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    人教版英语专题训练 七年级英语下册任务型阅读word.docx

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    人教版英语专题训练 七年级英语下册任务型阅读word.docx

    1、人教版英语专题训练 七年级英语下册任务型阅读word2020-2021年人教版英语专题训练 七年级英语下册任务型阅读(word)一、七年级英语下册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析)1阅读下面关于火灾的文章,完成海报。每空一词。 House fires are the cause of about 90% of the fire deaths. At least one child dies in a house fire every day. And 293 children are injured(伤害)by fire. 77% of the families dont have a hou

    2、se fire escape(逃离)map. But such a map can help you escape a house fire. Fire can spread(蔓延)quickly through a house. You only have about two minutes to escape. If you live in a tall building and cant escape, remember not to jump. Go to the windows and wave(挥舞)something colorful, like a red shirt.Hous

    3、e fires About_of all fire deaths are from house fires. At least_child dies in a house fire EVERY day Its important to have a house fire escape_. It can help you run quickly. Be quick! You have to escape in_minutes. If you are kept in the tall building, dont_. Go to the windows and wave colorful thin

    4、gs for help.【答案】 90%/90 percent;1/one;map;2;jump 【解析】【分析】主要讲了房屋起火时的起因、伤亡及怎样逃离火灾。 (1)根据House fires are the cause of about 90% of the fire deaths.可知大约90%的火灾死亡来自房屋起火,故填90%/90 percent。 (2)根据At least one child dies in a house fire every day.可知每天至少一个孩子死于火灾,故填1/one。 (3)根据But such a map can help you escape

    5、a house fire.可知一张地图可以帮助你逃离火灾,故填map。 (4)根据You only have about two minutes to escape.可知你仅仅有2分钟左右的时间逃跑,故填2。 (5)根据If you live in a tall building and cant escape, remember not to jump.可知住在高楼上不能逃跑时不能跳,dont后面用动词原形,故填jump。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂题意,然后从文中仔细寻找答案。2信息归纳,请阅读下面这篇短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 Robert is a middle sch

    6、ool boy from Australia. He is in Grade Seven. This term, he learns Chinese and he likes it very much. He wants to learn it well, so he finds a pen pal from Guangdong, China. His name is Yang Guang and he is a clever boy. He and Robert are in the same Grade. They both love playing football. They ofte

    7、n chat with each other on the Internet. They have different school lives. Yang Guang is very busy every day. He gets up early and he has to stay at school for 8 hours every day and he has much homework to do after school. But Robert only stays at school for 5 hours and he often finishes his homework

    8、 in just half an hour.Information CardWhere is Robert from?_What grade is Yang Guang in?_What sport do Robert and Yang Guang both love playing?_How many hours does Robert stay at school every day?_How long does it take Robert to do his homework?_【答案】 Australia;Grade 7 /Seven;Football;5 hours;Half an

    9、 hour 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了罗伯特和他的笔友杨光的学校生活一些情况。 (1)细节题。根据 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia.可知罗伯特来自澳大利亚。故填 Australia。 (2)细节题。根据 Robert is a middle school boy from Australia. He is in Grade Seven. He and Robert are in the same Grade. 可知杨光在七年级。故填 Grade 7 /Seven 。 (3)细节题。根据 They both love playi

    10、ng football.可知他们都喜欢踢足球。故填 Football 。 (4)细节题。根据 Robert only stays at school for 5 hours .可知罗伯特每天待在学校5小时。故填 5 hours。 (1)细节题。根据 he often finishes his homework in just half an hour. 可知罗伯特花费半小时做作业。故填 Half an hour。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,先看问题,带着问题找答案,注意上下文之间的联系。3信息归纳 Kevin has an interesting hobby. He likes collecti

    11、ng tropical fish (热带鱼). He keeps his hobby for seven years. Now he is fourteen. There is a big aquarium in his room. There are many fish in it. Kevin often travels around the world with his family. He loves it because he can see the underwater world in many places. Under the water, he can see lots o

    12、f tropical fish. Sometimes he can see sharks (鲨鱼). He wants to keep one or two small sharks in an aquarium, but he cant do it at home. So Kevin goes to help in the ZO0 on the weekend. There he can see a lot of sharks and some other big fish. Kevin likes working in the zoo because he can work with hi

    13、s favorite animals and learn more about them.Information CardKevins hobby_Kevins age_The thing in Kevins room_The people Kevin often travels with_The place Kevin goes to on the weekend_【答案】 collecting tropical fish.;14/ fourteen;a big aquarium;his family;the zoo 【解析】【分析】主要讲了Kevin喜欢收集热带鱼。 (1)根据He lik

    14、es collecting tropical fish (热带鱼).可知Kevin喜欢收集热带鱼,故填collecting tropical fish。 (2)根据Now he is fourteen.可知Kevin14岁了,故填14/ fourteen。 (3)根据There is a big aquarium in his room.可知Kevin房间里有个水族馆,故填a big aquarium。 (4)根据Kevin often travels around the world with his family.可知Kevin经常和家人环游世界,故填his family。 (5)根据So

    15、 Kevin goes to help in the ZOO on the weekend.可知Kevin周末去动物园,故填the zoo。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂题意,然后从文中仔细寻找答案。4请仔细阅读关于五个人的基本情况,从A-F选项中选出适合各人所需书籍 的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余选项。AHow to Learn MathBHow to Teach English WellCHow to Communicate with ChildrenDHow to Be HealthyEHow to Use the InternetFHow to Cook Delicious Foo

    16、d(1)Mary is worried about her math. She doesnt know what to do. (2)Miss Lin is an English teacher. She wants to teach her students better. (3)Jenny is very interested in the Internet. She wants to know more about it. (4)Sandys parents are very busy. She wants to help them do some housework. (5)Kate

    17、has a 10-year-old son. But her son doesnt like to talk with her. Kate doesnt know what to do. 【答案】 (1)A(2)B(3)E(4)F(5)C 【解析】【分析】A How to Learn Math如何学习数学 B How to Teach English Well如何教好英语 C How to Communicate with Children如何与儿童沟通 D How to Be Healthy如何保持健康 E How to Use the Internet如何使用互联网 F How to Co

    18、ok Delicious Food如何烹饪美味的食物 (1)根据语句的含义:玛丽担心她的数学。她不知道该怎么办。可知Mary应该需要一本怎样学好数学的书,故选A。 (2)根据语句的含义:林小姐是个英语老师。她想更好地教她的学生。可知Miss Lin应该需要一本怎样教好学生英语的书,故选B。 (3)根据语句的含义:珍妮对因特网很感兴趣。她想了解更多。可知Jenny需要一本怎样使用互联网的书写,故选E。 (4)根据语句的含义:桑迪的父母很忙。她想帮他们做些家务。可知,Sandy应该需要一本怎样做美食的书,故选F。 (5)根据语句的含义:凯特有一个10岁的儿子。但她儿子不喜欢和她说话。凯特不知道该怎

    19、么办。可知Kate需要一本怎样与儿童沟通的书籍,故选C。 【点评】考查任务型阅读。熟知各个选项的基本含义,根据所给的语境选择最佳选项。5阅读短文,回答问题。 Its important for each of us to be healthy and happy. Do you want to improve (改善) your health and feel better? Here are some ways. Eat whole foods. Eat some healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and a little mea

    20、t. If you have a healthy eating habit, youll be happier. Exercise. Take up a sport you really like. If you want to keep healthy, try to exercise for 30 minutes a day, twice or three times a week. Get enough sleep. It is best to get eight hours sleep a day. A cup of milk before sleeping may help you

    21、get a good sleep. Keep yourself busy. This is very good because it stops you from having bad habits. To keep yourself busy, you can walk around the house, spend time with your pets, do sports, or do a hobby you enjoy. Spend time with your friends. Spend time and have fun with them. Talk with them. B

    22、ut you shouldnt talk about anything bad. You should stay with the people who are healthy and happy.(1)What shouldnt you do when you talk with your friends? (2)How many ways of improving your health and feeling mentioned (提及) in the passage? (3)请将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。 A cup of milk before sleeping may help y

    23、ou get a good sleep.(4)请将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。 This is very good because it stops you from having bad habits.(5)请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。 【答案】 (1)We/I shouldnt talk about anything bad.(2)Five (ways).(3)在睡觉之前喝一杯牛奶可能帮助你获得一个好的睡眠。(4)这很好因为它可以让你远离坏习惯。(5)How to Improve Your Health and Feel Better/ Ways to Improve Your Healt

    24、h and Feel Better 【解析】【分析】大意:每个人都希望自己既健康又高兴,但是如何改善自己的健康并且让自己感觉更好呢,文章针对整个问题,给出了一些建议。 (1)根据 But you shouldnt talk about anything bad. 可知,我/我们不应该和朋友谈一些不好的事,故填 We/I shouldnt talk about anything bad. (2)根据 Eat whole foods. Exercise. Get enough sleep. Keep yourself busy. Spend time with your friends. 可知,文

    25、章针对如何提高自己的健康和并让自己感觉好提出五点建议,故填 Five (ways)。 (3)a cup of milk一杯牛奶,before sleeping睡前,may可以,情态动词,get a good sleep获得一个好的睡眠。故填 在睡觉之前喝一杯牛奶可能帮助你获得一个好的睡眠。 (4)because因为,引导原因状语从句,stopfrom,阻止远离,have bad habits养成坏习惯,故填 这很好因为它可以让你远离坏习惯。 (5)本文主要是讲述如何提高自己的健康并让自己感觉更好,故填 How to Improve Your Health and Feel Better/ Wa

    26、ys to Improve Your Health and Feel Better 【点评】考查任务型阅读,注意首先理解问题所问,带着问题从原文找到答案。6任务型阅读,请将最佳答案的字母标号填写在题前括号内, 其中有两项是多余的。 _Lucy wants her 12-year-old son to join a club to learn Chinese kung fu. And he has to go to an English club on Saturday, so he is free only on Sunday._Peter loves playing soccer very

    27、much and he always wants to join a club to play with other soccer lovers like him._Susan is good at speaking English and she wants to help children learn to speak English well._Helen is the mother of a 3-year-old boy and she is busy this Saturday afternoon. She wants him to be at a club for one or t

    28、wo hours._Tony is good at playing the piano and he wants to work at a music club as a teacher.A. Ball Games Club for sports lovers!Do you like ball games? We have basketball, soccer, volleyball and tennis for you. Can Lily at 1593467826. (Sunday: 8:3011:00 a.m.; 3:006:00 p.m. )B. Kung Fu Club for ch

    29、ildren aged 5-12! Do you want to do kung fu well? Come and join us! Call us at 976254. ( Saturday morning: 9:0011:00)C. English Speaking Club for children aged 6-12! Do you want to be good at speaking English? Come to No.12 River Street and join us! (Sunday morning: 8:3011:30) D. Story-telling Club

    30、for kids 36 years old! We need once a week at the City Library. Take your kid here and let him/her enjoy children stories and games about stories. (Saturday afternoon: 2:304:30)E. Music club needs violin and piano teachers! Are you good at playing the violin or the piano? Come and work with us! Call

    31、 us at 568954. (8:30 a.m.5:00 p.m., every day)F. English Speaking Center needs help! Are you good with children aged 612? Can you help with some lesson? Come and join us! Call us at 896255. (8:30 a.m.5:00 p.m., every day)G. Kung Fu Club for student 1218 years old! Its really cool and exciting. Come and join us! Call us at 976254. ( Sunday evening: 6:008:00)【答案】 G;A;F;D;E 【解析】【分析】选项意思: A. Ball Games Club for sports lovers! 给运动爱好者的球类游戏俱乐部! B. Kung Fu Club for childre


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