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    1、Miss Lin:Miss Wu:Part 1There are four job seekers knocking the door.Miss Lin: Come in, please.Together(job seekers): Good morning. Nice to meet you.Together(interviewers):Good morning. Nice to meet you,too. Please take a seat. Well, Lets begin.Miss Wu: Ok, were interviewers. Im Miss Wu. They are my

    2、colleagues: Miss Lin and Miss Fan.(Miss Lin and Miss Fan smiles and nods their heads)Miss Fan: Glad to meet you. Please introduce yourselves.From left to right.Miss Wei: Hello,My name is Manru Wei.I graduated from Shenzhen institute of technology. My major is secretary and I am 21 years old. Miss Ch

    3、en: Good morning. Im Yilin Chen. I majored in administrative management and graduated from Shenzhen University this year. I am 20 years old.Miss Zhang: My name is Junyi Zhang and Im 21 years old. I graduated from Zhongshan University. I majored in secretary.Miss Zhou: I graduated from Shenzhen Insti

    4、tute of Technology this year. I majored in secretary.Part 2 OK,why did you choose your major,Miss Wei? Because I am interested in it and I think its suitable for my personality.I felt that it would prepare me for a career in a company. Which classes in your major did you like best and tell me reason

    5、s, Miss Zhou? I like business English.This course improved my spoken English and I can communicate with foreigners in English very well. Why are you interested in this company,Miss Zhang? I think working in this company would provide me with a good opportunity to make fully use of my knowledge and d

    6、isplay my ability to the fullest. I really appreciate to opportunity to develop my career in a big company like yours. Tell me if you have a good command of Chinese. I won a second place in a citywide speech contest, so I am sure that I can communicate with others fluently and clearly in Chinese. Wo

    7、uld you describe yourself as extroverted or more introverted? I am extroverted in the work but introverted in my life. I like cooperating with others and getting the job done by working together.As you can see, we offer two positions of front desk agent. How does your work experience relate to this

    8、job?Answer the question in turn. Well,there arent many people who have worked for Bank Of China.I worked in the administrative department for seven months.And my responsibilities are communicating with clients,keeping files, arranging meetings and so on. As a trainee,Im lucky that I have worked in a

    9、gricultural bank of china for 8 months as a project clerk. I am responsible for examining and verifying clients check, inputting clients personal information and registering relevant volume and daily error rate. 经历 可以写你实习的经历 I am lucky that I have worked in the sixth professional skill appraisal. I

    10、learned a lot from the internship,such as interpersonal skills. Why did you leave your last job? I hope to get an offer of suitable position .I feel there is no room for advancement. How would your colleagues describe you? Steadfast,stubborn,struggling and a little Why should we hire you?I feel I ca

    11、n make some positive contribution to your company. What makes you think you would be a success in this position? My vocational college training combined with my experience obtained in the internship should qualify me for this job.I believe I will succeed. OK,do you have any questions? Yes, Id like t

    12、o know about the issue of salary. Well, the start salary for front desk agent in the company is RMB 3000per month,and a raise is given after three months according to your performance. How are pay rises and promotion conducted? They are based completely on the actual performance. I want to know abou

    13、t the issue of welfare. OK, we provide benefits such as annual bonus,three-week paid vacation a year,and health insurance. What extent will the company provide for medical care?We have a company clinic for first consultations which is free for all employees and their families. Any major operations will be paid in part by our company.Any problem? Well,thats all for our questions.Thank you.Part 3 OK,well,well inform you of our final decision in ten days time.Together(job seeker): Thank you very much!Good-bye. Good-bye.


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