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    1、名词字尾为子音+o时,复数名词加es,如tomatoes(蕃茄)。但有例外,如photos(照片),pianos(钢琴)等。名词字尾为子音+y去y+iesbaby-babies (婴儿) story-stories (故事) city-cities (城市) lady-ladies (女士)名词字尾为f或fe去f或fe+vesleaf-leaves (叶子) wife-wives (老婆) knife-knives (刀子)handkerchiefs(手帕),chiefs(领袖),roofs(屋顶)不规则变化的复数名词名词字尾加en,renox-oxen (公牛) child-children

    2、 (小孩)改变元音man-men (男人) woman-women (女人) goose-geese (鹅) tooth-teeth (牙齿) mouse-mice (老鼠)单复数同形fish-fish (鱼) deer-deer (鹿) sheep-sheep (绵羊)Chinese-Chinese (中国人) Japanese-Japanese(日本人)3. 名词的所有格名词的所有格形式单数名词名词sthe boys schoolbag (男孩的书包) Joans dress (Joan的洋装)复数名词名词sa girls school (一所女校) these students teac

    3、her (这些学生的老师)字尾非S的复数名词名词childrens playground (小孩的游乐园) womens activities (女性的活动)特别注意的所有格用法共同所有格及个别所有格1. Harry and Bills father is a scientist. (Harry和Bill的父亲是一位科学家。)2. Harrys and Bills fathers are scientists. (Harry和Bill的父亲都是科学家。(无)生物所有格:A的BB of A1. 桌子的脚the legs of the table2. 车门(车子的门)the door of the

    4、 car3. 女孩的名字the girls namethe name of the girl所有格之后的名词,如在句中非常容易理解时,可以省略。1. Shes going to the dentists. (她要去看牙。2. I met him at barbers. (我在理发院遇到他。3. We like to eat lunch at McDonalds. (我们喜欢去麦当劳吃午餐。4. 冠词冠词可分为不定冠词a(an)及定冠词the,它通常放在名词之前,用来修饰名词。a book(一本书) a girl(一个女孩) a young man(一位年轻人) an apple(一个苹果) a

    5、n umbrella(一把伞) an old woman(一个老女人)a(an)的发音一般来说a,an ,但强调“一个”时,特别加重语气可读成a ,an 1. I read a novel. 2. I read a novel, not two. The的用法 定冠词the可用来限定可数名词及不可数名词,可表示单数及复数。也可用来限定形容词。其在母音前,读;子音前则读。1. Please shut the door. (请关门。2. The rich arent always happy. (有钱人并非是快乐的。the+形容词泛指的人,代表复数。比较:不定冠词(a &an)定冠词(the)表示

    6、不特定之事物表示特定之事物只能接可数名词可接可数名词及不可数名词只能用于单数可用于单数及复数Unit 2 be动词一般动词的现在式be动词的现在式am、are、isbe动词的含意 a.是(表状态) 例:We are happy. (我们很高兴。 b.在(表存在)She is in America. (她在美国。主词+be动词主词be动词例句第一人称amI am a boy.第二人称areYou are my sons.第三人称.单数名词isHe is my student.be动词的否定句含有be动词(am、are、is)的肯定句变为否定句时,在be动词之后加not(不)即可。肯定句:主词+a

    7、m(are、is).否定句:主词+ am(are、is)+not.He is a good baseball player. (他是位好的棒球员。(否定句)He is not a good baseball player. (他不是位好的棒球员。= Hes not a good baseball player.=He isnt a good baseball player.be动词的疑问句含有be动词(am、are、is)的肯定句变为疑问句时,将be动词拿到主词前,句尾加(?)即可。疑问句:Am(Are、Is)+主词?l. That is his camera. (那是他的照相机。(疑问句)

    8、Is that his camera? (那是他的照相机吗?2. The girl is a junior high school student. (那女孩是国中生。(疑问句) Is the girl a junior high school student? (那女孩是国中生吗?be动词开头的疑问句,可用yes或no回答。而答句中的主词,须用代名词。(问句) Am (Are、Is)+主词?(答句) Yes,主词+am(are、is)No,主词+am(are、is)1. Is that man your math teacher? (那个人是你们的数学老师吗?(答句) Yes, he is.

    9、 / No, hes not. (是,他是。/ 不,他不是。2. Are you eating your lunch? (你正在吃你的午餐吗?(答句) Yes, I am. / No, Im not.(是,我是。/ 不,我不是。(1) 一般动词的含义举凡日常生活中具体的动作,(如:吃饭eat,走路walk.等)及抽象的动作,(如:喜欢like,思考think.等)皆为一般动词。(2) 主词+一般动词现在式的句子中,主词为第三人称单数时,一般动词须加s或es。人称 数单数复数I like dogs.We like dogs.You like dogs.第三人称He likes dogs.They

    10、 like dogs.一般动词加s或es的方法:大部分动词加s,其发音为或works、plays 一般动词字尾为o、s、sh、ch时,加es。goes washes watches 一般动词字尾为子音加y时,须去y再加ies。crycries studystudies have和hashave(有;吃)的单数动词为has1. They have a lot of money. (他们有许多钱。2. He has a lot of money. (他有许多钱。一般动词的否定句含有一般动词的肯定句变为否定句时,不可直接在一般动词之后加not,必须使用助动词do或does。而do或does之后必定出

    11、现原形动词。do用于主词为I、you、复数。does用于主词为第三人称单数。主词+一般动词主词+do/ does + not +原形动词l. The twin brothers go to school by bus. (这对双胞胎兄弟搭公交车上学。(否定句) The twin brothers do not go to school by bus.=The twin brothers dont go to school by bus. (这对双胞胎兄弟不搭公交车上学。2. Sam has dinner at the restaurant. (Sam在那家餐厅吃晚餐。(否定句) Sam doe

    12、s not have dinner at the restaurant.=Sam doesnt have dinner at the restaurant. (Sam不在那家餐厅吃晚餐。比较否定句a. be动词: He is my boyfriend. (他是我男朋友。) He isnt my boyfriend. (他不是我男朋友。b. 一般动词: He likes dogs. (他喜欢狗。He doesnt like dogs. (他不喜欢狗。一般动词的疑问句含有一般动词的肯定句变为疑问句时,不可将一般动词拿到主词前,必须使用助动词do或does。而do或does之后,必定出现原形动词。D

    13、o/Does+主词+原形动词?l. You visit your grandmother on Sundays. (你每逢假日探访你祖母。(疑问句) Do you visit your grandmother on Sundays? (你每逢星期日探访你祖母吗?2. He comes from England. (他来自英国。(疑问句) Does he come from England? (他来自英国吗?助动词do或does开头的疑问句,Yes或No之后,也须用do或does做简答。(问句) Do / Does+主词+原形动词?(答句) Yes, 主词+do/does.No, 主词+dont

    14、/doesnt.Does the little boy go to school? (这小男孩上学了吗?(答句) Yes, he does. / No, he doesn(是,他是。/ 不,没有。比较疑问句 She is beautiful. (她是美丽的。Is she beautiful? Yes, she is.(她美丽吗?) (是的,她是。b.一般动词: She loves tennis. (她喜欢网球。Does she love tennis? Yes, she does. (她喜欢网球吗?) (是,她喜欢。Unit 3 be动词一般动词的过去式be动词的过去式was和were现在式过

    15、去式waswere过去式be动词表示过去时间中发生的状态。1. (现在式) He is busy now.(他现在很忙。(过去式) He was busy then.(他那时很忙。2. (现在式) My parents are at home now.(我父母现在在家。(过去式) My parents were at home yesterday.(我父母昨天在家。时间副词改变,动词也必须改变be动词(过去式)的否定句含有be动词(was、were)的肯定句变为否定句时,在be动词之后加not (不)即可。主词+was(were). 主词+was(were)+not.1. Mr. Brown

    16、was a vet. (Brown先生是一位兽医。(否定句) Mr. Brown was not a vet. (Brown先生不是兽医。= Mr. Brown wasnt a vet.2. Joe and Brian were in the living room at that time. (那时Joe和Brain在客厅。(否定句) Joe and Brain were not in the living room at that time.= Joe and Brain werent in the living room at that time. (那时Joe和Bram不在客厅。be动

    17、词(过去式)的疑问句含有be动词(was、were)的肯定句变为疑问句时,将be动词放到主词前,句尾加问号(?主词+was(were).Was(Were)+主词?1. Wendy was in the seventh grade last year. (Wendy去年是七年级。(疑问句) Was Wendy in the seventh grade last year? (Wendy去年读七年级吗?(问句) Was(Were)+主词?(答句) Yes, 主词+was(were).No, 主词+was(were)+not.Were you a pianist? (你是钢琴家吗?(答句)Yes,

    18、I was. / No, I wasn一般动词的过去式,分为规则变化及不规则变化。(1) 规则变化ed原形动词+edhelphelped (帮忙) spellspelled (拼字) wantwanted (想要)原形动词字尾有e+dloveloved (爱) dancedanced (跳舞)原形动词为子音+短母音+子音重复字尾+edstopstopped (停止) planplanned (计划)原形动词字尾为子音+y去y+iedstudystudied (读书) crycried(哭).(2) 不规则变化eatate (吃) readread (读) riderode (骑) comeca

    19、me (来)gowent (去) havehad (有; 吃) seesaw (看) teachtaught (教)givegave (给) taketook (拿)1. I walk to school every day. (我每天走路上学。(过去式)I walked to school yesterday.(我昨天走路上学。2. Mother goes to a supermarket every morning. (妈妈每天上超巿。(过去式) Mother went to a supermarket yesterday morning. (妈妈昨天早上上超巿。主词为第三人称单数时,过去

    20、式动词不须加s一般动词(过去式)的否定句含有一般动词(过去式)的肯定句变为否定句时,不可直接在一般动词之后加not,必须使用过去式助动词did(不分人称)。而did之后,必定出现原形动词。主词+一般动词(过去式)主词+did not+原形动词l. He called you last night. (他昨晚打电话给你。(否定句) He did not call you last night. (他昨晚没打电话给你。 = He didnt call you last night.2. My sister and I watched TV all day yesterday. (我姊姊昨天和我看了

    21、一整天的电视。(否定句) My sister and I did not watch TV all day yesterday.= My sister and I didnt watch TV all day yesterday. (我姊姊昨天和我并没有整天看电视。否定句(过去式) She was at home. (她在家。She wasnt at home. (她不在家。 She studied English. (她学英语。She didnt study English. (她没学英语。一般动词(过去式)的疑问句含有一般动词(过去式)的肯定句变为疑问句时,不可将一般动词拿到主词前,必须使

    22、用过去式助动词did。Did+主词+原形动词.?1. His friends went to that movie last week. (他的朋友上星期去看了那部电影。(疑问句) Did his friends go to that movie last week? (他的朋友上星期看了那部电影吗?(答句) Yes, they did. / No, they didn(是的,他们看了。/ 不,他们没看。2. Grace wrote a letter to David. (Grace写了一封信给David。(疑问句) Did Grace write a letter to David? (Gr

    23、ace写信给David了吗?(答句) Yes, she did. / No, she didn(是,她写了。/ 没,她没有。疑问句(过去式) He was sick. (他病了。Was he sick? (他病了吗? He did his homework. (他做功课了。Did he do his homework? (他做功课了吗?Unit 4代名词人称代名词人称代名词的人称及格数格人称主格所有格受格ImymeweourusyouyourhehishimtheytheirThemsheheritits 第一人称说话者 第二人称听话者第三人称第一人称及第二人称话题中提到者主格、所有格、受格的

    24、用法主格+动词所有格+名词一般动词+受格/介系词+受格1. He likes sports. (他喜欢运动。2. His friends are over there. (他的朋友们在那里。3. The girl loves him very much. (那女孩非常爱她。It的用法 it可表示天候、时间、距离l. It rains a lot in Taipei in spring. (it表天候)(台北春天下很多雨。2. It was two oclock when he came back home. (it表时间)(他两点回到家。3. It is five kilometers from here to the airport. (it表距离)(从这里到机场距离是5公里。 it表示某一状况此时多半是说话的人及听话的人都能了解的特定状况。1. A: Who knocked at the door? (谁敲门?B: I thought it was Jack. (我想是Jack。2. Its all up to you. (一切由你决定。3. I like it here.


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