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    1、v scared 害怕 v naive 天真 v bachelor dandies 花花公子v confused 困惑的v awful糟糕的v undoubtedly 一定是v naturally 自然地v cross 生气的,恼怒的v enchanting迷人的;妩媚的 v urchin 顽童v enchanted 被施魔法的v ridiculous 可笑的v silly 傻的v curtsy 屈膝礼v flit展翅v timid 胆怯的 v shy 羞涩的 v absurd 荒谬的,可笑的v thoughtful 想得周到的v glittering 奢华的v marvelous 太棒的v

    2、clumsy笨拙的v chilly 寒冷的 v glorious盛大的v sensation 轰动v rehearsal排练v drapes 窗帘v outrageous 令人憎恶的v fleetly 转瞬即逝地v impossible 难以忍受的PHRASES a drop of golden sun一缕金色的阳光 a black sheep 害群之马 depend on sb. 指望某人 approve of 赞成 ever since 自从 remind sb. of sth. 让某人记起某事 tell on sb. 告发某人 guide sbs footsteps 引导某人 in th

    3、e name of 以的名义 play tricks on sb. 捉弄 soak in 浸在里 none of your business与你无关,不关你的事 boarding school寄宿学校 on the brink 在的边缘 get a fiendish delight令人哭笑不得 gloomy pussies 闷闷不乐 get in your places 各就各位 lace with 用装饰 inquire about 询问,打听 in seclusion 静修 take sbs vows 发誓 a world of men 这么多的男子 have capacity to 有能

    4、力做 pledge to将献身于 shut out 逃避 pretend to假装 run away from逃避 have obligation to do有责任做 change ones mind 改变主意 do sb no good对某人没用 at ease 稍息 sb 与某人保持联系 be in trouble 有麻烦 get though 完成 have nothing to do with 与无关 be grateful for 对欣慰 bid sb farewell向告别call off engagement 解除婚约 be on ones honeymoon trip 渡蜜月

    5、be in touch with SENTENCES When the lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window. 上帝关上一扇门,会在别处开一扇窗。 May the Lord make us truly thankful. 愿上帝让我们心怀感激之情。 Everything will turn out fine. 任何事情都会好转。 The world can all be mine. 一切都能被我把握。 Strength doesnt lie in numbers. Strength doesnt lie in wealth. Stren

    6、gth lies in nights of peaceful slumbers.力量不存在于数字里,力量不存在于财富里,力量存在于静夜的酣睡中。 Ill do better than my best. 我会不懈努力做的更好。 Better beware. Be canny and careful. 最好警觉、谨慎和当心。 Its too late to go into that. 现在已经很晚了不能再详谈了。 It is all settled 一切都决定好了。 Just fair 还好啦! Wish you every happiness! 祝福你幸福快乐! Nothing comes fr

    7、om nothing. 万事皆有因,不会无中生有。 Ostrich buries his head in the sand and sometimes in the flag 鸵鸟埋首于沙中,但有时藏于国旗里。 I will lift up my eyes onto the hills from where comes my help 我要向山举目,我的帮助从何而来。 God be with you. 愿主与你同在。 It depends. 视情况而定。 Our abbey is not to be used as an escape. 我们的修道院不是用来逃避现实的。 These walls

    8、 were not built to shut out problems. 这些墙不是为了掩盖问题而建造的。 My stomach is making noises. 我肚子饿得咕咕叫了。v (My hearts wants )to laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over stones on its way. (我的心想)欢笑,如溪流跳过涧石,一路流淌。v How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? 怎能截住行云不让它飘?v How do you hold a moonbeam in your ha

    9、nd? 月光怎能常在掌中攥?v How do you keep a wave upon the sand? 海浪怎能停留在沙滩上?v The sky was so blue today and everything was so green and fragrant. 今天天空是那么蔚蓝,万物是那么碧绿芬芳。v It could be so exciting to be out in the world to be free. 到外面的世上去,无拘无束,该令人多么兴奋。v I must dream of the things I am seeking. 我必须向往我所寻求的东西。v I am

    10、seeking the courage I lack. The courage to serve them with reliance. 我此刻就在寻找我缺乏的勇气,满怀信心为他们服务的勇气。v Show them Im worthy. And while I show them, Ill show me.我要让他们看到, 也让我自己看到,我是一个可信的人。v So let them bring on all their problems. 就让他们把所有难题都摆出来吧。v Ill do better than my best. 我能做到好上加好。v Theyll put me to the

    11、test. 他们将会考验我。But Ill make them see I have confidence in me.但我将让他们看到,我对自己充满信心。v They will look up to me and mind me. 他们都会尊敬我,听我的话。v With each step ,I am more certain. 每前进一步, 我都越来越肯定。v Everything will turn out fine. 最后一切都会很好的。v I have confidence, the world can all be mine. 我相信世界将会全部属于我。v You wait, li

    12、ttle girl, on an empty stage for fate to turn the light on. 你等着吧,小姑娘,在那空荡的舞台上,命运之神将为你打开灯光。v v deal 处理 dealt dealtBetter beware, be canny and careful. 最好留神,谨慎,小心提防。v read 读 read readYoure on the brink. 你正站在悬崖边上。v win 获胜 won wonEager young lads and roues and cads will offer you food and wine. 心急的小伙子,浪

    13、子和无赖,都会用佳肴美酒把你款待。v lose 遗失 lost losttear 撕裂 tore tornTotally unprepared are you to face a world of men. 你将毫无准备去面对一个男人世界。v undo 撤消 undid undonev 不规则动词表take 拿 took takenThey will be a talk of the festival。tell 告诉 told toldrise 上升 rose risen 他们将成为这个音乐节谈论的话题。v sew 缝合 sewed sewn / sewedv bet 赌 bet betfly

    14、 飞 flew flownI get a fiendish delight thinking of you as the mother of seven.lead 引导 led led 一想到你成为七个孩子的母亲,真令我哭笑不得。v keep 保持 kept keptlend 借贷 lent lentActivity suggests a life filled with purpose. give 给 gave given 活跃使生命看似充满了目的。v hit 打 hit hitThings will happen. Make sure they dont happen to you.bring 拿来 brought broughtwill 将 would 事情迟早要发生,只要确定不会发生在你身上。


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