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    1、班 级:学 号:学生姓名:指导教师:二一三 年 一 月外文翻译之一Satisfaction Strength and Customer Loyalty作者: Murali Chandrashekaran /Kristin Rotte/ Stephen S. Tax/ Rajdeep Grewa国籍:Australia出处:Journal Of Marketing Research ,2006,5(9):1784-1789原文正文: AbstractAlthough empirical research indicates that satisfaction is intimately link

    2、ed to loyalty, anecdotal evidence reveals that many customers who state that they are very satisfied with a service provider nevertheless subsequently defect. In this paper, the authors focus on identifying which customers are vulnerable to defection despite stating high levels of satisfaction. Draw

    3、ing on the emerging perspective to modeling individual judgments that recognizes that individuals differ in the strength (i.e., conviction, certainty) with which judgments are professed, the authors first decompose a customers stated satisfaction into two related but independent facets satisfaction

    4、level and satisfaction strength The authors then examine the role of satisfaction strength in the translation of satisfaction to loyalty. Results from two studies are reported. In the first study, set in a B2B service context, the authors analyze data obtained from an ongoing customer satisfaction t

    5、racking study being conducted by a large service organization in the US. Data from over 25,000 customers are used to calibrate the satisfaction model and examine the effect of satisfaction strength on the translation of satisfaction to loyalty. In the second study, a conceptual replication set in a

    6、B2C context, the authors examine decision-making following a failed service encounter and a recovery attempt by the service provider. The authors study the impact of perceptions of service recovery on the level and strength of the stated satisfaction with the service recovery, and then focus on the

    7、effect of satisfaction strength in the translation of stated satisfaction to loyalty. The two studies strongly demonstrate that the covert satisfaction strength plays a central role in the translation of satisfaction to loyalty. A key finding that is uncovered, and replicated, in this research is th

    8、at while satisfaction does indeed translate to loyalty when the satisfaction judgment is strongly-held (i.e., with low uncertainty), the translation is significantly lowered, on average, by almost 60%, when the same stated satisfaction is more weakly-held (i.e., fraught with uncertainty). The studie

    9、s also indicate that aspects of prior relational experience (length of relationship, volume of business, and favorability of prior experiences) serve to isolate, rather than insulate, a firms customers, resulting in even greater vulnerability Overall, the findings contribute to a better understandin

    10、g of the process by which satisfaction leads to customer loyaltyResearch FrameworkWe build on the extant satisfaction and judgment formation literatures to recognize that a customers overtly stated satisfaction is comprised of two related but distinct dimensions the level of satisfaction and the cov

    11、ert strength with which that satisfaction judgment is held. Several lines of thought support this two-dimensional conceptualization of revealed satisfaction. For instance,scholars in the area of services marketing note that customer expectations are often fuzzy (e.g., Rustet al 1999), and it is ofte

    12、n difficult for customers to precisely estimate the level of received service (Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry 1985). Thus, it is likely that the resulting satisfaction judgments themselves are laden with uncertainty. Consequently, customers are likely to differ in the strength with which they hold

    13、their satisfaction. This is also consistent with the psychological view of human judgments succinctly expressed by Koehler (1994, p. 461): “Although we believe a great many things, we hold some of our beliefs with greater conviction than others.”Satisfaction modelLetting SATi denote the stated satis

    14、faction of the its customer, we recognize that SATi is a realization from a distribution of possible judgments, such that SLi, the satisfaction level, reflects the mean, and SUi, the satisfaction uncertainty, manifests itself in the variance of that distribution:(1) SATi = 0 + SLi + i; var(i) = 2 +

    15、SUi(2) SLi = Xi; SUi = ZiWhere 2 denotes the measurement- and model-error variance; Xi = x1i,., xpi and Zi = z1i,., zki denote row-vectors of variables hypothesized to impact satisfaction level and uncertainty, respectively, and = 1, 2, ., p and = 1, 2, ., k denote column-vectors of the impacts of X

    16、i and Zi, respectively. The specific elements of Xi and Zi will come from theory and the specific substantive setting of the particular research study. Consistent with the JUMP model procedure the parameters of interest can be estimated in a straightforward manner using feasible generalized least sq

    17、uares.Loyalty ModelResearch indicates that although satisfaction is linked to some aspects of loyalty (e.g.,Anderson and Sullivan 1993; Mittal and Kamakura 2001; Oliver 1997) its impact may depend on facets of the prior relational experience (e.g., Rust, Lemon and Zeithaml 2004). In addition, we ant

    18、icipate that both loyalty and the translation of satisfaction to loyalty will be influenced by satisfaction strength.Role of satisfaction strength. We first anticipate that uncertainty in customer evaluations will hinder continued patronage (Kardes 1994). Next, drawing from research in psychology an

    19、d marketing, we advance the notion that satisfaction strength will play an important role in the translation of stated satisfaction to loyalty. The specific conjecture that is widely believed in the psychology literature is that strongly-held judgments (i.e., those with little uncertainty) are more

    20、likely to translate into subsequent behavior (Gross, Miller and Holtz 1995; Kardes 1994). In a similar vein, Chandrashekaran et al (2000) found that intention uncertainty significantly lowered the translation of intention judgments to actual behavior. We therefore expect that the translation of stat

    21、ed satisfaction to loyalty will increase (decrease) as the satisfaction strength increases (decreases).Role of prior relational experiences insulation or isolation? It is generally believed that long-standing and happy customers are more loyal (e.g., more likely to provide recommendations and positi

    22、ve word-of-mouth; Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman 1996). We also expect prior relational experiences (duration, valence and business volume) to impact the translation of satisfaction to loyalty.Discussion and ConclusionThe key objectives of this paper were to examine if there is something in the mea

    23、sure ofsatisfaction itself that helps better illuminate the satisfaction-loyalty link. We advanced the view thatcstomer satisfaction can be constructively viewed as a two-dimensional statistical construct that mbodies both level and strength. In contrast to extant research that has largely focused o

    24、n the level of satisfaction, we articulated a model of satisfaction that simultaneously assessed the impact of independent variables on both the level of satisfaction and the strength of satisfaction. We then theorized that weakly-held satisfaction would not translate to loyalty, and that only stron

    25、gly-held satisfaction would be potent and translate to loyalty. We also examined how different aspects of prior relational experience (length of relationship, volume of business, and favorability of prior experience) influenced this translation process.We assessed our theorizing in the context of tw

    26、o studies, covering a range of market situations. In study 1, we centered on one B2B service provider whose customers came from a wide range of industries. In study 2, we focused on individual customer experiences with service providers from a variety of industries. In both studies, the results stro

    27、ngly demonstrate that the covert satisfaction strength assumes a central role in the translation of satisfaction to loyalty. A key finding that is uncovered, and replicated in this paper, is that while satisfaction does indeed translate to loyalty when the satisfaction judgment is strongly-held, the

    28、 translation is significantly lowered, on average, by almost 60%, when the same satisfaction is more weakly-held. 满意度强度和顾客忠诚度Murali Chandrashekaran/Kristin Rotte/Stephen S. Tax/Rajdeep Grewa澳大利亚市场调查杂志,2006年5(9):中文译文:摘要尽管经验上的调查显示满意度和忠诚度是息息相关的,而许多证据也表明了很多顾客对一些服务提供者刚开始提供服务的时候很满意,不过随后并没有坚持下去,而是出现了变化。本文,




    32、他们所获得的服务的水平经常是很困难的一件事(Parasuraman,Zeithaml,和Berry在1985)。因此,似乎导致满意度的判断本身即充满了不确定性。结果是,消费者更容易区分让他们保持满意度的强度。这也和Koehler(1994,p.461)表达的心理学上关于人类判断力的观点是一致的,他说:“尽管我们相信很多事情,我们仍然会觉得有比这些事情更好的事情”。 满意度模型设SATi 表示第i个顾客的满意度水平,我们认为SATi 是来源于可能判断的认识,比如满意度水平(简称SL)就反应了这个意思,而满意度不确定性(SU)表明它的分布变化本身:当2 表示度量和模型错误的变化;Xi = x1i,., xpi 和Zi = z1i,., zki 分别表示假设影响满意度水平和不确实性水平的变化的横


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