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    1、 ,its starting to rain .Abesides Bmeanwhile Chowever Danyhow 4Dont worry , my dear . Help is always when you need it .Aat present Bin common Cat hand Din order 5Nobody throw away rubbish everywhere !Acan Bneed Cshall Dwill 6The apartment caught fire last night . Fortunately , most of the people ther

    2、e escape .Acould Btried to Chad meant to Dwere able to 7By the time he leaves university , he much work experience so long as he takes a part-time job .Awill have gained Bhas gained Cmay have gained Dwould gain 8The poor man , ran out of the dark cave.Atrembled and frightened Btrembling and frighten

    3、ed Ctrembled and frightening Dtrembling and frightening 9Will you go to the party ? Of course I will .Aif invited Bif having been invited Cif I was invited Dif to be invited 10No sooner his talk than he the workers .Ahe finished ; surrounded by Bdid he finish ; surrounded by Chad he finished ; was s

    4、urrounded by Dhe had finished ; was surrounded by 11She was so angry at all he was doing she walked out , and closed the door behind her .Awhat ; what Bthat ; that Cwhat ; that Dthat ; what 12I really like the modern digital camera you lent me last week . .And thank you very much for letting me keep

    5、 it so long .AIm glad you like it BThats all right CDont mention it DI hope you like it 13Thanks to the timely one-month-long treatment , these patients finally avoided SARS.Asuffering from Bbeing infected with Cdying of Dbeing cured of 14 fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cult

    6、ural differences from one aspect .AWhat BWhich CWhere DThat 15When you know a typhoon is going to hit , is a few simple safety measures and some common sense .Aall we take Ball it takes Cwhat you have Dall that we have 16I want to learn about your holidays . Could you tell me how you usually . Thank

    7、sgivingDay in your country ?Acongratulate Bobserve Chonor Dremind 17Among mystery writers , Agatha Christie as a real master .Astands for Bstands by Cstands in Dstands out 18Old memories are often when you hear a particular song or a piece of music .Acalled in Bcalled on Ccalled for Dcalled up 19Att

    8、ention , please . These tickets are on the day o issue (发售) only.Aconvenient Bhandy Cvaluable Davailable 20The young couple decided to their wedding until all the details were taken care of .Aannounce Bmaintain Cpostpone Dsimplify 21Mother told Jim to the milk until it boiled then turn off the gas .

    9、Aobserve Bwatch Cnotice Dglance 22I wrote him a letter to show my of his thoughtfulness .Aachievement Bagreement Cattention Dappreciation 23Violence on TV may turn out to be a strong on some young people .Aimpression Bexpression Cinfluence Dinfluential 24I have read the material several times but it

    10、 doesnt make any to me .Ameaning Bimportance Csense Dsignificance 25It is a good way for us to memorize new words by seeing them .Aproperly Brepeatedly Cclearly Dusually II完型填空(30分)For many 26 in the US, earning some money gives them a sense of 27 . By making their own money they can buy whatever th

    11、ey want . It also develops a sense of responsibility and independence .Most teens I know have a small sum of money . Their 28 give them an allowance (零用钱). For some ,an allowance is given every week ; for 29 , every month or so . Usually they can get 10 to 30 dollars a month from their parents . An

    12、allowance is typically based on the 30 of chores (家务), such as washing the dishes , cleaning up ones room, taking out the trash , and 31 the floor . 32 to younger siblings (兄弟姐妹) is also regarded as worthy of extra cash , 33 some cases .Many teens also work to get 34 .Since most of my peers (同伴) are

    13、 not 35 for a formal job , many choose part-time positions . These require relatively 36 time and basically no training . They can have these jobs like babysitting ; 37 younger students , offered by most schools 38 a small fee ; 39 bagging groceries at local supermarkets . 40 spending habits , most

    14、teens spend their money in a relatively carefree style . Often , a months allowance can be spent in just a few hours . Im not saying that teens in US are 41 saving money . Indeed , in many situations , teens can be quite level-headed (头脑冷静) in 42 money towards college or other 43 plans . The way tee

    15、ns manage their money should not be seen as a 44 . It may just be a defining characteristic of their carefree 45 . 26Aadults Bteens Cbabies Delders 27Afreedom Bpride Chappiness Dexcitement 28Aparents Bteachers Cfriends Dschools 29Athe others Banother Cthe other Dothers 30Acompletion Bperformance Cen

    16、d Dsuccess 31Awatering Bwashing Csweeping Dremoving 32ACruelty BColdness CUsefulness DKindness 33Ain Bon Cby Dfor 34Adollars Bmoney Ccash Dfees 35Asatisfied Bready Cqualified Dallowed 36Alittle Bmuch Cmore Dno 37Ahelping Btraining Ctutoring Dinforming 38Ain need of Bin return for Cwith the purpose o

    17、f Das a result of 39Aand Bbut Cso Dyet 40AAs for BBecause of Cin spite of DBut for 41Aused to Bexpert at Clooking forward to Dincapable of 42Aspending Bearning Csaving Dcollecting 43Afuture Bpresent Cpast Dlast 44Acharacteristic Bweakness Cmerit Dsymbol 45Alifestyle Battitude Chabit Dthinking III阅读理

    18、解(50分)AIf you come to the town of Medway , Rochester in England between May 28 and June 6, you will find you are back to the Victorian days . The town is crowded as so many people come to the town from all over Britain . They all wear Victorian clothes : men with tall hats and women in long skirts .

    19、 They are celebrating the yearly Dickens Festival because it was here that Charles Dickens spent his childhood , held his wedding , and died not far from here.A special train called “Mr. Pickwick” sends people from London to Rochester . Then at the railway station of Rochester , people will see all

    20、the characters from Dickens novels “come alive” and walk through the town . A lot of scenes from Dickens novels are performed , not only on stages , but in the streets and bars . The most interesting place is , of course ,the Dickens Centre , where the people can see replicas of the nineteenth centu

    21、ry : How Charles Dickens lived .The climax of the Dickens Festival is in the big church where people hold service in memory of the great writer Charles Dickens .46The yearly Dickens Festival is .Aan international festival Bcelebrated in the place where Dickens died Ccelebrated in May Din memory of t

    22、he famous writer Dickens47In the Dickens Festival , most of the visitors wear .Atall hats BVictorian clothes Clong skirts Dmodern clothes 48You can see all the characters from Dickens novels “come alive” .Awhenever you go to Rochester Bwherever you go on May 28Cat the Rochester Railway Station in th

    23、e yearly Dickens Festival Din London 49How many days does the Dickens Festival last ? Aa week . BNine days . CEight days . DTen days .BPeople who eat at home most of the time have better nutrition than those who go out to eat , a recent study shows . Cornell University professors Lana Hall and Karen

    24、 Bunch interviewed 3,900 people in the survey . “People who eat less than 30 percent of their food away from home eat the most nutritiously,” they said .“In general , Americans dont have nutrient deficiencies (营养不良) , except for iron and calcium,” they reported . They have the opposite problemover-c

    25、onsumption (过度消耗), especially of fat .The food at many fast food restaurants is often low in vitamins . “People who eat more than 30 percent of total calories away from home eat foods that are generally low in nutrients per calorie,” the professors said . More calories are required to achieve and ad

    26、equate nutrient intake.One of the major health risks is eating too much fat . The professor found that fat consumption became greater as income went up . It also went up in houses where the female worked . This is probably because these people eat more highly processed foods .50According to the pass

    27、age , which of the following suggestions would you most readily take ?AEat out as many times as possible . BEat at home as many times as possible .CEat foods with a lot of iron , calcium and fat . DEat more highly processed foods .51What is the result if people often dine out ?AThey tend to have bet

    28、ter nutrition . BThey tend to have less nutritionCThey can save a lot of time . DThey will spend much money on it .52Nowadays , a major health risk that people face is .Aeating too much fast-food Boften dining out Coften eating at home Deating too much fat 53Which of the following would be the best

    29、title of the passage ?AFood and Health BThe life Style in Modern Society CFast Food DDining out Lowers Nutrient Intake CFilling in company application forms can become a boring and repetitive task . Yet any carelessness on an applicants part can draw a negative reaction from readers . Each company or organization usually uses its own specially designed form that , although it generally asks for the same basic information , may vary in detail . Therefore the suggestions below apply mainly to the approach (方法) you should take rather than sugge


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