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    英语 七年级英语上册阅读理解解题技巧及练习测试题Word格式文档下载.docx

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    英语 七年级英语上册阅读理解解题技巧及练习测试题Word格式文档下载.docx

    1、Ruth Handler.(2)A Barbie Doll cost _dollars in the first year after it appeared. 3509027,000(3)What does the underlined word legend mean in the passage?传播传奇传承传达(4)The writer doesnt tell us _. Barbie Dolls are very popular with girlsBarbie Dolls sell well around the worldwhat the first Barbie Doll wa

    2、s based onthe doll Barbie was named after Barbara(5)Whats the best title of the passage?Barbies birthdayBarbie DollsA lovely girl named BarbieWhy are Barbies popular【答案】 (1)D(2)A(3)B(4)C(5)B 【解析】【分析】主要讲了芭比娃娃的发展史。 (1)细节题。根据It was designed (设计) in 1959 by an American businesswoman named Ruth Handler.可

    3、知芭比娃娃由Ruth Handler设计,故选D。 (2)细节题。根据Mattel sold three hundred thousand Barbie Dolls in the first year at a price of three dollars.可知美泰在第一年以3美元的价格卖出了30万个芭比娃娃,故选A。 (3)推断题。根据后句Now Barbie Dolls are famous all over the world.现在芭比娃娃闻名于世,可知他们从没有认为芭比娃娃将变得闻名,即成为传奇,所以legend意思是传奇,故选B。 (4)细节题。根据Mattel says 90% o

    4、f the girls in the United States aged from three to ten own at least one Barbie Doll.美泰表示,美国90%的3至10岁女孩至少拥有一个芭比娃娃。可知芭比娃娃受女孩欢迎,所以A正确;根据and every second three Barbie Dolls are sold around the world.每秒钟就有三个芭比娃娃在世界各地销售,所以B正确;根据She named the new doll after their daughter Barbara.她以他们的女儿芭芭拉的名字给新洋娃娃命名,所以D正

    5、确,故选C。 (5)主旨题。根据全文可知主要讲了芭比娃娃的发展史,故选B。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、推断题和主旨题三种常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;推断题需要联系上下文,推断出需要的信息;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。2阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 There once was a man and a woman who had been married for more than 60 years. They talked about everything. They kept no secrets from each

    6、 otherexcept that the old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet and she told her husband never to open it or ask her about it. For an these years the husband had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would never recover. In trying

    7、 to sort out things they had, the little old man took down the shoe box from the top of the closet and took it to his wifes bedside. She agreed it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two beautifully crocheted (钩针编织的) doilies (装饰垫) and some money. He counted

    8、the money. It was $25,000 in total. He asked his wife about the unusual contents. When we were married, she said, my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doily. The little old man

    9、was so moved, and he had to fight back tears. Only two precious doilies were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He was filled with joy and happiness.Sweetheart, he said, that explains the doilies, but what about all this money? Where did i

    10、t all come from?Oh,thats the money I made from selling the doilies.(1)When the little old woman got very sick, she decided to _. sell the two doiliestell her husband about the shoe boxgive her husband the moneylook for another doctor(2)Which of the following statements is NOT true?The old man and th

    11、e old woman had been married for over 60 years.The old woman had only been angry with her husband twice all these years.The old woman put two doilies and some money in a shoe box.The old woman got me secret of a happy marriage from her grandma.(3)How might the old man feel after he learnt about wher

    12、e the money came from?Happy.Excited.Moved.Upset.(4)What is the best title of the passage?The secret of a happy marriageA shoe boxHow to make doiliesA clever grandmother【答案】(1)B(2)B(3)D(4)A 【解析】【分析】文章主要通过结婚60多年的夫妇的故事,讲了幸福婚姻的秘诀。(1)细节题。根据She agreed it was time that he should know what was in the box.可知

    13、她想告诉丈夫盒子里是什么,故选B。(2)细节题。根据可知妻子把已经做好的编织都卖了换来的这么多钱,即妻子这些年生丈夫的气不止2次,故选B。(3)推断题。和可知妻子每次和丈夫生气后都保持沉默,钩针编织,卖了这么多钱,说明妻子生丈夫很多次气,丈夫知道实情后肯定是不安的(upset),故选D。(4)主旨题。可知主要讲了幸福婚姻的秘密,故选A。3阅读理解。 Mr. Lin has a store. Its next to No. 5 Middle School. It sells maps, books, pens, pencils, clothes and some other things. Th

    14、e things in his store are not expensive. Boys and girls like to go to his store. They like Mr. Lin because he is very nice. Mr. Lin likes the boys and girls, too. Mr. Lin has a “lost and found” box in his store. Look! A baseball, a ruler and some books are in the box. This box helps some boys and gi

    15、rls find their lost things. A sofa is in Mr. Lins store, too. Boys and girls can sit there and read books after school. They can ask Mr. Lin questions about these books and he often helps them to find the answers. (1)划线单词“ sells ” 的中文意思是“_”。展示制作购买出售(2)The boys and girls like Mr. Lin because_. he is

    16、nicehe is interestinghis store is tidythe things in his store are not expensive(3)_ are in the “lost and found” box. A baseball, a pen and some booksA baseball, a ruler and some booksA basketball, a pen and some mapsA basketball, a ruler and some maps(4)The boys and girls can _ in the store after sc

    17、hool. play sportsplay gamesread bookswatch TV(5)下面的陈述哪一项是正确的?Mr. Lin has a sofa in his house.Mr. Lins store is in No. 5 Middle School.Boys and girls like to buy baseballs and books in Mr. Lins store.Boys and girls can get the answers about the books from Mr. Lin.(1)D(5)D 【解析】【分析】这篇短文中给我们介绍了林先生的商店。林先

    18、生的商店挨着第五中学,因为他很友好,所以学生们都喜欢去他的商店里买东西。他的商店里还有一个失物招领盒,学生们可以在那里找到自己丢失的东西。放学后,学生们还可以在商店里读书。词义猜测题。根据短文的开头划线单词的上下文Mr. Lin has a store. Its next to No. 5 Middle School. It sells maps, books, pens, pencils, clothes and some other things.意思可知,林先生有一家商店,挨着第五中学,下面给我们列举了商店里卖的东西,有地图、书、钢笔、铅笔、衣服和其他东西。由句意可以推断出sells的意

    19、思是出售。故选D。细节理解题。根据短文中Boys and girls like to go to his store. They like Mr. Lin because he is very nice.可知,学生们都喜欢去林先生的商店买东西,因为林先生非常的友好。由此可知选A。细节理解题。根据短文中Mr. Lin has a“lost and found”box in his store. Look! A baseball, a ruler and some books are in the box可知,林先生那里有一个失物招领盒,里面有一个棒球、一把尺子和一些书。由此可知选B。细节理解题。

    20、根据短文中A sofa is in Mr. Lins store, too. Boys and girls can sit there and read books after school.可知,在林先生的商店里还有一个沙发,学生们放学后可以坐在沙发上读书。故选C。推理判断题。根据A sofa is in Mr. Lins store, too.可知,沙发在林先生的商店里。故A不对;根据Its next to No. 5 Middle School可知,林先生的商店挨着第五中学,并不是在学校里面,故B不对;短文中并没有说学生们喜欢在林先生的商店里买棒球和书,故C不对。根据They can a

    21、sk Mr. Lin questions about these books and he often helps them to find the answers.可知,学生们可以问林先生问题,林先生也经常帮助他们找到答案。由此可知D是正确的。4根据短文内容,选择正确答案。D “Which meal do we all need most, breakfast, lunch or dinner?” Miss Baker asks. Boys and girls wave their hands in the air. They know the answer.“What do you think, Jim?” Miss Baker asks.“Dinner,” Jim answers.“Dinner is the big meal of the day,” say


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