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    北京市届高三英语 综合练习40.docx

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    北京市届高三英语 综合练习40.docx

    1、北京市届高三英语 综合练习40北京市2017届高三综合练练习英语本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。考试时间120分钟。注意事项:1答题前考生务必将姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写,用2B铅笔将答题卡上准考证号对应的信息点涂黑。第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21I heard that as many as 24 people were killed in the big fire.Yes, news came

    2、 as shock to us.Aa; a Bthe; / C/; a Dthe; a22I some photos to be developed. Are they ready yet?Yes. Here you are.Aleft Bwill leave Chave left Dhad left23Try the green button to see if the machine will start.Apress Bto press Cpressing Dto have pressed24The children soon lost their way, they had never

    3、 been in the forest alone before.Abut Band Cso Dfor25At minus 130C, a living cell can for a thousand years.Apreserve Bbe preserved Cbe preserving Dhave been preserved26 with the threat of water shortages, Beijing and Shanghai are taking effective measures to save water and protect water resources.AF

    4、ace BFaced CFacing DTo face27 annoyed him most was that he had received no apology.AHow BWhy CWhat DWhich28You the parcel home. The shop would have delivered it if you had asked.Aneednt have carried Bcouldnt have carriedCmustnt have carried Dshouldnt have carried29A lot of girls want to be singers,

    5、but can realize their dreams.Asome Bany Cfew Dmany2009050630Let Mr. Stephen in, please? He me.Yes, Sir. In the meeting room.Ais expecting Bhas expected Cexpected Dwas expecting31Will you be paying cheque?No. Cash.Afor Bon Cby Din32 you disagree with her, her idea is still worth considering.AIf only

    6、BEven if CInstead of DDespite of33He liked to go to dances and parties. he could have a good time just sitting and watching.Awhere Bwhen Cwhich Dwhy34Can it be in the drawer you put your keys?Awhere Bthat Cwhat Dwhen35 a full discussion of the problem, the committee spent a whole hour exchanging the

    7、ir ideas at the meeting.AHave BHavingCHad DTo have第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。Sometimes you cant believe what is happening before your eyes. With all her big brothers and sisters off to school, our four-year-old daughter, Becky, felt 36 at home.

    8、Cattle and horses were too big for her to 37 with. Oh, my poor daughter.One day I had just finished washing the lunch dishes when Becky rushed in with 38 . “Mama!” she cried, “Come to see my new dog! I gave him water two times already. Hes so thirsty.”I 39 , another of Beckys imaginary 40 .“Please c

    9、ome, Mama.” She pulled 41 my jeans, her brown eyes pleading(肯求). “Hes cryingand he cant walk!” “Cant walk?” I could 42 it must be a certain animal this time. “All right, honey,” I said. By the time I tried to 43 her, Becky had already disappeared into the 44 . “Where are you?” I called. “Over here b

    10、y the oak stump(橡木桩). Hurry , Mama!” I 45 the branches and raised my hand 46 the glare of the sun. To my 47 , she was touching an unmistakable head of a wolf!“Becky,” My mouth felt dry. “Dont move.” I 48 closer. Yes, it was a big wolf which was badly hurt. Suddenly the wolf 49 . “Its all right, boy.

    11、” Becky 50 it. “Dont be afraid. Thats my Mama, and she loves you, too.” Then the unbelievable thing happened. As her tiny hands 51 the great shaking head, I found the wolf 52 down and waved his tail gently. “Honey,” my 53 tightened. “Put his 54 down and come to Mama. Well go and find help.”Becky got

    12、 up and kissed the wolf on the nose before she walked slowly into my arms. With Becky 55 in my arms, I ran home quickly. I cant understand why my little girl could get along well with the wolf, but I always think if only all of us could get on well with other animals, like my slaughter and the wolf.

    13、36Alonely Bafraid Cfree Dhappy37Ago Bdeal Cplay Dcompete38Asadness Bexcitement Ccaution Dfear39Aregretted Bcomplained Claughed Dsighed40Aplans Bdogs Ctricks Ddiscoveries41Aon Bover Cup Dat42Arecognize Bsuspect Csay Ddeclare43Afollow Bcatch Ctrust Dconvince44Agate Bhouse Ccrowd Dwoods45Aparted Bsplit

    14、 Cstruck Dsurrounded46A to Bfor Cfrom Dagainst47Ajoy Bastonishment Ccuriosity Ddisappointment48Areached Bsought Cstepped Dwatched49Ashook Battacked Cjumped Dstood50Astopped Bcomforted Cblamed Dordered51Abeat Bfelt Cwaved Dheld52Awent Bslowed Ccalmed Dgot53Ateeth Bmind Cfeet Dthroat54Abody Btail Chea

    15、d Dhand55Asafe Bhappy Cnervous Dproud第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ANothing is more upset than not being able to sleep, tossing and turning. Your mind is racing, going over everything that happened that day. Night noises keep you awake, what can you do? Here

    16、 are some things you can do to help you to fall asleep.Sleep only when sleepyThis reduces the time you are awake in bed.If you cant fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and do something boring until you feel sleepy.Dont expose yourself to bright light while you are up. The light tells your brain th

    17、at it is time to wake up.Dont take napsThis will ensure that you are tired at bedtime. If you just cant make it through the day without a nap, sleep less than one hour, and take a nap before 3 p.m.Get up and go to bed the same time every dayEven on weekends! When your sleep cycle has a regular rhyth

    18、m, you will feel better.Regular exercise can help you sleep well, but the time to do exercise is important. Exercising in the morning or early afternoon will not interfere(干扰)with sleep.Have a snack before bedtimeIf your stomach is too empty, that can interfere with sleep. However, if you eat a heav

    19、y meal before bedtime, that can interfere as well. Have a warm glass of milk.Take a hot bath 90 minutes before bedtimeA hot bath will raise your body temperature, but it is the drop in body temperature that may make you feel sleepy.56If you want to have a good sleep at night, you can .Atake a bath b

    20、efore bedtimeBsit quietly with the light onCread an uninteresting magazineDthink over what happened in the day57According to the passage, one had better not take naps .Abefore 3 p.mBfor over one hourCwhen they are tiredDwhen they have many things to do58What can we infer from the passage?AA lot of p

    21、eople have problems in sleeping.BTaking exercise before bedtime can help you sleep well.CThe rise in your body temperature makes you feel sleepy.DHave a little food when you feel very hungry before bedtime.59What is the best title for the passage?AHow to sleep wellBWhy cant we fall asleepCDeveloping

    22、 a regular sleep cycleDSleep habits and healthBWe all know that when leaves fall to the ground they die and become food for worms. When worms pass the leaves, their waste can help to make the soil rich, from which the plants use to get their nutrition. The plants grow and provide food for animals. W

    23、hen the animals eat the plants, their waste goes back into the soil. Its a perfect cycle.But at the Elephant Conservation Centre in Lampang, Northern Thailand, they are using elephant waste for something moreto make 100% natural, beautiful colorful paper products! 100 years ago over 100,000 elephant

    24、s in Thailand worked on farms, building sites and even in the army. However, only 6,000 remain there today because of advances in technology that have made elephants old word less necessary. Elephants are doing new jobs now, including entertaining tourists by painting and playing football, and now b

    25、y helping in the paper making industry. And their keepers, called Mahouts, can earn a living for their families and help their elephants by using elephant waste, also called “dung” to make beautiful, natural, paper products without any bad smell.Every day an adult elephant eats about 200kg of plants

    26、 like bamboo, grass and watermelon seeds. His body system breaks the plants into 50kg of fibers, which can produce 115 sheets of fibrous paper.The first step to make this special natural paper is to collect the fiber rich “dung” from the elephant. The next step is to wash it and boil it for five hou

    27、rs to kill bacteria. (The water the use in this process is reused to water plans at the Centre, which, in turn, feed the elephants). After its boiled, they cut fibers up. During the cutting process, they add in the desired color of the paper. For the fourth step, they take the mixture and make balls

    28、 of 300g. Each ball is then speeds lightly over bamboo frames to dry into one large sheet of paper. After a few hours in the sun, the sheets are dry enough to remove. The result is a wonderful, 100% natural, recycled paper. People around the world are getting interested in buying this special elepha

    29、nt paper for their holiday cards, writing paper and much more, because its beautiful, natural and helps so many.60Why are there few elephants in Thailand today than before?ABecause they dont have enough food.BBecause they were killed in the war.CBecause they technology develops very fast.DBecause th

    30、ey Mahouts dont want to keep them.61What is the famous product mentioned in the passage?APaper. BDung .CFibers. DBamboo frames.62What are the exact words to describe the whole process of the product?ACommon, interesting, and inexpensive.BUnusual, amazing, and perfect.CImpossible, special, but necess

    31、ary.DNatural, wonderful and common.CSomehow Rey had managed to struggle free from the rope around his neck, after being left to die a slow death as punishment for being a bad Spanish greyhound(猎狗).20090506It is believed that 50,000 greyhounds are killed by their owners in Spain each year after they grow too old, or turn out to be too slow to hunt with. Dogs have also been found thrown into wells, burnt alive and even injected with poison.But Reys inten


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