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    1、仁爱版七年级英语下册U6T1SA精品教学设计Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic 1 There is a study next to my bedroom.Section A I. Material analysis本单元围绕Our Local Area主题展开,共包括三个话题,通过Kangkang, Jane, Maria, Michael等人谈论有关房间、居住环境和问路的对话以及短文,完成本单元三个话题的语音、词汇、语法和功能项目的学习。话题一将介绍屋内房间的名称与位置、常见的屋内摆设的名称和摆放位置等。本课是话题一的第一课时。本课的主要活动是1a, 2a和4a。将通过M

    2、aria去Jane家拜访的情景呈现本课的主要内容,学习用there be句型表达各房间及屋内基本摆设。此外,还将呈现并操练字母组合i+nd/ld, igh, -ing, l/ll, m/mn的读音及语音辨认。本课贴近学生的实际生活,因此,教师可引导学生结合自己家的房屋设计进行口头和笔头操练,提高学生学习的兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性。II. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇和短语并在实际的 对话操练中加以应用: beautiful, garden, bedroom, second, floor, and so on, u

    3、pstairs, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, first 能够在小组合作活动中,掌握字母组合i+nd/ld, igh, -ing, l/ll, m/mn的发音规则并尝试辨音; 能够在情景对话中用there be句型描述屋内房间及基本摆设等; 能正确使用方位介词和介词短语on,next to等; 能够就“存在、建议”等交际功能的基本法进行交流与对话操练,如: (1) There is a study next to my bedroom. (2) There is a sofa, a desk, some books and so o

    4、n. (3) There is/are on the first/second floor. (4) Why not go upstairs and have a look? Lets go. .2.Skill aims 能听懂谈论房间、室内摆设的表达,并做出恰当回应; 能就房间、室内摆设进行简单的交流;能在口头表达中做到发音清晰,语音语调准确; 能正确朗读对话,注意语音语调和单词重音; 能准确写出黑体单词和词组。3.Emotional aims能在学习的同时,热爱自己的生活环境;能够与同伴积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践。III. The key points and difficult p

    5、oints 1.在小组合作活动中,能掌握字母或字母组合i+nd/ld, igh, -ing, l/ll, m/mn的发音规则并尝试辨音; 2.能够在情景对话中,学会用there be句型描述各个房间及屋内基本摆设。IV. Learning strategies1.能够运用图片、关键词、实物等进行听前预测;2.能在学习过程中养成预习和复习的学习习惯。V. Teaching aids 录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (5

    6、minutes)1. The whole class work.2. Individual work.3. Group work.1. Focus their attention on the teacher. 2. Do duty report. Some students come to the front to talk something about your school life, your life and so on.e.g. I am a student of Class 1, Grade 7. I often go to school by bike. Classes be

    7、gin at 8:00. We have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. After school, I often do some outdoor activities with my good friends, such as.3. Do brainstorming. Sit in groups. Try to say the words and expressions about the means of transportation, adverbs of frequency, subjec

    8、ts, school facilities and so on as many as you can. The group which can say the most words and expressions correctly will be the winner in this group competition.Read the sentences given by the teacher. Try to answer the questions according to the underlined words as quickly as you can. The group wh

    9、ich can answer the most questions correctly will be the winner in this group competition.e.g.(1)I sometimes get up at 7 oclock.(2)She often comes to school by bike.(3)He has two classes in the afternoon.(4)They come to school library three times a week.(5)She is doing her homework now.(6)You can kee

    10、p the books for two weeks.(7)Today is Friday.1.Get students ready for learning.2. Help the students revise the words and expressions in Unit 5. 3.Help the students revise words and expressions in last unit.Presentation (10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. Individual work and pair work.3.Individual

    11、 work and the whole class work.1.Do 2a. Look at the flashcards of 2a. Learn the new words about the rooms in homes. T: Look at the picture. What can you see?Ss: Trees, house, sun, garden.T: Yes. There is a beautiful garden in the picture. There is a kitchen, a dinning room, a living room and a bathr

    12、oom on the first floor. On the second floor, there are two bedrooms and a study.2. Do 2a & 2b. Listen to the tape of 2a and match the words or phrases with the pictures in 2a individually. Then check your answers with your partner. After that, make up new sentences according to the picture in 2a, us

    13、ing “there be” structure.e.g.There is a study on the second floor.There is a beautiful garden in the picture.3. Do 1b. Look at the picture in 1a. Answer the questions, “What can you see in the picture?”, “Do you like the house?”, “What are they doing?” Then listen to the tape to check your answers.

    14、Listen again and choose the correct answer in 1b. 1.Present new words about the rooms in homes with the help of the flashcards and the new sentence structure“there be”.2.Help the students go on learning the new words about the rooms in homes and the new sentence structure.3.Help the students go on l

    15、earning the words about the furniture and home items.Consolidation (10 minutes)Individual work and pair work.Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks according to 1a individually. Then check your answers with your partner.( J=Jane, M=Maria )J: Welcome to my new _, Maria!M: Thanks, Jane. You h

    16、ave a beautiful _.J: Thanks. I like my new home.M: Where is your _?J: Its on the second _. There is a _ next to my bedroom.M: Whats in our study?J: _is a sofa, a desk, some books and so on.M: Great! I like _.J: Why not go upstairs and _ _ _?M: Lets go.Play the tape recorder. Check the answers. Pract

    17、ice(10 minutes)1. Pair work.2. Individual work and pair work.3. Group work and the whole class work.4.Individual work, pair work and the whole class work.1. Do 1a. Practice 1a in pairs. Then some pairs act out the conversation to the whole class.2. Do 1c. Fill in the blanks individually. Then check

    18、your answers with your partner.3. Do 4a. Divide the class into six groups. Every group reads one group of words. Discuss in groups and find the rules of sounds about i+nd/ld, igh, -ing, l/ll, m/mn by yourselves. Then one student in each group reads out the sound and teaches the sound to the whole cl

    19、ass. And the whole class listen to the tape recorder and check the sounds. Finally, read the sounds and words aloud after the tape.4. Do 4b. Read the sentences in 4b. Guess the answers. Then listen to the tape and check your answers. After that, check your answers with your partner. The whole class

    20、read the sentences aloud together.1.To be a good listener. 2. Help check the answers.3. Make the students learn the sounds in group work by themselves.4.Make the students learn to read the words with the help of sounds. Play the tape recorder. Check the answers.Production (10 minutes)Individual work

    21、 and group work. Sit in groups. Draw a picture of your home individually first. Then talk about your home with your group members. Tell them which room you like best and why. Finally, some students show your pictures to the whole class and describe your favorite room and give the reason.1. Make the

    22、students practice the words about rooms of homes and “there be” structure in oral work and written work.2. Assign the homework:Review the words and practice the conversations in Section A with your partner;Make up a new conversation similar to 1a with your partner. Then report it to the class next d

    23、ay;Preview Section B.Teaching reflection:在本课中,学生学会了用there be句型来描述书本上以及自己家的房间,并能够表达、谈论自己最喜欢的房间。此外,本课还学习了i+nd/ld, igh, -ing, l/ll, m/mn的发音规律并尝试辨音。本课的生词量比较大,部分学生没办法当堂掌握并熟练运用这些表示房间的词汇,因此教师应当多关注学困生,在他们学习的过程中,给予更多的帮助,帮助他们顺畅地完成课堂英语的学习,给他们创造机会,引导其他同学也来帮助他们,养成同学之间互相帮助、共同合作的好习惯。VII. Blackboard designTopic 1 T

    24、here is a study next to my bedroom. Section A 1. Whats in your study? beautiful 2. There is a sofa, a desk, some books and so on. garden 3. Why not go upstairs and have a look? bedroom Lets go. second 4. What kinds of rooms are there in your home? floor 5. Which is your favorite room? Why? and so on upstairs kitchen dining room living room bathroom first


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