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    1、高考英语高中英语语法之情态助动词山东重点中学第六章 助动词与情态助动词第一节 基本知识与基本概念【助动词】 英语动词按其构成动词词组的作用可以分为主动词和助动词两大类。 助动词有可以分为基本助动词和情态助动词两类。 基本助动词有三个:do, have, be。基本助动词本身没有词义,它们的作用是协助主动词构成否定形式或疑问形式,构成进行体、完成体或被动态以及其他修辞功能。例如: We dont like such things. 构成否定式 We arent children any longer. He hasnt finished his work. Do you think I can

    2、see the movie? 构成疑问式 Is the boy Toms cousin? Have you met my new girlfriend? 构成进行体 All the students are busy preparing for their college entrance examinations. 构成完成体 It has been raining for a month and everything is wet. 构成被动态 The melon was divided into ten parts so that everyone can enjoy a little.

    3、 修辞功能 They did come to my office yesterday. (表示强调语气) 情态助动词与基本助动词的最主要区别之一是,基本助动词没有词汇意义,而情态助动词则有自己的词汇意义,能表示说话人对所说话语的态度和看法,或表示主观设想及其他情态意义。【情态助动词的词法和句法特征】一、 后面只接动词原形,即不带to的动词不定式。(ought to、used to可以被看作是固定词组);在限定动词词组中总是位居第一,例如:I may had made some mistakes. 二、 没有非限定形式,即没有不定式、ing分词或ed分词等形式。三、 第三人称单数现在时没有词形变

    4、化,即没有-s形式。四、 He can have been writing that book.五、 “时态”并不是时间区别的主要标志。在不少场合,情态助动词的现在时形式和过去时形式都可用来表示现在时间、过去时间或将来时间。六、 彼此之间是相互排斥的,即在一个限定动词词组中只能有一个情态动词。*He may can do the job without your help. He may be able to do the job without your help. 【哪些词是情态助动词?】一般说来,英语中的情态助动词有个,它们是:may, can, must, ought to, will

    5、, shall, need, dare, used to。其中,有些情态助动词有过去式形式,如can(could), may(might), will(would), shall(should),等。有的就没有,如must。Needed和dared很少被用作情态助动词,更多的被用作实意动词。【高考怎么考查情态助动词?】情态助动词考点在全国各地高考试题中都很被重视,复现率。基本的考查思路是通过某特定的语境,考查考生对个情态助动词共性或个性的掌握。近几年,情态助动词的个性,即独有的特殊情态大受青睐。出现了不少考题。例如:(年山东卷)- May I smoke here ? - If you _,

    6、choose a seat in the smoking section.A. should B. could C. may D. must答案:D。解析:这是一个典型的考查情态助动词的考题。并且,考查的就在于must的个性。有关must能表示的情态,考生多能掌握如:表示“强制”和“非常肯定的推测”等。但对本题考查的这个点就未必知晓。这里的must专门用于某些以you为主语的疑问句或if-分句中,表示某种感情色彩,如说话人对听话人的某些做法的反感等。例如:Must you make that dreadful noise? (你就不能安静些吗?烦死人了。)If you must smoke,

    7、use an ashtray. (你如果一定要抽烟的话,也得用个烟灰缸。你看,弄得到处是烟灰。)从上面的典型例题可以看出,解决情态助动词的考题,我们有两个坎要迈过去,一、准确地翻译。没有准确的或基本准确的翻译,我们就无法了解说话人想表达的情态。就没有把法作题。二、准确的记忆。英语中只有9个基本情态动词。而他们不得不被用来表示人们复杂的情感或态度,这样就注定了是每一个情态助动词都是一词多义,一词多情。因此,我们需要对个情态助动词分别能表示的情态类别了如指掌,不能有任何纰漏。只有这样,我们才能立于不败之地。同学们的翻译能力需要平时的努力练习才能提高,所以,本书有重点地向大家介绍几个情态助动词的具体

    8、情态意义和使用环境。【may的意义和用法】1 表示许可,包括:a. 说话人给予的许可; b. (正式文体)普遍的许可; c. 在疑问句或if分句中,表示不是说话人给予的许可,而是征询听话人的许可。例如:a. You may smoke in this room. ( You are permitted to .)You may come if you wish. You may not go. ( You are not permitted to )b. Visitors may ascend(登上) the tower for 6 pence. Borrowers may not take

    9、out of the library more than two books at a time.c. - May I use your car for a few days?- No, you may not.May I smoke in the room?If I may say so, your work needs revision. ( If you allow me to say so, )If I may ask, how much money can you make in a year. “May I ” 征询对方许可在语体上比较正式。在语气上比较客气。在日常会话中,用 “C

    10、an I ”征询对方许可在现代英语中更为常见。2 表示可能 (这时的may一般不用语疑问句,在疑问句中常用can 表示)。a. 通常用于陈述句,例如:It may rain tomorrow. You may lose your way if you dont take a map.The news may or may not be true.b. may + 不定式的进行体,例如:He may be working in his study.c. may + 不定式的完成体或完成进行体,(当时大概做了)。例如:He may have been there.I may have misund

    11、erstood you.They may have been discussing the problem the whole day.3 表示祝福或诅咒。 例如:May God bless you!May you rest in peace!May you enjoy many years of health and happiness.May his evil designs perish! (让他的阴谋诡计见鬼去吧!)4 表示让步。 例如: He may be only a new comer, but he works as efficiently as any one of us.

    12、He may be clever, but you cant expect him to know everything.【can的意义和用法】1 表示能力 a. 通常指由体力、知识、技能、等所产生的能力。例如:Baby Tom can walk now.Can you lift this box?Mary Blake can speak five languages.Can you skate?b. 表示由于客观原因而形成的能力。例如:There being no car available, we can go there by bus instead.I can come to your

    13、 party, but Alice cant, shes got to go to a meeting.c. 表示含有“愿意”的能力。 例如: Can you pass me the salt? I can do that for you.d. 与表示感觉或心理状态的动词连用时,往往失去情态意义。例如:I can see the top of the tower.I cant understand why he was so irritated. (I dont understand )2. 表示许可 例如:You can smoke in this room.- Can I go for a

    14、 swim this afternoon?- No, you cant.You cannot play football in the school yard. ( You are forbidden)You can forget about your holiday. (含有“劝告”的意义)3 表示可能,用来推测某事物的可能性a. 可用于肯定或否定的陈述句和疑问句,但更频繁地用于否定句和疑问句,例如:Lightening can be dangerous. 闪电有时候会很危险。Weve got a map, we cant lose our way.Can the news be true?

    15、 What can have happened to him? He can sometimes be very nasty.Practicing Wushu without a coach can be dangerous. The World Wide Web is jokingly called World Wide Wait because it can be very slow. b. 表示“可能”还常常用来表示“建议”某人做某事。例如: We can do that tomorrow. You can spend several hours in the bookshop.c. 当

    16、主语为第二、第三人称时,can(表示可能)还可以表示一种比较亲密、随便祈使语气。例如:William, you can stay here, and Lucy, you can come on now.d. can 表示“可能”在否定句、疑问句、感叹句中还可以表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等含义。例如:This cant be true.Can this be all of your excuse for your being late again?How can you be so rude to your daughter in public!e. can 表示“可能”在特殊疑问句中要重读,并带有

    17、迷惑不解或不耐烦等含义。例如:What can he mean?Where can he have gone to?How can you raise such a foolish question? 【must的意义和用法】1 表示必须a. 表示说话人的主观意志,或要求对方必须做某事,例如:You must arrive here by ten.In England, traffic must keep to the left.You mustnt talk like that.They mustnt stay here any longer.b. 在某些以you为主语的疑问句或if-分句中

    18、,还可以表示某种感情色彩,如表示说话人对听话人的某种做法的反感等。例如:Must you make so much noise?If you must smoke, smoke in the toilet.- Who is the girl standing by the door? - If you must know, Her name is Jane Kerry. 2 表示必然 表示根据逻辑推理必然要发生的事情。例如:All men must die. (All men will certainly die.)Bad seeds must bring bad crops. Careles

    19、s driving must cause accidents. 注意:must的这一用法一般不用于否定句或疑问句。3 表示推测指说话人看来一定是、必然是。a. 一般也只用于肯定陈述句,例如:It must be very late because the streets are empty.There must be a mistake.He must be enjoying himself.You must be feeling very tire.Whenever I tell my daughter to do something, she must do the opposite. b

    20、. 推测过去时间发生的事态,就用must + 不定式的完成体或完成进行体,例如:You must have met my brother in the tea party last night.Why isnt he here? He must have missed the train.You must have left your computer in the taxi. c. 当must 用于推测意义时,其否定形式通常不是mustnt, 而是cant, 例如:You cant be very hungry. Its only 9 oclock.- The six of us went

    21、to Beijing in Johns car last week.- Your journey cant have been very comfortable.It cant be my father, because he doesnt know I am here. That man cant be Lucys husband because he doesnt wear glasses. 【ought to的意义和用法】 a. 表示应该这里ought to的语气明显不如must(必须)弱。说话人对所说的应该做的事情是否真会实现缺乏充分的信心。例如:You ought to leave

    22、early tomorrow. ( 试比较:You must leave early tomorrow.)You ought to be practicing your piano now.从上面的例句,我们可以看出,must表示应该做某事时,说话人有一种信心,认为一定会这样做。而ought to更像一种建议。b. ought to不定式的完成体,表示过去应该做某事而实际未做,有批评之意。例如:You ought to have helped him. (But you didnt.)He ought to have been more careful. ( He was not carefu

    23、l enough.)You oughtnt to have scolded the boy. (It was not his fault.)c. ought to 和should可以互换使用,只有语气上的微弱差别。例如:Ought I to go? = Should I go? (前句听起来很不自然)My son ought to go to school, oughtnt he/shouldnt he? d. 表示推测:Mary Black ought to be home by now. This is where the gold ought to be.比较语气: You cant h

    24、ave any difficulty getting the tickets. You oughtnt to have any difficulty getting the tickets.从上面的例句,我们可以看出,ought to在表示推测时的语气,无论是肯定形式还是否定形式,都比must或其否定式cant弱。【will的意义和用法】1 表示愿意, 例如:I will marry you if you can make three promises to me.All of us will help you out of trouble. Will you have some tea? W

    25、ho will go with me? Will Alice accept my invitation? 2 表示意图, 例如:I will write to her tomorrow.Why will you go there?Ill have a beer. I dont care for whisky.We wont stay longer than a week. 3 表示坚持,(WILL在这一用法中必须重读,而且不能缩略为ll. 例如:I will (= am determined to) do as I like.I will take the job and no one is

    26、going to stop me. Will 的这个用法并不是很常见。如果用于第二、第三人称则带有说话人对某人的顽固态度颇为生气的含义。例如:He wont do what he is told. (He insists on not doing what he is told.) If you will go, you may go at once. My daughter will do whatever he prefers to do. 4 表示预见 a. 表示对某种必然进程的揣想。例如:I think she will be all right now. (我想她现在一定好了。) B

    27、y now he will be eating dinner. (现在他一定是在吃饭。)That will be the milkman. (一定是送牛奶的来了。) b.表示某种不受时限的必然会发生的情况。例如:Oil will float on water.Pigs will eat anything that comes to their mouths. d. 表示某种习惯。例如: A lion will attack a man only when hungry. Before any major examination, he will stay in the library for

    28、days and nights. The old woman will sit in front of her house for hours, waiting for her son to come back home from the front. 【shall的意义和用法】1 表示愿意,一般用于第二、第三人称的主语,表示说话人的愿意;在疑问句中是征询听话人是否愿意。例如:You say you will not do it, but I say you shall do it.Shall my daughter do your shopping for you?Shall the you

    29、ng man have another try?Shall you take a holiday in August? 2 表示意图,一般只用于第一人称主语,和will可以互换,在疑问句中是征询听话人的意见或意图。例如:I shall/will write to her tomorrow.I shant /wont go if it rains.Shall I carry your suitcase? (Do you want me to carry your suitcase?)Shall we have dinner together. 3 表示坚持,只用于第二、第三人称主语,重读,表示说

    30、话人强烈的意志和决心(命令、承诺、威胁),例如: You shall obey my orders. You shall marry him.No one shall stop me.If you tried to kill anyone, you shall be punished. The interest shall be divided between the five brothers. 【should的意义和用法】 一般情况下,情态助动词的原形和其过去式之间的意义和用法基本相同。差别主要在时间和语气上。但在实际的考试中,shall和它的过去式形式should之间有着较大的区别。因此

    31、,本书将should也作为一个独立的情态助动词来讲解。以下是should不同于shall的意义和用法。a. 表示“应当”;b. 表示“揣想和推测”;c. 用在that引起的从句中,表示惊讶、遗憾、放心等情绪;d. 用在表示情绪的问句中。(这类问句常不需回答);e. 用在that引起的从句中,表示规定或要求做的事情,(有时可以和shall换用);f. 用于目的状语从句中,表示“竟会”,用should 表示强烈的情绪;g. 表示一种多余的担心,“万一”。 例句:a. One should not tell lies. You should be more careful. This should be done by John.b. You should be able to recognize her handwriting.You shou


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