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    2、得到更加坚实的保障。高职院校要重视健美操教学,根据学校自身情况,把健美操教学年限延长至一年半或两年,同时也增加健美操课的教学课时。可以使学生在形体塑形上得到提高,也可以使学生的综合体育素质得到提升,使学生爱上体育,积极的进行锻炼,对于其日后的生活来说也是非常有益的。关键词:贵州省高职院校,健美操课程,开展现状,对策研究AbstractGymnastics is a popular sport on the current international and its blend of culture, sports, the arts, education and other fields, w

    3、ith increased exercise body such as the role of the physical and mental health, healthy exercise. Currently, aerobics with its rich connotation, unique charm, and movement and artistry of the organic combination of drew more students to participate in, especially in the higher vocational colleges, a

    4、erobics has become a popular courses of physical education teaching in schools. Higher vocational colleges is to develop comprehensive national talent and practice one of the most important venues, how to improve students physical and mental health is the important problems facing educators in vocat

    5、ional colleges. Article surveys aerobics class in higher vocational colleges of Guizhou province, to teachers, such as gender, age, education, job title, students are motivated to learn aerobics, types of content, teaching and learning environment, building venues and facilities to investigate, iden

    6、tify the existing problems, and find feasible solutions for the road. Higher vocational colleges is an important base for promoting the development of aerobics in our country, starting from the point through the provincial capital of Guizhou province, Guizhou transportation vocational and Technology

    7、 College, of the more backward areas in Guizhou anshun vocational and technical college to conduct a survey. Analysis of current situation of aerobics course in higher vocational colleges in Guizhou province and countermeasures, provides specific recommendations for improvement, and aerobics teachin

    8、g in higher vocational colleges in Guizhou province can provide useful information. Article 10 in higher vocational colleges in Guizhou province were investigated, through questionnaires, Guizhou Provincial transportation vocational and technical college, anshun vocational and technical college 31 t

    9、eachers of higher vocational colleges, 500 students, the data derived from the survey results are statistical and logical analysis, on aerobics situation in higher vocational colleges in Guizhou province, About courses, teachers of sex, age, seniority, education, job title, such as aerobics, student

    10、 learning motivation, types of content, teaching methods, tools, content, facilities and other aspects of the investigation and analysis. Based on interviews and surveys of teachers in higher vocational colleges in Guizhou province, analysis of Guizhou province, main problem of aerobics teaching in

    11、higher vocational countermeasure against these countermeasures and research.Aerobics course in higher vocational colleges in Guizhou province on the status and countermeasure research results showed that: 1. Guizhou Provincial High vocational aerobics course in higher vocational colleges in Guizhou

    12、province school 80%, which started a long time schools are more concentrated in cities of Guizhou, city started in remote areas for a short time, and the number of courses for public vocational colleges.2. Guizhou Provincial High vocational colleges aerobics teachers teaching young, somewhat younger

    13、 age structure, teacher of 29 years of age was 80.9%, 87.1% teacher education level Bachelor degree, specific levels, low levels of consolidation, lack of research capacity. 3. calisthenics teaching contents in higher vocational colleges in Guizhou province, 60.3% school is also in the national unit

    14、y issue of public grade level, second level of action. Through the interviews, students overall satisfaction is low, less than 40%, and now popular with students dancing stars, boxing aerobics, dance, Cheerleading and other sports not into the classroom. 4. aerobics sites lack of standards in higher

    15、 vocational colleges in Guizhou province, audio equipment. Calisthenics field exists it is simple, teaching equipment outdated, inadequate investment, only 5.1% of years spent more than 100,000 yuan. In view of the above situation, based on current situation of aerobics teaching in higher vocational

    16、 colleges in Guizhou provinces findings, put forward the corresponding countermeasures: strengthening the professional training of aerobics teachers, enriching the content of teaching, teaching methods, aerobics teachers to try new teaching methods to arouse the students interest in learning, local

    17、governments and schools to raise funds, Increase investment and improve the aerobics teaching facilities, provide a guarantee for complete high quality teaching. Importance of aerobics teaching in higher vocational colleges, according to the schools own situation, prolonging of calisthenics teaching

    18、 to 1.5 years or two years, while also increasing the teaching hours of aerobics classes. Enables students to improve in body contouring, can also improve students comprehensive quality and developing students lifelong physical education awareness.目录摘要 IAbstract III1.选题背景与意义 71.1 选题背景 71.1.1社会发展的时代产

    19、物 71.1.2健美操自身发展的特点 71.1.3高职院校学生对健美操运动有参与需求 71.2 选题目的 82.文献综述 92.1健美操教学内容的研究 92.2 健美操教学模式的研究 102.3 健美操教学方法的研究 102.4 健美操教学评价的研究 102.5 高职院校开展健美操状况研究 113.研究对象与方法 113.1研究对象 113.2 研究方法 113.2.1文献资料法 123.2.2调查访问法专家调查法问卷调查法 123.2.3 逻辑分析法 133.2.4数理统计法 134.结果与分析 134.1贵州省高职院校开设健美操课程的基本情况 134

    20、.2贵州省高职院校健美操教学现状分析 144.2.1贵州省高职院校健美操课程设置与实施情况分析 144.2.2贵州省高职院校健美操课程实施的配套及投入分析 184.2.3贵州省高职院校健美操课程的师资情况分析 健美操教师原始专项结构及专项水平 教师的教学科研能力 教师的继续教育情况 224.1.4 学生学习健美操现状 学生参与健美操学习的动机 学生参与健美操学习的兴趣度调查 学生对健美操教学现状的态度 234.1.6 健美操教学的考核内容 244.1.7 健美操教学场地及设施

    21、 254.2 贵州省高职健美操教学影响因素分析 254.2.1 因素的建立 254.2.2 因素分析 体制因素 教师因素 学生因素 考核方式和内容因素 健美操教学场地及设施因素 294.3 贵州省高职健美操教学发展对策 304.3.1 提高教育重视程度 304.3.2丰富健美操操课程内容 314.3.3优化健美操课程教学方法 324.3.4建立健美操课程评价方法 344.3.5加快健美操课程资源建设 354.3.5.1建设健美操课程物力资源 354.3.5.2建设健美操课程教师资源 365.结论

    22、 375.1 结论 375.2 建议 38参考文献: 39致 谢 42附录 43附录 46附录 491.选题背景与意义1.1 选题背景健美操是体育教育大家庭中的一员,随着时代发展而不断被创新,可以说健美操就是社会发展的产物。其不仅仅是为了体育锻炼,更体现了一定的教育审美,对大学生的身心健康和个性发展有着不可估量的意义。健美操进入中国是在上世纪的七八十年代,进入我国以后发展速度非常之快,各级教育部门和学校都增设了健美操课程,并在社区居民健身与学校学生群体中掀起热潮。近年来,健美操运动在高职院校的开展也在如火如荼的推进。传统的健美操教学模式开始慢慢的发生改变。不仅在教学理念上有了新的突破,而且在健

    23、美操教学的基本性质,教学内容、教学目标,课程安排上都有了巨大变化。适应健美操教学发生的新变化、出现的新特点,结合高职院校的办学实际,立足指导纲要和基本要求,继续推进新时期高职健美操教学,创新相应的教学方法内容,形成了新的健美操教学模式和考核机制1,是我国健美操教学面临的现实要求与根本任务。 贵州省位于我国西南不发达地区,经济发展整体水平较低,对于高职教育的投入与支持力度相对于东南发达省份存在较大差距。目前,贵州高职院校普遍开设了健美操课程,并且着眼现实情况在教学中稳步推进,取得了相应教学成果,获得了学生欢迎,促进了健美操项目的落地生根。然而,受限于自身在场地、师资、管理等方面的现实条件,健美操

    24、教学仍然存在较大的发展与提升空间。基于此,本文对归钊高职院校健美操教学发展现状进行了调研,深入了解教学中的问题与现状,从中找到贵州省高职院校健美操开展的缺陷和亟待解决的问题,针对这些问题和困境,理清教学目标,明确未来发展方向,努力提出一些具有建设性的意见和对策。1.2 选题目的本文根据当前学生对健美操教学不断发展的需求以及提高全民身体素质的要求为出发点,分别就健美操教学在内容、方法、措施、考核、场地设施、师资状况和学生满意度等方面进行了论述,本文还调查了贵州省部分高职院校担任健美操教学的教师,采访了部分选择健美操课程的学生,对当前高职院校教师对健美操课程内容与教学方法进行了进一步的了解和认识,

    25、对学生针对健美操课程的现状满意度进行了调查。同时还发现了高职院校在开展健美操课程中暴露出来的缺点与不足之处,能够作为贵州省高职院校的课程调整提供借鉴。论文最后对贵州省高职院校健美操课程的发展提出了建议。1.3选题的意义1.3.1理论意义健美操运动深受广大群众喜爱,是提升国民全面体育素质的一种较为经济的途径。通过了解贵州高职院校健美操教学的现实情况,能够进一步深化对于健美操教学内涵、特点等内容的理论把握,丰富健美操教学研究的学术成果,为进一步推进高职院校,特别是贵州等经济欠发达省份的健美操教学开展提供理论基础与经验参考。 1.3.2 实践意义本研究旨在认识了解贵州省高职院校健美操的发展现状,分析

    26、导致此种情况的问题原因,并提出针对性的发展对策。这不仅有利于提升贵州高职院校的健美操教学质量,加强健美操教师队伍建设,提升健美操的教学装备水平,进而强化学生“健康第一,终身体育”的个体意识,带动学校教育教学工作发展,而且有利于推进参与健美操的覆盖面与渗透度,厚值健美操教学的群众基础,对地区体育工作发展具有推动意义。2.文献综述2.1健美操教学内容的研究 徐淑斐等从社会、学生和学科这三个角度出发,对健美操课程进行探究,提出了高校开展健美操课程的必要性,同时在对现有需求进行考虑的基础上,对课程优化方案进行了制定,提出既要要从理论、技术和技能三个方面入手来进行课程调整,且对具体的课程内容进行了详细的


    28、操教学活动进行探究,在了解现实情况的基础上,提出了应该进行改革的方面,其中最重要的是改变传统的教学观点,要从一个新的方面入手看待学生的教学情况,使学生的健美操学习兴趣得到有效提升5。2.2 健美操教学模式的研究 关璐提出现代教育理念应该是符合学生需求的,应该是能够让学生感受到快乐的。高校在开展健美操教学活动时,要对这一课程内容的有效性进行充分的考虑。通过对教学模式的适当调整来激发学生兴趣,使学生在运动过程中获得乐趣,从而能够更加积极主动的投入到教学活动当中6。邓素华指出:传统的健美操教学模式仍旧是老师做一个动作,学生做一个动作,对于学生来说,这种教学模式完全无法满足自身需求,对于社会来说,以这

    29、种方式培养出的学生也有着极大的局限性,达不到人才的要求7。马驹指出:“阶梯式”教学模式能够对学生情况进行充分的考虑,在此基础上为学生设计独立的动作,且这种模式与现代教育理念非常相符,能够从客观的角度入手,对教学内容进行改革,使学生的能力得到提升,同时在对学生进行考核时也能够注重全面性8。2.3 健美操教学方法的研究 刘慧提出高职院校在开展健美操教学活动时既要关注到理论方面的内容,又要对实践予以充分的重视,既要提升动作的独立性,又要注重与集体相结合。要采取有效的方式去激励学生,使学生的创造动作能力得到提升。学习健美操不仅仅是课上需要完成的内容,完全可以把它当做一种兴趣,随时进行学习。要注重对教学方法的合理利用,使学生能够掌握健美操技能,实现动作质量的提升9。张玮提出:不同方法的相互结合和变动可以使学生掌握动作的能力得到提升,可以使教学的整体效果得到提升1


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