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    1、另外,文章词数在文中也有明确的要求,为了行文连贯可以增加细节。所有这些都是改卷老师评分的要素。在应用文中,绝大多数的书信都是以第一人称进行写作,而且本文也是向朋友回信介绍体育场馆等,主体时态应为一般现在时。因为写作难度并不大,并且又是学生熟悉的话题,每个人都会有话说,但是写作是否出彩,却完全取决于学生的写作功底是否足够扎实。在写作时要求考生不仅对语言的准确性有一定的观察能力,而且还要能借助一些句型、词组的支持,以通顺连贯为主,清楚的表达思想,适时出现几个写作亮点为自己的习作提分。三、写作小贴士1、把握好书信的固定格式和得体的寒暄用语。2、文章要覆盖所有内容要点。四、标准范文英文Dear Pet

    2、er,I am exceedingly delighted hear from you.You asked me in your last letter about the physical exercise in our school and the following information may give you a rough sketch.译文亲爱的彼得:我非常开心收到你的来信。上封信里你问我我们学校的体育运动情况,下面的信息可能会让你有个大概的了解。首先,一个极好的体育馆建造好了,这成了我们学校的新地标。而且,随着体育馆的建立,很多运动会就可以举行了,其中乒乓球比赛、足球比赛还有

    3、赛跑是最受欢迎的。对我来说,我对篮球很着迷,因为它给了我在生活中面对挑战的力量。总之,我真诚地邀请你来我们学校亲自看看。你的,李华五、满分范例(一) I am more than excited to hear from you, You showed great curiosity in your last letter about physical exercise in our school.I will outline the main relevant information as follows. To begin with,we have a bright spacious st

    4、adium constructed last year which attracts plenty of students doing sports.We take most of our physical classes there,such as ping-pong and martial arts.Its no surprise if you see many sedentary boys and girls playing badminton there.Besides, our school spent much money digging a swimming pool.They

    5、are considering engaging a professional coach.I cant wait to start my swimming course. As you know, I am a lover of swimming, so there are few joys that equal swimming in a sparkling blue pool. Would you like to swimming with me?I am looking for ward to hearing from you.Yours,Li Hua1、译文我很高兴收到你的来信。你在

    6、上封信里对我们学校的体育运动表示很感兴趣。下面我简单给你说一下主要相关信息。首先,我们有一个去年建好的明亮宽敞的体育馆,它吸引了很多爱运动的学生。我们大部分的体育课程,比如乒乓球和武术,都是在那里上的。如果你看见很多惯于久坐的男孩女孩们在那里打羽毛球也没什么奇怪的。另外,我们学校花了很多钱挖了一个游泳池。他们正在考虑请一位专业的游泳教练。我等不及来开始我的游泳课程了。你知道的,我是个游泳爱好者,所以没有什么比得上在波光粼粼的蓝色游泳池里游泳更快乐了。你想不想和我一块游泳呢?我期待着你的回复。2、满分简评文章内容要点完整,词汇准确,思路清晰,句式丰富多变。采用了 I cant wait to d

    7、o sth. 固定句式,增加句子的多样性。(二)How are you doing?In your last letter, you referred to your curiosity about physical exercise in our school.I will give you a detailed description about this topic in this letter.As you know, our school is private, so varieties of advanced fundamental facilities are available

    8、.Our school has any athletic field you can imagine,such as basketball court, badminton gym and taekwondo hall. A number of sports events are often held. Its the taking part that counts. But I also admit that winning a prize is exciting. Our school encourages us to do exercise because health is the p

    9、rec0ndition of learning.What sports do you have in your school?Are you willing to share with me? 你还好吗?上封信里,你提到你对我们学校的体育项目很好奇。这封信里我会给你介绍一下详细情况。你知道的,我们学校是个私立学校,所以各种先进的基础设施都有。篮球场、羽毛球馆、跆拳道场馆,几乎你能想到的运动场地我们学校都有。我们经常举行很多运动会。虽说重在参与,但是我承认赢得奖品还是很开心的。我们学校鼓励我们锻炼身体,因为身体健康是学习的前提条件。你们学校都有什么运动项目呀?可不可以和我分享一下?文章脉络清晰,

    10、层次分明,句式多变,词汇丰富,是一篇很不错的学习范文。(三) Its really a surprise to hear from you. After all you sent me an email last week. Since you are interested in our physical exercise, I will tell you in detail. A healthy body is indispensable for a healthy mind. At first, in the north of our school stands a four-storey

    11、ed indoor stadium where we have most of the physical classes. Tai Ji is the most popular this year. Second, competitions are held periodically. I dont like doing exercise, but ballroom dancing which is open for senior students is my favorite. I hope Ill find a partner to attend this class before the

    12、 deadline. All the best!收到你的来信真是一个惊喜。毕竟上周你才给我发了一封邮件。既然你对我们的体育活动有兴趣,我将详细告诉你。健康身体对于健康的头脑而言是必不可少的。首先,在学校的北面矗立着一个四层的室内体育馆。我们大部分的体育课程都在那里进行。太极在今年最受欢迎。第二,我们学校会定期举行比赛。我不喜欢做运动,但是对高年级学生开放的交谊舞是我最喜欢的。我希望我能在截止日期之前找到一个同伴来参加这个课程。祝一切顺利!文章适当增加了情节,行文更加连贯,思路更加清晰,词汇和句式丰富多变,不得不说是一篇值得参考的文章。(四) You said in your last lett

    13、er you are interested in our physical exercise, which makes me a little ashamed because of my lack of exercise. There is only a playground in our school. In PE class we run three laps and then are offered free activities. Boys spontaneously divide themselves into two groups. One group favor basketba

    14、ll while the other prefer football. Most girls sit in the shade reading a book or watching the boys who are dripping with sweat. Only at that time can I take a walk with my childhood acquaintance. Sometimes we jump rope and jog. I heard a rule that anyone who cant swim will not get his graduation ce

    15、rtificate in some of your schools. Is it true or just a rumor? I am looking forward to hearing from you. 上封信里你说你对我们的体育活动感兴趣,这让我有点羞愧,因为我很少锻炼。 我们学校只有一个操场。体育课上我们跑三圈然后就自由活动。男孩们自发地分成两组。一组喜欢篮球,而另一组更喜欢足球。大多数女孩坐在树荫下看书或者看着大汗淋漓的男孩们。只有在那时我才可以和童年玩伴一起散步。有时候我们跳绳或者慢跑。 我听说你们那里的学校有个规定,不会游泳就拿不到毕业证。这是真的还是传闻呢? 文章句式丰富多变

    16、,词汇有趣准确,情节延伸,有理有据,适合同学们学习和模仿。(五) You have asked me for information with regard to our physical exercise and I will try to make you have a brief understanding of that. We usually do some jogging in the morning and play football after school. We have PE class once a week and the coach will give us som

    17、e professional training. Our school is not big but we really have the best football court in our city. This is why i choose this school. How nice it would be if the 2018 World Cup were held in China! 你问我我们的体育活动情况,我会尽量让你对此有个简单的了解。 我们通常早上慢跑,下课后踢足球。我们每周有一节体育课,课上教练会给我们进行专业训练。 我们学校不大,但是我们真的有城里最棒的足球场。这是我选

    18、择这个学校的原因。要是2018年世界杯在中国举行该有多好啊! 我期待着你的回复。 文章使用了This is why 的固定句型,表示原因。使用了if引导条件状语从句,虚拟语气很高级。使用了how 引导的感叹句,丰富了句式。(六)I have learned with delight that you are interested in our physical exercise.We usually have PE class once a week. Most of the time we choose the activities we like. Every year, my schoo

    19、l holds a sports meeting in about October which lasts three days. During that time, the class is suspended so that all the students can watch the games. As an audience, I am too nervous to yell out “come on”to my classmates. Id rather watch them quietly.The part I like most is the relay race. The at

    20、hletes chase after another. Its hard to make judgments who is the champion until the last minute.Best wishes.我很高兴你对我们的体育锻炼感兴趣。我们通常一周有一次体育课。大多数时候我们选择自己喜欢的活动。每年,我的学校都会在大概10月份的时候举行一场为期三天的运动会。那三天,学生们停课,这样所有的学生都可以观看比赛。作为一名观众,我紧张得对同学喊不出“加油”。我更愿意安静地看着他们。我最喜欢的部分是接力赛,运动员们一个追一个,不到最后一刻,很难判断谁是冠军。最好的祝福。文章词汇丰富,句式

    21、丰富多样,行文非常连贯,情节延伸得合理,是一篇很不错的范文。(七)Thank you for your letter dated May 29. Since you are curious about our physical exercise, I will tell you something.Our school has a big playground which covers an area of 300 square metres . When it is sunny, we play football or basketball. Scoring goals is often r

    22、ewarded with a resounding cheer from the girls. If its rainy, we will move into the classroom watching splendid games.What I like most is basketball. As you know, my idol is legendary Yao Ming.Please tell me something about your last trip to Shanghai.I look forward to your reply.谢谢你5月29日的信。既然你对我们的体育

    23、运动很好奇,我会告诉你一些事情。我们学校有一个很大的操场,占地300平方米。天气晴朗的时候,我们踢足球或者打篮球。得分进球经常会换来女生们响亮的欢呼声。如果下雨了,我们就到教室里看精彩的比赛。我最喜欢的是篮球。你知道的,我的偶像是大名鼎鼎的姚明。请告诉我一些你上一次去上海旅游的事情。期待你的回复。 文章运用了各种高级句式,词汇言简意赅,层次分明,行文连贯。(八) How is everything going? In the last letter you asked me what exercise we usually do in school. From Monday to Friday

    24、 morning we go for a run along the river and read Chinese ancient poetry aloud or recite English words afterwards. We have PE class twice a week. Whether its sunny or not, the choice of exercise depends all on our teacher. No matter how unhappy we are, we have to play football in the rain sometimes.

    25、 Due to our strict teacher, I seldom get sick.This year I became an amateur runner. Last month I took part in a marathon., It was really an endurance test. I was fagged out at the end of the course.All the best! 一切可好?上封信里你问我,我们在学校都怎么锻炼。 周一到周五每天早上我们沿着河边跑步。在那之后大声朗读中国古诗词或者背诵英语单词。我们每周有两节体育课,锻炼的选择完全取决于老师

    26、,不管天气是否晴朗,不管我们多不高兴,有时候我们还是要在雨里踢足球。由于我们老师的严厉,我很少生病。今年我成了一名业余赛跑运动员。上个月我参加了一场马拉松。那真是对耐力的考验。我跑到终点时已经精疲力竭了。文章情节有趣,语气诙谐,句式多变,词汇丰富,是一篇当之无愧的佳作。(九) I am happy to hear from you. You regarded in your last letter our physical exercise with interest. I will describe the detailed information for you. We run and h

    27、old track and field sports in the playground.Moreover, there is a cement indoor stadium with a height of three storeys, which occupies an area for 750 sqm. On the first floor theres a swimming pool and there are fields for volleyball, basketball and ping-pong on the second. On the third theres a roo

    28、m where the award ceremony takes place. Whenever I have time, I play ping-pong. China often sweeps the board in the table tennis competition. I am so proud of my motherland that I hope to join the national team.你在上封信里对我们的体育锻炼感兴趣。我会给你描述一下详细信息。我们在操场上跑步、举行田径运动会。而且,我们有一个三层高的水泥做的室内体育馆,占地750平方米。一楼有一个游泳池,二

    29、楼有排球、篮球和乒乓球场地,三楼有一间教室用来举行颁奖典礼。我一有时间就会打乒乓球。中国经常在乒乓球比赛中囊括所有奖项。我对我们的祖国感到很自豪,希望能加入国家队。文章内容要点完整,思路清晰,句式丰富多变,有很多闪光词汇,值得参考和模仿。(十) You told me about your physical exercise and asked about that of our school, Only by keeping ourselves healthy can we feel vigorous in our studies. Our principal pays great attention to exercis


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