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    1、虚拟语气练习题精选1. The teacher demanded that the exam _ before eleven.A. must finishB. would be finishedC. be finishedD. must be finished2. She made the demand that the journalists _ at once _ Iraq.A. leave; forB. leave; toC. left; toD. to be left; for3. He is talking so much about America as if he _ there

    2、.A. had beenB. has beenC. wasD. has gone4. The young man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _ free.A. did; setB. had done; should be setC. should do; be setD. had done; must be set5. I suggested there _ be a kind of language all could understand and use _ .A. can; itB. /; /C. would; itD. may; /6.

    3、The suggestion has been made _ the basketball game _ put off.A. for; toB. that; beC. which; should beD. to; being7. The order came that the medical supplies _ to Beijing for the Sars soon.A. would be sentB. should sendC. be sentD. must be sent8. It is important that we _ wild animals.A. will protect

    4、B. should protectC. shall protectD. are protecting9. Had you listened to the doctor, you _ all right now.A. areB. wereC. would beD. would have been10. _ any change about the date, please tell me immediately.A. Will there beB. Should there beC. There will beD. There should be11. _ today, he would get

    5、 there by Friday.A. Would he leaveB. Was he leaving C. Were he to leaveD. If he leave12. Should it rain, the crops _ . A. would be savedB. would have been savedC. will be savedD. had been saved13. You _ come earlier. The bus left a moment ago.A. would B. should haveC. mayD. have 14. He treated me as

    6、 though/as if _ his own son.A. I amB. I would beC. I was D. I were15. I _ you some money, but I hadnt any on me then.A. would lendB. would have lentC. could lendD. may have lent16. A few minutes earlier and we _ the rain.A. have caughtB. had caughtC. could have caughtD. were to catch17. - “Have you

    7、ever been to Beijing?”- “No, but I wish I _”A. haveB. willC. doD. had18. Im glad I went over all my notes; otherwise _ .A. I may have failedB. Id failC. Id have failedD. Ill have failed19. - “What will you do during the summer holiday?” - “I dont know, but its high time _ something.”A. Im decidingB.

    8、 Ill decideC. I decidedD. I decide20. What should we do if it _ tomorrow?A. should snowB. would snowC. snowD. will snow21. If only I _ my watch!A. hadnt lostB. havent lostC. didnt lostD. dont lose22. You _ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice.A. may not makeB. might not makeC. shoul

    9、dnt have madeD. might not have made23. We _ the work on time without your help.A. hadnt had finishedB. didnt have finishedC. couldnt have finishedD. cant have finished24. - “Where have you been?”- “I got caught in traffic; otherwise _ sooner.”A. I would be hereB. I have been hereC. I had been hereD.

    10、 I would have been here25. If it were not for the fact that you _ ill, I would ask you to do this right now.A. were B. had been C. areD. should beKey: 1-5. CAABB 6-10. BCBCB 11-15. CAABDB 1620. CDCCA 21-25. ADCDC虚拟语气概念。虚拟语气是动词的一种特殊形式, 用来表达说话人的愿望,意图,建议,惊奇,设想等未能实现的情况,以及在说话人看来实现可能性很小的情况。II.虚拟语气的特点: 虚拟语

    11、气表达的是与客观现实相反的观念。 虚拟语气常由一个表示条件的从句和一个主句构成。 由于虚拟语气中条件从句中的条件是与客观事实相反,因此其主句的结论也只能是想象的,非真实的。 虚拟语气的特点决定了它句中动词形式的使用与真实句中的动词形式的是不同的。同时,虚拟语气受时间的制约,分成以下三种句式:1) 1) 与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。2) 2) 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气3) 3) 与将来事实相反的虚拟语气III. III. 在不同时间下,虚拟语气的三种形式,公式。I.与现在事实相反 were might if+主语+ 过去式动词 would 过去式助动词 , 主语+ could + V should

    12、 II.与过去事实相反 might would + have + 过去分词If +主语+had +过去分词, 主语 + could Should III.与将来事实相反 were might if + 主语+ 过去式助动词 were to +v 主语+ would + V should + v. could 注:。虚拟语气中助动词be一律用were,不用was。在与将来事实相反的虚拟语气中,“if主语should +表示可能的假设1.与现在事实相反) )If I had a car, I should be very happy.= I should be very happy if I ha

    13、d a car, but I havent a car. 2) 2) If I were a bird, I could fly. = I could fly if I were a bird, but I am not a bird, so I cant fly. 3) 3) I he took his teachers advice, he might pass the exam. = He might pass the exam if he took his teachers advice, but he doesnt take his teachers advice, so he do

    14、esnt pass the exam. 4) 4) If it werent raining, we should go for a picnic. = We should go for a picnic if it werent raining, but it is raining. 题例:1) 1) If my father _ here now, he _ tell me what to do. A. A. were, would B were, will C is, would D is , will2) 2) If I _ a bee, I _ work much harder. A

    15、 were, would B were, shall C had, will D have, should3) 3) If I _ much money, I _ buy a house. A have, will B had, should C had, will D have, should4) 4) He _ learn more quickly if he _ harder. A will, work B would, worked C would, work D will , worked5) 5) If I _ you, I _ do that. A was, wouldnt B

    16、were, wouldnt C am , wont D were, wont Key: AABBB2.与过去事实相反例:1) If I had known her telephone number, I would have called her. = I would have called her if I had known her telephone number, but I didnt know her telephone number, so I didnt call her. 2) If you had come ten minutes earlier, you could ha

    17、ve met that famous film star. = You could have met that famous film star if you had come ten minutes earlier, but you didnt come ten minutes earlier, so you didnt see that famous film star.3) If I had realized the importance of English study, I should have worked much harder. = I should have worked

    18、much harder if I had realized the importance of English study, but I didnt realize the importance of English study, so I didnt work harder. 题例:1) 1) If you _ the doctors advice, you would have recognized already. A. followed B would follow C follow D had followed2) 2) If my lawyer _ here last Saturd

    19、ay, he _ me from going. A had been , would have prevented B had been, would preventC were, would prevent D were, would have prevented3) 3) I _ if she _ me. A would have overslept , didnt call B would have overslept, hadnt called C overslept, hadnt called D would overslept, didnt call4) 4) - If he _,

    20、 he _that food.-Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately. A was warned, would not take B had been warned, would not have taken C would be warned, had not taken D would have been warned, had not taken5) 5) She _ to the party if she _ invited. A would have gone, had been B would go , was C woul

    21、d have gone, was D has goneKey: DABBA3.与将来事实相反例:1) If I were to be twenty years old, I would take the course of computer science. = I would take the course of computer science if I were to be twenty years old, but I am not twenty years old, so I will not take the course of computer science. 2) If I

    22、did /should do/were to do that , she would feel very surprised. = She would feel very surprised if I did/should do/were to do that, but I dont do that, so she will not feel surprised. 3) If I failed, I would try again. = I would try again if I failed, but if I doesnt fail, I will not try again.题例:1)

    23、 1) Its quite impossible that it will rain tomorrow. But if it _, I would still go to the park. A should rain B would rain C rained D had rained2) 2) I dont think that I shall fail. But if I _, I would try again. A should fail B would fail C failed D had failed 3) 3) _ tomorrow, what should we do?A

    24、If it rains B. Should it rain C. Would it rain D. Were it rainingKey: AAB注:书面语中,“if”虚拟语气倒装形式的使用: 如果“if”从句中含有 “were, had ”或“should ”时, 则可省略连词“if ”,而把“were, had ” 或“should” 移至主语之前。例:1) Were I you (=I were you ), I would .2) Had they not come last time (=If they had not come last time), we would have d

    25、one.3) Should it rain tomorrow (= If it should rain tomorrow), she would 注: 1.某些动词后宾语从句中的虚拟语气。1. 1.在动词 suggest, insist, order, command, require, request , demand 等后面的宾语从句中, 动词形式一般用 “should + 动词原形,或省略should用动词原形,用以表示一种建议,劝说, 命令, 要求的语气。 例:)The teacher suggested we (should )finish that task at the end

    26、of next week. 2) 2) The officer ordered that the enemy (should ) be surrounded in the village before daylight. 3) 3) His uncle insists that he (should ) go to the most well-known university instead of some common ones. 注意:1) 在Its suggested /ordered /required/demanded/decided/necessary/important等结构的主

    27、语从句中, 或suggestion, order, idea等词的同位语从句和表语从句中, 也应用should +动词原形, 或省略should , 以适合于说话人所表示的建议或要求, 命令的语气。 例:a. Its suggested that a modern hotel (should) be set up at the front of the hill. b. The general gave the order that the bridge (should ) be destroyed before 5 oclock in the morning. c. Its necessar

    28、y /important that every party member (should ) take the lead and work well. 2)当suggest的主语不指人,而是指某一现象时,同时宾语从句不表示建议,而是暗示一种情况,这时宾语从句不用should +动词原形,而应根据内容而选择正确的时态。Insist等词的用法在不表示对未来某一动作的主张和要求时,也不用should +动词原形。例:a. The expression on his face suggested that he was unhappy. b. She insisted that her answer wa


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