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    普通话声母训练技巧 6.docx

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    普通话声母训练技巧 6.docx

    1、普通话声母训练技巧 6英语期末试卷B 闭卷年级: 专业: 学号: 姓名: 分数:答案必须写在答题卡上Part Listening Comprehension (20%)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it

    2、. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single lin

    3、e through the center.(5)Example: You will hear: Mr. Smith is not in. could you please give him a message?You will read: A) Im not sure. B) Youre right. C) Yes, certainly. D) Thats interesting.From the question we learn that the man is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C) Yes, certai

    4、nly is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the answer Sheet.Now the test will begin.1A)Thank you B)With pleasure C)Oh,yes D)Here you are2A)From 9 amto 6 Pm B)Far from here C)Five people D)One hundred dollars3A)Please sit down B)Take it easy C)Im OK D)YesOf course4A)Hes a nice person B)1 work v

    5、ery hard C)Youre welcome D)Certainly not5A) Its far away B)Its rather warm C)I hope so D)Im afraid I cant Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogu

    6、es and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.(5)6 A)From her f

    7、riend B)From her teacher C)From her boss D)From her brother7 A) Attend a meeting B)Hold a party C)Take all interview D)Meet a friend -8 A)In the meeting room B)In her office C)At home D)At the bank9 A)Its very boring B)Thats too busy C)He likes it very much D)Hes going to give it up10A)An engineer B

    8、)A doctorC)A salesman D)A secretarySection CDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded passage. This passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or p

    9、hrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.(10)People visit other countries for many reasonsSome travel 11 ;others travel to visit interesting placesWhenever you go,for whatever

    10、 reason,it is important to be 12 A tourist can draw a lot of attention from local peopleAlthough most of the people you meet are friendly and welcoming,sometimes there are dangers13 ,your money or passport might be stolenJust as in your home country,do not expect everyone you meet to be friendly and

    11、 14 It is important to prepare your trip in advance,and 15 be careful while you are travelingPart Vocabulary and Structure (30%)Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 3 sections.Sect

    12、ion ADirections: Find the right definition in Column B that matches the words and phrases in Column A.(10)1.Existence2.distinguish3.response4.devalue5.purchase6.qualification7.promotion8. alternative9. slap10. demonstratea. Showb. Otherc. To hit somebody with the palm of your handd. to limit most of

    13、 your study, to a particular subjecte. state or fact of existingf. recognize the difference between two thingsg. answer, reactionh. to buy somethingi. to reduce the valuej. training, examination that qualifies sb. for workSection BDirections: Choose the best answer. (10)11.-What was the party like?

    14、- Its years I enjoyed myself so much.A. after B. before C. when D. since12. Under his arm a pair of shoes which he had bought from the shop of a few days before.A. is B. are C. was D. were13. Not for a moment the truth of your story.A. he has doubted B. he doubts C. did he doubt D. he did doubt14. D

    15、o you know Jim quarreled with his brother? - I dont know, A. nor dont I care B. nor do I care C. I dont care neither D. I dont care also 15. One of the best for students to get money for education is a part-time job.A. choose B. opinion C. option D. optional 16. Indeed many fields, such as law, medi

    16、cine, dentistry, and some types of engineering require an advanced degree in addition to typical A. graduated education B. postgraduate education C undergraduate education D. graduation education17. after ten years, all these youngsters become A. growns ups B. grown up C. growns up D. grown ups18.Th

    17、e fantastic progress in science leaves a deep on the visitorsA. affection B. impression C. infection D. depression19. You cant get a drivers license you are at least sixteen years old.A. if B. unless C. when D. thought20. The harder I tried, it seemed to solve that math problem.A. the impossible B.

    18、most impossible C. the most impossible D. the more impossibleSection CDirections: Fill in the blanks with the given words or expressions. Change the forms where necessary.(10)21. Do you realize the (important) of study?22.We are determinate that the exam-cheats will not escape (punish).23. To a cert

    19、ain (extent), I am responsible for their guards.24. Shall we meet at the (usually) time and place?25. If you (finance) your education by borrowing a lot of money, your career may suffer.26.One of the governments main sources of (revenue) is income taxes.27.He had such high marks that the college off

    20、ered him a (scholar).28.Their advice proved (value) to us on our journey.29.Her husband is (allergy) to seafood.30.Dont (slap) the baby on his face.Part Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions :Read the following passages and the statements that follow, choose the best answer for each statement from t

    21、he four choices marked A,B,C and D.TASK 1The internet is an exciting tool that puts vast information at your fingertips. With a click of a mouse, it lets you buy an airline ticket, book a hotel, send flowers to a friend, or purchase your favorite stock.Security on the internetShopping online offers

    22、lots of benefits that you wont find while shopping in a store or by mail. The internet is always open- seven days a week, 24 hours a day- and bargains can be numerous online. Shopping in the internet is no less safe than shopping in a store or by mail. Keep the following tips in mind to help ensure

    23、that your online shopping experience is a safe one.EASY AS ABCWhen exploring online, think ABC to remember the privacy and security questions you should ask about a company.About me. What information does the company collect from me and is it secure?Benefits. How does the company use that informatio

    24、n and what is the benefit to me?Choices. What choices do I have about the companys use of information about me? Can I choose not to have the information used for other purposes, and how?31. The real meaning behind “with the click of a mouse” may be A. with the use of computer and internet B. just th

    25、e action of clicking the mouseC. with the information D. none of the above32. With the help of Internet, we can A. buy airline tickets B. book a hotelC. send flowers to your friend D. all the three above33. Which of the following is not a benefit that online shopping offers?A. Internet is always ope

    26、n B. Bargains can be numerous onlineC. you have to provide your personal information for online shopping, which sometimes will cause privacy and security problems.D. The internet is as safe as shopping in a store or by mail if you use it properly34. What is True about the ABC rule for online shoppin

    27、g?A. It is very easy rule, as easy as learning ABCB. Its the basic safety rule for online shopping provided by the writerC. Its the first letter of the three rules: About me, Benefits, Choices, hence ABCD. All of the above.35. Whats this passage mainly about?A. Benefits of the shopping onlineB. Diff

    28、erences between shopping online and in the storeC. Shopping online safely D. Internet is convenientTASK 2Individuals in every culture have similar basic needs but express them differently. In our daily life, when we initiate a conversation, we use formal and informal speech to give praise, express d

    29、isagreement, seek information, and extend invitations. Some of the verbal patterns we use are influenced by our culture.Whereas directness in speech is common in the United States, indirectness is the rule in parts of the Far East. Thus people form both of these parts of the world would probably exp

    30、ress criticism of other differently. In parts of the Middle East a host is expected to offer food several times but in the United States he may make an offer only once or twice. The different modes of expression represent variations on the same theme. Each language reflects and creates cultural atti

    31、tudes; each has a unique way of expressing human need.36. The passage states that people form various cultures _.A. share common needs but express them differentlyB. share common needs and therefore express them similarlyC. dont share common needs and therefore do not have similar expressionsD. dont have common needs but express them similarly37. In the third sentence, “verbal patterns” means _.A. the ways we use words B. the ways we speakC. the ways we write D. the ways we use verbs38. According to the passage, when we start a conversation, w


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