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    1、C. doesnt , is D. /, isnt7. -_?-Its May 1st.A. What time is it? B. Whats your birthday?C. What day is it today? D. Whats the date?8.My mother usually _ the early morning news _ TV.A. looks , in B. watch , on C. watches , on D. reads , in 9. -When is _ birthday?-_birthday is in July .A. your brothers

    2、 , Her B. your father , His C. your fathers , His D. your sister , Her10.Who can teach _ English?A. we B. us C. Our D. ours11.-Whats your favorite _?-Strawberries.A. subject B. color C. book D. fruit12.He is often the last student _ to school.A. come B. coming C. to come D. comes13.Mr. Li is good _

    3、P.E. He can be good _ children in P.E. Class.A. at , at B. with , for C. with , at D. at , with 14.You are _ first good friend here.A. my B. the my C. a my D. my the15.The boy _ blue eyes is my brother.A. has B. have C. in D. with16.When do you often finish _ your homework?A. do B. doing C. to do D.

    4、 does17._is the first day of the week.A. Sunday B. Monday C. Friday D. Saturday 18.-Can you _ Chinese ?-Yes , I can _ it again.A. tell , say B. say , say C. speak , say D. talk , speak19.She have supper _7:00 _ the evening.A. at around , on B. around at , in C. at around , in D. around at , on 20.-C

    5、an she play the piano?-No, she _.A. cannt B. cant C. can D. doesnt二、完形填空:Mr. White works in a middle school. He _21_English. He is friendly to his _22_and they also like him. He spends _23_time on his work. He often does some reading and writing. When hes _24_, he is also very busy with his work , s

    6、o he cant help his wife to do any _25_. His wife is always angry with him.Its Saturday. Their daughter Kate is _26_her homework in her bedroom. Mrs. White finds her_27_is out. She hopes her daughter will say shes _28_ than her husband. She gives an apple to Kate and asks, “_29_is cleverer , your fat

    7、her or me ?”Can you guess what the girls _30_?“Im the cleverest in my family!”Kate says without(没有) thinking.( )21.A.teaches B.watches C.studies D.reads( )22.A.friends B.students C.workers D.drivers( )23.A.many B.little C.much D.any( )24.A.at work B.in bed C.in the classroom D.at home( )25.A.housewo

    8、rk B.homework C.schoolwork D.lessons( )26.A.making B.doing C.looking D.finding( )27.A.mother B.brother C.husband D.teacher( )28.A.good B.best C.better D.bad( )29.A.Whose B.What C.Why D.Who( )30.A.answer B.play C.sing D.think三、阅读理解:( A ) Mike works very long hours every day. He usually gets up at 17:

    9、00. He has a shower and makes his breakfast. What a funny time to make breakfast! After breakfast he practices his guitar, then he puts on his jacket and goes to work. To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to the Star Hotel. The bus usually leaves at 19:15. He works all night. People love to li

    10、sten to him! He gets home at 7:00,and he watches the early morning news on TV. He goes to bed at 8:30, a tired but happy man. Do you know what his job is ?( )31.How long does Mike work?A. 7 hours. B. 8 hours C. About 9 hours. D. All night.( )32.He _ and makes his breakfast.A.gets up B.takes a shower

    11、 C.works D.washes his face( )33.What does Mike do after breakfast?A. He goes to work. B. He puts on his clothes. C. He has a shower. D. He practices his guitar.( )34.Maybe he is _A.a worker B.a singer C.a writer D.a teacher( )35.How does he go to work?A. By car. B. By bikes. C. On foot. D. By bus.(

    12、B )Mr. and Mrs. Green dont often go out in the evening. But today Mrs. Green says to her husband: “There is a good film(电影) in the cinema this evening. Can we go and see it?” Mr. Green is happy about it. So they go to see the good film. They have a good time.They come out of the cinema at 11:00. The

    13、y get into their car and drive home. It is very dark. Mrs. Green says: “Look , Bill. A woman is running along very fast and a man is running after her. Can you see them?” Mr. Green says: “Yes , I can.” He drives the car slowly near the woman and says to the woman. “Can we help you ?” “No, thanks.”Th

    14、e woman says, but she doesnt stop running. “My husband and I always run home after the cinema , and the last one washes the dishes(碟子) at home!( )36.Mr. and Mrs. Green go out one evening because_.A. they want to see a film B. they want to drive C. they want to run home( )37._like the film.A. Mr. Gre

    15、en B. Mrs. Green C. The Greens( )38.Mr. Green wants to _A. drive the car slowly B. look at the woman C. help the woman( )39.The woman _.A. wants to get help B. doesnt need any help C. wants to wash dishes( )40.Mr. and Mrs. Green _ give help.A. must B. dont have to C. dont like( C )任务型阅读:Mr. Green is

    16、 a doctor. (1) He works in a hospital near his home. So he walks there every day. Mrs. Green and her daughter Kate are both teachers. They teach in the same school. They take their car to school. They leave home at 8 oclock in the morning and they get back home at 4:00 in the afternoon. Jim and his

    17、sister Jenny are students. (2)他们坐公交车去上学。 Some of their friends walk to school. Jim and Jenny get home at 4:30 in the afternoon. They do their homework before dinner and they watch TV after dinner. They often go to bed early.41.Mr. Green goes to work _ _.42.Mrs. Green is a _.43.Jim and Jenny get home

    18、 at _ _ _ in the afternoon.44.将(1)处画线的句子翻译成汉语。_45.将(2)处画线的句子翻译成英语。四、补全对话:(有两项多余)A: Good morning! _46_B: Yes , I want to join the chess club. Good , _47_ David. _48_Im twelve._49_ My telephone number is 435-201. _50_ Yes, a little. Here is a card , please fill it out. Thank you . Youre welcome.A. Wha

    19、ts your name B. How can we contact you ?C: Can you play chess ? D: I can play chess.E: How old are you ? F: What can you do ?G: Can I help you ?五、首字母填空:For many students , its e_1_ to get to school. But for the students in one small village in China , it is d_2_. There is a very big river b_3_ their

    20、 school and the village. There is no b_4_ and the river runs too q_5_ for boats. So these students go on a ropeway to c_6_ the river to school. Liangliang crosses the river every school day. But he is not afraid“ I love to play with my classmates. And I love my teacher. Hes l_7_ a father to me. Many

    21、 of the students and villagers never l_8_ the village. Its their d_9_ to have a bridge. Can their dream come t_10_?第II卷12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940464748495041. _ _.42. _.43. _ _ _ 44. _45. _1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 六、词汇:1. My favorite subje

    22、ct is _.(地理)2. W_ is the fourth day of a week.3. They want to be _(音乐家) when they grow up .4. Its ten _(分钟) walk from my home to school.5. Are you good at _(swim) ?6. His sister _(not get ) up every day.7. You are late for school , please eat q_.8. Do you like the _(味道) of this bread?9. Lets _ (play

    23、) computer games together.10. The _(村民) here have a happy life .11. Is it difficult _(have) English classes?12. I often get d_ at six in the morning.13. This is a very _(use) lesson(教训) for us.14. After g_ up , he washes his face.15. What does Tony want _(join)?七、句型转换:1. My sister does her homework

    24、at 5 oclock. (否定句) My sister _ _ her homework at 5 oclock.2. It takes me half an hour to take a shower. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does it _ you to take a shower.3. His sister likes history best.(同义句)His sisters _ _ is history.4. There are some pictures on the wall.(一般疑问句) _ there _ pictures on the wall?5. She i

    25、s an eight-year-old girl.(同义句) The girl is _ _ _.6. He takes the subway to school.(同义句) He goes to school _ _.7. Its two kilometers from my home to school.(对划线提问) _ _ is it from your home to school?8. Can you sing ? Can you draw?(合并为选择疑问句) Can you sing _ _?9. There is no bridge.(同义句) There _ a _.八、完成句子:1.你觉得这本书怎么样?_ do you _ _ this book?2.今天是我哥哥九岁生日。Today is my _ _ birthday.3.Tony和他的同学们相处的很好。Tony _ _ _ his _.4.每天开车上班花费我爸爸15分钟的时间。It _ my father 15 minutes _ _ his car to work.5.在晚上他或者看电视或者玩游戏。He _ watches TV _ _ computer games in the evening.6.Peter大约6:45起床。Pete


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