”可知他失常地放弃了很多机会,要阻止他失去生活的方向。故选C。9DD这部无聊的肥皂剧你已经看了几千遍了!你为什么不出去找点值得做的事呢?考查形容词辨析。useful有用的;cheerful令人愉快的;enjoyable愉快的;worth值得的。根据前句“Youve watched the boring s

    25、oap opera thousands of times!”和空后动词“doing”的形式可知,空处应是worth,值得的。故选D。10D安妮,生日快乐,这个是我给你的礼物。哇,非常感谢你。我真的很惊讶你仍然记得我的生日。考查形容词。scared 害怕的;stressed焦虑不安的; satisfied满意的; surprised惊讶的。根据“you still remember my birthday”你仍记得我的生日,此处表达的是很惊讶,用形容词surprised。11C杰克是个乐于助人的人,大家都喜欢他。他是。邻居有困难时,他总是伸出援手。curious好奇的;confident自信的;

    26、helpful有帮助的;serious严重的;根据句意理解及后句He always offers a hand when his neighbours are in trouble.可知,这里说的是“他是乐于助人的”,故选C。12AA我听说人们将会有更少的工作,因为机器人会做一些工作。考查形容比较级。fewer更少的,修饰可数名词;less更少的,修饰不可数名词;more更多的;better更好的。根据后面robots will do some of the jobs可知,空处是说更少的工作,所以排除选项C与D;根据空后jobs可知,jobs为可数名词,所以空处应该用修饰可数名词的fewer。故选A。13C参加社交活动可以帮助你把注意力从担心的事情上转移开,让你对自己感觉良好。考查介词辨析。through穿过(内部);across穿过(平面);off离开;into到里面。根据“Taking part in a social activity can help take your mindmatters”可知,是take y


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