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    1、 Knowledge aims:Teaching Plan(1)Students can understand the meaning of the listening material. (2)Students will learn some knowledge about.Ability aims:(1)Students can improve their listening abilities for general idea and detailed information. (2)Students can master their skills about how to introd

    2、ucein their own words.Emotional aims: (以下内容选一/二即可)(1)Students can get more interests and confidence in learning English. (2)Students will be willing to apply their English into daily use. (3)Students can get the awareness of cooperation with others.Teaching Key & Difficult Points:Teaching key point:

    3、Students can get a better understanding of the listening material.Teaching difficult point:Students will learn to use different listening abilities to deal with different information. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.(以下导入方式选其一即可)2.Lead-in:Review the knowledge that we learned before

    4、/in the last class with the students:Check studentshomework that I assigned in the last class: Share a story/saying/experience with students:Show students some pictures aboutand ask them to think about the following questions:/ Play a short video to the students and ask them to think about the follo

    5、wing questions during watching:Q1: Q2:Free talk: ask students to discuss the following question and then invite some of them to share their answers:Q:Step 2 Pre-listening (以下方式取其一即可)Show students the title of the listening material and ask them to try to predict the what the listening material may t

    6、alk about according to the title/the pictures on the screen.Show students some words and expressions that appear in the listening material and ask them to predict what the passage may talk about according to these.Words and expressions:Ask students to think about the following questions and then inv

    7、ite two of them to share their ideas. Then ask them to predict what the passage may talk about.Q2:Step 3 While-listening(1) 1stlistening: ask students to listen to the material for the first time and try to catch the main idea of it.(2) 2ndlistening: ask students to listen to the material again, in

    8、order to answer the following questions/in order to tell the following statements true(T) or false(F)/in order to finish the chart on the screen.Questions/statements/chart:(3) 3rdlistening: the teacher will read the material and ask students to check all the answers.(若材料比较难,可以设计此步骤,若材料比较简单,可以在2nd li

    9、stening 中设计成教师朗读,但是若文章没有要求教师朗读,可省略此步骤)Step 4 Post-listening (以下方式选其一即可)Ask students to retell the listening material according to the key details on the screen in their own words.Ask students to discuss the following question in group of four and then share their ideas and give evaluation.Question:R

    10、ole play the conversation.(一般对话形式的材料可用此活动) Step 5 Summary and HomeworkSummary: ask a student/lead the students to summarize the content of this lesson(. 总结环节可以是老师自己总结,让同学总结,老师和同学一起总结三种方式,一般使用后两种方式比较好)Homework: ask students to search the Internet for more information aboutand try to write a short pas

    11、sage to introduce it./ask students to finish the exercises on the book.Blackboard design:【试讲逐字稿】自我介绍:Good morning/afternoon, dear judges,Im No.X candidate applying for high school English teacher. (有的地方不让说姓名,只能说号码,但有的地方规定要说姓名,进入面试室时,有人会给你看一下注意事项,所以请一定看清,否则说错了会视为作弊,取消资格的)(上面这一句是在敲门得到允许进去后,所做的自我介绍,或者是

    12、向考官问好,一般考官会回应说: good morning/afternoon,之后你需要走到讲台上,进行结构化答题,回答结束后,考官会说请开始你的试讲)分割线下面是真正的试讲逐字稿Today my topic is , now Ill start my class.Greetings:Class begins, sit down please. Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls, welcome to my class.How are you guys today? Great? Not bad? Glad to hear that. Me? OhI

    13、m pretty good, thanks for your asking. So are you ready for our class? Ok, good.Lead-in:以下方式选其一即可(建议在此步骤中,若能与文章标题联系起来的时候,可以书写板书:具体的标题,若文章没有标题,可以找机会一边说:today were going to have a reading class, 一边书写板书:reading)Before our class, boys and girls, lets have a quick review about what we learned in the last

    14、 class. Do you still remember it? Great, you all remember it. Yes, we learned about. Now as for today we are going to learn more about it/we are going to learn another grammar.Before our class, boys and girls, do you still remember the task that I assigned for you in the last class? Yes, it is Ok, s

    15、o how many of you have prepared it? Show me your hands. Ok Anna, please. (此处停顿几秒,假装Anna 在回答)Excellent, I can see you did it with your heart. Now as for today, we are going to learn/we are going to talk more about-1.Before our class, boys and girls, Id like to share a story with you. After the story,

    16、 you need to tell me (此处可以出一个问题)So please listen to me carefully. (讲故事)So who wants to share your answers with us? Anna, please.(Anna 的 回 答 )Very good, sit down, please. Now as for today, we are going to learn/we are going to talk more about-2.Before our class, boys and girls, I have s sentence for

    17、you, please listen to me carefully and please try to guess its meaning ( 此 处 讲 一 个 名 人 名 言 )So who wants to share your answers with us? Anna, please.(Anna 的回答)Very good, sit down, please. Now as for today, we are going to learn /we are going to talk more about-3.Before our class, boys and girls, Id

    18、like to share one experience of mine with you(讲经历)So how about you? Do you have any unforgettable experience? Anna, please share with us. (Anna 的 回 答 )Very good, sit down, please. Now as for today, we are going to learn /we are going to talk more aboutBefore our class, boys and girls, lets watch a s

    19、hort video/some pictures, and you need to think about the following questions: Q1:and Q2: Are you clear? Ok, great, lets start here.(观看视频/图片,停顿几秒)Well you have enjoyed the video/the pictures, have you got the answers? Anna, you please. Oh you thinkYes, great, sit down please. How about question 2? P

    20、eter, please have a try. You thinkI agree with you, sit down please. Now as for today, we are going to learn /we are going to talk more aboutBefore our class, boys and girls, Id like to ask you a question:Anna, please have a try.Yeah, (Anna 的回答)Wonderful, thank you, sit down please. And? Peter, plea

    21、se. Great,(Peter 的回答)Now as for today, we are going to learn/we are going to talk more aboutPre-listening: 以下方式选其一即可Well have a listening class, now Ill give you the title of the material. As now we know the title of the listening material, so can you try to guess what the listening material may tal

    22、k about? I heard that it may talk aboutWonderful! We ll see whether youre right or not inthe following listening part.(如果文章比较难,可以提问学生;注意此处的预测的只是文章的大概内容, 并不是文章大意)Now, lets look at the words and expressions on the screen, theyre from this listening material. Do you know the meaning of them? You all kn

    23、ow? Very good. Ok now please try to guess what the passage may talk about? You can discuss it with your partners first, then share with us, clear? Ok, start here.( 停 顿 几 秒 )Times up. Who wants to try? Dont be shy, just to have a try, ok? Elsa, please.(Elsa 的 回 答 )Good, sit down please. Do you agree

    24、with her? Yes?No? Well lets check her answer in the following reading(. 如果文章比较简单,提问一人即可,若比较难,可以提问两个学生;另外,如果单词比较难,需要简单的讲解下)(注意此处的预测的只是文章的大概内容,并不是文章大意)Now look at the following two questions on the screen. You can discuss them with your partners first and then share your answers with us. Ok, start her

    25、e(. 停顿几秒)Times up. Who wants to try? How about Elsa?(Elsa 的回答)Thatsexcellent, thank you and sit down please. And question 2? David, please have a try. (David 的回 答 )Great, sit down, please. According to these two questions,Im sure youll have a guess about what the passage may talk about in your heart

    26、, right? Ok, let s check your answers in the following reading.While-listening:(1) Now lets listen to the material for the first time. In this time, you dont need to catch some detailed information, just listen and try to catch key words and then summarize the main idea of it, clear? Good, lets star

    27、t here.(停顿几秒,这时可以书写板书:1stlistening: main idea )Ok, lets stop here. Have you got the answer? Good, its very easy, right? You can answer me together. The passage tells usWonderful! ( 若 文 章 比 较 难 , 也 可 请 同 学 回 答 :Ok, any volunteers? Tom, please have a try. The passage is mainly aboutOk, sit down please

    28、. Do you agree with him? No? Mike do you have any supplement? Oh, it mainly talks aboutYes, both of you did a good job. Sit down please).(2) Now let s listen to it again. This time, you should listen carefully to fill in the blanks/to answer the questions/to tell the following statements true or fal

    29、se/to finish the chart on thescreen. you should take notes if necessary, clear? Ok, start(. 此时可以书写板书:2nd listening: Q2: )Ok, its over. Have you got the answers? Ok,Id like you to discuss your answers with your partners, clear?(停顿几秒)Ok, times up. Now I need some students to share with us. Amy, the fi

    30、rst one please.Good job, sit down please. The second one? Elsa, you please. very good, sit down please. You all did a good job in this part.(3) Now Ill read the material for the third time, and in this time, try to check all the answers and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, ok?(此时可以书写板书:3rdlistening: check,然后教师阅读材料)Thats all for the listening part.Post-listening:以下方式选其一即可Ok, next Id like you to retell the passage on your own words according to the key details on the screen. youll have 10 minutes to think about it, and you can discuss it with


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